#if defined(HAVE_DYNAMIC) || defined(HAVE_DYLIB) #include #include #if defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0500 || defined(_XBOX) #ifndef LEGACY_WIN32 #define LEGACY_WIN32 #endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "mem_util.h" #include "../core.h" #include "../configuration.h" #include "../dynamic.h" #include "../paths.h" #include "../content.h" #include "secondary_core.h" #include "dirty_input.h" static int port_map[16]; static char *secondary_library_path; static dylib_t secondary_module; static struct retro_core_t secondary_core; static struct retro_callbacks secondary_callbacks; extern retro_ctx_load_content_info_t *load_content_info; extern enum rarch_core_type last_core_type; extern struct retro_callbacks retro_ctx; bool secondary_core_run_no_input_polling(void); bool secondary_core_deserialize(const void *buffer, int size); void secondary_core_destroy(void); void set_last_core_type(enum rarch_core_type type); void remember_controller_port_device(long port, long device); void clear_controller_port_map(void); static char *get_temp_directory_alloc(void) { settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); char *path = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef LEGACY_WIN32 DWORD pathLength = GetTempPath(0, NULL) + 1; path = (char*)malloc(pathLength * sizeof(char)); path[pathLength - 1] = 0; GetTempPath(pathLength, path); #else DWORD pathLength = GetTempPathW(0, NULL) + 1; wchar_t *wideStr = (wchar_t*)malloc(pathLength * sizeof(wchar_t)); wideStr[pathLength - 1] = 0; GetTempPathW(pathLength, wideStr); path = utf16_to_utf8_string_alloc(wideStr); free(wideStr); #endif #elif defined ANDROID path = strcpy_alloc_force(settings->paths.directory_libretro); #else path = "/tmp"; if (getenv("TMPDIR")) path = getenv("TMPDIR"); path = strcpy_alloc_force(path); #endif return path; } static bool write_file_with_random_name(char **tempDllPath, const char *retroarchTempPath, const void* data, ssize_t dataSize) { unsigned i; char number_buf[32]; bool okay = false; const char *prefix = "tmp"; time_t time_value = time(NULL); unsigned number_value = (unsigned)time_value; char *ext = strcpy_alloc_force( path_get_extension(*tempDllPath)); int ext_len = (int)strlen(ext); if (ext_len > 0) { strcat_alloc(&ext, "."); memmove(ext + 1, ext, ext_len); ext[0] = '.'; ext_len++; } /* Try up to 30 'random' filenames before giving up */ for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { int number; number_value = number_value * 214013 + 2531011; number = (number_value >> 14) % 100000; snprintf(number_buf, sizeof(number_buf), "%05d", number); if (*tempDllPath) free(*tempDllPath); *tempDllPath = NULL; strcat_alloc(tempDllPath, retroarchTempPath); strcat_alloc(tempDllPath, prefix); strcat_alloc(tempDllPath, number_buf); strcat_alloc(tempDllPath, ext); if (filestream_write_file(*tempDllPath, data, dataSize)) { okay = true; break; } } if (ext) free(ext); ext = NULL; return okay; } static char *copy_core_to_temp_file(void) { bool failed = false; char *tempDirectory = NULL; char *retroarchTempPath = NULL; char *tempDllPath = NULL; void *dllFileData = NULL; int64_t dllFileSize = 0; const char *corePath = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CORE); const char *coreBaseName = path_basename(corePath); if (strlen(coreBaseName) == 0) { failed = true; goto end; } tempDirectory = get_temp_directory_alloc(); if (!tempDirectory) { failed = true; goto end; } strcat_alloc(&retroarchTempPath, tempDirectory); strcat_alloc(&retroarchTempPath, path_default_slash()); strcat_alloc(&retroarchTempPath, "retroarch_temp"); strcat_alloc(&retroarchTempPath, path_default_slash()); if (!path_mkdir(retroarchTempPath)) { failed = true; goto end; } if (!filestream_read_file(corePath, &dllFileData, &dllFileSize)) { failed = true; goto end; } strcat_alloc(&tempDllPath, retroarchTempPath); strcat_alloc(&tempDllPath, coreBaseName); if (!filestream_write_file(tempDllPath, dllFileData, dllFileSize)) { /* try other file names */ if (!write_file_with_random_name(&tempDllPath, retroarchTempPath, dllFileData, dllFileSize)) failed = true; } end: if (tempDirectory) free(tempDirectory); if (retroarchTempPath) free(retroarchTempPath); if (dllFileData) free(dllFileData); tempDirectory = NULL; retroarchTempPath = NULL; dllFileData = NULL; if (!failed) return tempDllPath; if (tempDllPath) free(tempDllPath); tempDllPath = NULL; return NULL; } static bool has_variable_update = false; static bool rarch_environment_secondary_core_hook(unsigned cmd, void *data) { bool result = rarch_environment_cb(cmd, data); if (has_variable_update) { if (cmd == RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE_UPDATE) { bool *bool_p = (bool*)data; *bool_p = true; has_variable_update = false; return true; } else if (cmd == RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE) has_variable_update = false; } return result; } static bool secondary_core_create(void) { long port, device; bool contentless = false; bool is_inited = false; if ( last_core_type != CORE_TYPE_PLAIN || !load_content_info || load_content_info->special) return false; if (secondary_library_path) free(secondary_library_path); secondary_library_path = NULL; secondary_library_path = copy_core_to_temp_file(); if (!secondary_library_path) return false; /* Load Core */ if (init_libretro_sym_custom( CORE_TYPE_PLAIN, &secondary_core, secondary_library_path, &secondary_module)) { secondary_core.symbols_inited = true; secondary_core.retro_set_environment( rarch_environment_secondary_core_hook); secondary_core_set_variable_update(); secondary_core.retro_init(); content_get_status(&contentless, &is_inited); secondary_core.inited = is_inited; /* Load Content */ if (!load_content_info || load_content_info->special) { /* disabled due to crashes */ return false; #if 0 secondary_core.game_loaded = secondary_core.retro_load_game_special( loadContentInfo.special->id, loadContentInfo.info, loadContentInfo.content->size); if (!secondary_core.game_loaded) { secondary_core_destroy(); return false; } #endif } else if (load_content_info->content->size > 0 && load_content_info->content->elems[0].data) { secondary_core.game_loaded = secondary_core.retro_load_game(load_content_info->info); if (!secondary_core.game_loaded) { secondary_core_destroy(); return false; } } else if (contentless) { secondary_core.game_loaded = secondary_core.retro_load_game(NULL); if (!secondary_core.game_loaded) { secondary_core_destroy(); return false; } } else secondary_core.game_loaded = false; if (!secondary_core.inited) { secondary_core_destroy(); return false; } core_set_default_callbacks(&secondary_callbacks); secondary_core.retro_set_video_refresh(secondary_callbacks.frame_cb); secondary_core.retro_set_audio_sample(secondary_callbacks.sample_cb); secondary_core.retro_set_audio_sample_batch(secondary_callbacks.sample_batch_cb); secondary_core.retro_set_input_state(secondary_callbacks.state_cb); secondary_core.retro_set_input_poll(secondary_callbacks.poll_cb); for (port = 0; port < 16; port++) { device = port_map[port]; if (device >= 0) secondary_core.retro_set_controller_port_device( (unsigned)port, (unsigned)device); } clear_controller_port_map(); } else return false; return true; } void secondary_core_set_variable_update(void) { has_variable_update = true; } static void secondary_core_input_poll_null(void) { } bool secondary_core_run_use_last_input(void) { if (secondary_core_ensure_exists()) { retro_input_poll_t old_poll_function = secondary_callbacks.poll_cb; retro_input_state_t old_input_function = secondary_callbacks.state_cb; secondary_callbacks.poll_cb = secondary_core_input_poll_null; secondary_callbacks.state_cb = input_state_get_last; secondary_core.retro_set_input_poll(secondary_callbacks.poll_cb); secondary_core.retro_set_input_state(secondary_callbacks.state_cb); secondary_core.retro_run(); secondary_callbacks.poll_cb = old_poll_function; secondary_callbacks.state_cb = old_input_function; secondary_core.retro_set_input_poll(secondary_callbacks.poll_cb); secondary_core.retro_set_input_state(secondary_callbacks.state_cb); return true; } return false; } bool secondary_core_deserialize(const void *buffer, int size) { if (secondary_core_ensure_exists()) return secondary_core.retro_unserialize(buffer, size); return false; } bool secondary_core_ensure_exists(void) { if (!secondary_module) { if (!secondary_core_create()) { secondary_core_destroy(); return false; } } return true; } void secondary_core_destroy(void) { if (!secondary_module) return; /* unload game from core */ if (secondary_core.retro_unload_game) secondary_core.retro_unload_game(); /* deinit */ if (secondary_core.retro_deinit) secondary_core.retro_deinit(); memset(&secondary_core, 0, sizeof(struct retro_core_t)); dylib_close(secondary_module); secondary_module = NULL; filestream_delete(secondary_library_path); if (secondary_library_path) free(secondary_library_path); secondary_library_path = NULL; } void remember_controller_port_device(long port, long device) { if (port >= 0 && port < 16) port_map[port] = (int)device; if (secondary_module && secondary_core.retro_set_controller_port_device) secondary_core.retro_set_controller_port_device((unsigned)port, (unsigned)device); } void clear_controller_port_map(void) { unsigned port; for (port = 0; port < 16; port++) port_map[port] = -1; } #else #include #include "../core.h" bool secondary_core_run_no_input_polling(void) { return false; } bool secondary_core_deserialize(const void *buffer, int size) { return false; } void secondary_core_destroy(void) { } void remember_controller_port_device(long port, long device) { } void secondary_core_set_variable_update(void) { } void clear_controller_port_map(void) { } #endif