/*  RetroArch - A frontend for libretro.
 *  Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen
 *  Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis
 *  RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
 *  of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
 *  ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 *  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
 *  PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch.
 *  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef __INPUT_DRIVER__H
#define __INPUT_DRIVER__H

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include "input_types.h"

#include "config.h"

#include <boolean.h>
#include <retro_common_api.h>
#include <retro_inline.h>
#include <libretro.h>
#include <retro_miscellaneous.h>

#include "input_defines.h"

#include "../msg_hash.h"
#include "include/hid_types.h"
#include "include/hid_driver.h"
#include "include/gamepad.h"


enum input_device_type

enum input_toggle_type

enum input_turbo_mode

enum input_turbo_default_button

enum input_action

enum rarch_input_keyboard_ctl_state


    * Waits for keys to be pressed (used for binding
    * keys in the menu).
    * Callback returns false when all polling is done.

   /* Cancels keyboard wait for keys function callback. */

struct retro_keybind
   bool valid;
   uint16_t id;
   enum msg_hash_enums enum_idx;
   enum retro_key key;

   uint16_t mbutton;

   /* Joypad key. Joypad POV (hats)
    * are embedded into this key as well. */
   uint16_t joykey;

   /* Default key binding value -
    * for resetting bind to default */
   uint16_t def_joykey;

   /* Joypad axis. Negative and positive axes
    * are embedded into this variable. */
   uint32_t joyaxis;

   /* Default joy axis binding value -
    * for resetting bind to default */
   uint32_t def_joyaxis;

   /* Used by input_{push,pop}_analog_dpad(). */
   uint32_t orig_joyaxis;

   char     *joykey_label;
   char     *joyaxis_label;

struct rarch_joypad_info
   uint16_t joy_idx;
   const struct retro_keybind *auto_binds;
   float axis_threshold;

struct input_driver
   /* Inits input driver.
   void *(*init)(const char *joypad_driver);

   /* Polls input. Called once every frame. */
   void (*poll)(void *data);

   /* Queries input state for a certain key on a certain player.
    * Players are 1 - MAX_USERS.
    * For digital inputs, pressed key is 1, not pressed key is 0.
    * Analog values have same range as a signed 16-bit integer.
   int16_t (*input_state)(void *data,
         rarch_joypad_info_t *joypad_info,
         const struct retro_keybind **retro_keybinds,
         unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned index, unsigned id);

   /* Frees the input struct. */
   void (*free)(void *data);

   bool (*set_sensor_state)(void *data, unsigned port,
         enum retro_sensor_action action, unsigned rate);
   float (*get_sensor_input)(void *data, unsigned port, unsigned id);
   uint64_t (*get_capabilities)(void *data);
   const char *ident;

   void (*grab_mouse)(void *data, bool state);
   bool (*grab_stdin)(void *data);
   bool (*set_rumble)(void *data, unsigned port,
         enum retro_rumble_effect effect, uint16_t state);
   const input_device_driver_t *(*get_joypad_driver)(void *data);
   const input_device_driver_t *(*get_sec_joypad_driver)(void *data);
   bool keyboard_mapping_blocked;

struct rarch_joypad_driver
   bool (*init)(void *data);
   bool (*query_pad)(unsigned);
   void (*destroy)(void);
   bool (*button)(unsigned, uint16_t);
   void (*get_buttons)(unsigned, input_bits_t *);
   int16_t (*axis)(unsigned, uint32_t);
   void (*poll)(void);
   bool (*set_rumble)(unsigned, enum retro_rumble_effect, uint16_t);
   const char *(*name)(unsigned);

   const char *ident;

 * config_get_input_driver_options:
 * Get an enumerated list of all input driver names, separated by '|'.
 * Returns: string listing of all input driver names, separated by '|'.
const char* config_get_input_driver_options(void);

