#include #include "rgl.h" #include "private.h" #include #ifdef __PSL1GHT__ #include #else #include #include #include #endif #include "../../../ps3/sdk_defines.h" #ifdef __PSL1GHT__ #include #else #include #include #endif #include "../../../general.h" #ifndef __PSL1GHT__ using namespace cell::Gcm; #endif #define _RGL_MAX_TILED_REGIONS 15 #define _RGL_TILED_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT 0x10000 #define _RGL_TILED_BUFFER_HEIGHT_ALIGNMENT 64 #define FIFO_SIZE (65536) #define _RGL_DMA_PUSH_BUFFER_PREFETCH_PADDING 0x1000 #define RGL_UTIL_LABEL_INDEX 253 extern void _RGLFifoGlSetRenderTarget( RGLRenderTargetEx const * const args ); typedef struct { int id; GLuint offset; GLuint size; GLuint pitch; GLuint bank; } jsTiledRegion; typedef struct { jsTiledRegion region[_RGL_MAX_TILED_REGIONS]; } jsTiledMemoryManager; PSGLdevice *_CurrentDevice = NULL; static GLboolean _RGLDuringDestroyDevice = GL_FALSE; static jsTiledMemoryManager _RGLTiledMemoryManager; static RGLResource _RGLResource; static sys_semaphore_t FlipSem; static volatile uint32_t *labelAddress = NULL; static const uint32_t WaitLabelIndex = 111; extern GLuint nvFenceCounter; RGLState _RGLState; typedef struct { int width; int height; unsigned char hwMode; } VideoMode; static const VideoMode sysutilModes[] = { {720, 480, CELL_VIDEO_OUT_RESOLUTION_480}, {720, 576, CELL_VIDEO_OUT_RESOLUTION_576}, {1280, 720, CELL_VIDEO_OUT_RESOLUTION_720}, {960, 1080, CELL_VIDEO_OUT_RESOLUTION_960x1080}, {1280, 1080, CELL_VIDEO_OUT_RESOLUTION_1280x1080}, {1440, 1080, CELL_VIDEO_OUT_RESOLUTION_1440x1080}, {1600, 1080, CELL_VIDEO_OUT_RESOLUTION_1600x1080}, {1920, 1080, CELL_VIDEO_OUT_RESOLUTION_1080}, }; static unsigned int validPitch[] = { 0x0200, 0x0300, 0x0400, 0x0500, 0x0600, 0x0700, 0x0800, 0x0A00, 0x0C00, 0x0D00, 0x0E00, 0x1000, 0x1400, 0x1800, 0x1A00, 0x1C00, 0x2000, 0x2800, 0x3000, 0x3400, 0x3800, 0x4000, 0x5000, 0x6000, 0x6800, 0x7000, 0x8000, 0xA000, 0xC000, 0xD000, 0xE000, 0x10000, }; static const unsigned int validPitchCount = sizeof( validPitch ) / sizeof( validPitch[0] ); static const int sysutilModeCount = sizeof( sysutilModes ) / sizeof( sysutilModes[0] ); static inline void _RGLPrintIt( unsigned int v ) { printf( "%02x %02x %02x %02x : ", ( v >> 24 )&0xff, ( v >> 16 )&0xff, ( v >> 8 )&0xff, v&0xff ); for ( unsigned int mask = ( 0x1 << 31 ), i = 1; mask != 0; mask >>= 1, i++ ) printf("%d%s", ( v & mask ) ? 1 : 0, ( i % 8 == 0 ) ? " " : ""); printf( "\n" ); } static inline void _RGLPrintFifoFromPut(unsigned int numWords) { for ( int i = -numWords; i <= -1; i++ ) _RGLPrintIt((( uint32_t* )_RGLState.fifo.current )[i]); } static inline void _RGLPrintFifoFromGet(unsigned int numWords) { for ( int i = -numWords; i <= -1; i++) _RGLPrintIt((( uint32_t* )_RGLState.fifo.lastGetRead )[i]); } static GLuint _RGLFifoReadReference(RGLFifo *fifo) { GLuint ref = *((volatile GLuint *) & fifo->dmaControl->Reference ); fifo->lastHWReferenceRead = ref; return ref; } static GLboolean _RGLFifoReferenceInUse(RGLFifo *fifo, GLuint reference) { if (!((fifo->lastHWReferenceRead - reference) & 0x80000000)) return GL_FALSE; if ((fifo->lastSWReferenceFlushed - reference) & 0x80000000) _RGLFifoFlush( fifo ); _RGLFifoReadReference( fifo ); if (!((fifo->lastHWReferenceRead - reference) & 0x80000000)) return GL_FALSE; return GL_TRUE; } static GLuint _RGLFifoPutReference(RGLFifo *fifo) { fifo->lastSWReferenceWritten++; cellGcmSetReferenceCommandInline(&_RGLState.fifo, fifo->lastSWReferenceWritten); if ((fifo->lastSWReferenceWritten & 0x7fffffff) == 0) _RGLFifoFinish(fifo); return fifo->lastSWReferenceWritten; } void _RGLFifoFinish(RGLFifo *fifo) { GLuint ref = _RGLFifoPutReference(fifo); _RGLFifoFlush( fifo ); for (;;) { if (!_RGLFifoReferenceInUse(fifo, ref)) break; } } static void _RGLFifoInit(RGLFifo *fifo, void *dmaControl, unsigned long dmaPushBufferOffset, uint32_t *dmaPushBuffer, GLuint dmaPushBufferSize) { fifo->fifoBlockSize = DEFAULT_FIFO_BLOCK_SIZE; fifo->begin = ( uint32_t * ) dmaPushBuffer; fifo->end = fifo->begin + ( fifo->fifoBlockSize / sizeof( uint32_t ) ) - 1; fifo->current = fifo->begin; fifo->lastGetRead = fifo->current; fifo->lastPutWritten = fifo->current; fifo->dmaPushBufferBegin = dmaPushBuffer; fifo->dmaPushBufferEnd = ( uint32_t * )(( size_t )dmaPushBuffer + dmaPushBufferSize ) - 1; fifo->dmaControl = ( RGLControlDma* )dmaControl; fifo->dmaPushBufferOffset = dmaPushBufferOffset; fifo->dmaPushBufferSizeInWords = dmaPushBufferSize / sizeof( uint32_t ); fifo->lastHWReferenceRead = 0; fifo->lastSWReferenceWritten = 0; fifo->lastSWReferenceFlushed = 0; gCellGcmCurrentContext = fifo; gCellGcmCurrentContext->callback = ( CellGcmContextCallback )_RGLOutOfSpaceCallback; if ( _RGLFifoReadReference( fifo ) != 0 ) { cellGcmSetReferenceCommandInline ( &_RGLState.fifo, 0); _RGLFifoFlush( fifo ); for ( ;; ) { if ( _RGLFifoReadReference( fifo ) == 0 ) break; } } fifo->dmaPushBufferGPU = dmaPushBuffer; fifo->spuid = 0; } static GLboolean _RGLInitFromRM( RGLResource *rmResource ) { RGLState *RGLSt = &_RGLState; RGLInterpolantState *s = &_RGLState.state.interpolant; RGLBlendState *blend = &_RGLState.state.blend; GLfloat ref; GLuint i, hwColor; ref = 0.0f; memset( RGLSt, 0, sizeof( *RGLSt ) ); RGLSt->localAddress = rmResource->localAddress; RGLSt->hostMemoryBase = rmResource->hostMemoryBase; RGLSt->hostMemorySize = rmResource->hostMemorySize; RGLSt->semaphores = rmResource->semaphores; _RGLFifoInit( &RGLSt->fifo, rmResource->dmaControl, rmResource->dmaPushBufferOffset, ( uint32_t * )rmResource->dmaPushBuffer, rmResource->dmaPushBufferSize ); _RGLFifoFinish( &RGLSt->fifo ); RGL_CALC_COLOR_LE_ARGB8( &hwColor, RGL_CLAMPF_01(0.0f), RGL_CLAMPF_01(0.0f), RGL_CLAMPF_01(0.0f), RGL_CLAMPF_01(0.0f) ); blend->alphaFunc = CELL_GCM_ALWAYS; blend->alphaRef = ref; ref = RGL_CLAMPF_01(ref); cellGcmSetAlphaFuncInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_ALWAYS, RGL_QUICK_FLOAT2UINT( ref * 255.0f )); cellGcmSetBlendColorInline( &_RGLState.fifo, hwColor, hwColor); cellGcmSetBlendEquationInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FUNC_ADD, CELL_GCM_FUNC_ADD ); cellGcmSetBlendFuncInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_ONE, CELL_GCM_ZERO, CELL_GCM_ONE, CELL_GCM_ZERO ); cellGcmSetClearColorInline( &_RGLState.fifo, hwColor); cellGcmSetAlphaTestEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetBlendEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetAlphaTestEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetBlendEnableMrtInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE, CELL_GCM_FALSE, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetLogicOpEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetCullFaceEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetCullFaceEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetDepthBoundsTestEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetDepthTestEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetPolygonOffsetFillEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetPolygonOffsetLineEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetRestartIndexEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetFragmentProgramGammaEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetScissorInline( &_RGLState.fifo, 0, 0, 4095, 4095); cellGcmSetStencilTestEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetTwoSidedStencilTestEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetTwoSideLightEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetVertexAttribOutputMaskInline( &_RGLState.fifo, s->vertexProgramAttribMask & s->fragmentProgramAttribMask); cellGcmSetPointSpriteControlInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE, 1, 0); cellGcmSetFrequencyDividerOperationInline( &_RGLState.fifo, 0); cellGcmSetRestartIndexInline( &_RGLState.fifo, 0); cellGcmSetShadeModeInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_SMOOTH); for (i = 0; i < CELL_GCM_MAX_TEXIMAGE_COUNT; i++) { cellGcmSetTextureAddressInline( &_RGLState.fifo, i, CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_WRAP, CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_WRAP, CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_UNSIGNED_REMAP_NORMAL, CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_ZFUNC_NEVER, 0 ); cellGcmSetTextureFilterInline( &_RGLState.fifo, i, 0, CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_NEAREST_LINEAR, CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_LINEAR, CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_CONVOLUTION_QUINCUNX ); cellGcmSetTextureControlInline( &_RGLState.fifo, i, CELL_GCM_TRUE, 0, 12 << 8, CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISO_1 ); } _RGLFifoGlViewport( 0, 0, CELL_GCM_MAX_RT_DIMENSION, CELL_GCM_MAX_RT_DIMENSION, 0.0f, 1.0f ); _RGLFifoFinish( &RGLSt->fifo ); return GL_TRUE; } GLboolean _RGLInit(PSGLinitOptions* options, RGLResource *resource) { if (!_RGLInitFromRM(resource)) { RARCH_ERR("RGL GCM failed initialisation.\n"); return GL_FALSE; } if ( gmmInit( resource->localAddress, resource->localAddress, resource->localSize, resource->hostMemoryBase, resource->hostMemoryBase + resource->hostMemoryReserved, resource->hostMemorySize - resource->hostMemoryReserved ) == GMM_ERROR ) { RARCH_ERR("Could not initialize GPU memory manager.