/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 - Jean-AndrĂ© Santoni * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 - Brad Parker * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_THREADS #include "../gfx/video_thread_wrapper.h" #endif #include "../config.def.h" #include "../retroarch.h" #include "../configuration.h" #include "../core.h" #include "../gfx/video_driver.h" #include "../gfx/video_thread_wrapper.h" #include "../verbosity.h" #include "menu_driver.h" #include "menu_animation.h" #include "menu_display.h" #define PARTICLES_COUNT 100 uintptr_t menu_display_white_texture; static video_coord_array_t menu_disp_ca; static enum menu_toggle_reason menu_display_toggle_reason = MENU_TOGGLE_REASON_NONE; static unsigned menu_display_framebuf_width = 0; static unsigned menu_display_framebuf_height = 0; static size_t menu_display_framebuf_pitch = 0; static unsigned menu_display_header_height = 0; static bool menu_display_has_windowed = false; static bool menu_display_msg_force = false; static bool menu_display_font_alloc_framebuf = false; static bool menu_display_framebuf_dirty = false; static const uint8_t *menu_display_font_framebuf = NULL; static msg_queue_t *menu_display_msg_queue = NULL; static menu_display_ctx_driver_t *menu_disp = NULL; static menu_display_ctx_driver_t *menu_display_ctx_drivers[] = { #ifdef HAVE_D3D &menu_display_ctx_d3d, #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENGL &menu_display_ctx_gl, #endif #ifdef HAVE_VULKAN &menu_display_ctx_vulkan, #endif #ifdef HAVE_VITA2D &menu_display_ctx_vita2d, #endif #ifdef _3DS &menu_display_ctx_ctr, #endif #ifdef HAVE_CACA &menu_display_ctx_caca, #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) &menu_display_ctx_gdi, #endif #ifdef DJGPP &menu_display_ctx_vga, #endif &menu_display_ctx_null, NULL, }; enum menu_toggle_reason menu_display_toggle_get_reason(void) { return menu_display_toggle_reason; } void menu_display_toggle_set_reason(enum menu_toggle_reason reason) { menu_display_toggle_reason = reason; } static const char *menu_video_get_ident(bool video_is_threaded) { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS if (video_is_threaded) return video_thread_get_ident(); #endif return video_driver_get_ident(); } static bool menu_display_check_compatibility( enum menu_display_driver_type type, bool video_is_threaded) { const char *video_driver = menu_video_get_ident(video_is_threaded); switch (type) { case MENU_VIDEO_DRIVER_GENERIC: return true; case MENU_VIDEO_DRIVER_OPENGL: if (memcmp(video_driver, "gl", 2) == 0) return true; break; case MENU_VIDEO_DRIVER_VULKAN: if (memcmp(video_driver, "vulkan", 6) == 0) return true; break; case MENU_VIDEO_DRIVER_DIRECT3D: if (memcmp(video_driver, "d3d", 3) == 0) return true; break; case MENU_VIDEO_DRIVER_VITA2D: if (memcmp(video_driver, "vita2d", 6) == 0) return true; break; case MENU_VIDEO_DRIVER_CTR: if (memcmp(video_driver, "ctr", 3) == 0) return true; break; case MENU_VIDEO_DRIVER_CACA: if (memcmp(video_driver, "caca", 4) == 0) return true; break; case MENU_VIDEO_DRIVER_GDI: if (memcmp(video_driver, "gdi", 3) == 0) return true; break; case MENU_VIDEO_DRIVER_VGA: if (memcmp(video_driver, "vga", 3) == 0) return true; break; } return false; } void menu_display_timedate(menu_display_ctx_datetime_t *datetime) { time_t time_; if (!datetime) return; time(&time_); switch (datetime->time_mode) { case 0: /* Date and time */ strftime(datetime->s, datetime->len, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&time_)); break; case 1: /* Date */ strftime(datetime->s, datetime->len, "%Y-%m-%d", localtime(&time_)); break; case 2: /* Time */ strftime(datetime->s, datetime->len, "%H:%M:%S", localtime(&time_)); break; case 3: /* Time (hours-minutes) */ strftime(datetime->s, datetime->len, "%H:%M", localtime(&time_)); break; case 4: /* Date and time, without year and seconds */ strftime(datetime->s, datetime->len, "%d/%m %H:%M", localtime(&time_)); break; } } void