 * input_driver_set_rumble_state:
 * @port               : User number.
 * @effect             : Rumble effect.
 * @strength           : Strength of rumble effect.
 * Sets the rumble state.
bool input_driver_set_rumble_state(unsigned port,
      enum retro_rumble_effect effect, uint16_t strength);

uint64_t input_driver_get_capabilities(void);

const input_device_driver_t * input_driver_get_joypad_driver(void);

const input_device_driver_t * input_driver_get_sec_joypad_driver(void);

 * input_sensor_set_state:
 * @port               : User number.
 * @effect             : Sensor action.
 * @rate               : Sensor rate update.
 * Sets the sensor state.
bool input_sensor_set_state(unsigned port,
      enum retro_sensor_action action, unsigned rate);

float input_sensor_get_input(unsigned port, unsigned id);

void *input_driver_get_data(void);

input_driver_t *input_get_ptr(void);

void *input_get_data(void);

void input_driver_set_flushing_input(void);

bool input_driver_is_libretro_input_blocked(void);

void input_driver_set_nonblock_state(void);

void input_driver_unset_nonblock_state(void);

void input_driver_set_own_driver(void);

float *input_driver_get_float(enum input_action action);

unsigned *input_driver_get_uint(enum input_action action);

 * config_get_joypad_driver_options:
 * Get an enumerated list of all joypad driver names, separated by '|'.
 * Returns: string listing of all joypad driver names, separated by '|'.
const char* config_get_joypad_driver_options(void);

 * input_joypad_init_driver:
 * @ident                           : identifier of driver to initialize.
 * Initialize a joypad driver of name @ident.
 * If ident points to NULL or a zero-length string,
 * equivalent to calling input_joypad_init_first().
 * Returns: joypad driver if found, otherwise NULL.
const input_device_driver_t *input_joypad_init_driver(
      const char *ident, void *data);

 * input_conv_analog_id_to_bind_id:
 * @idx                     : Analog key index.
 *                            E.g.:
 *                            - RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_LEFT
 *                            - RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_RIGHT
 * @ident                   : Analog key identifier.
 *                            E.g.:
 *                            - RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_X
 *                            - RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_Y
 * @ident_minus             : Bind ID minus, will be set by function.
 * @ident_plus              : Bind ID plus,  will be set by function.
 * Takes as input analog key identifiers and converts
 * them to corresponding bind IDs @ident_minus and @ident_plus.
#define input_conv_analog_id_to_bind_id(idx, ident, ident_minus, ident_plus) \
   switch ((idx << 1) | ident) \
   { \
         ident_minus = RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_X_MINUS; \
         ident_plus  = RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_X_PLUS; \
         break; \
         ident_minus = RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_Y_MINUS; \
         ident_plus  = RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_Y_PLUS; \
         break; \
         ident_minus = RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_X_MINUS; \
         ident_plus  = RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_X_PLUS; \
         break; \
         ident_minus = RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_Y_MINUS; \
         ident_plus  = RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_Y_PLUS; \
         break; \

 * input_joypad_analog:
 * @drv                     : Input device driver handle.
 * @port                    : User number.
 * @idx                     : Analog key index.
 *                            E.g.:
 *                            - RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_LEFT
 *                            - RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_RIGHT
 *                            - RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_BUTTON
 * @ident                   : Analog key identifier.
 *                            E.g.:
 *                            - RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_X
 *                            - RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_Y
 * @binds                   : Binds of user.
 * Gets analog value of analog key identifiers @idx and @ident
 * from user with number @port with provided keybinds (@binds).
 * Returns: analog value on success, otherwise 0.
int16_t input_joypad_analog(const input_device_driver_t *driver,
      rarch_joypad_info_t *joypad_info,
      unsigned port, unsigned idx, unsigned ident,
      const struct retro_keybind *binds);

