#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Convert *.json to *.h # Usage: ./json2h.py msg_hash_fr.json import re import sys import json try: json_filename = sys.argv[1] h_filename = json_filename.replace('.json', '.h') except IndexError: print("Usage: ./template.py <language_postfix>") sys.exit(1) if json_filename == 'msg_hash_us.json' or json_filename == 'msg_hash_lbl.json': print("Skip") sys.exit(0) p = re.compile(r'MSG_HASH\(\s*\/?\*?.*\*?\/?\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*,\s*\".*\"\s*\)') def c89_cut(old_str): new_str = '' byte_count = 0 for c in old_str: byte_count += len(c.encode('utf-8')) if byte_count > 500: return new_str + '[...]' new_str += c return new_str def parse_message(message): key_start = max(message.find('(') + 1, message.find('*/') + 2) key_end = message.find(',') key = message[key_start:key_end].strip() value_start = message.find('"') + 1 value_end = message.rfind('"') value = message[value_start:value_end] return key, value def parse_messages(text): result = p.findall(text) seen = set() msg_list = [] for msg in result: key, val = parse_message(msg) item = {'key': key, 'val': val, 'msg': msg} msg_list.append(item) if key not in seen: seen.add(key) else: print("Duplicate key: " + key) return msg_list def update(messages, template, source_messages): new_translation = template template_messages = parse_messages(template) for tp_msg in template_messages: old_msg = tp_msg['msg'] if tp_msg['key'] in messages and messages[tp_msg['key']] != source_messages[tp_msg['key']]: tp_msg_val = tp_msg['val'] tl_msg_val = messages[tp_msg['key']] tl_msg_val = tl_msg_val.replace('"', '\\\"').replace('\n', '') # escape if tp_msg['key'].find('_QT_') < 0: tl_msg_val = c89_cut(tl_msg_val) # Replace last match, incase the key contains the value string new_msg = old_msg[::-1].replace(tp_msg_val[::-1], tl_msg_val[::-1], 1)[::-1] new_translation = new_translation.replace(old_msg, new_msg) # Remove English duplicates and non-translateable strings else: new_translation = new_translation.replace(old_msg + '\n', '') return new_translation with open('msg_hash_us.h', 'r') as template_file: template = template_file.read() with open('msg_hash_us.json', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as source_json_file: source_messages = json.load(source_json_file) with open(json_filename, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as json_file: messages = json.load(json_file) new_translation = update(messages, template, source_messages) with open(h_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as h_file: h_file.seek(0) h_file.write(new_translation) h_file.truncate()