#include <3ds.h>
#include <sys/iosupport.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ctr_debug.h"

#define CTR_APPMEMALLOC_PTR ((u32*)0x1FF80040)

u32 __stacksize__      = 0x00400000;
u32 __linear_heap_size = 0x01000000;

u32 __heap_size;
u32 __linear_heap;
u32 __heapBase;

extern u32 __linear_heap_size_hbl;
extern u32 __heap_size_hbl;

extern void (*__system_retAddr)(void);

void envDestroyHandles(void);
void __appExit();
void __libc_fini_array(void);

void __libctru_init(void (*retAddr)(void));
void __appInit();
void __libc_init_array(void);
void __system_initSyscalls(void);
void __system_allocateHeaps();
void __system_initArgv();

void __ctru_exit(int rc);
int __libctru_gtod(struct _reent *ptr, struct timeval *tp, struct timezone *tz);
void (*__system_retAddr)(void);
extern void* __service_ptr;

u32 __stack_bottom;
u32 __stack_size_extra;

Result __sync_init(void) __attribute__((weak));

void __attribute__((weak)) __libctru_init(void (*retAddr)(void))
	// Store the return address
	__system_retAddr = envIsHomebrew() ? retAddr : NULL;

	// Initialize the synchronization subsystem

	// Initialize newlib support system calls

	// Allocate application and linear heaps

	// Build argc/argv if present

void __system_allocateHeaps() {
   u32 tmp=0;

   MemInfo stack_memInfo;
   PageInfo stack_pageInfo;

   register u32 sp_val __asm__("sp");

   svcQueryMemory(&stack_memInfo, &stack_pageInfo, sp_val);

   __stacksize__ += 0xFFF;
   __stacksize__ &= ~0xFFF;
   __stack_size_extra = __stacksize__ > stack_memInfo.size ? __stacksize__ - stack_memInfo.size: 0;
   __stack_bottom = stack_memInfo.base_addr - __stack_size_extra;

   if (__stack_size_extra)
      svcControlMemory(&tmp, __stack_bottom, 0x0, __stack_size_extra, MEMOP_ALLOC, MEMPERM_READ | MEMPERM_WRITE);
      memset((void*)__stack_bottom, 0xFC, __stack_size_extra);

	// setup the application heap
	__heapBase = 0x08000000;
   __heap_size = 0;

	// Allocate the linear heap
	svcControlMemory(&__linear_heap, 0x0, 0x0, __linear_heap_size, MEMOP_ALLOC_LINEAR, MEMPERM_READ | MEMPERM_WRITE);
	// Set up newlib heap
   extern char* fake_heap_end;
   fake_heap_end = (char*)0x13F00000;


Result __sync_fini(void) __attribute__((weak));

extern char** __system_argv;
void __attribute__((noreturn)) __libctru_exit(int rc)
	u32 tmp=0;


	// Unmap the linear heap
	svcControlMemory(&tmp, __linear_heap, 0x0, __linear_heap_size, MEMOP_FREE, 0x0);

	// Unmap the application heap
	svcControlMemory(&tmp, __heapBase, 0x0, __heap_size, MEMOP_FREE, 0x0);

   if (__stack_size_extra)
      svcControlMemory(&tmp, __stack_bottom, 0x0, __stack_size_extra, MEMOP_FREE, 0x0);

	// Close some handles

   if (__sync_fini)

	// Jump to the loader if it provided a callback
	if (__system_retAddr)

	// Since above did not jump, end this process

#include <3ds/types.h>

#include <string.h>

// System globals we define here
int __system_argc;
char** __system_argv;
extern const char* __system_arglist;

//extern char* fake_heap_start;
extern char* fake_heap_end;

void __system_initArgv()
	int i;
	const char* temp = __system_arglist;

	// Check if the argument list is present
	if (!temp)

	// Retrieve argc
	__system_argc = *(u32*)temp;
	temp += sizeof(u32);

	// Find the end of the argument data
	for (i = 0; i < __system_argc; i ++)
		for (; *temp; temp ++);
		temp ++;

	// Reserve heap memory for argv data
	u32 argSize = temp - __system_arglist - sizeof(u32);
//	__system_argv = (char**)fake_heap_start;
//	fake_heap_start += sizeof(char**)*(__system_argc + 1);
//	char* argCopy = fake_heap_start;
//	fake_heap_start += argSize;

   __system_argv = malloc(sizeof(char**)*(__system_argc + 1) + argSize);
   char* argCopy = (char*)__system_argv + sizeof(char**)*(__system_argc + 1);

	// Fill argv array
	memcpy(argCopy, &__system_arglist[4], argSize);
	temp = argCopy;
	for (i = 0; i < __system_argc; i ++)
		__system_argv[i] = (char*)temp;
		for (; *temp; temp ++);
		temp ++;
	__system_argv[__system_argc] = NULL;

void initSystem(void (*retAddr)(void))

void __attribute__((noreturn)) __ctru_exit(int rc)

typedef union{
      unsigned description : 10;
      unsigned module      : 8;
      unsigned             : 3;
      unsigned summary     : 6;
      unsigned level       : 5;
   Result val;

void dump_result_value(Result val)
   ctr_result_value res;
   res.val = val;
   printf("result      : 0x%08X\n", val);
   printf("description : %u\n", res.description);
   printf("module      : %u\n", res.module);
   printf("summary     : %u\n", res.summary);
   printf("level       : %u\n", res.level);

bool select_pressed = false;

void wait_for_input(void)
   printf("\n\nPress Start.\n\n");

      u32 kDown;


      kDown = hidKeysDown();

      if (kDown & KEY_START)

      if (kDown & KEY_SELECT)
#if 0
      select_pressed = true;


long sysconf(int name)
      return 2;

   return -1;