/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <sys/process.h> #include "../../ps3/sdk_defines.h" #include "../../general.h" #include <file/file_path.h> #define EMULATOR_CONTENT_DIR "SSNE10000" #ifndef __PSL1GHT__ #define NP_POOL_SIZE (128*1024) static uint8_t np_pool[NP_POOL_SIZE]; #endif #ifdef IS_SALAMANDER SYS_PROCESS_PARAM(1001, 0x100000) #else SYS_PROCESS_PARAM(1001, 0x200000) #endif #ifdef HAVE_MULTIMAN #define MULTIMAN_SELF_FILE "/dev_hdd0/game/BLES80608/USRDIR/RELOAD.SELF" static bool multiman_detected = false; #endif static bool exit_spawn = false; static bool exitspawn_start_game = false; #ifdef IS_SALAMANDER #include <netex/net.h> #include <np.h> #include <np/drm.h> #include <cell/sysmodule.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYSUTILS static void callback_sysutil_exit(uint64_t status, uint64_t param, void *userdata) { (void)param; (void)userdata; (void)status; #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER switch (status) { case CELL_SYSUTIL_REQUEST_EXITGAME: g_extern.system.shutdown = true; break; } #endif } #endif static void frontend_ps3_get_environment_settings(int *argc, char *argv[], void *args, void *params_data) { #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER bool original_verbose = g_extern.verbosity; g_extern.verbosity = true; #endif (void)args; #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER #if defined(HAVE_LOGGER) logger_init(); #elif defined(HAVE_FILE_LOGGER) g_extern.log_file = fopen("/retroarch-log.txt", "w"); #endif #endif int ret; unsigned int get_type; unsigned int get_attributes; CellGameContentSize size; char dirName[CELL_GAME_DIRNAME_SIZE]; char contentInfoPath[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; #ifdef HAVE_MULTIMAN /* not launched from external launcher, set default path */ // second param is multiMAN SELF file if(path_file_exists(argv[2]) && *argc > 1 && (strcmp(argv[2], EMULATOR_CONTENT_DIR) == 0)) { multiman_detected = true; RARCH_LOG("Started from multiMAN, auto-game start enabled.\n"); } else #endif #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER if (*argc > 1 && argv[1] != NULL && argv[1][0] != '\0') { static char path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; *path = '\0'; struct rarch_main_wrap *args = (struct rarch_main_wrap*)params_data; if (args) { strlcpy(path, argv[1], sizeof(path)); args->touched = true; args->no_content = false; args->verbose = false; args->config_path = NULL; args->sram_path = NULL; args->state_path = NULL; args->content_path = path; args->libretro_path = NULL; RARCH_LOG("argv[0]: %s\n", argv[0]); RARCH_LOG("argv[1]: %s\n", argv[1]); RARCH_LOG("argv[2]: %s\n", argv[2]); RARCH_LOG("Auto-start game %s.\n", argv[1]); } } else RARCH_WARN("Started from Salamander, auto-game start disabled.\n"); #endif memset(&size, 0x00, sizeof(CellGameContentSize)); ret = cellGameBootCheck(&get_type, &get_attributes, &size, dirName); if(ret < 0) { RARCH_ERR("cellGameBootCheck() Error: 0x%x.\n", ret); } else { RARCH_LOG("cellGameBootCheck() OK.\n"); RARCH_LOG("Directory name: [%s].\n", dirName); RARCH_LOG(" HDD Free Size (in KB) = [%d] Size (in KB) = [%d] System Size (in KB) = [%d].\n", size.hddFreeSizeKB, size.sizeKB, size.sysSizeKB); switch(get_type) { case CELL_GAME_GAMETYPE_DISC: RARCH_LOG("RetroArch was launched on Optical Disc Drive.\n"); break; case CELL_GAME_GAMETYPE_HDD: RARCH_LOG("RetroArch was launched on HDD.\n"); break; } if((get_attributes & CELL_GAME_ATTRIBUTE_APP_HOME) == CELL_GAME_ATTRIBUTE_APP_HOME) RARCH_LOG("RetroArch was launched from host machine (APP_HOME).\n"); ret = cellGameContentPermit(contentInfoPath, g_defaults.port_dir); #ifdef HAVE_MULTIMAN if (multiman_detected) { fill_pathname_join(contentInfoPath, "/dev_hdd0/game/", EMULATOR_CONTENT_DIR, sizeof(contentInfoPath)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.port_dir, contentInfoPath, "USRDIR", sizeof(g_defaults.port_dir)); } #endif if(ret < 0) RARCH_ERR("cellGameContentPermit() Error: 0x%x\n", ret); else { RARCH_LOG("cellGameContentPermit() OK.