/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 - Francisco Javier Trujillo Mata - fjtrujy * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NEWLIB_PORT_AWARE #include #include #include #if defined(SCREEN_DEBUG) #include #endif #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER #include "../../retroarch.h" #ifdef HAVE_MENU #include "../../menu/menu_driver.h" #endif #endif #include #include #include #include "../frontend_driver.h" #include "../../defaults.h" #include "../../file_path_special.h" #include "../../verbosity.h" #include "../../paths.h" #if defined(DEBUG) #define DEFAULT_PARTITION "hdd0:__common:pfs" #endif static enum frontend_fork ps2_fork_mode = FRONTEND_FORK_NONE; static char cwd[FILENAME_MAX]; static char mountString[10]; static char mountPoint[50]; static int hdd_mounted = 0; static int pfsModuleLoaded = 0; static void create_path_names(void) { char user_path[FILENAME_MAX]; strlcpy(user_path, cwd, sizeof(user_path)); strlcat(user_path, "retroarch", sizeof(user_path)); fill_pathname_basedir(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT], cwd, sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT])); /* Content in the same folder */ fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE], cwd, "cores", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE_INFO], cwd, "info", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE_INFO])); /* user data */ fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_ASSETS], user_path, "assets", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_ASSETS])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_DATABASE], user_path, "database/rdb", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_DATABASE])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CURSOR], user_path, "database/cursors", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CURSOR])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CHEATS], user_path, "cheats", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CHEATS])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_MENU_CONFIG], user_path, "config", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_MENU_CONFIG])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE_ASSETS], user_path, "downloads", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE_ASSETS])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PLAYLIST], user_path, "playlists", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PLAYLIST])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_REMAP], user_path, "remaps", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_REMAP])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_SRAM], user_path, "savefiles", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_SRAM])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_SAVESTATE], user_path, "savestates", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_SAVESTATE])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_SYSTEM], user_path, "system", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_SYSTEM])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CACHE], user_path, "temp", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CACHE])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_OVERLAY], user_path, "overlays", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_OVERLAY])); #ifdef HAVE_VIDEO_LAYOUT fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_VIDEO_LAYOUT], user_path, "layouts", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_VIDEO_LAYOUT])); #endif fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_THUMBNAILS], user_path, "thumbnails", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_THUMBNAILS])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_LOGS], user_path, "logs", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_LOGS])); /* history and main config */ strlcpy(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CONTENT_HISTORY], user_path, sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CONTENT_HISTORY])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.path_config, user_path, FILE_PATH_MAIN_CONFIG, sizeof(g_defaults.path_config)); #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER dir_check_defaults("custom.ini"); #endif } static void reset_IOP() { SifInitRpc(0); #if !defined(DEBUG) || defined(BUILD_FOR_PCSX2) /* Comment this line if you don't wanna debug the output */ while(!SifIopReset(NULL, 0)){}; #endif while(!SifIopSync()){}; SifInitRpc(0); sbv_patch_enable_lmb(); sbv_patch_disable_prefix_check(); } static int hddCheck(void) { int ret = fileXioDevctl("hdd0:", HDIOC_STATUS, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); /* 0 = HDD connected and formatted, 1 = not formatted, 2 = HDD not usable, 3 = HDD not connected. */ if ((ret >= 3) || (ret < 0)) return -1; return ret; } static void load_hdd_modules() { pfsModuleLoaded = 0; int ret; char hddarg[] = "-o" "\0" "4" "\0" "-n" "\0" "20"; ret = SifExecModuleBuffer(&ps2dev9_irx, size_ps2dev9_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); ret = SifExecModuleBuffer(&ps2atad_irx, size_ps2atad_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); if (ret < 0) { RARCH_WARN("HDD: No HardDisk Drive detected.\n"); return; } ret = SifExecModuleBuffer(&ps2hdd_irx, size_ps2hdd_irx, sizeof(hddarg), hddarg, NULL); if (ret < 0) { RARCH_WARN("HDD: No HardDisk Drive detected.