\n"); _RGLDestroy(); return GL_FALSE; } _RGLState.semaphores->userSemaphores[_RGL_SEMA_FENCE].val = nvFenceCounter; _RGLState.labelValue = 1; return GL_TRUE; } void _RGLDestroy(void) { RGLState *RGLSt = &_RGLState; memset( RGLSt, 0, sizeof( *RGLSt ) ); } static inline int rescIsEnabled(PSGLdeviceParameters* params) { return params->enable & ( PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_RESC_RENDER_WIDTH_HEIGHT | PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_RESC_RATIO_MODE | PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_RESC_PAL_TEMPORAL_MODE | PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_RESC_INTERLACE_MODE | PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_RESC_ADJUST_ASPECT_RATIO ); } static inline const VideoMode *findModeByResolution(int width, int height) { for (int i = 0; i < sysutilModeCount; ++i) { const VideoMode *vm = sysutilModes + i; if (( vm->width == width ) && ( vm->height == height ) ) return vm; } return NULL; } static const VideoMode *findModeByEnum( GLenum TVStandard ) { const VideoMode *vm = NULL; switch ( TVStandard ) { case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_NTSC_M: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_NTSC_J: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_HD480P: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_HD480I: vm = &(sysutilModes[0]); break; case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_PAL_M: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_PAL_B: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_PAL_D: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_PAL_G: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_PAL_H: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_PAL_I: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_PAL_N: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_PAL_NC: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_HD576I: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_HD576P: vm = &(sysutilModes[1]); break; case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_HD720P: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_1280x720_ON_VESA_1280x768: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_1280x720_ON_VESA_1280x1024: vm = &(sysutilModes[2]); break; case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_HD1080I: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_HD1080P: case PSGL_TV_STANDARD_1920x1080_ON_VESA_1920x1200: vm = &(sysutilModes[3]); break; default: vm = &(sysutilModes[2]); break; } return vm; } static VideoMode _sysutilDetectedVideoMode; const VideoMode *_RGLDetectVideoMode (void) { CellVideoOutState videoState; int ret = cellVideoOutGetState( CELL_VIDEO_OUT_PRIMARY, 0, &videoState ); if ( ret < 0 ) { RARCH_WARN("Couldn't read the video configuration, using a default 720p resolution.\n"); videoState.displayMode.scanMode = CELL_VIDEO_OUT_SCAN_MODE_PROGRESSIVE; videoState.displayMode.resolutionId = CELL_VIDEO_OUT_RESOLUTION_720; } CellVideoOutResolution resolution; cellVideoOutGetResolution( videoState.displayMode.resolutionId, &resolution ); _sysutilDetectedVideoMode.width = resolution.width; _sysutilDetectedVideoMode.height = resolution.height; _sysutilDetectedVideoMode.hwMode = videoState.displayMode.resolutionId; return &_sysutilDetectedVideoMode; } static void _RGLFlipCallbackFunction(const uint32_t head) { int res = sys_semaphore_post(FlipSem,1); (void)res; } static void _RGLVblankCallbackFunction(const uint32_t head) { (void)head; int status = *labelAddress; switch(status) { case 2: if (cellGcmGetFlipStatus() == 0) { cellGcmResetFlipStatus(); *labelAddress=1; } break; case 1: *labelAddress = 0; break; default: break; } } static void _RGLRescVblankCallbackFunction(const uint32_t head) { (void)head; int status = *labelAddress; switch(status) { case 2: if (cellRescGetFlipStatus() == 0) { cellRescResetFlipStatus(); *labelAddress=1; } break; case 1: *labelAddress = 0; break; default: break; } } static unsigned int findValidPitch( unsigned int pitch ) { if ( pitch <= validPitch[0] ) return validPitch[0]; else { for ( GLuint i = 0;i < validPitchCount - 1;++i ) if (( pitch > validPitch[i] ) && ( pitch <= validPitch[i+1] ) ) return validPitch[i+1]; return validPitch[validPitchCount-1]; } } int32_t _RGLOutOfSpaceCallback( struct CellGcmContextData* fifoContext, uint32_t spaceInWords ) { uint32_t *nextbegin, *nextend, nextbeginoffset, nextendoffset; RGLFifo * fifo = &_RGLState.fifo; cellGcmFlushUnsafeInline((CellGcmContextData*)fifo); uint32_t * tmp = ( uint32_t * )(( char* )fifo->dmaPushBufferBegin - fifo->dmaPushBufferOffset + ( *(( volatile GLuint* ) & fifo->dmaControl->Get ) ) ); if (( tmp >= fifo->begin ) && ( tmp <= fifo->end ) ) fifo->lastGetRead = tmp; if(fifo->end != fifo->dmaPushBufferEnd) { nextbegin = (uint32_t *)fifo->end + 1; nextend = nextbegin + fifo->fifoBlockSize/sizeof(uint32_t) - 1; } else { nextbegin = (uint32_t *)fifo->dmaPushBufferBegin; nextend = nextbegin + (fifo->fifoBlockSize)/sizeof(uint32_t) - 1; } cellGcmAddressToOffset(nextbegin, &nextbeginoffset); cellGcmAddressToOffset(nextend, &nextendoffset); cellGcmSetJumpCommandUnsafeInline((CellGcmContextData*)fifo, nextbeginoffset); fifo->begin = nextbegin; fifo->current = nextbegin; fifo->end = nextend; const GLuint nopsAtBegin = 8; uint32_t get = fifo->dmaControl->Get; while(((get >= nextbeginoffset) && (get <= nextendoffset)) || (get < fifo->dmaPushBufferOffset) || (get > fifo->dmaPushBufferOffset + fifo->dmaPushBufferSizeInWords*sizeof(uint32_t))) { get = fifo->dmaControl->Get; } for(GLuint i = 0; i < nopsAtBegin; i++) { fifo->current[0] = RGL_NOP; fifo->current++; } return CELL_OK; }; void _RGLGraphicsHandler( const uint32_t head ) { RGLFifo *fifo = &_RGLState.fifo; uint32_t *tmp = ( uint32_t * )(( char* )fifo->dmaPushBufferBegin - fifo->dmaPushBufferOffset + ( *(( volatile GLuint* ) & fifo->dmaControl->Get ) ) ); if (( tmp >= fifo->begin ) && ( tmp <= fifo->end ) ) fifo->lastGetRead = tmp; RARCH_ERR("Current PSGL FIFO info:\n" ); RARCH_ERR("FIFO Begin %p End %p Current %p and Get %p \n", _RGLState.fifo.begin, _RGLState.fifo.end, _RGLState.fifo.current, _RGLState.fifo.lastGetRead ); RARCH_ERR("Last 10 words of the PSGL Fifo from the ppu put/current position \n" ); _RGLPrintFifoFromPut( 10 ); RARCH_ERR("Last 10 words of the PSGL Fifo from the gpu get position \n" ); _RGLPrintFifoFromGet( 10 ); } static int _RGLInitRM( RGLResource *gcmResource, unsigned int hostMemorySize, int inSysMem, unsigned int dmaPushBufferSize ) { memset( gcmResource, 0, sizeof( RGLResource ) ); dmaPushBufferSize = _RGLPad( dmaPushBufferSize, _RGL_HOST_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT ); gcmResource->hostMemorySize = _RGLPad( FIFO_SIZE + hostMemorySize + dmaPushBufferSize + _RGL_DMA_PUSH_BUFFER_PREFETCH_PADDING + (RGL_LM_MAX_TOTAL_QUERIES * sizeof( GLuint )), 1 << 20 ); if ( gcmResource->hostMemorySize > 0 ) gcmResource->hostMemoryBase = ( char * )memalign( 1 << 20, gcmResource->hostMemorySize ); if ( cellGcmInit(FIFO_SIZE, gcmResource->hostMemorySize, gcmResource->hostMemoryBase ) != 0 ) { RARCH_ERR("RSXIF failed initialization.\n"); return GL_FALSE; } cellGcmSetDebugOutputLevel( CELL_GCM_DEBUG_LEVEL2 ); cellGcmSetGraphicsHandler( &_RGLGraphicsHandler ); CellGcmConfig config; cellGcmGetConfiguration( &config ); gcmResource->localAddress = ( char * )config.localAddress; gcmResource->localSize = config.localSize; gcmResource->MemoryClock = config.memoryFrequency; gcmResource->GraphicsClock = config.coreFrequency; gcmResource->semaphores = ( RGLSemaphoreMemory * )cellGcmGetLabelAddress( 0 ); gcmResource->dmaControl = ( char* ) cellGcmGetControlRegister() - (( char * ) & (( RGLControlDma* )0 )->Put - ( char * )0 ); cellGcmFinish(1); gcmResource->hostMemorySize -= dmaPushBufferSize + _RGL_DMA_PUSH_BUFFER_PREFETCH_PADDING; gcmResource->dmaPushBuffer = gcmResource->hostMemoryBase + gcmResource->hostMemorySize; gcmResource->dmaPushBufferOffset = ( char * )gcmResource->dmaPushBuffer - ( char * )gcmResource->hostMemoryBase; gcmResource->dmaPushBufferSize = dmaPushBufferSize; gcmResource->hostMemoryReserved = FIFO_SIZE; cellGcmSetJumpCommand(( char * )gcmResource->dmaPushBuffer - ( char * )gcmResource->hostMemoryBase ); gCellGcmCurrentContext->callback = ( CellGcmContextCallback )_RGLOutOfSpaceCallback; #ifdef LOG_VERBOSE RARCH_LOG("MClk: %f Mhz NVClk: %f Mhz.\n", ( float )gcmResource->MemoryClock / 1E6, ( float )gcmResource->GraphicsClock / 1E6 ); RARCH_LOG("Video Memory: %i MB.\n", gcmResource->localSize / ( 1024*1024 ) ); RARCH_LOG("Local address mapped at %p.\n", gcmResource->localAddress ); RARCH_LOG("Push buffer at %p - %p (size = 0x%X), offset=0x%lx.\n", gcmResource->dmaPushBuffer, ( char* )gcmResource->dmaPushBuffer + gcmResource->dmaPushBufferSize, gcmResource->dmaPushBufferSize, gcmResource->dmaPushBufferOffset ); RARCH_LOG("DMA control at %p.\n", gcmResource->dmaControl ); #endif return 1; } void _RGLDeviceInit( PSGLinitOptions* options ) { GLuint fifoSize = _RGL_FIFO_SIZE_DEFAULT; GLuint hostSize = _RGL_HOST_SIZE_DEFAULT; if ( options != NULL ) { if ( options->enable & PSGL_INIT_FIFO_SIZE ) fifoSize = options->fifoSize; if ( options->enable & PSGL_INIT_HOST_MEMORY_SIZE ) hostSize = options->hostMemorySize; } if ( !_RGLInitRM( &_RGLResource, hostSize, 0, fifoSize ) ) { RARCH_ERR("RM resource failed initialization.\n" ); return; } bool retval = _RGLInit( options, &_RGLResource ); (void)retval; } static void _RGLDestroyRM( RGLResource* gcmResource ) { if ( gcmResource->hostMemoryBase ) free( gcmResource->hostMemoryBase ); memset(( void* )gcmResource, 0, sizeof( RGLResource ) ); return; } void _RGLDeviceExit() { _RGLDestroy(); _RGLDestroyRM( &_RGLResource ); } static GLuint _RGLAllocCreateRegion(GLuint size, GLint tag, void* data ) { uint32_t id = gmmAlloc(1, size); if ( id != GMM_ERROR ) { if ( _RGLTryResizeTileRegion( (GLuint)gmmIdToOffset(id), ((GmmBaseBlock *)id)->size, data ) ) gmmSetTileAttrib( id, tag, data ); else { gmmFree( id ); id = GMM_ERROR; } } return id; } GLboolean _RGLAllocateColorSurface( GLuint width, GLuint height, GLuint bitsPerPixel, GLuint *id, GLuint *pitchAllocated, GLuint *bytesAllocated ) { jsTiledMemoryManager* mm = &_RGLTiledMemoryManager; const unsigned int pitch = width * bitsPerPixel / 8; const unsigned int tiledPitch = findValidPitch( pitch ); if ( tiledPitch < pitch ) *pitchAllocated = _RGLPad( pitch, tiledPitch ); else *pitchAllocated = tiledPitch; GLuint padSize = _RGL_TILED_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT; while (( padSize % ( tiledPitch*8 ) ) != 0 ) padSize += _RGL_TILED_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT; height = _RGLPad( height, _RGL_TILED_BUFFER_HEIGHT_ALIGNMENT ); *bytesAllocated = _RGLPad(( *pitchAllocated ) * height, padSize ); const GLuint tag = *pitchAllocated | ( 0x0 ); *id = gmmAllocExtendedTileBlock(*bytesAllocated, tag); if ( *id == GMM_ERROR ) { for ( int i = 0; i < _RGL_MAX_TILED_REGIONS; ++i ) { if ( mm->region[i].size == 0 ) { mm->region[i].id = i; mm->region[i].pitch = *pitchAllocated; mm->region[i].bank = 0x0; *id = _RGLAllocCreateRegion(*bytesAllocated, tag, &mm->region[i] ); break; } } } if ( *id == GMM_ERROR ) { *bytesAllocated = 0; *pitchAllocated = 0; } else { RARCH_LOG("Allocating GPU memory (tiled): %d bytes allocated at id 0x%08x.