/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 - Jean-André Santoni * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 - Andre Leiradella * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 - natinusala * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include "../gfx_widgets.h" #include "../gfx_animation.h" #include "../gfx_display.h" /* Constants */ #define VOLUME_DURATION 3000 enum gfx_widget_volume_icon { ICON_MED = 0, ICON_MAX, ICON_MIN, ICON_MUTE, ICON_LAST }; static const char* const ICONS_NAMES[ICON_LAST] = { "menu_volume_med.png", "menu_volume_max.png", "menu_volume_min.png", "menu_volume_mute.png", }; /* Widget state */ struct gfx_widget_volume_state { uintptr_t tag; uintptr_t textures[ICON_LAST]; unsigned widget_width; unsigned widget_height; float bar_background[16]; float bar_normal[16]; float bar_loud[16]; float bar_loudest[16]; float alpha; float text_alpha; float db; float percent; float timer; /* float alignment */ bool mute; }; typedef struct gfx_widget_volume_state gfx_widget_volume_state_t; static gfx_widget_volume_state_t p_w_volume_st = { (uintptr_t) &p_w_volume_st, {0}, 0, 0, COLOR_HEX_TO_FLOAT(0x1A1A1A, 1.0f), COLOR_HEX_TO_FLOAT(0x198AC6, 1.0f), COLOR_HEX_TO_FLOAT(0xF5DD19, 1.0f), COLOR_HEX_TO_FLOAT(0xC23B22, 1.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, false }; static void gfx_widget_volume_frame(void* data, void *user_data) { static float pure_white[16] = { 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, }; gfx_widget_volume_state_t *state = &p_w_volume_st; if (state->alpha > 0.0f) { char msg[255]; char percentage_msg[255]; video_frame_info_t *video_info = (video_frame_info_t*)data; dispgfx_widget_t *p_dispwidget = (dispgfx_widget_t*)user_data; gfx_widget_font_data_t *font_regular = &p_dispwidget->gfx_widget_fonts.regular; void *userdata = video_info->userdata; unsigned video_width = video_info->width; unsigned video_height = video_info->height; unsigned padding = p_dispwidget->simple_widget_padding; float* backdrop_orig = p_dispwidget->backdrop_orig; uintptr_t volume_icon = 0; unsigned icon_size = state->textures[ICON_MED] ? state->widget_height : padding; unsigned text_color = COLOR_TEXT_ALPHA(0xffffffff, (unsigned)(state->text_alpha*255.0f)); unsigned text_color_db = COLOR_TEXT_ALPHA(TEXT_COLOR_FAINT, (unsigned)(state->text_alpha*255.0f)); unsigned bar_x = icon_size; unsigned bar_height = font_regular->line_height / 2; unsigned bar_width = state->widget_width - bar_x - padding; unsigned bar_y = state->widget_height / 2 + bar_height; float *bar_background = NULL; float *bar_foreground = NULL; float bar_percentage = 0.0f; gfx_display_t *p_disp = (gfx_display_t*)video_info->disp_userdata; gfx_display_ctx_driver_t *dispctx = p_disp->dispctx; /* Note: Volume + percentage text has no component * that extends below the baseline, so we shift * the text down by the font descender to achieve * better spacing */ unsigned volume_text_y = (bar_y / 2.0f) + font_regular->line_centre_offset + font_regular->line_descender; msg[0] = '\0'; percentage_msg[0] = '\0'; if (state->mute) volume_icon = state->textures[ICON_MUTE]; else if (state->percent <= 1.0f) { if (state->percent <= 0.5f) volume_icon = state->textures[ICON_MIN]; else volume_icon = state->textures[ICON_MED]; bar_background = state->bar_background; bar_foreground = state->bar_normal; bar_percentage = state->percent; } else if (state->percent > 1.0f && state->percent <= 2.0f) { volume_icon = state->textures[ICON_MAX]; bar_background = state->bar_normal; bar_foreground = state->bar_loud; bar_percentage = state->percent - 1.0f; } else { volume_icon = state->textures[ICON_MAX]; bar_background = state->bar_loud; bar_foreground = state->bar_loudest; bar_percentage = state->percent - 2.0f; } if (bar_percentage > 1.0f) bar_percentage = 1.0f; /* Backdrop */ gfx_display_set_alpha(backdrop_orig, state->alpha); gfx_display_draw_quad( p_disp, userdata, video_width, video_height, 0, 0, state->widget_width, state->widget_height, video_width, video_height, backdrop_orig, NULL ); /* Icon */ if (volume_icon) { gfx_display_set_alpha(pure_white, state->text_alpha); if (dispctx && dispctx->blend_begin) dispctx->blend_begin(userdata); gfx_widgets_draw_icon( userdata, p_disp, video_width, video_height, icon_size, icon_size, volume_icon, 