\n"); return; } /* Check if a HDD unit is connected */ if (hddCheck() < 0) { RARCH_WARN("HDD: No HardDisk Drive detected.\n"); return; } ret = SifExecModuleBuffer(&ps2fs_irx, size_ps2fs_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); if (ret < 0) { RARCH_WARN("HDD: HardDisk Drive not formatted (PFS).\n"); return; } RARCH_LOG("HDDSUPPORT modules loaded\n"); pfsModuleLoaded = 1; } static void load_modules() { /* I/O Files */ SifExecModuleBuffer(&iomanX_irx, size_iomanX_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); SifExecModuleBuffer(&fileXio_irx, size_fileXio_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); SifExecModuleBuffer(&sio2man_irx, size_sio2man_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); fileXioInitSkipOverride(); /* Memory Card */ SifExecModuleBuffer(&mcman_irx, size_mcman_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); SifExecModuleBuffer(&mcserv_irx, size_mcserv_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); /* USB */ SifExecModuleBuffer(&usbd_irx, size_usbd_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); SifExecModuleBuffer(&bdm_irx, size_bdm_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); SifExecModuleBuffer(&bdmfs_vfat_irx, size_bdmfs_vfat_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); SifExecModuleBuffer(&usbmass_bd_irx, size_usbmass_bd_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); /* Power off */ SifExecModuleBuffer(&poweroff_irx, size_poweroff_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); /* HDD */ load_hdd_modules(); #if !defined(DEBUG) /* CDFS */ SifExecModuleBuffer(&cdfs_irx, size_cdfs_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); #endif #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER /* Controllers */ SifExecModuleBuffer(&mtapman_irx, size_mtapman_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); SifExecModuleBuffer(&padman_irx, size_padman_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); /* Audio */ SifExecModuleBuffer(&libsd_irx, size_libsd_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); SifExecModuleBuffer(&audsrv_irx, size_audsrv_irx, 0, NULL, NULL); #endif } static int mount_hdd_partition(void) { char mount_path[FILENAME_MAX]; char new_cwd[FILENAME_MAX]; int should_mount = 0; int bootDeviceID = getBootDeviceID(cwd); /* Try to mount HDD partition, either from cwd or default one */ if (bootDeviceID == BOOT_DEVICE_HDD || bootDeviceID == BOOT_DEVICE_HDD0) { should_mount = 1; strlcpy(mount_path, cwd, sizeof(mount_path)); } #if !defined(IS_SALAMANDER) && defined(DEBUG) else { /* Even if we're booting from USB, try to mount default partition */ strlcpy(mount_path, DEFAULT_PARTITION, sizeof(mount_path)); should_mount = 1; } #endif if (!should_mount) return 0; if (getMountInfo(mount_path, mountString, mountPoint, new_cwd) != 1) { RARCH_WARN("Partition info not readed\n"); return 0; } if (fileXioMount(mountString, mountPoint, FIO_MT_RDWR) < 0) { RARCH_WARN("Error mount mounting partition %s, %s\n", mountString, mountPoint); return 0; } if (bootDeviceID == BOOT_DEVICE_HDD || bootDeviceID == BOOT_DEVICE_HDD0) { /* If we're booting from HDD, we must update the cwd variable and add : to the mount point */ strlcpy(cwd, new_cwd, sizeof(cwd)); strlcat(mountPoint, ":", sizeof(mountPoint)); } else { /* We MUST put mountPoint as empty to avoid wrong results with LoadELFFromFileWithPartition */ strlcpy(mountPoint, "", sizeof(mountPoint)); } return 1; } static void prepare_for_exit(void) { if (hdd_mounted) { fileXioUmount(mountString); fileXioDevctl(mountString, PDIOC_CLOSEALL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); fileXioDevctl("hdd0:", HDIOC_IDLEIMM, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } if (pfsModuleLoaded) fileXioDevctl("dev9x:", DDIOC_OFF, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } static void poweroffHandler(void *arg) { prepare_for_exit(); poweroffShutdown(); } static void frontend_ps2_get_env(int *argc, char *argv[], void *args, void *params_data) { create_path_names(); #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER if (!string_is_empty(argv[1])) { static char path[FILENAME_MAX] = {0}; struct rarch_main_wrap *args = (struct rarch_main_wrap*)params_data; if (args) { strlcpy(path, argv[1], sizeof(path)); args->touched = true; args->no_content = false; args->verbose = false; args->config_path = NULL; args->sram_path = NULL; args->state_path = NULL; args->content_path = path; args->libretro_path = NULL; RARCH_LOG("argv[0]: %s\n", argv[0]); RARCH_LOG("argv[1]: %s\n", argv[1]); RARCH_LOG("Auto-start game %s.\n", argv[1]); } } #endif #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER dir_check_defaults("custom.ini"); #endif } static void frontend_ps2_init(void *data) { reset_IOP(); #if defined(SCREEN_DEBUG) init_scr(); scr_printf("\n\nStarting RetroArch...