menu_display_blend_begin(void) { if (!menu_disp || !menu_disp->blend_begin) return; menu_disp->blend_begin(); } void menu_display_blend_end(void) { if (!menu_disp || !menu_disp->blend_end) return; menu_disp->blend_end(); } void menu_display_font_free(font_data_t *font) { font_driver_free(font); } static font_data_t *menu_display_font_main_init(menu_display_ctx_font_t *font, bool is_threaded) { font_data_t *font_data = NULL; if (!font || !menu_disp) return NULL; if (!menu_disp->font_init_first((void**)&font_data, video_driver_get_ptr(false), font->path, font->size, is_threaded)) return NULL; return font_data; } font_data_t *menu_display_font(enum application_special_type type, float font_size, bool is_threaded) { menu_display_ctx_font_t font_info; char fontpath[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; fontpath[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_application_special(fontpath, sizeof(fontpath), type); font_info.path = fontpath; font_info.size = font_size; return menu_display_font_main_init(&font_info, is_threaded); } void menu_display_font_bind_block(font_data_t *font, void *block) { font_driver_bind_block(font, block); } bool menu_display_font_flush_block(unsigned width, unsigned height, font_data_t *font) { font_driver_flush(width, height, font); font_driver_bind_block(font, NULL); return true; } void menu_display_framebuffer_deinit(void) { menu_display_framebuf_width = 0; menu_display_framebuf_height = 0; menu_display_framebuf_pitch = 0; } void menu_display_deinit(void) { if (menu_display_msg_queue) msg_queue_free(menu_display_msg_queue); video_coord_array_free(&menu_disp_ca); menu_display_msg_queue = NULL; menu_display_msg_force = false; menu_display_header_height = 0; menu_disp = NULL; menu_display_has_windowed = false; menu_animation_ctl(MENU_ANIMATION_CTL_DEINIT, NULL); menu_display_framebuffer_deinit(); } bool menu_display_init(void) { menu_display_msg_queue = msg_queue_new(8); menu_disp_ca.allocated = 0; menu_display_has_windowed = video_driver_has_windowed(); return true; } void menu_display_coords_array_reset(void) { menu_disp_ca.coords.vertices = 0; } video_coord_array_t *menu_display_get_coords_array(void) { return &menu_disp_ca; } const uint8_t *menu_display_get_font_framebuffer(void) { return menu_display_font_framebuf; } void menu_display_set_font_framebuffer(const uint8_t *buffer) { menu_display_font_framebuf = buffer; } static bool menu_display_libretro_running( bool rarch_is_inited, bool rarch_is_dummy_core) { settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!settings->bools.menu_pause_libretro) { if (rarch_is_inited && !rarch_is_dummy_core) return true; } return false; } bool menu_display_libretro(bool is_idle, bool rarch_is_inited, bool rarch_is_dummy_core) { video_driver_set_texture_enable(true, false); if (menu_display_libretro_running(rarch_is_inited, rarch_is_dummy_core)) { if (!input_driver_is_libretro_input_blocked()) input_driver_set_libretro_input_blocked(); core_run(); input_driver_unset_libretro_input_blocked(); return true; } if (is_idle) return true; /* Maybe return false here for indication of idleness? */ return video_driver_cached_frame(); } void menu_display_get_fb_size(unsigned *fb_width, unsigned *fb_height, size_t *fb_pitch) { *fb_width = menu_display_framebuf_width; *fb_height = menu_display_framebuf_height; *fb_pitch = menu_display_framebuf_pitch; } void menu_display_set_width(unsigned width) { menu_display_framebuf_width = width; } void menu_display_set_height(unsigned height) { menu_display_framebuf_height = height; } void menu_display_set_header_height(unsigned height) { menu_display_header_height = height; } unsigned menu_display_get_header_height(void) { return menu_display_header_height; } size_t menu_display_get_framebuffer_pitch(void) { return menu_display_framebuf_pitch; } void menu_display_set_framebuffer_pitch(size_t pitch) { menu_display_framebuf_pitch = pitch; } bool menu_display_get_msg_force(void) { return