/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 - Ali Bouhlel * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include <3ds.h> #include #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER #include #endif #include "../frontend_driver.h" #include "../../verbosity.h" #include "../../defaults.h" #include "retroarch.h" #include "audio/audio_driver.h" #include "ctr/ctr_debug.h" #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER #ifdef HAVE_MENU #include "../../menu/menu_driver.h" #endif #endif const char* elf_path_cst = "sdmc:/retroarch/test.3dsx"; static void frontend_ctr_get_environment_settings(int *argc, char *argv[], void *args, void *params_data) { (void)args; #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER #if defined(HAVE_LOGGER) logger_init(); #elif defined(HAVE_FILE_LOGGER) retro_main_log_file_init("sdmc:/retroarch/retroarch-log.txt"); #endif #endif fill_pathname_basedir(g_defaults.dir.port, elf_path_cst, sizeof(g_defaults.dir.port)); RARCH_LOG("port dir: [%s]\n", g_defaults.dir.port); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dir.core_assets, g_defaults.dir.port, "downloads", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.core_assets)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dir.assets, g_defaults.dir.port, "media", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.assets)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dir.core, g_defaults.dir.port, "cores", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.core)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dir.core_info, g_defaults.dir.port, "cores", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.core_info)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dir.savestate, g_defaults.dir.core, "savestates", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.savestate)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dir.sram, g_defaults.dir.core, "savefiles", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.sram)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dir.system, g_defaults.dir.core, "system", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.system)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dir.playlist, g_defaults.dir.core, "playlists", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.playlist)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dir.remap, g_defaults.dir.port, "remaps", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.remap)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dir.video_filter, g_defaults.dir.port, "filters", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.remap)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.path.config, g_defaults.dir.port, "retroarch.cfg", sizeof(g_defaults.path.config)); } static void frontend_ctr_deinit(void *data) { extern PrintConsole* currentConsole; Handle lcd_handle; u8 not_2DS; (void)data; #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER bool *verbose = retro_main_verbosity(); *verbose = true; #ifdef HAVE_FILE_LOGGER event_cmd_ctl(EVENT_CMD_LOG_FILE_DEINIT, NULL); #endif if(gfxBottomFramebuffers[0] == (u8*)currentConsole->frameBuffer) wait_for_input(); CFGU_GetModelNintendo2DS(¬_2DS); if(not_2DS && srvGetServiceHandle(&lcd_handle, "gsp::Lcd") >= 0) { u32 *cmdbuf = getThreadCommandBuffer(); cmdbuf[0] = 0x00110040; cmdbuf[1] = 2; svcSendSyncRequest(lcd_handle); svcCloseHandle(lcd_handle); } u32 parallax_layer_reg_state = (*(float*)0x1FF81080 == 0.0)? 0x0 : 0x00010001; GSPGPU_WriteHWRegs(0x202000, ¶llax_layer_reg_state, 4); cfguExit(); ndspExit(); csndExit(); gfxTopRightFramebuffers[0] = NULL; gfxTopRightFramebuffers[1] = NULL; gfxExit(); #endif } static void frontend_ctr_shutdown(bool unused) { (void)unused; } static void ctr_check_dspfirm(void) { FILE* dsp_fp = fopen("sdmc:/3ds/dspfirm.cdc", "rb"); if(dsp_fp) fclose(dsp_fp); else { uint32_t* code_buffer; uint32_t* ptr; FILE* code_fp; size_t code_size; const uint32_t dsp1_magic = 0x31505344; /* "DSP1" */ code_fp =fopen("sdmc:/3ds/code.bin", "rb"); if(code_fp) { fseek(code_fp, 0, SEEK_END); code_size = ftell(code_fp); fseek(code_fp, 0, SEEK_SET); code_buffer = (uint32_t*) malloc(code_size); if(code_buffer) { fread(code_buffer, 1, code_size, code_fp); for (ptr = code_buffer + 0x40; ptr < (code_buffer + (code_size >> 2)); ptr++) { if (*ptr == dsp1_magic) { size_t dspfirm_size = ptr[1]; ptr -= 0x40; if ((ptr + (dspfirm_size >> 2)) > (code_buffer + (code_size >> 2))) break; dsp_fp = fopen("sdmc:/3ds/dspfirm.cdc", "wb"); if(!dsp_fp) break; fwrite(ptr, 1, dspfirm_size, dsp_fp); fclose(dsp_fp); break; } } free(code_buffer); } fclose(code_fp); } } } __attribute__((weak)) Result svchax_init(bool patch_srv); __attribute__((weak)) u32 __ctr_patch_services; void gfxSetFramebufferInfo(gfxScreen_t screen, u8 id); static void frontend_ctr_init(void *data) { #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER (void)data; bool *verbose = retro_main_verbosity(); *verbose = true; gfxInit(GSP_BGR8_OES,GSP_RGB565_OES,false); u32 topSize = 400 * 240 * 3; u32 bottomSize = 320 * 240 * 2; linearFree(gfxTopLeftFramebuffers[0]); linearFree(gfxTopLeftFramebuffers[1]); linearFree(gfxBottomFramebuffers[0]); linearFree(gfxBottomFramebuffers[1]); linearFree(gfxTopRightFramebuffers[0]); linearFree(gfxTopRightFramebuffers[1]); gfxTopLeftFramebuffers[0]=linearAlloc(topSize * 2); gfxTopRightFramebuffers[0] = gfxTopLeftFramebuffers[0] + topSize; gfxTopLeftFramebuffers[1]=linearAlloc(topSize * 2); gfxTopRightFramebuffers[1] = gfxTopLeftFramebuffers[1] + topSize; gfxBottomFramebuffers[0]=linearAlloc(bottomSize); gfxBottomFramebuffers[1]=linearAlloc(bottomSize); gfxSetFramebufferInfo(GFX_TOP, 0); gfxSetFramebufferInfo(GFX_BOTTOM, 0); gfxSet3D(true); consoleInit(GFX_BOTTOM, NULL); /* enable access to all service calls when possible. */ if(svchax_init) { osSetSpeedupEnable(false); svchax_init(__ctr_patch_services); } osSetSpeedupEnable(true); audio_driver_t* dsp_audio_driver = &audio_ctr_dsp; if(csndInit() != 0) { dsp_audio_driver = &audio_ctr_csnd; audio_ctr_csnd = audio_ctr_dsp; audio_ctr_dsp = audio_null; } ctr_check_dspfirm(); if(ndspInit() != 0) *dsp_audio_driver = audio_null; cfguInit(); #endif } static int frontend_ctr_get_rating(void) { return 3; } enum frontend_architecture frontend_ctr_get_architecture(void) { return FRONTEND_ARCH_ARM; } static int frontend_ctr_parse_drive_list(void *data) { file_list_t *list = (file_list_t*)data; #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER if (!list) return -1; menu_entries_add(list, "sdmc:/", "", MENU_FILE_DIRECTORY, 0, 0); #endif return 0; } frontend_ctx_driver_t frontend_ctx_ctr = { frontend_ctr_get_environment_settings, frontend_ctr_init, frontend_ctr_deinit, NULL, /* exitspawn */ NULL, /* process_args */ NULL, /* exec */ NULL, /* set_fork */ frontend_ctr_shutdown, NULL, /* get_name */ NULL, /* get_os */ frontend_ctr_get_rating, NULL, /* load_content */ frontend_ctr_get_architecture, NULL, /* get_powerstate */ frontend_ctr_parse_drive_list, "ctr", };