\n", *bytesAllocated, *id ); } return *bytesAllocated > 0; } PSGLdevice* psglCreateDeviceAuto( GLenum colorFormat, GLenum depthFormat, GLenum multisamplingMode ) { PSGLdeviceParameters parameters; parameters.enable = PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_COLOR_FORMAT | PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_DEPTH_FORMAT | PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_MULTISAMPLING_MODE; parameters.colorFormat = colorFormat; parameters.depthFormat = GL_NONE; parameters.multisamplingMode = GL_MULTISAMPLING_NONE_SCE; return psglCreateDeviceExtended( ¶meters ); } static void rescInit( const PSGLdeviceParameters* params, RGLDevice *gcmDevice ) { RARCH_WARN("RESC is enabled.\n"); CellRescBufferMode dstBufferMode; if ( params->width == 720 && params->height == 480 ) dstBufferMode = CELL_RESC_720x480; else if ( params->width == 720 && params->height == 576 ) dstBufferMode = CELL_RESC_720x576; else if ( params->width == 1280 && params->height == 720 ) dstBufferMode = CELL_RESC_1280x720; else if ( params->width == 1920 && params->height == 1080 ) dstBufferMode = CELL_RESC_1920x1080; else { dstBufferMode = CELL_RESC_720x480; RARCH_ERR("Invalid display resolution for resolution conversion: %ux%u. Defaulting to 720x480...\n", params->width, params->height ); } CellRescInitConfig conf; memset( &conf, 0, sizeof( CellRescInitConfig ) ); conf.size = sizeof( CellRescInitConfig ); conf.resourcePolicy = CELL_RESC_MINIMUM_GPU_LOAD | CELL_RESC_CONSTANT_VRAM; conf.supportModes = CELL_RESC_720x480 | CELL_RESC_720x576 | CELL_RESC_1280x720 | CELL_RESC_1920x1080; conf.ratioMode = ( params->rescRatioMode == RESC_RATIO_MODE_FULLSCREEN ) ? CELL_RESC_FULLSCREEN : ( params->rescRatioMode == RESC_RATIO_MODE_PANSCAN ) ? CELL_RESC_PANSCAN : CELL_RESC_LETTERBOX; conf.palTemporalMode = ( params->rescPalTemporalMode == RESC_PAL_TEMPORAL_MODE_60_DROP ) ? CELL_RESC_PAL_60_DROP : ( params->rescPalTemporalMode == RESC_PAL_TEMPORAL_MODE_60_INTERPOLATE ) ? CELL_RESC_PAL_60_INTERPOLATE : ( params->rescPalTemporalMode == RESC_PAL_TEMPORAL_MODE_60_INTERPOLATE_30_DROP ) ? CELL_RESC_PAL_60_INTERPOLATE_30_DROP : ( params->rescPalTemporalMode == RESC_PAL_TEMPORAL_MODE_60_INTERPOLATE_DROP_FLEXIBLE ) ? CELL_RESC_PAL_60_INTERPOLATE_DROP_FLEXIBLE : CELL_RESC_PAL_50; conf.interlaceMode = ( params->rescInterlaceMode == RESC_INTERLACE_MODE_INTERLACE_FILTER ) ? CELL_RESC_INTERLACE_FILTER : CELL_RESC_NORMAL_BILINEAR; cellRescInit( &conf ); GLuint size; GLuint colorBuffersPitch; uint32_t numColorBuffers = cellRescGetNumColorBuffers( dstBufferMode, ( CellRescPalTemporalMode )conf.palTemporalMode, 0 ); _RGLAllocateColorSurface( params->width, params->height * numColorBuffers, 4*8, &(gcmDevice->RescColorBuffersId), &colorBuffersPitch, &size ); CellRescDsts dsts = { CELL_RESC_SURFACE_A8R8G8B8, colorBuffersPitch, 1 }; cellRescSetDsts( dstBufferMode, &dsts ); cellRescSetDisplayMode( dstBufferMode ); int32_t colorBuffersSize, vertexArraySize, fragmentShaderSize; cellRescGetBufferSize( &colorBuffersSize, &vertexArraySize, &fragmentShaderSize ); gcmDevice->RescVertexArrayId = gmmAlloc(0, vertexArraySize); gcmDevice->RescFragmentShaderId = gmmAlloc(0, fragmentShaderSize); cellRescSetBufferAddress( gmmIdToAddress(gcmDevice->RescColorBuffersId), gmmIdToAddress(gcmDevice->RescVertexArrayId), gmmIdToAddress(gcmDevice->RescFragmentShaderId) ); cellRescAdjustAspectRatio( params->horizontalScale, params->verticalScale ); if ((params->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_RESC_INTERLACE_MODE) && (params->rescInterlaceMode == RESC_INTERLACE_MODE_INTERLACE_FILTER)) { const unsigned int tableLength = 32; unsigned int tableSize = sizeof(uint16_t) * 4 * tableLength; void *interlaceTable = gmmIdToAddress(gmmAlloc(0, tableSize)); int32_t errorCode = cellRescCreateInterlaceTable(interlaceTable,params->renderHeight,CELL_RESC_ELEMENT_HALF,tableLength); (void)errorCode; } } static void _RGLSetDisplayMode( const VideoMode *vm, GLushort bitsPerPixel, GLuint pitch ) { CellVideoOutConfiguration videocfg; memset( &videocfg, 0, sizeof( videocfg ) ); videocfg.resolutionId = vm->hwMode; videocfg.format = ( bitsPerPixel == 32 ) ? CELL_VIDEO_OUT_BUFFER_COLOR_FORMAT_X8R8G8B8 : CELL_VIDEO_OUT_BUFFER_COLOR_FORMAT_R16G16B16X16_FLOAT; videocfg.pitch = pitch; videocfg.aspect = CELL_VIDEO_OUT_ASPECT_AUTO; cellVideoOutConfigure( CELL_VIDEO_OUT_PRIMARY, &videocfg, NULL, 