0, 0, 0.0f, /* rad */ 1.0f, /* cos(rad) = cos(0) = 1.0f */ 0.0f, /* sine(rad) = sine(0) = 0.0f */ pure_white ); if (dispctx && dispctx->blend_end) dispctx->blend_end(userdata); } if (state->mute) { if (!state->textures[ICON_MUTE]) { const char *text = msg_hash_to_str(MSG_AUDIO_MUTED); gfx_widgets_draw_text(font_regular, text, state->widget_width / 2, state->widget_height / 2.0f + font_regular->line_centre_offset, video_width, video_height, text_color, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, true); } } else { /* Bar */ gfx_display_set_alpha(bar_background, state->text_alpha); gfx_display_set_alpha(bar_foreground, state->text_alpha); gfx_display_draw_quad( p_disp, userdata, video_width, video_height, bar_x + bar_percentage * bar_width, bar_y, bar_width - bar_percentage * bar_width, bar_height, video_width, video_height, bar_background, NULL ); gfx_display_draw_quad( p_disp, userdata, video_width, video_height, bar_x, bar_y, bar_percentage * bar_width, bar_height, video_width, video_height, bar_foreground, NULL ); /* Text */ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), (state->db >= 0 ? "+%.1f dB" : "%.1f dB"), state->db); snprintf(percentage_msg, sizeof(percentage_msg), "%d%%", (int)(state->percent * 100.0f)); gfx_widgets_draw_text(font_regular, msg, state->widget_width - padding, volume_text_y, video_width, video_height, text_color_db, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, false); gfx_widgets_draw_text(font_regular, percentage_msg, icon_size, volume_text_y, video_width, video_height, text_color, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, false); } } } static void gfx_widget_volume_timer_end(void *userdata) { gfx_animation_ctx_entry_t entry; gfx_widget_volume_state_t *state = &p_w_volume_st; entry.cb = NULL; entry.duration = MSG_QUEUE_ANIMATION_DURATION; entry.easing_enum = EASING_OUT_QUAD; entry.subject = &state->alpha; entry.tag = state->tag; entry.target_value = 0.0f; entry.userdata = NULL; gfx_animation_push(&entry); entry.subject = &state->text_alpha; gfx_animation_push(&entry); } void gfx_widget_volume_update_and_show(float new_volume, bool mute) { gfx_timer_ctx_entry_t entry; gfx_widget_volume_state_t *state = &p_w_volume_st; gfx_animation_kill_by_tag(&state->tag); state->db = new_volume; state->percent = pow(10, new_volume/20); state->alpha = DEFAULT_BACKDROP; state->text_alpha = 1.0f; state->mute = mute; entry.cb = gfx_widget_volume_timer_end; entry.duration = VOLUME_DURATION; entry.userdata = NULL; gfx_animation_timer_start(&state->timer, &entry); } static void gfx_widget_volume_layout( void *data, bool is_threaded, const char *dir_assets, char *font_path) { dispgfx_widget_t *p_dispwidget = (dispgfx_widget_t*)data; gfx_widget_volume_state_t *state = &p_w_volume_st; unsigned last_video_width = p_dispwidget->last_video_width; gfx_widget_font_data_t *font_regular = &p_dispwidget->gfx_widget_fonts.regular; state->widget_height = font_regular->line_height * 4; state->widget_width = state->widget_height * 4; /* Volume widget cannot exceed screen width * > If it does, scale it down */ if (state->widget_width > last_video_width) { state->widget_width = last_video_width; state->widget_height = state->widget_width / 4; } } static void gfx_widget_volume_context_reset(bool is_threaded, unsigned width, unsigned height, bool fullscreen, const char *dir_assets, char *font_path, char* menu_png_path, char* widgets_png_path) { size_t i; gfx_widget_volume_state_t *state = &p_w_volume_st; for (i = 0; i < ICON_LAST; i++) gfx_display_reset_textures_list(ICONS_NAMES[i], menu_png_path, &state->textures[i], TEXTURE_FILTER_MIPMAP_LINEAR, NULL, NULL); } static void gfx_widget_volume_context_destroy(void) { size_t i; gfx_widget_volume_state_t *state = &p_w_volume_st; for (i = 0; i < ICON_LAST; i++) video_driver_texture_unload(&state->textures[i]); } static void gfx_widget_volume_free(void) { gfx_widget_volume_state_t *state = &p_w_volume_st; /* Kill all running animations */ gfx_animation_kill_by_tag(&state->tag); state->alpha = 0.0f; } const gfx_widget_t gfx_widget_volume = { NULL, /* init */ gfx_widget_volume_free, gfx_widget_volume_context_reset, gfx_widget_volume_context_destroy, gfx_widget_volume_layout, NULL, /* iterate */ gfx_widget_volume_frame };