menu_display_msg_force; } void menu_display_set_msg_force(bool state) { menu_display_msg_force = state; } bool menu_display_get_font_data_init(void) { return menu_display_font_alloc_framebuf; } void menu_display_set_font_data_init(bool state) { menu_display_font_alloc_framebuf = state; } bool menu_display_get_update_pending(void) { if (menu_animation_is_active()) return true; if (menu_display_get_framebuffer_dirty_flag()) return true; return false; } void menu_display_set_viewport(unsigned width, unsigned height) { video_driver_set_viewport(width, height, true, false); } void menu_display_unset_viewport(unsigned width, unsigned height) { video_driver_set_viewport(width, height, false, true); } bool menu_display_get_framebuffer_dirty_flag(void) { return menu_display_framebuf_dirty; } void menu_display_set_framebuffer_dirty_flag(void) { menu_display_framebuf_dirty = true; } void menu_display_unset_framebuffer_dirty_flag(void) { menu_display_framebuf_dirty = false; } float menu_display_get_dpi(void) { gfx_ctx_metrics_t metrics; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); float dpi = menu_dpi_override_value; if (!settings) return true; metrics.type = DISPLAY_METRIC_DPI; metrics.value = &dpi; if (settings->bools.menu_dpi_override_enable) return settings->uints.menu_dpi_override_value; else if (!video_context_driver_get_metrics(&metrics) || !dpi) return menu_dpi_override_value; return dpi; } bool menu_display_init_first_driver(bool video_is_threaded) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; menu_display_ctx_drivers[i]; i++) { if (!menu_display_check_compatibility( menu_display_ctx_drivers[i]->type, video_is_threaded)) continue; RARCH_LOG("[Menu]: Found menu display driver: \"%s\".\n", menu_display_ctx_drivers[i]->ident); menu_disp = menu_display_ctx_drivers[i]; return true; } return false; } bool menu_display_restore_clear_color(void) { if (!menu_disp || !menu_disp->restore_clear_color) return false; menu_disp->restore_clear_color(); return true; } void menu_display_clear_color(menu_display_ctx_clearcolor_t *color) { if (!menu_disp || !menu_disp->clear_color) return; menu_disp->clear_color(color); } void menu_display_draw(menu_display_ctx_draw_t *draw) { if (!menu_disp || !draw || !menu_disp->draw) return; /* TODO - edge case */ if (draw->height <= 0) draw->height = 1; menu_disp->draw(draw); } void menu_display_draw_pipeline(menu_display_ctx_draw_t *draw) { if (!menu_disp || !draw || !menu_disp->draw_pipeline) return; menu_disp->draw_pipeline(draw); } void menu_display_draw_bg(menu_display_ctx_draw_t *draw, video_frame_info_t *video_info, bool add_opacity_to_wallpaper) { static struct video_coords coords; const float *new_vertex = NULL; const float *new_tex_coord = NULL; if (!menu_disp || !draw) return; new_vertex = draw->vertex; new_tex_coord = draw->tex_coord; if (!new_vertex) new_vertex = menu_disp->get_default_vertices(); if (!new_tex_coord) new_tex_coord = menu_disp->get_default_tex_coords(); coords.vertices = (unsigned)draw->vertex_count; coords.vertex = new_vertex; coords.tex_coord = new_tex_coord; coords.lut_tex_coord = new_tex_coord; coords.color = (const float*)draw->color; draw->coords = &coords; if (!video_info->libretro_running && !draw->pipeline.active) add_opacity_to_wallpaper = true; if (add_opacity_to_wallpaper) menu_display_set_alpha(draw->color, video_info->menu_wallpaper_opacity); if (!draw->texture) draw->texture = menu_display_white_texture; draw->matrix_data = (math_matrix_4x4*)menu_disp->get_default_mvp(); } void menu_display_draw_gradient(menu_display_ctx_draw_t *draw, video_frame_info_t *video_info) { draw->texture = 0; draw->x = 0; draw->y = 0; menu_display_draw_bg(draw, video_info, false); menu_display_draw(draw); } void menu_display_draw_quad( int x, int y, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned width, unsigned height, float *color) { menu_display_ctx_draw_t draw; struct video_coords coords; coords.vertices = 4; coords.vertex = NULL; coords.tex_coord = NULL; coords.lut_tex_coord = NULL; coords.color = color; menu_display_blend_begin(); draw.x = x; draw.y = (int)height - y - (int)h; draw.width = w; draw.height = h; draw.coords = &coords; draw.matrix_data = NULL; draw.texture = menu_display_white_texture; draw.prim_type = MENU_DISPLAY_PRIM_TRIANGLESTRIP; draw.pipeline.id = 0; menu_display_draw(&draw); menu_display_blend_end(); } void menu_display_draw_texture( int x, int y, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned width, unsigned height, float *color, uintptr_t texture) { menu_display_ctx_draw_t draw; menu_display_ctx_rotate_draw_t rotate_draw; struct video_coords coords; math_matrix_4x4 mymat; rotate_draw.matrix = &mymat; rotate_draw.rotation = 0.0; rotate_draw.scale_x = 1.0; rotate_draw.scale_y = 1.0; rotate_draw.scale_z = 1; rotate_draw.scale_enable = true; coords.vertices = 4; coords.vertex = NULL; coords.tex_coord = NULL; coords.lut_tex_coord = NULL; draw.width = w; draw.height = h; draw.coords = &coords; draw.matrix_data = &mymat; draw.prim_type = MENU_DISPLAY_PRIM_TRIANGLESTRIP; draw.pipeline.id = 0; coords.color = (const float*)color; menu_display_rotate_z(&rotate_draw); draw.texture = texture; draw.x = x; draw.y = height - y; menu_display_draw(&draw); } /* Draw the texture split into 9 sections, without scaling the corners. * The middle sections will only scale in the X axis, and the side * sections will only scale in the Y axis. */ void menu_display_draw_texture_slice( int x, int y, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned new_w, unsigned new_h, unsigned width, unsigned height, float *color, unsigned offset, float scale_factor, uintptr_t texture) { menu_display_ctx_draw_t draw; menu_display_ctx_rotate_draw_t rotate_draw; struct video_coords coords; math_matrix_4x4 mymat; unsigned i; float V_BL[2], V_BR[2], V_TL[2], V_TR[2], T_BL[2], T_BR[2], T_TL[2], T_TR[2]; /* need space for the coordinates of two triangles in a strip, so 8 vertices */ float *tex_coord = (float*)malloc(8 * sizeof(float)); float *vert_coord = (float*)malloc(8 * sizeof(float)); float *colors = (float*)malloc(16 * sizeof(float)); /* normalized width/height of the amount to offset from the corners, * for both the vertex and texture coordinates */ float vert_woff = (offset * scale_factor) / (float)width; float vert_hoff = (offset * scale_factor) / (float)height; float tex_woff = offset / (float)w; float tex_hoff = offset / (float)h; /* the width/height of the middle sections of both the scaled and original image */ float vert_scaled_mid_width = (new_w - (offset * scale_factor * 2)) / (float)width; float vert_scaled_mid_height = (new_h - (offset * scale_factor * 2)) / (float)height; float tex_mid_width = (w - (offset * 2)) / (float)w; float tex_mid_height = (h - (offset * 2)) / (float)h; /* normalized coordinates for the start position of the image */ float norm_x = x / (float)width; float norm_y = (height - y) / (float)height; /* the four vertices of the top-left corner of the image, * used as a starting point for all the other sections */ V_BL[0] = norm_x; V_BL[1] = norm_y; V_BR[0] = norm_x + vert_woff; V_BR[1] = norm_y; V_TL[0] = norm_x; V_TL[1] = norm_y + vert_hoff; V_TR[0] = norm_x + vert_woff; V_TR[1] = norm_y + vert_hoff; T_BL[0] = 0.0f; T_BL[1] = tex_hoff; T_BR[0] = tex_woff; T_BR[1] = tex_hoff; T_TL[0] = 0.0f; T_TL[1] = 0.0f; T_TR[0] = tex_woff; T_TR[1] = 0.0f; for (i = 0; i < (16 * sizeof(float)) / sizeof(colors[0]); i++) colors[i] = 1.0f; rotate_draw.matrix = &mymat; rotate_draw.rotation = 0.0; rotate_draw.scale_x = 1.0; rotate_draw.scale_y = 1.0; rotate_draw.scale_z = 1; rotate_draw.scale_enable = true; coords.vertices = 4; coords.vertex = vert_coord; coords.tex_coord = tex_coord; coords.lut_tex_coord = NULL; draw.width = width; draw.height = height; draw.coords = &coords; draw.matrix_data = &mymat; draw.prim_type = MENU_DISPLAY_PRIM_TRIANGLESTRIP; draw.pipeline.id = 0; coords.color = (const