 * input_joypad_set_rumble:
 * @drv                     : Input device driver handle.
 * @port                    : User number.
 * @effect                  : Rumble effect to set.
 * @strength                : Strength of rumble effect.
 * Sets rumble effect @effect with strength @strength.
 * Returns: true (1) if successful, otherwise false (0).
bool input_joypad_set_rumble(const input_device_driver_t *driver,
      unsigned port, enum retro_rumble_effect effect, uint16_t strength);

 * input_pad_connect:
 * @port                    : Joystick number.
 * @driver                  : handle for joypad driver handling joystick's input
 * Registers a newly connected pad with RetroArch.
void input_pad_connect(unsigned port, input_device_driver_t *driver);

 * input_mouse_button_raw:
 * @port                    : Mouse number.
 * @button                  : Identifier of key (libretro mouse constant).
 * Checks if key (@button) was being pressed by user
 * with mouse number @port.
 * Returns: true (1) if key was pressed, otherwise
 * false (0).
bool input_mouse_button_raw(unsigned port, unsigned button);

#ifdef HAVE_HID

#include "include/hid_driver.h"

 * config_get_hid_driver_options:
 * Get an enumerated list of all HID driver names, separated by '|'.
 * Returns: string listing of all HID driver names, separated by '|'.
const char* config_get_hid_driver_options(void);

 * input_hid_init_first:
 * Finds first suitable HID driver and initializes.
 * Returns: HID driver if found, otherwise NULL.
const hid_driver_t *input_hid_init_first(void);

const void *hid_driver_get_data(void);
void hid_driver_reset_data(void);

/** Line complete callback.
 * Calls back after return is pressed with the completed line.
 * Line can be NULL.
typedef void (*input_keyboard_line_complete_t)(void *userdata,
      const char *line);

typedef bool (*input_keyboard_press_t)(void *userdata, unsigned code);

struct input_keyboard_ctx_wait
   void *userdata;
   input_keyboard_press_t cb;

 * input_keyboard_event:
 * @down                     : Keycode was pressed down?
 * @code                     : Keycode.
 * @character                : Character inputted.
 * @mod                      : TODO/FIXME: ???
 * Keyboard event utils. Called by drivers when keyboard events are fired.
 * This interfaces with the global driver struct and libretro callbacks.
void input_keyboard_event(bool down, unsigned code, uint32_t character,
      uint16_t mod, unsigned device);

bool input_keyboard_line_append(const char *word);

 * input_keyboard_start_line:
 * @userdata                 : Userdata.
 * @cb                       : Line complete callback function.
 * Sets function pointer for keyboard line handle.
 * The underlying buffer can be reallocated at any time
 * (or be NULL), but the pointer to it remains constant
 * throughout the objects lifetime.
 * Returns: underlying buffer of the keyboard line.
const char **input_keyboard_start_line(void *userdata,
      input_keyboard_line_complete_t cb);

bool input_keyboard_ctl(enum rarch_input_keyboard_ctl_state state, void *data);

extern struct retro_keybind input_config_binds[MAX_USERS][RARCH_BIND_LIST_END];
extern struct retro_keybind input_autoconf_binds[MAX_USERS][RARCH_BIND_LIST_END];
extern char input_device_names[MAX_USERS][64];

const char *input_config_bind_map_get_base(unsigned i);

unsigned input_config_bind_map_get_meta(unsigned i);

const char *input_config_bind_map_get_desc(unsigned i);

/* auto_bind can be NULL. */
void input_config_get_bind_string(char *buf,
      const struct retro_keybind *bind,
      const struct retro_keybind *auto_bind, size_t size);

 * input_config_translate_str_to_rk:
 * @str                            : String to translate to key ID.
 * Translates tring representation to key identifier.
 * Returns: key identifier.
enum retro_key input_config_translate_str_to_rk(const char *str);