\n"); RARCH_LOG("contentInfoPath : [%s].\n", contentInfoPath); RARCH_LOG("usrDirPath : [%s].\n", g_defaults.port_dir); } fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.core_dir, g_defaults.port_dir, "cores", sizeof(g_defaults.core_dir)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.core_info_dir, g_defaults.port_dir, "cores", sizeof(g_defaults.core_info_dir)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.savestate_dir, g_defaults.core_dir, "savestates", sizeof(g_defaults.savestate_dir)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.sram_dir, g_defaults.core_dir, "savefiles", sizeof(g_defaults.sram_dir)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.system_dir, g_defaults.core_dir, "system", sizeof(g_defaults.system_dir)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.shader_dir, g_defaults.core_dir, "shaders_cg", sizeof(g_defaults.shader_dir)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.config_path, g_defaults.port_dir, "retroarch.cfg", sizeof(g_defaults.config_path)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.overlay_dir, g_defaults.core_dir, "overlays", sizeof(g_defaults.overlay_dir)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.assets_dir, g_defaults.core_dir, "media", sizeof(g_defaults.assets_dir)); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.playlist_dir, g_defaults.core_dir, "playlists", sizeof(g_defaults.playlist_dir)); } #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER g_extern.verbosity = original_verbose; #endif } static void frontend_ps3_init(void *data) { (void)data; #ifdef HAVE_SYSUTILS RARCH_LOG("Registering system utility callback...\n"); cellSysutilRegisterCallback(0, callback_sysutil_exit, NULL); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYSMODULES #ifdef HAVE_FREETYPE cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_FONT); cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_FREETYPE); cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_FONTFT); #endif cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_IO); cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_FS); #ifndef __PSL1GHT__ cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_GAME); #endif #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER #ifndef __PSL1GHT__ cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_AVCONF_EXT); #endif cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_PNGDEC); cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_JPGDEC); #endif cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_NET); cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_NP); #endif #ifndef __PSL1GHT__ sys_net_initialize_network(); sceNpInit(NP_POOL_SIZE, np_pool); #endif #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER #if (CELL_SDK_VERSION > 0x340000) && !defined(__PSL1GHT__) #ifdef HAVE_SYSMODULES cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_SCREENSHOT); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYSUTILS CellScreenShotSetParam screenshot_param = {0, 0, 0, 0}; screenshot_param.photo_title = "RetroArch PS3"; screenshot_param.game_title = "RetroArch PS3"; cellScreenShotSetParameter (&screenshot_param); cellScreenShotEnable(); #endif #endif #endif } static void frontend_ps3_deinit(void *data) { (void)data; #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER #if defined(HAVE_SYSMODULES) #ifdef HAVE_FREETYPE /* Freetype font PRX */ cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_FONTFT); cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_FREETYPE); cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_FONT); #endif #ifndef __PSL1GHT__ /* screenshot PRX */ cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_SCREENSHOT); #endif cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_JPGDEC); cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_PNGDEC); #ifndef __PSL1GHT__ /* system game utility PRX */ cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_AVCONF_EXT); cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_GAME); #endif #endif #endif } static void frontend_ps3_exec(const char *path, bool should_load_game); static void frontend_ps3_set_fork(bool exit, bool start_game) { exit_spawn = exitspawn; exitspawn_start_game = start_game; } static void frontend_ps3_exitspawn(char *core_path, size_t core_path_size) { #ifdef HAVE_RARCH_EXEC bool should_load_game = false; #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER bool original_verbose = g_extern.verbosity; g_extern.verbosity = true; should_load_game = exitspawn_start_game; if (!exit_spawn) return; #endif frontend_ps3_exec(core_path, should_load_game); #ifdef IS_SALAMANDER cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_GAME); cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_FS); cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_IO); #else #endif #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER g_extern.verbosity = original_verbose; #endif #endif } #include <stdio.h> #include <cell/sysmodule.h> #include <sys/process.h> #include <sysutil/sysutil_common.h> #include <netex/net.h> #include <np.h> #include <np/drm.h> #include "../../retroarch_logger.h" static void frontend_ps3_exec(const char *path, bool should_load_game) { (void)should_load_game; char spawn_data[256]; #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER bool original_verbose = g_extern.verbosity; g_extern.verbosity = true; char game_path[256]; game_path[0] = '\0'; #endif RARCH_LOG("Attempt to load executable: [%s].\n", path); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(spawn_data); ++i) spawn_data[i] = i & 0xff; SceNpDrmKey * k_licensee = NULL; int ret; #ifdef IS_SALAMANDER const char * const spawn_argv[] = { NULL}; ret = sceNpDrmProcessExitSpawn2(k_licensee, path, (const char** const)spawn_argv, NULL, (sys_addr_t)spawn_data, 256, 1000, SYS_PROCESS_PRIMARY_STACK_SIZE_1M); if(ret < 0) { RARCH_WARN("SELF file is not of NPDRM type, trying another approach to boot it...\n"); sys_game_process_exitspawn(path, (const char** const)spawn_argv, NULL, NULL, 0, 1000, SYS_PROCESS_PRIMARY_STACK_SIZE_1M); } #else if (should_load_game && g_extern.fullpath[0] != '\0') { strlcpy(game_path, g_extern.fullpath, sizeof(game_path)); const char * const spawn_argv[] = { game_path, NULL }; ret = sceNpDrmProcessExitSpawn2(k_licensee, path, (const char** const)spawn_argv, NULL, (sys_addr_t)spawn_data, 256, 1000, SYS_PROCESS_PRIMARY_STACK_SIZE_1M); if(ret < 0) { RARCH_WARN("SELF file is not of NPDRM type, trying another approach to boot it...\n"); sys_game_process_exitspawn(path, (const char** const)spawn_argv, NULL, NULL, 0, 1000, SYS_PROCESS_PRIMARY_STACK_SIZE_1M); } } else { const char * const spawn_argv[] = {NULL}; ret = sceNpDrmProcessExitSpawn2(k_licensee, path, (const char** const)spawn_argv, NULL, (sys_addr_t)spawn_data, 256, 1000, SYS_PROCESS_PRIMARY_STACK_SIZE_1M); if(ret < 0) { RARCH_WARN("SELF file is not of NPDRM type, trying another approach to boot it...\n"); sys_game_process_exitspawn(path, (const char** const)spawn_argv, NULL, NULL, 0, 1000, SYS_PROCESS_PRIMARY_STACK_SIZE_1M); } } #endif sceNpTerm(); sys_net_finalize_network(); cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_NP); cellSysmoduleUnloadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_NET); #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER g_extern.verbosity = original_verbose; #endif } static int frontend_ps3_get_rating(void) { return 10; } const frontend_ctx_driver_t frontend_ctx_ps3 = { frontend_ps3_get_environment_settings, /* get_environment_settings */ frontend_ps3_init, /* init */ frontend_ps3_deinit, /* deinit */ frontend_ps3_exitspawn, /* exitspawn */ NULL, /* process_args */ frontend_ps3_exec, /* exec */ frontend_ps3_set_fork, /* set_fork */ NULL, /* shutdown */ NULL, /* get_name */ frontend_ps3_get_rating, /* get_rating */ NULL, /* load_content */ "ps3", };