\n"); #endif load_modules(); poweroffInit(); poweroffSetCallback(&poweroffHandler, NULL); #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER /* Initializes audsrv library */ if (audsrv_init()) { RARCH_ERR("audsrv library not initalizated\n"); } /* Initializes pad un multitap libraries */ if (mtapInit() != 1) { RARCH_ERR("mtapInit library not initalizated\n"); } if (padInit(0) != 1) { RARCH_ERR("padInit library not initalizated\n"); } #endif getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)); #if !defined(IS_SALAMANDER) && !defined(DEBUG) /* If it is not Salamander, we need to go one level * up for setting the CWD. */ path_parent_dir(cwd, strlen(cwd)); #endif if (pfsModuleLoaded) hdd_mounted = mount_hdd_partition(); #if !defined(DEBUG) waitUntilDeviceIsReady(cwd); #endif } static void frontend_ps2_deinit(void *data) { #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER if (ps2_fork_mode == FRONTEND_FORK_NONE) prepare_for_exit(); if (audsrv_quit()) { RARCH_ERR("audsrv library not deinitalizated\n"); } if (padEnd() != 1) { RARCH_ERR("padEnd library not deinitalizated\n"); } #endif } static void frontend_ps2_exec(const char *path, bool should_load_game) { int args = 0; static char *argv[1]; RARCH_LOG("Attempt to load executable: [%s], partition [%s].\n", path, mountPoint); #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER if (should_load_game && !path_is_empty(RARCH_PATH_CONTENT)) { args++; argv[0] = (char *)path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONTENT); } #endif LoadELFFromFileWithPartition(path, mountPoint, args, argv); } #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER static bool frontend_ps2_set_fork(enum frontend_fork fork_mode) { switch (fork_mode) { case FRONTEND_FORK_CORE: RARCH_LOG("FRONTEND_FORK_CORE\n"); ps2_fork_mode = fork_mode; break; case FRONTEND_FORK_CORE_WITH_ARGS: RARCH_LOG("FRONTEND_FORK_CORE_WITH_ARGS\n"); ps2_fork_mode = fork_mode; break; case FRONTEND_FORK_RESTART: RARCH_LOG("FRONTEND_FORK_RESTART\n"); /* NOTE: We don't implement Salamander, so just turn * this into FRONTEND_FORK_CORE. */ ps2_fork_mode = FRONTEND_FORK_CORE; break; case FRONTEND_FORK_NONE: default: return false; } return true; } #endif static void frontend_ps2_exitspawn(char *s, size_t len, char *args) { bool should_load_content = false; #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER if (ps2_fork_mode == FRONTEND_FORK_NONE) return; switch (ps2_fork_mode) { case FRONTEND_FORK_CORE_WITH_ARGS: should_load_content = true; break; case FRONTEND_FORK_NONE: default: break; } #endif frontend_ps2_exec(s, should_load_content); } static int frontend_ps2_get_rating(void) { return 10; } enum frontend_architecture frontend_ps2_get_arch(void) { return FRONTEND_ARCH_MIPS; } static int frontend_ps2_parse_drive_list(void *data, bool load_content) { #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER char hdd[10]; file_list_t *list = (file_list_t*)data; enum msg_hash_enums enum_idx = load_content ? MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_DETECT_CORE_LIST_PUSH_DIR : MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_BROWSER_DIRECTORY; menu_entries_append(list, rootDevicePath(BOOT_DEVICE_MC0), msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_DETECT_CORE_LIST_PUSH_DIR), enum_idx, FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY, 0, 0, NULL); menu_entries_append(list, rootDevicePath(BOOT_DEVICE_MC1), msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_DETECT_CORE_LIST_PUSH_DIR), enum_idx, FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY, 0, 0, NULL); menu_entries_append(list, rootDevicePath(BOOT_DEVICE_CDFS), msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_DETECT_CORE_LIST_PUSH_DIR), enum_idx, FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY, 0, 0, NULL); menu_entries_append(list, rootDevicePath(BOOT_DEVICE_MASS), msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_DETECT_CORE_LIST_PUSH_DIR), enum_idx, FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY, 0, 0, NULL); if (hdd_mounted) { size_t _len = strlcpy(hdd, mountString, sizeof(hdd)); hdd[_len ] = '/'; hdd[_len+1] = '\0'; menu_entries_append(list, hdd, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_DETECT_CORE_LIST_PUSH_DIR), enum_idx, FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY, 0, 0, NULL); } menu_entries_append(list, rootDevicePath(BOOT_DEVICE_HOST), msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_DETECT_CORE_LIST_PUSH_DIR), enum_idx, FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY, 0, 0, NULL); #if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(BUILD_FOR_PCSX2) menu_entries_append(list, "host:", msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_DETECT_CORE_LIST_PUSH_DIR), enum_idx, FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY, 0, 0, NULL); #endif #endif return 0; } frontend_ctx_driver_t frontend_ctx_ps2 = { frontend_ps2_get_env, /* get_env */ frontend_ps2_init, /* init */ frontend_ps2_deinit, /* deinit */ frontend_ps2_exitspawn, /* exitspawn */ NULL, /* process_args */ frontend_ps2_exec, /* exec */ #ifdef IS_SALAMANDER NULL, /* set_fork */ #else frontend_ps2_set_fork, /* set_fork */ #endif NULL, /* shutdown */ NULL, /* get_name */ NULL, /* get_os */ frontend_ps2_get_rating, /* get_rating */ NULL, /* load_content */ frontend_ps2_get_arch, /* get_architecture */ NULL, /* get_powerstate */ frontend_ps2_parse_drive_list,/* parse_drive_list */ NULL, /* get_total_mem */ NULL, /* get_free_mem */ NULL, /* install_signal_handler */ NULL, /* get_sighandler_state */ NULL, /* set_sighandler_state */ NULL, /* destroy_sighandler_state */ NULL, /* attach_console */ NULL, /* detach_console */ NULL, /* get_lakka_version */ NULL, /* set_screen_brightness */ NULL, /* watch_path_for_changes */ NULL, /* check_for_path_changes */ NULL, /* set_sustained_performance_mode */ NULL, /* get_cpu_model_name */ NULL, /* get_user_language */ NULL, /* is_narrator_running */ NULL, /* accessibility_speak */ NULL, /* set_gamemode */ "ps2", /* ident */ NULL /* get_video_driver */ };