/* Copyright (C) 2010-2021 The RetroArch team * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following license statement only applies to this file (psp_defines.h). * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, * to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PSP_DEFINES_H #define _PSP_DEFINES_H /*============================================================ ERROR PROTOTYPES ============================================================ */ #ifndef SCE_OK #define SCE_OK 0 #endif /*============================================================ DISPLAY PROTOTYPES ============================================================ */ #if defined(SN_TARGET_PSP2) || defined(VITA) #ifdef VITA int sceClibPrintf ( const char * format, ... ); #define printf sceClibPrintf #define PSP_DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_8888 (SCE_DISPLAY_PIXELFORMAT_A8B8G8R8) #else #define PSP_DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_8888 (SCE_DISPLAY_PIXELFORMAT_A8B8G8R8) #endif #define DisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr, bufferwidth, pixelformat, sync) sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr, sync) #define PSP_FB_WIDTH 960 #define PSP_FB_HEIGHT 544 #define PSP_PITCH_PIXELS 1024 // Memory left to the system for threads and other internal stuffs #ifdef SCE_LIBC_SIZE #define RAM_THRESHOLD 0x2000000 + SCE_LIBC_SIZE #else #define RAM_THRESHOLD 0x2000000 #endif #elif defined(PSP) #define DisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr, bufferwidth, pixelformat, sync) sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr, bufferwidth, pixelformat, sync) #define SCE_DISPLAY_UPDATETIMING_NEXTVSYNC 1 #define PSP_FB_WIDTH 512 #define PSP_FB_HEIGHT 512 #define PSP_PITCH_PIXELS 512 #endif /*============================================================ INPUT PROTOTYPES ============================================================ */ #if defined(SN_TARGET_PSP2) || defined(VITA) #define STATE_BUTTON(state) ((state).buttons) #define STATE_ANALOGLX(state) ((state).lx) #define STATE_ANALOGLY(state) ((state).ly) #define STATE_ANALOGRX(state) ((state).rx) #define STATE_ANALOGRY(state) ((state).ry) #if defined(VITA) #define DEFAULT_SAMPLING_MODE (SCE_CTRL_MODE_ANALOG) #define PSP_CTRL_LEFT SCE_CTRL_LEFT #define PSP_CTRL_DOWN SCE_CTRL_DOWN #define PSP_CTRL_RIGHT SCE_CTRL_RIGHT #define PSP_CTRL_UP SCE_CTRL_UP #define PSP_CTRL_START SCE_CTRL_START #define PSP_CTRL_SELECT SCE_CTRL_SELECT #define PSP_CTRL_TRIANGLE SCE_CTRL_TRIANGLE #define PSP_CTRL_SQUARE SCE_CTRL_SQUARE #define PSP_CTRL_CROSS SCE_CTRL_CROSS #define PSP_CTRL_CIRCLE SCE_CTRL_CIRCLE #define PSP_CTRL_L SCE_CTRL_L1 #define PSP_CTRL_R SCE_CTRL_R1 #define PSP_CTRL_L2 SCE_CTRL_LTRIGGER #define PSP_CTRL_R2 SCE_CTRL_RTRIGGER #define PSP_CTRL_L3 SCE_CTRL_L3 #define PSP_CTRL_R3 SCE_CTRL_R3 #else #define DEFAULT_SAMPLING_MODE (SCE_CTRL_MODE_DIGITALANALOG) #define PSP_CTRL_LEFT SCE_CTRL_LEFT #define PSP_CTRL_DOWN SCE_CTRL_DOWN #define PSP_CTRL_RIGHT SCE_CTRL_RIGHT #define PSP_CTRL_UP SCE_CTRL_UP #define PSP_CTRL_START SCE_CTRL_START #define PSP_CTRL_SELECT SCE_CTRL_SELECT #define PSP_CTRL_TRIANGLE SCE_CTRL_TRIANGLE #define PSP_CTRL_SQUARE SCE_CTRL_SQUARE #define PSP_CTRL_CROSS SCE_CTRL_CROSS #define PSP_CTRL_CIRCLE SCE_CTRL_CIRCLE #define PSP_CTRL_L SCE_CTRL_L #define PSP_CTRL_R SCE_CTRL_R #endif #if defined(VITA) #define CtrlSetSamplingMode(mode) sceCtrlSetSamplingModeExt(mode) #define CtrlPeekBufferPositive(port, pad_data, bufs) sceCtrlPeekBufferPositiveExt2(port, pad_data, bufs) #else #define CtrlSetSamplingMode(mode) sceCtrlSetSamplingMode(mode) #define CtrlPeekBufferPositive(port, pad_data, bufs) sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive(port, pad_data, bufs) #endif #elif defined(PSP) #define PSP_CTRL_L PSP_CTRL_LTRIGGER #define PSP_CTRL_R PSP_CTRL_RTRIGGER #define STATE_BUTTON(state) ((state).Buttons) #define STATE_ANALOGLX(state) ((state).Lx) #define STATE_ANALOGLY(state) ((state).Ly) #define STATE_ANALOGRX(state) ((state).Rx) #define STATE_ANALOGRY(state) ((state).Ry) #define DEFAULT_SAMPLING_MODE (PSP_CTRL_MODE_ANALOG) #define CtrlSetSamplingMode(mode) sceCtrlSetSamplingMode(mode) #define CtrlPeekBufferPositive(port, pad_data, bufs) sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive(pad_data, bufs) #endif #endif