/* Copyright (C) 2010-2016 The RetroArch team * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following license statement only applies to this file (task_queue.c). * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, * to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <queues/task_queue.h> #ifdef HAVE_THREADS #include <rthreads/rthreads.h> #endif typedef struct { retro_task_t *front; retro_task_t *back; } task_queue_t; struct retro_task_impl { void (*push_running)(retro_task_t *); void (*cancel)(void *); void (*reset)(void); void (*wait)(void); void (*gather)(void); bool (*find)(retro_task_finder_t, void*); void (*retrieve)(task_retriever_data_t *data); void (*init)(void); void (*deinit)(void); }; static task_queue_t tasks_running = {NULL, NULL}; static task_queue_t tasks_finished = {NULL, NULL}; static void task_queue_msg_push(unsigned prio, unsigned duration, bool flush, const char *fmt, ...) { #ifdef RARCH_INTERNAL extern void runloop_msg_queue_push(const char *msg, unsigned prio, unsigned duration, bool flush); #endif char buf[1024]; va_list ap; buf[0] = '\0'; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); /* print something here */ #ifdef RARCH_INTERNAL /* TODO/FIXME - ugly */ runloop_msg_queue_push(buf, prio, duration, flush); #endif } static void task_queue_push_progress(retro_task_t *task) { if (task->title && !task->mute) { if (task->finished) { if (task->error) task_queue_msg_push(1, 60, true, "%s: %s", "Task failed", task->title); else task_queue_msg_push(1, 60, true, "100%%: %s", task->title); } else { if (task->progress >= 0 && task->progress <= 100) task_queue_msg_push(1, 60, true, "%i%%: %s", task->progress, task->title); else task_queue_msg_push(1, 60, true, "%s...", task->title); } } } static void task_queue_put(task_queue_t *queue, retro_task_t *task) { task->next = NULL; if (queue->front) queue->back->next = task; else queue->front = task; queue->back = task; } static retro_task_t *task_queue_get(task_queue_t *queue) { retro_task_t *task = queue->front; if (task) { queue->front = task->next; task->next = NULL; } return task; } static void retro_task_internal_gather(void) { retro_task_t *task = NULL; while ((task = task_queue_get(&tasks_finished)) != NULL) { task_queue_push_progress(task); if (task->callback) task->callback(task->task_data, task->user_data, task->error); if (task->cleanup) task->cleanup(task); if (task->error) free(task->error); if (task->title) free(task->title); free(task); } } static void retro_task_regular_push_running(retro_task_t *task) { task_queue_put(&tasks_running, task); } static void retro_task_regular_cancel(void *task) { retro_task_t *t = (retro_task_t*)task; t->cancelled = true; } static void retro_task_regular_gather(void) { retro_task_t *task = NULL; retro_task_t *queue = NULL; retro_task_t *next = NULL; while ((task = task_queue_get(&tasks_running)) != NULL) { task->next = queue; queue = task; } for (task = queue; task; task = next) { next = task->next; task->handler(task); task_queue_push_progress(task); if (task->finished) task_queue_put(&tasks_finished, task); else retro_task_regular_push_running(task); } retro_task_internal_gather(); } static void retro_task_regular_wait(void) { while (tasks_running.front) retro_task_regular_gather(); } static void retro_task_regular_reset(void) { retro_task_t *task = tasks_running.front; for (; task; task = task->next) task->cancelled = true; } static void retro_task_regular_init(void) { } static void retro_task_regular_deinit(void) { } static bool retro_task_regular_find(retro_task_finder_t func, void *user_data) { retro_task_t *task = tasks_running.front; for (; task; task = task->next) { if (func(task, user_data)) return true; } return false; } static void retro_task_regular_retrieve(task_retriever_data_t *data) { retro_task_t *task = NULL; task_retriever_info_t *tail = NULL; /* Parse all running tasks and handle matching handlers */ for (task = tasks_running.front; task != NULL; task = task->next) { task_retriever_info_t *info = NULL; if (task->handler != data->handler) continue; /* Create new link */ info = (task_retriever_info_t*)malloc(sizeof(task_retriever_info_t)); info->data = malloc(data->element_size); info->next = NULL; /* Call retriever function and fill info-specific data */ if (!data->func(task, info->data)) { free(info->data); free(info); continue; } /* Add link to list */ if (data->list) { if (tail) { tail->next = info; tail = tail->next; } else tail = info; } else { data->list = info; tail = data->list; } } } static struct retro_task_impl impl_regular = { retro_task_regular_push_running, retro_task_regular_cancel, retro_task_regular_reset, retro_task_regular_wait, retro_task_regular_gather, retro_task_regular_find, retro_task_regular_retrieve, retro_task_regular_init, retro_task_regular_deinit }; #ifdef HAVE_THREADS static slock_t *running_lock = NULL; static slock_t *finished_lock = NULL; static scond_t *worker_cond = NULL; static sthread_t *worker_thread = NULL; static bool worker_continue = true; /* use running_lock when touching it */ static void task_queue_remove(task_queue_t *queue, retro_task_t *task) { retro_task_t *t = NULL; /* Remove first element if needed */ if (task == queue->front) { queue->front = task->next; task->next = NULL; return; } /* Parse queue */ t = queue->front; while (t && t->next) { /* Remove task and update queue */ if (t->next == task) { t->next = task->next; task->next = NULL; break; } /* Update iterator */ t = t->next; } } static void retro_task_threaded_push_running(retro_task_t *task) { slock_lock(running_lock); task_queue_put(&tasks_running, task); scond_signal(worker_cond); slock_unlock(running_lock); } static void retro_task_threaded_cancel(void *task) { retro_task_t *t; slock_lock(running_lock); for (t = tasks_running.front; t; t = t->next) { if (t == task) { t->cancelled = true; break; } } slock_unlock(running_lock); } static void retro_task_threaded_gather(void) { retro_task_t *task = NULL; slock_lock(running_lock); for (task = tasks_running.front; task; task = task->next) task_queue_push_progress(task); slock_unlock(running_lock); slock_lock(finished_lock); retro_task_internal_gather(); slock_unlock(finished_lock); } static void retro_task_threaded_wait(void) { bool wait = false; do { retro_task_threaded_gather(); slock_lock(running_lock); wait = (tasks_running.front != NULL); slock_unlock(running_lock); } while (wait); } static void retro_task_threaded_reset(void) { retro_task_t *task = NULL; slock_lock(running_lock); for (task = tasks_running.front; task; task = task->next) task->cancelled = true; slock_unlock(running_lock); } static bool retro_task_threaded_find( retro_task_finder_t func, void *user_data) { retro_task_t *task = NULL; bool result = false; slock_lock(running_lock); for (task = tasks_running.front; task; task = task->next) { if (func(task, user_data)) { result = true; break; } } slock_unlock(running_lock); return result; } static void retro_task_threaded_retrieve(task_retriever_data_t *data) { /* Protect access to running tasks */ slock_lock(running_lock); /* Call regular retrieve function */ retro_task_regular_retrieve(data); /* Release access to running tasks */ slock_unlock(running_lock); } static void threaded_worker(void *userdata) { (void)userdata; for (;;) { retro_task_t *task = NULL; if (!worker_continue) break; /* should we keep running until all tasks finished? */ slock_lock(running_lock); /* Get first task to run */ task = tasks_running.front; if (task == NULL) { scond_wait(worker_cond, running_lock); slock_unlock(running_lock); continue; } slock_unlock(running_lock); task->handler(task); slock_lock(running_lock); task_queue_remove(&tasks_running, task); slock_unlock(running_lock); /* Update queue */ if (!task->finished) { /* Re-add task to running queue */ retro_task_threaded_push_running(task); } else { /* Add task to finished queue */ slock_lock(finished_lock); task_queue_put(&tasks_finished, task); slock_unlock(finished_lock); } } } static void retro_task_threaded_init(void) { running_lock = slock_new(); finished_lock = slock_new(); worker_cond = scond_new(); slock_lock(running_lock); worker_continue = true; slock_unlock(running_lock); worker_thread = sthread_create(threaded_worker, NULL); } static void retro_task_threaded_deinit(void) { slock_lock(running_lock); worker_continue = false; scond_signal(worker_cond); slock_unlock(running_lock); sthread_join(worker_thread); scond_free(worker_cond); slock_free(running_lock); slock_free(finished_lock); worker_thread = NULL; worker_cond = NULL; running_lock = NULL; finished_lock = NULL; } static struct retro_task_impl impl_threaded = { retro_task_threaded_push_running, retro_task_threaded_cancel, retro_task_threaded_reset, retro_task_threaded_wait, retro_task_threaded_gather, retro_task_threaded_find, retro_task_threaded_retrieve, retro_task_threaded_init, retro_task_threaded_deinit }; #endif bool task_queue_ctl(enum task_queue_ctl_state state, void *data) { static struct retro_task_impl *impl_current = NULL; static bool task_threaded_enable = false; switch (state) { case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_DEINIT: if (impl_current) impl_current->deinit(); impl_current = NULL; break; case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_SET_THREADED: task_threaded_enable = true; break; case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_UNSET_THREADED: task_threaded_enable = false; break; case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_IS_THREADED: return task_threaded_enable; case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_INIT: { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS bool *boolean_val = (bool*)data; #endif impl_current = &impl_regular; #ifdef HAVE_THREADS if (boolean_val && *boolean_val) { task_queue_ctl(TASK_QUEUE_CTL_SET_THREADED, NULL); impl_current = &impl_threaded; } #endif impl_current->init(); } break; case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_FIND: { task_finder_data_t *find_data = (task_finder_data_t*)data; if (!impl_current->find(find_data->func, find_data->userdata)) return false; } break; case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_RETRIEVE: impl_current->retrieve((task_retriever_data_t*)data); break; case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_CHECK: { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS bool current_threaded = (impl_current == &impl_threaded); bool want_threaded = task_queue_ctl(TASK_QUEUE_CTL_IS_THREADED, NULL); if (want_threaded != current_threaded) task_queue_ctl(TASK_QUEUE_CTL_DEINIT, NULL); if (!impl_current) task_queue_ctl(TASK_QUEUE_CTL_INIT, NULL); #endif impl_current->gather(); } break; case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_PUSH: { retro_task_t *task = (retro_task_t*)data; /* Ignore this task if a related one is already running */ if (task->type == TASK_TYPE_BLOCKING) { retro_task_t *running = tasks_running.front; bool found = false; for (; running; running = running->next) { if (running->type == TASK_TYPE_BLOCKING) { found = true; break; } } /* skip this task, user must try again later */ if (found) break; } /* The lack of NULL checks in the following functions * is proposital to ensure correct control flow by the users. */ impl_current->push_running(task); break; } case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_RESET: impl_current->reset(); break; case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_WAIT: impl_current->wait(); break; case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_CANCEL: impl_current->cancel(data); break; case TASK_QUEUE_CTL_NONE: default: break; } return true; } void task_queue_cancel_task(void *task) { task_queue_ctl(TASK_QUEUE_CTL_CANCEL, task); } void *task_queue_retriever_info_next(task_retriever_info_t **link) { void *data = NULL; /* Grab data and move to next link */ if (*link) { data = (*link)->data; *link = (*link)->next; } return data; } void task_queue_retriever_info_free(task_retriever_info_t *list) { task_retriever_info_t *info; /* Free links including retriever-specific data */ while (list) { info = list->next; free(list->data); free(list); list = info; } }