0 ); } static int _RGLPlatformCreateDevice( PSGLdevice* device ) { RGLDevice *gcmDevice = ( RGLDevice * )device->platformDevice; PSGLdeviceParameters* params = &device->deviceParameters; jsTiledMemoryManager* mm = &_RGLTiledMemoryManager; _RGLDuringDestroyDevice = GL_FALSE; memset( mm->region, 0, sizeof( mm->region ) ); for ( int i = 0;i < _RGL_MAX_TILED_REGIONS;++i ) cellGcmUnbindTile( i ); const VideoMode *vm = NULL; if ( params->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_TV_STANDARD ) { vm = findModeByEnum( params->TVStandard ); if(!vm) return -1; params->width = vm->width; params->height = vm->height; } else if ( params->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_WIDTH_HEIGHT ) { vm = findModeByResolution( params->width, params->height ); if(!vm) return -1; } else { vm = _RGLDetectVideoMode(); if(!vm) return -1; params->width = vm->width; params->height = vm->height; } if ( !(params->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_RESC_RENDER_WIDTH_HEIGHT) ) { params->renderWidth = params->width; params->renderHeight = params->height; } if ( rescIsEnabled( params ) ) rescInit( params, gcmDevice ); gcmDevice->deviceType = 0; gcmDevice->TVStandard = params->TVStandard; gcmDevice->vsync = rescIsEnabled( params ) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; gcmDevice->ms = NULL; const GLuint width = params->renderWidth; const GLuint height = params->renderHeight; for ( int i = 0; i < params->bufferingMode; ++i ) { gcmDevice->color[i].source = _RGL_SURFACE_SOURCE_DEVICE; gcmDevice->color[i].width = width; gcmDevice->color[i].height = height; gcmDevice->color[i].bpp = 4; gcmDevice->color[i].format = RGL_ARGB8; gcmDevice->color[i].pool = _RGL_SURFACE_POOL_LINEAR; GLuint size; _RGLAllocateColorSurface(width, height, gcmDevice->color[i].bpp*8, &gcmDevice->color[i].dataId, &gcmDevice->color[i].pitch, &size ); } memset( &gcmDevice->rt, 0, sizeof( RGLRenderTargetEx ) ); gcmDevice->rt.colorBufferCount = 1; gcmDevice->rt.yInverted = GL_TRUE; gcmDevice->rt.width = width; gcmDevice->rt.height = height; _RGLFifoGlViewport( 0, 0, width, height ); GLuint hwColor; RGL_CALC_COLOR_LE_ARGB8( &hwColor, RGL_CLAMPF_01(0.0f), RGL_CLAMPF_01(0.0f), RGL_CLAMPF_01(0.0f), RGL_CLAMPF_01(0.0f) ); cellGcmSetClearColorInline( &_RGLState.fifo, hwColor); gcmDevice->rt.colorFormat = RGL_ARGB8; for ( int i = 0; i < params->bufferingMode; ++i ) { gcmDevice->rt.colorId[0] = gcmDevice->color[i].dataId; gcmDevice->rt.colorPitch[0] = gcmDevice->color[i].pitch; _RGLFifoGlSetRenderTarget( &gcmDevice->rt ); cellGcmSetClearSurfaceInline ( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_CLEAR_R | CELL_GCM_CLEAR_G | CELL_GCM_CLEAR_B | CELL_GCM_CLEAR_A); } gcmDevice->scanBuffer = 0; if ( params->bufferingMode == PSGL_BUFFERING_MODE_SINGLE ) gcmDevice->drawBuffer = 0; else if ( params->bufferingMode == PSGL_BUFFERING_MODE_DOUBLE ) gcmDevice->drawBuffer = 1; else if ( params->bufferingMode == PSGL_BUFFERING_MODE_TRIPLE ) gcmDevice->drawBuffer = 2; sys_semaphore_attribute_t attr; sys_semaphore_attribute_initialize(attr); sys_semaphore_value_t initial_val = 0; sys_semaphore_value_t max_val = 1; switch (device->deviceParameters.bufferingMode) { case PSGL_BUFFERING_MODE_SINGLE: initial_val = 0; max_val = 1; break; case PSGL_BUFFERING_MODE_DOUBLE: initial_val = 1; max_val = 2; break; case PSGL_BUFFERING_MODE_TRIPLE: initial_val = 2; max_val = 3; break; default: break; } int res = sys_semaphore_create(&FlipSem, &attr, initial_val, max_val); (void)res; if(rescIsEnabled(params)) cellRescSetFlipHandler(_RGLFlipCallbackFunction); else cellGcmSetFlipHandler(_RGLFlipCallbackFunction); labelAddress = (volatile uint32_t *)cellGcmGetLabelAddress(WaitLabelIndex); *labelAddress = 0; if(rescIsEnabled(params)) cellRescSetVBlankHandler(_RGLRescVblankCallbackFunction); else cellGcmSetVBlankHandler(_RGLVblankCallbackFunction); if (rescIsEnabled(params)) { for (int i = 0; i < params->bufferingMode; ++i) { CellRescSrc rescSrc; rescSrc.format = CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_A8R8G8B8 | CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_LN | CELL_GCM_TEXTURE_NR; rescSrc.pitch = gcmDevice->color[i].pitch; rescSrc.width = width; rescSrc.height = height; rescSrc.offset = gmmIdToOffset( gcmDevice->color[i].dataId ); if ( cellRescSetSrc( i, &rescSrc ) != CELL_OK ) { RARCH_ERR("Registering display buffer %d failed.\n", i ); return -1; } } } else { _RGLSetDisplayMode(vm, gcmDevice->color[0].bpp*8, gcmDevice->color[0].pitch); cellGcmSetFlipMode(gcmDevice->vsync ? CELL_GCM_DISPLAY_VSYNC : CELL_GCM_DISPLAY_HSYNC); cellGcmSetInvalidateVertexCacheInline( &_RGLState.fifo); _RGLFifoFinish( &_RGLState.fifo ); for (int i = 0; i < params->bufferingMode; ++i) { if (cellGcmSetDisplayBuffer( i, gmmIdToOffset( gcmDevice->color[i].dataId ), gcmDevice->color[i].pitch , width, height) != CELL_OK) { RARCH_ERR("Registering display buffer %d failed.