 * input_config_translate_str_to_bind_id:
 * @str                            : String to translate to bind ID.
 * Translate string representation to bind ID.
 * Returns: Bind ID value on success, otherwise
 * RARCH_BIND_LIST_END on not found.
unsigned input_config_translate_str_to_bind_id(const char *str);

void config_read_keybinds_conf(void *data);

void input_autoconfigure_joypad_conf(void *data, struct retro_keybind *binds);

void input_config_set_device_name(unsigned port, const char *name);

void input_config_set_device_display_name(unsigned port, const char *name);

void input_config_set_device_config_name(unsigned port, const char *name);

void input_config_set_device_config_path(unsigned port, const char *path);

void input_config_clear_device_name(unsigned port);

void input_config_clear_device_display_name(unsigned port);

void input_config_clear_device_config_name(unsigned port);

void input_config_clear_device_config_path(unsigned port);

unsigned input_config_get_device_count(void);

unsigned *input_config_get_device_ptr(unsigned port);

unsigned input_config_get_device(unsigned port);

void input_config_set_device(unsigned port, unsigned id);

const char *input_config_get_device_name(unsigned port);

const char *input_config_get_device_display_name(unsigned port);

const char *input_config_get_device_config_name(unsigned port);

const char *input_config_get_device_config_path(unsigned port);

const char *input_config_get_device_config_port(unsigned port);

const struct retro_keybind *input_config_get_bind_auto(unsigned port, unsigned id);

void input_config_set_pid(unsigned port, uint16_t pid);

uint16_t input_config_get_pid(unsigned port);

void input_config_set_vid(unsigned port, uint16_t vid);

uint16_t input_config_get_vid(unsigned port);

void input_config_save_keybinds_user(void *data, unsigned user);

void input_config_save_keybind(void *data, const char *prefix,
      const char *base, const struct retro_keybind *bind,
      bool save_empty);

void input_config_reset(void);

void set_connection_listener(pad_connection_listener_t *listener);

extern input_device_driver_t dinput_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t linuxraw_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t parport_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t udev_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t xinput_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t sdl_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t ps4_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t ps3_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t psp_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t ps2_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t ctr_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t switch_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t xdk_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t gx_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t wiiu_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t hid_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t android_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t qnx_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t mfi_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t dos_joypad;
extern input_device_driver_t rwebpad_joypad;

extern input_driver_t input_android;
extern input_driver_t input_sdl;
extern input_driver_t input_dinput;
extern input_driver_t input_x;
extern input_driver_t input_ps4;
extern input_driver_t input_ps3;
extern input_driver_t input_psp;
extern input_driver_t input_ps2;
extern input_driver_t input_ctr;
extern input_driver_t input_switch;
extern input_driver_t input_xenon360;
extern input_driver_t input_gx;
extern input_driver_t input_wiiu;
extern input_driver_t input_xinput;
extern input_driver_t input_uwp;
extern input_driver_t input_linuxraw;
extern input_driver_t input_udev;
extern input_driver_t input_cocoa;
extern input_driver_t input_qnx;
extern input_driver_t input_rwebinput;
extern input_driver_t input_dos;
extern input_driver_t input_winraw;
extern input_driver_t input_wayland;

#ifdef HAVE_HID
extern hid_driver_t iohidmanager_hid;
extern hid_driver_t btstack_hid;
extern hid_driver_t libusb_hid;
extern hid_driver_t wiiusb_hid;

typedef struct menu_input_ctx_line
   const char *label;
   const char *label_setting;
   unsigned type;
   unsigned idx;
   input_keyboard_line_complete_t cb;
} menu_input_ctx_line_t;

const char *menu_input_dialog_get_label_setting_buffer(void);

const char *menu_input_dialog_get_label_buffer(void);

const char *menu_input_dialog_get_buffer(void);

unsigned menu_input_dialog_get_kb_idx(void);

bool menu_input_dialog_start_search(void);

bool menu_input_dialog_get_display_kb(void);

bool menu_input_dialog_start(menu_input_ctx_line_t *line);

void menu_input_dialog_end(void);

