/* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 The RetroArch team * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following license statement only applies to this file (vfs_implementation_uwp.cpp). * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, * to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Windows::Foundation; using namespace Windows::Foundation::Collections; using namespace Windows::Storage; using namespace Windows::Storage::Streams; using namespace Windows::Storage::FileProperties; #ifdef RARCH_INTERNAL #ifndef VFS_FRONTEND #define VFS_FRONTEND #endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { /* Dear Microsoft * I really appreciate all the effort you took to not provide any * synchronous file APIs and block all attempts to synchronously * wait for the results of async tasks for "smooth user experience", * but I'm not going to run and rewrite all RetroArch cores for * async I/O. I hope you like this hack I made instead. */ template T RunAsync(std::function()> func) { volatile bool finished = false; volatile Platform::Exception^ exception = nullptr; volatile T result; func().then([&finished, &exception, &result](concurrency::task t) { try { result = t.get(); } catch (Platform::Exception^ exception_) { exception = exception_; } finished = true; }); /* Don't stall the UI thread - prevents a deadlock */ Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ corewindow = Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread(); while (!finished) { if (corewindow) corewindow->Dispatcher->ProcessEvents(Windows::UI::Core::CoreProcessEventsOption::ProcessAllIfPresent); } if (exception != nullptr) throw exception; return result; } template T RunAsyncAndCatchErrors(std::function()> func, T valueOnError) { try { return RunAsync(func); } catch (Platform::Exception^ e) { return valueOnError; } } void windowsize_path(wchar_t* path) { /* UWP deals with paths containing / instead of \ way worse than normal Windows */ /* and RetroArch may sometimes mix them (e.g. on archive extraction) */ if (!path) return; while (*path) { if (*path == '/') *path = '\\'; ++path; } } } namespace { /* Damn you, UWP, why no functions for that either */ template concurrency::task GetItemFromPathAsync(Platform::String^ path) { static_assert(false, "StorageFile and StorageFolder only"); } template<> concurrency::task GetItemFromPathAsync(Platform::String^ path) { return concurrency::create_task(StorageFile::GetFileFromPathAsync(path)); } template<> concurrency::task GetItemFromPathAsync(Platform::String^ path) { return concurrency::create_task(StorageFolder::GetFolderFromPathAsync(path)); } template concurrency::task GetItemInFolderFromPathAsync(StorageFolder^ folder, Platform::String^ path) { static_assert(false, "StorageFile and StorageFolder only"); } template<> concurrency::task GetItemInFolderFromPathAsync(StorageFolder^ folder, Platform::String^ path) { if (path->IsEmpty()) retro_assert(false); /* Attempt to read a folder as a file - this really should have been caught earlier */ return concurrency::create_task(folder->GetFileAsync(path)); } template<> concurrency::task GetItemInFolderFromPathAsync(StorageFolder^ folder, Platform::String^ path) { if (path->IsEmpty()) return concurrency::create_task(concurrency::create_async([folder]() { return folder; })); return concurrency::create_task(folder->GetFolderAsync(path)); } } namespace { /* A list of all StorageFolder objects returned using from the file picker */ Platform::Collections::Vector accessible_directories; concurrency::task TriggerPickerAddDialog() { auto folderPicker = ref new Windows::Storage::Pickers::FolderPicker(); folderPicker->SuggestedStartLocation = Windows::Storage::Pickers::PickerLocationId::Desktop; folderPicker->FileTypeFilter->Append("*"); return concurrency::create_task(folderPicker->PickSingleFolderAsync()).then([](StorageFolder^ folder) { if (folder == nullptr) throw ref new Platform::Exception(E_ABORT, L"Operation cancelled by user"); /* TODO: check for duplicates */ accessible_directories.Append(folder); return folder->Path; }); } template concurrency::task LocateStorageItem(Platform::String^ path) { /* Look for a matching directory we can use */ for each (StorageFolder^ folder in accessible_directories) { std::wstring folder_path = folder->Path->Data(); /* Could be C:\ or C:\Users\somebody - remove the trailing slash to unify them */ if (folder_path[folder_path.size() - 1] == '\\') folder_path.erase(folder_path.size() - 1); std::wstring file_path = path->Data(); if (file_path.find(folder_path) == 0) { /* Found a match */ file_path = file_path.length() > folder_path.length() ? file_path.substr(folder_path.length() + 1) : L""; return concurrency::create_task(GetItemInFolderFromPathAsync(folder, ref new Platform::String(file_path.data()))); } } /* No matches - try accessing directly, and fallback to user prompt */ return concurrency::create_task(GetItemFromPathAsync(path)).then([path](concurrency::task item) { try { T^ storageItem = item.get(); return concurrency::create_task(concurrency::create_async([storageItem]() { return storageItem; })); } catch (Platform::AccessDeniedException^ e) { Windows::UI::Popups::MessageDialog^ dialog = ref new Windows::UI::Popups::MessageDialog("Path \"" + path + "\" is not currently accessible. Please open any