\n", i ); return -1; } } } gcmDevice->swapFifoRef = _RGLFifoPutReference( &_RGLState.fifo ); gcmDevice->swapFifoRef2 = gcmDevice->swapFifoRef; return 0; } PSGLdevice* psglCreateDeviceExtended(const PSGLdeviceParameters *parameters ) { PSGLdevice *device = (PSGLdevice *)malloc(sizeof(PSGLdevice) + sizeof(RGLDevice)); if ( !device ) { _RGLSetError( GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); return NULL; } memset( device, 0, sizeof( PSGLdevice ) + sizeof(RGLDevice) ); PSGLdeviceParameters defaultParameters; defaultParameters.enable = 0; defaultParameters.colorFormat = GL_ARGB_SCE; defaultParameters.depthFormat = GL_NONE; defaultParameters.multisamplingMode = GL_MULTISAMPLING_NONE_SCE; defaultParameters.TVStandard = PSGL_TV_STANDARD_NONE; defaultParameters.connector = PSGL_DEVICE_CONNECTOR_NONE; defaultParameters.bufferingMode = PSGL_BUFFERING_MODE_DOUBLE; defaultParameters.width = 0; defaultParameters.height = 0; defaultParameters.renderWidth = 0; defaultParameters.renderHeight = 0; defaultParameters.rescRatioMode = RESC_RATIO_MODE_LETTERBOX; defaultParameters.rescPalTemporalMode = RESC_PAL_TEMPORAL_MODE_50_NONE; defaultParameters.rescInterlaceMode = RESC_INTERLACE_MODE_NORMAL_BILINEAR; defaultParameters.horizontalScale = 1.0f; defaultParameters.verticalScale = 1.0f; memcpy( &device->deviceParameters, parameters, sizeof( PSGLdeviceParameters ) ); if (( parameters->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_COLOR_FORMAT ) == 0 ) device->deviceParameters.colorFormat = defaultParameters.colorFormat; if (( parameters->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_TV_STANDARD ) == 0 ) device->deviceParameters.TVStandard = defaultParameters.TVStandard; if (( parameters->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_CONNECTOR ) == 0 ) device->deviceParameters.connector = defaultParameters.connector; if (( parameters->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_BUFFERING_MODE ) == 0 ) device->deviceParameters.bufferingMode = defaultParameters.bufferingMode; if (( parameters->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_WIDTH_HEIGHT ) == 0 ) { device->deviceParameters.width = defaultParameters.width; device->deviceParameters.height = defaultParameters.height; } if (( parameters->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_RESC_RENDER_WIDTH_HEIGHT ) == 0 ) { device->deviceParameters.renderWidth = defaultParameters.renderWidth; device->deviceParameters.renderHeight = defaultParameters.renderHeight; } if (( parameters->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_RESC_RATIO_MODE ) == 0 ) device->deviceParameters.rescRatioMode = defaultParameters.rescRatioMode; if (( parameters->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_RESC_PAL_TEMPORAL_MODE ) == 0 ) device->deviceParameters.rescPalTemporalMode = defaultParameters.rescPalTemporalMode; if (( parameters->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_RESC_INTERLACE_MODE ) == 0 ) device->deviceParameters.rescInterlaceMode = defaultParameters.rescInterlaceMode; if (( parameters->enable & PSGL_DEVICE_PARAMETERS_RESC_ADJUST_ASPECT_RATIO ) == 0 ) { device->deviceParameters.horizontalScale = defaultParameters.horizontalScale; device->deviceParameters.verticalScale = defaultParameters.verticalScale; } device->rasterDriver = NULL; int result = _RGLPlatformCreateDevice( device ); if ( result < 0 ) { if(device != NULL) free( device ); return NULL; } return device; } GLfloat psglGetDeviceAspectRatio(const PSGLdevice * device) { CellVideoOutState videoState; cellVideoOutGetState(CELL_VIDEO_OUT_PRIMARY, 0, &videoState); switch (videoState.displayMode.aspect) { case CELL_VIDEO_OUT_ASPECT_4_3: return 4.0f/3.0f; case CELL_VIDEO_OUT_ASPECT_16_9: return 16.0f/9.0f; } return 16.0f/9.0f; } void psglGetDeviceDimensions(const PSGLdevice * device, GLuint *width, GLuint *height) { *width = device->deviceParameters.width; *height = device->deviceParameters.height; } void psglDestroyDevice(PSGLdevice *device) { if ( _CurrentDevice == device ) psglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ); if ( device->rasterDriver ) free( device->rasterDriver ); RGLDevice *gcmDevice = ( RGLDevice * )device->platformDevice; PSGLdeviceParameters* params = &device->deviceParameters; cellGcmSetInvalidateVertexCacheInline( &_RGLState.fifo); _RGLFifoFinish( &_RGLState.fifo ); if ( rescIsEnabled( params ) ) cellRescSetFlipHandler(NULL); else cellGcmSetFlipHandler(NULL); if ( rescIsEnabled( &device->deviceParameters ) ) cellRescSetVBlankHandler(NULL); else cellGcmSetVBlankHandler(NULL); int res = sys_semaphore_destroy(FlipSem); (void)res; if ( rescIsEnabled( params ) ) { cellRescExit(); gmmFree(gcmDevice->RescColorBuffersId); gmmFree(gcmDevice->RescVertexArrayId); gmmFree(gcmDevice->RescFragmentShaderId); } _RGLDuringDestroyDevice = GL_TRUE; for ( int i = 0; i < params->bufferingMode; ++i ) { if ( gcmDevice->color[i].pool != _RGL_SURFACE_POOL_NONE ) gmmFree( gcmDevice->color[i].dataId ); } _RGLDuringDestroyDevice = GL_FALSE; if(device != NULL) free( device ); } static