/* $Id: portlistingparse.c,v 1.9 2015/07/15 12:41:13 nanard Exp $ */ /* MiniUPnP project * http://miniupnp.free.fr/ or http://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/ * (c) 2011-2016 Thomas Bernard * This software is subject to the conditions detailed * in the LICENCE file provided within the distribution */ #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef DEBUG #include <stdio.h> #endif /* DEBUG */ #include "portlistingparse.h" #include "minixml.h" /* list of the elements */ static const struct { const portMappingElt code; const char * const str; } elements[] = { { PortMappingEntry, "PortMappingEntry"}, { NewRemoteHost, "NewRemoteHost"}, { NewExternalPort, "NewExternalPort"}, { NewProtocol, "NewProtocol"}, { NewInternalPort, "NewInternalPort"}, { NewInternalClient, "NewInternalClient"}, { NewEnabled, "NewEnabled"}, { NewDescription, "NewDescription"}, { NewLeaseTime, "NewLeaseTime"}, { PortMappingEltNone, NULL} }; /* Helper function */ static UNSIGNED_INTEGER my_atoui(const char * p, int l) { UNSIGNED_INTEGER r = 0; while(l > 0 && *p) { if(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') r = r*10 + (*p - '0'); else break; p++; l--; } return r; } /* Start element handler */ static void startelt(void * d, const char * name, int l) { int i; struct PortMappingParserData * pdata = (struct PortMappingParserData *)d; pdata->curelt = PortMappingEltNone; for(i = 0; elements[i].str; i++) { if(strlen(elements[i].str) == (size_t)l && memcmp(name, elements[i].str, l) == 0) { pdata->curelt = elements[i].code; break; } } if(pdata->curelt == PortMappingEntry) { struct PortMapping * pm; pm = (struct PortMapping*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct PortMapping)); if(pm == NULL) { /* malloc error */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%s: error allocating memory", "startelt"); #endif /* DEBUG */ return; } pm->l_next = pdata->l_head; /* insert in list */ pdata->l_head = pm; } } /* End element handler */ static void endelt(void * d, const char * name, int l) { struct PortMappingParserData * pdata = (struct PortMappingParserData *)d; (void)name; (void)l; pdata->curelt = PortMappingEltNone; } /* Data handler */ static void portlisting_data(void * d, const char * data, int l) { struct PortMapping * pm; struct PortMappingParserData * pdata = (struct PortMappingParserData *)d; pm = pdata->l_head; if(!pm) return; if(l > 63) l = 63; switch(pdata->curelt) { case NewRemoteHost: memcpy(pm->remoteHost, data, l); pm->remoteHost[l] = '\0'; break; case NewExternalPort: pm->externalPort = (unsigned short)my_atoui(data, l); break; case NewProtocol: if(l > 3) l = 3; memcpy(pm->protocol, data, l); pm->protocol[l] = '\0'; break; case NewInternalPort: pm->internalPort = (unsigned short)my_atoui(data, l); break; case NewInternalClient: memcpy(pm->internalClient, data, l); pm->internalClient[l] = '\0'; break; case NewEnabled: pm->enabled = (unsigned char)my_atoui(data, l); break; case NewDescription: memcpy(pm->description, data, l); pm->description[l] = '\0'; break; case NewLeaseTime: pm->leaseTime = my_atoui(data, l); break; default: break; } } /* Parse the PortMappingList XML document for IGD version 2 */ void ParsePortListing(const char * buffer, int bufsize, struct PortMappingParserData * pdata) { struct xmlparser parser; memset(pdata, 0, sizeof(struct PortMappingParserData)); /* init xmlparser */ parser.xmlstart = buffer; parser.xmlsize = bufsize; parser.data = pdata; parser.starteltfunc = startelt; parser.endeltfunc = endelt; parser.datafunc = portlisting_data; parser.attfunc = 0; parsexml(&parser); } void FreePortListing(struct PortMappingParserData * pdata) { struct PortMapping * pm; while((pm = pdata->l_head) != NULL) { /* remove from list */ pdata->l_head = pm->l_next; free(pm); } }