containing directory to access it."); dialog->Commands->Append(ref new Windows::UI::Popups::UICommand("Open file picker")); dialog->Commands->Append(ref new Windows::UI::Popups::UICommand("Cancel")); return concurrency::create_task(dialog->ShowAsync()).then([path](Windows::UI::Popups::IUICommand^ cmd) { if (cmd->Label == "Open file picker") { return TriggerPickerAddDialog().then([path](Platform::String^ added_path) { /* Retry */ return LocateStorageItem(path); }); } else { throw ref new Platform::Exception(E_ABORT, L"Operation cancelled by user"); } }); } }); } IStorageItem^ LocateStorageFileOrFolder(Platform::String^ path) { if (!path || path->IsEmpty()) return nullptr; if (*(path->End() - 1) == '\\') { /* Ends with a slash, so it's definitely a directory */ return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { return concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem(path)); }, nullptr); } else { /* No final slash - probably a file (since RetroArch usually slash-terminates dirs), but there is still a chance it's a directory */ IStorageItem^ item; item = RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { return concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem(path)); }, nullptr); if (!item) { item = RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { return concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem(path)); }, nullptr); } return item; } } } #ifdef VFS_FRONTEND struct retro_vfs_file_handle #else struct libretro_vfs_implementation_file #endif { IRandomAccessStream^ fp; char* orig_path; }; libretro_vfs_implementation_file *retro_vfs_file_open_impl(const char *path, unsigned mode, unsigned hints) { if (!path || !*path) return NULL; if (!path_is_absolute(path)) { RARCH_WARN("Something tried to access files from current directory ('%s'). This is not allowed on UWP.\n", path); return NULL; } if (path_char_is_slash(path[strlen(path) - 1])) { RARCH_WARN("Trying to open a directory as file?! ('%s')\n", path); return NULL; } char* dirpath = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); fill_pathname_basedir(dirpath, path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH); wchar_t *dirpath_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(dirpath); windowsize_path(dirpath_wide); Platform::String^ dirpath_str = ref new Platform::String(dirpath_wide); free(dirpath_wide); free(dirpath); char* filename = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); fill_pathname_base(filename, path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH); wchar_t *filename_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(filename); Platform::String^ filename_str = ref new Platform::String(filename_wide); free(filename_wide); free(filename); retro_assert(!dirpath_str->IsEmpty() && !filename_str->IsEmpty()); return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { return concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem(dirpath_str)).then([=](StorageFolder^ dir) { if (mode == RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_READ) return dir->GetFileAsync(filename_str); else return dir->CreateFileAsync(filename_str, (mode & RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_UPDATE_EXISTING) != 0 ? CreationCollisionOption::OpenIfExists : CreationCollisionOption::ReplaceExisting); }).then([=](StorageFile^ file) { FileAccessMode accessMode = mode == RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_READ ? FileAccessMode::Read : FileAccessMode::ReadWrite; return file->OpenAsync(accessMode); }).then([=](IRandomAccessStream^ fpstream) { libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream = (libretro_vfs_implementation_file*)calloc(1, sizeof(*stream)); if (!stream) return (libretro_vfs_implementation_file*)NULL; stream->orig_path = strdup(path); stream->fp = fpstream; stream->fp->Seek(0); return stream; }); }, NULL); } int retro_vfs_file_close_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream) { if (!stream || !stream->fp) return -1; /* Apparently, this is how you close a file in WinRT */ /* Yes, really */ stream->fp = nullptr; return 0; } int retro_vfs_file_error_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream) { return false; /* TODO */ } int64_t retro_vfs_file_size_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream) { if (!stream || !stream->fp) return 0; return stream->fp->Size; } int64_t retro_vfs_file_truncate_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream, int64_t length) { if (!stream || !stream->fp) return -1; stream->fp->Size = length; return 0; } int64_t retro_vfs_file_tell_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream) { if (!stream || !stream->fp) return -1; return stream->fp->Position; } int64_t retro_vfs_file_seek_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream, int64_t offset, int seek_position) { if (!stream || !stream->fp) return -1; switch (seek_position) { case RETRO_VFS_SEEK_POSITION_START: stream->fp->Seek(offset); break; case RETRO_VFS_SEEK_POSITION_CURRENT: stream->fp->Seek(stream->fp->Position + offset); break; case RETRO_VFS_SEEK_POSITION_END: stream->fp->Seek(stream->fp->Size - offset); break; } return 0; } /* This is some pure magic and I have absolutely no idea how it works */ /* Wraps a raw buffer into a WinRT object */ /* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10520335/how-to-wrap-a-char-buffer-in-a-winrt-ibuffer-in-c */ class NativeBuffer : public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass, ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer, Windows::Storage::Streams::IBufferByteAccess> { public: virtual ~NativeBuffer() { } HRESULT __stdcall RuntimeClassInitialize(byte *buffer, uint32_t capacity, uint32_t length) { m_buffer = buffer; m_capacity = capacity; m_length = length; return S_OK; } HRESULT __stdcall Buffer(byte **value) { if (m_buffer == nullptr) return E_INVALIDARG; *value = m_buffer; return S_OK; } HRESULT __stdcall get_Capacity(uint32_t *value) { *value = m_capacity; return S_OK; } HRESULT __stdcall get_Length(uint32_t *value) { *value = m_length; return S_OK; } HRESULT __stdcall put_Length(uint32_t value) { if (value > m_capacity) return E_INVALIDARG; m_length = value; return S_OK; } private: byte *m_buffer; uint32_t m_capacity; uint32_t m_length; }; IBuffer^ CreateNativeBuffer(void* buf, uint32_t capacity, uint32_t length) { Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr nativeBuffer; Microsoft::WRL::Details::MakeAndInitialize(&nativeBuffer, (byte *)buf, capacity, length); auto iinspectable = (IInspectable *)reinterpret_cast(nativeBuffer.Get()); IBuffer ^buffer = reinterpret_cast(iinspectable); return buffer; } int64_t retro_vfs_file_read_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream, void *s, uint64_t len) { if (!stream || !stream->fp || !s) return -1; IBuffer^ buffer = CreateNativeBuffer(s, len, 0); return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { return concurrency::create_task(stream->fp->ReadAsync(buffer, buffer->Capacity, InputStreamOptions::None)).then([=](IBuffer^ buf) { retro_assert(buf == buffer); return (int64_t)buffer->Length; }); }, -1); } int64_t retro_vfs_file_write_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream, const void *s, uint64_t len) { if (!stream || !stream->fp || !s) return -1; IBuffer^ buffer = CreateNativeBuffer(const_cast(s), len, len); return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { return concurrency::create_task(stream->fp->WriteAsync(buffer)).then([=](unsigned int written) { return (int64_t)written; }); }, -1); } int retro_vfs_file_flush_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream) { if (!stream || !stream->fp) return -1; return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { return concurrency::create_task(stream->fp->FlushAsync()).then([=](bool this_value_is_not_even_documented_wtf) { /* The bool value may be reporting an error or something, but just leave it alone for now */ /* https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/winrt-api/issues/841 */ return 0; }); }, -1); } int retro_vfs_file_remove_impl(const char *path) { if (!path || !*path) return -1; wchar_t *path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(path); windowsize_path(path_wide); Platform::String^ path_str = ref new Platform::String(path_wide); free(path_wide); return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { return concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem(path_str)).then([=](StorageFile^ file) { return file->DeleteAsync(StorageDeleteOption::PermanentDelete); }).then([=]() { return 0; }); }, -1); } /* TODO: this may not work if trying to move a directory */ int retro_vfs_file_rename_impl(const char *old_path, const char *new_path) { if (!old_path || !*old_path || !new_path || !*new_path) return -1; wchar_t* old_path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(old_path); Platform::String^ old_path_str = ref new Platform::String(old_path_wide); free(old_path_wide); char* new_dir_path = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); fill_pathname_basedir(new_dir_path, new_path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH); wchar_t *new_dir_path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(new_dir_path); windowsize_path(new_dir_path_wide); Platform::String^ new_dir_path_str = ref new Platform::String(new_dir_path_wide); free(new_dir_path_wide); free(new_dir_path); char* new_file_name = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); fill_pathname_base(new_file_name, new_path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH); wchar_t *new_file_name_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(new_file_name); Platform::String^ new_file_name_str = ref new Platform::String(new_file_name_wide); free(new_file_name_wide); free(new_file_name); retro_assert(!old_path_str->IsEmpty() && !new_dir_path_str->IsEmpty() && !new_file_name_str->IsEmpty()); return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { concurrency::task old_file_task = concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem(old_path_str)); concurrency::task new_dir_task = concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem(new_dir_path_str)); return concurrency::create_task([=] { /* Run these two tasks in parallel */ /* TODO: There may be some cleaner way to express this */ concurrency::task_group group; group.run([=] { return old_file_task; }); group.run([=] { return new_dir_task; }); group.wait(); }).then([=]() { return old_file_task.get()->MoveAsync(new_dir_task.get(), new_file_name_str, NameCollisionOption::ReplaceExisting); }).then([=]() { return 0; }); }, -1); } const char *retro_vfs_file_get_path_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream) { /* should never happen, do something noisy so caller can be fixed */ if (!stream) abort(); return stream->orig_path; } int retro_vfs_stat_impl(const char *path, int32_t *size) { if (!path || !