void *_RGLPlatformRasterInit (void) { RGLDriver *driver = (RGLDriver*)malloc(sizeof(RGLDriver)); cellGcmSetInvalidateVertexCacheInline( &_RGLState.fifo); _RGLFifoFinish( &_RGLState.fifo ); memset( driver, 0, sizeof( RGLDriver ) ); driver->rt.yInverted = CELL_GCM_TRUE; driver->invalidateVertexCache = GL_FALSE; driver->flushBufferCount = 0; driver->colorBufferMask = 0x1; return driver; } void psglMakeCurrent(PSGLcontext *context, PSGLdevice *device) { if ( context && device ) { _CurrentContext = context; _CurrentDevice = device; if ( !device->rasterDriver ) device->rasterDriver = _RGLPlatformRasterInit(); _RGLAttachContext( device, context ); } else { _CurrentContext = NULL; _CurrentDevice = NULL; } } PSGLdevice *psglGetCurrentDevice(void) { return _CurrentDevice; } extern void gmmUpdateFreeList (const uint8_t location); GLAPI void psglSwap(void) { PSGLcontext *LContext = _CurrentContext; PSGLdevice *device = _CurrentDevice; RGLFifo *fifo = &_RGLState.fifo; gmmUpdateFreeList(CELL_GCM_LOCATION_LOCAL); gmmUpdateFreeList(CELL_GCM_LOCATION_MAIN); RGLDevice *gcmDevice = ( RGLDevice * )device->platformDevice; const GLuint drawBuffer = gcmDevice->drawBuffer; GLboolean vsync = _CurrentContext->VSync; if(vsync != gcmDevice->vsync ) { if (!rescIsEnabled( &device->deviceParameters)) { cellGcmSetFlipMode( vsync ? CELL_GCM_DISPLAY_VSYNC : CELL_GCM_DISPLAY_HSYNC ); gcmDevice->vsync = vsync; } } if(device->deviceParameters.bufferingMode == PSGL_BUFFERING_MODE_TRIPLE ) { if (rescIsEnabled( &device->deviceParameters)) cellRescSetWaitFlip(); else cellGcmSetWaitFlip(); } if(rescIsEnabled( &device->deviceParameters)) { int32_t res = cellRescSetConvertAndFlip((uint8_t)drawBuffer); if ( res != CELL_OK ) { RARCH_WARN("RESC cellRescSetConvertAndFlip returned error code %d.\n", res); if(_CurrentContext) _CurrentContext->needValidate |= PSGL_VALIDATE_FRAMEBUFFER; return; } } else cellGcmSetFlip(( uint8_t ) drawBuffer ); if(device->deviceParameters.bufferingMode != PSGL_BUFFERING_MODE_TRIPLE ) { if (rescIsEnabled( &device->deviceParameters)) cellRescSetWaitFlip(); else cellGcmSetWaitFlip(); } cellGcmSetPolySmoothEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetLineStippleEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE ); cellGcmSetPolygonStippleEnableInline( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); cellGcmSetDepthBoundsTestEnable( &_RGLState.fifo, CELL_GCM_FALSE); LContext->needValidate = PSGL_VALIDATE_ALL; for(int unit = 0; unit < _RGL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS; unit++) LContext->TextureCoordsUnits[unit].TextureMatrixStack.dirty = GL_TRUE; LContext->ModelViewMatrixStack.dirty = GL_TRUE; LContext->ProjectionMatrixStack.dirty = GL_TRUE; LContext->attribs->DirtyMask = ( 1 << _RGL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS ) - 1; cellGcmSetInvalidateVertexCacheInline( &_RGLState.fifo); _RGLFifoFlush(fifo); while(sys_semaphore_wait(FlipSem, 1000) != CELL_OK); cellGcmSetInvalidateVertexCacheInline(&_RGLState.fifo); _RGLFifoFlush(fifo); if (device->deviceParameters.bufferingMode == PSGL_BUFFERING_MODE_DOUBLE) { gcmDevice->drawBuffer = gcmDevice->scanBuffer; gcmDevice->scanBuffer = drawBuffer; gcmDevice->rt.colorId[0] = gcmDevice->color[gcmDevice->drawBuffer].dataId; gcmDevice->rt.colorPitch[0] = gcmDevice->color[gcmDevice->drawBuffer].pitch; } else if(device->deviceParameters.bufferingMode == PSGL_BUFFERING_MODE_TRIPLE) { gcmDevice->drawBuffer = gcmDevice->scanBuffer; if (gcmDevice->scanBuffer == 2) gcmDevice->scanBuffer = 0; else gcmDevice->scanBuffer++; gcmDevice->rt.colorId[0] = gcmDevice->color[gcmDevice->drawBuffer].dataId; gcmDevice->rt.colorPitch[0] = gcmDevice->color[gcmDevice->drawBuffer].pitch; } } static inline void _RGLUtilWaitForIdle(void) { cellGcmSetWriteBackEndLabelInline( &_RGLState.fifo, RGL_UTIL_LABEL_INDEX, _RGLState.labelValue); cellGcmSetWaitLabelInline( &_RGLState.fifo, RGL_UTIL_LABEL_INDEX, _RGLState.labelValue); _RGLState.labelValue++; cellGcmSetWriteBackEndLabelInline( &_RGLState.fifo, RGL_UTIL_LABEL_INDEX, _RGLState.labelValue); cellGcmFlush(); while( *(cellGcmGetLabelAddress( RGL_UTIL_LABEL_INDEX)) != _RGLState.labelValue); _RGLState.labelValue++; } GLboolean _RGLTryResizeTileRegion(GLuint address, GLuint size, void* data) { jsTiledRegion* region = (jsTiledRegion*)data; if (size == 0) { region->offset = 0; region->size = 0; region->pitch = 0; if (!_RGLDuringDestroyDevice) { _RGLUtilWaitForIdle(); cellGcmUnbindTile( region->id ); _RGLFifoFinish(&_RGLState.fifo); } return GL_TRUE; } region->offset = address; region->size = size; _RGLUtilWaitForIdle(); cellGcmSetTileInfo(region->id, CELL_GCM_LOCATION_LOCAL, region->offset, region->size, region->pitch, CELL_GCM_COMPMODE_DISABLED, 0, region->bank ); cellGcmBindTile( region->id ); _RGLFifoFinish( &_RGLState.fifo ); return GL_TRUE; } void _RGLGetTileRegionInfo(void* data, GLuint *address, GLuint *size) { jsTiledRegion* region = ( jsTiledRegion* )data; *address = region->offset; *size = region->size; }