*path) return 0; wchar_t *path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(path); windowsize_path(path_wide); Platform::String^ path_str = ref new Platform::String(path_wide); free(path_wide); IStorageItem^ item = LocateStorageFileOrFolder(path_str); if (!item) return 0; return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { return concurrency::create_task(item->GetBasicPropertiesAsync()).then([=](BasicProperties^ properties) { if (size) *size = properties->Size; return item->IsOfType(StorageItemTypes::Folder) ? RETRO_VFS_STAT_IS_VALID | RETRO_VFS_STAT_IS_DIRECTORY : RETRO_VFS_STAT_IS_VALID; }); }, 0); } int retro_vfs_mkdir_impl(const char *dir) { if (!dir || !*dir) return -1; char* dir_local = strdup(dir); /* If the path ends with a slash, we have to remove it for basename to work */ char* tmp = dir_local + strlen(dir_local) - 1; if (path_char_is_slash(*tmp)) *tmp = 0; char* dir_name = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); fill_pathname_base(dir_name, dir_local, PATH_MAX_LENGTH); wchar_t *dir_name_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(dir_name); Platform::String^ dir_name_str = ref new Platform::String(dir_name_wide); free(dir_name_wide); free(dir_name); char* parent_path = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); fill_pathname_parent_dir(parent_path, dir_local, PATH_MAX_LENGTH); wchar_t *parent_path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(parent_path); windowsize_path(parent_path_wide); Platform::String^ parent_path_str = ref new Platform::String(parent_path_wide); free(parent_path_wide); free(parent_path); retro_assert(!dir_name_str->IsEmpty() && !parent_path_str->IsEmpty()); free(dir_local); return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { return concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem(parent_path_str)).then([=](StorageFolder^ parent) { return parent->CreateFolderAsync(dir_name_str); }).then([=](concurrency::task new_dir) { try { new_dir.get(); } catch (Platform::COMException^ e) { if (e->HResult == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) return -2; throw; } return 0; }); }, -1); } #ifdef VFS_FRONTEND struct retro_vfs_dir_handle #else struct libretro_vfs_implementation_dir #endif { IVectorView^ directory; IIterator^ entry; char *entry_name; }; libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *retro_vfs_opendir_impl(const char *name, bool include_hidden) { libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *rdir; if (!name || !*name) return NULL; rdir = (libretro_vfs_implementation_dir*)calloc(1, sizeof(*rdir)); if (!rdir) return NULL; wchar_t *name_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(name); windowsize_path(name_wide); Platform::String^ name_str = ref new Platform::String(name_wide); free(name_wide); rdir->directory = RunAsyncAndCatchErrors^>([=]() { return concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem(name_str)).then([=](StorageFolder^ folder) { return folder->GetItemsAsync(); }); }, nullptr); if (rdir->directory) return rdir; free(rdir); return NULL; } bool retro_vfs_readdir_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *rdir) { if (!rdir->entry) { rdir->entry = rdir->directory->First(); return rdir->entry->HasCurrent; } else { return rdir->entry->MoveNext(); } } const char *retro_vfs_dirent_get_name_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *rdir) { if (rdir->entry_name) free(rdir->entry_name); rdir->entry_name = utf16_to_utf8_string_alloc(rdir->entry->Current->Name->Data()); return rdir->entry_name; } bool retro_vfs_dirent_is_dir_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *rdir) { return rdir->entry->Current->IsOfType(StorageItemTypes::Folder); } int retro_vfs_closedir_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *rdir) { if (!rdir) return -1; if (rdir->entry_name) free(rdir->entry_name); rdir->entry = nullptr; rdir->directory = nullptr; free(rdir); return 0; } bool uwp_is_path_accessible_using_standard_io(char *path) { char *relative_path_abbrev = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); fill_pathname_abbreviate_special(relative_path_abbrev, path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); bool result = strlen(relative_path_abbrev) >= 2 && (relative_path_abbrev[0] == ':' || relative_path_abbrev[0] == '~') && path_char_is_slash(relative_path_abbrev[1]); free(relative_path_abbrev); return result; } bool uwp_drive_exists(const char *path) { if (!path || !*path) return 0; wchar_t *path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(path); Platform::String^ path_str = ref new Platform::String(path_wide); free(path_wide); return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { return concurrency::create_task(StorageFolder::GetFolderFromPathAsync(path_str)).then([](StorageFolder^ properties) { return true; }); }, false); } char* uwp_trigger_picker(void) { return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([=]() { return TriggerPickerAddDialog().then([](Platform::String^ path) { return utf16_to_utf8_string_alloc(path->Data()); }); }, NULL); }