float*)colors; menu_display_rotate_z(&rotate_draw); draw.texture = texture; draw.x = 0; draw.y = 0; /* vertex coords are specfied bottom-up in this order: BL BR TL TR */ /* texture coords are specfied top-down in this order: BL BR TL TR */ /* If someone wants to change this to not draw several times, the * coordinates will need to be modified because of the triangle strip usage. */ /* top-left corner */ vert_coord[0] = V_BL[0]; vert_coord[1] = V_BL[1]; vert_coord[2] = V_BR[0]; vert_coord[3] = V_BR[1]; vert_coord[4] = V_TL[0]; vert_coord[5] = V_TL[1]; vert_coord[6] = V_TR[0]; vert_coord[7] = V_TR[1]; tex_coord[0] = T_BL[0]; tex_coord[1] = T_BL[1]; tex_coord[2] = T_BR[0]; tex_coord[3] = T_BR[1]; tex_coord[4] = T_TL[0]; tex_coord[5] = T_TL[1]; tex_coord[6] = T_TR[0]; tex_coord[7] = T_TR[1]; menu_display_draw(&draw); /* top-middle section */ vert_coord[0] = V_BL[0] + vert_woff; vert_coord[1] = V_BL[1]; vert_coord[2] = V_BR[0] + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[3] = V_BR[1]; vert_coord[4] = V_TL[0] + vert_woff; vert_coord[5] = V_TL[1]; vert_coord[6] = V_TR[0] + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[7] = V_TR[1]; tex_coord[0] = T_BL[0] + tex_woff; tex_coord[1] = T_BL[1]; tex_coord[2] = T_BR[0] + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[3] = T_BR[1]; tex_coord[4] = T_TL[0] + tex_woff; tex_coord[5] = T_TL[1]; tex_coord[6] = T_TR[0] + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[7] = T_TR[1]; menu_display_draw(&draw); /* top-right corner */ vert_coord[0] = V_BL[0] + vert_woff + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[1] = V_BL[1]; vert_coord[2] = V_BR[0] + vert_scaled_mid_width + vert_woff; vert_coord[3] = V_BR[1]; vert_coord[4] = V_TL[0] + vert_woff + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[5] = V_TL[1]; vert_coord[6] = V_TR[0] + vert_scaled_mid_width + vert_woff; vert_coord[7] = V_TR[1]; tex_coord[0] = T_BL[0] + tex_woff + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[1] = T_BL[1]; tex_coord[2] = T_BR[0] + tex_mid_width + tex_woff; tex_coord[3] = T_BR[1]; tex_coord[4] = T_TL[0] + tex_woff + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[5] = T_TL[1]; tex_coord[6] = T_TR[0] + tex_mid_width + tex_woff; tex_coord[7] = T_TR[1]; menu_display_draw(&draw); /* middle-left section */ vert_coord[0] = V_BL[0]; vert_coord[1] = V_BL[1] - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[2] = V_BR[0]; vert_coord[3] = V_BR[1] - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[4] = V_TL[0]; vert_coord[5] = V_TL[1] - vert_hoff; vert_coord[6] = V_TR[0]; vert_coord[7] = V_TR[1] - vert_hoff; tex_coord[0] = T_BL[0]; tex_coord[1] = T_BL[1] + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[2] = T_BR[0]; tex_coord[3] = T_BR[1] + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[4] = T_TL[0]; tex_coord[5] = T_TL[1] + tex_hoff; tex_coord[6] = T_TR[0]; tex_coord[7] = T_TR[1] + tex_hoff; menu_display_draw(&draw); /* center section */ vert_coord[0] = V_BL[0] + vert_woff; vert_coord[1] = V_BL[1] - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[2] = V_BR[0] + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[3] = V_BR[1] - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[4] = V_TL[0] + vert_woff; vert_coord[5] = V_TL[1] - vert_hoff; vert_coord[6] = V_TR[0] + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[7] = V_TR[1] - vert_hoff; tex_coord[0] = T_BL[0] + tex_woff; tex_coord[1] = T_BL[1] + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[2] = T_BR[0] + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[3] = T_BR[1] + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[4] = T_TL[0] + tex_woff; tex_coord[5] = T_TL[1] + tex_hoff; tex_coord[6] = T_TR[0] + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[7] = T_TR[1] + tex_hoff; menu_display_draw(&draw); /* middle-right section */ vert_coord[0] = V_BL[0] + vert_woff + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[1] = V_BL[1] - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[2] = V_BR[0] + vert_woff + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[3] = V_BR[1] - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[4] = V_TL[0] + vert_woff + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[5] = V_TL[1] - vert_hoff; vert_coord[6] = V_TR[0] + vert_woff + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[7] = V_TR[1] - vert_hoff; tex_coord[0] = T_BL[0] + tex_woff + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[1] = T_BL[1] + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[2] = T_BR[0] + tex_woff + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[3] = T_BR[1] + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[4] = T_TL[0] + tex_woff + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[5] = T_TL[1] + tex_hoff; tex_coord[6] = T_TR[0] + tex_woff + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[7] = T_TR[1] + tex_hoff; menu_display_draw(&draw); /* bottom-left corner */ vert_coord[0] = V_BL[0]; vert_coord[1] = V_BL[1] - vert_hoff - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[2] = V_BR[0]; vert_coord[3] = V_BR[1] - vert_hoff - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[4] = V_TL[0]; vert_coord[5] = V_TL[1] - vert_hoff - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[6] = V_TR[0]; vert_coord[7] = V_TR[1] - vert_hoff - vert_scaled_mid_height; tex_coord[0] = T_BL[0]; tex_coord[1] = T_BL[1] + tex_hoff + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[2] = T_BR[0]; tex_coord[3] = T_BR[1] + tex_hoff + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[4] = T_TL[0]; tex_coord[5] = T_TL[1] + tex_hoff + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[6] = T_TR[0]; tex_coord[7] = T_TR[1] + tex_hoff + tex_mid_height; menu_display_draw(&draw); /* bottom-middle section */ vert_coord[0] = V_BL[0] + vert_woff; vert_coord[1] = V_BL[1] - vert_hoff - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[2] = V_BR[0] + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[3] = V_BR[1] - vert_hoff - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[4] = V_TL[0] + vert_woff; vert_coord[5] = V_TL[1] - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[6] = V_TR[0] + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[7] = V_TR[1] - vert_scaled_mid_height; tex_coord[0] = T_BL[0] + tex_woff; tex_coord[1] = T_BL[1] + tex_hoff + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[2] = T_BR[0] + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[3] = T_BR[1] + tex_hoff + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[4] = T_TL[0] + tex_woff; tex_coord[5] = T_TL[1] + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[6] = T_TR[0] + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[7] = T_TR[1] + tex_mid_height; menu_display_draw(&draw); /* bottom-right corner */ vert_coord[0] = V_BL[0] + vert_woff + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[1] = V_BL[1] - vert_hoff - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[2] = V_BR[0] + vert_scaled_mid_width + vert_woff; vert_coord[3] = V_BR[1] - vert_hoff - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[4] = V_TL[0] + vert_woff + vert_scaled_mid_width; vert_coord[5] = V_TL[1] - vert_hoff - vert_scaled_mid_height; vert_coord[6] = V_TR[0] + vert_scaled_mid_width + vert_woff; vert_coord[7] = V_TR[1] - vert_hoff - vert_scaled_mid_height; tex_coord[0] = T_BL[0] + tex_woff + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[1] = T_BL[1] + tex_hoff + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[2] = T_BR[0] + tex_woff + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[3] = T_BR[1] + tex_hoff + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[4] = T_TL[0] + tex_woff + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[5] = T_TL[1] + tex_hoff + tex_mid_height; tex_coord[6] = T_TR[0] + tex_woff + tex_mid_width; tex_coord[7] = T_TR[1] + tex_hoff + tex_mid_height; menu_display_draw(&draw); free(colors); free(vert_coord); free(tex_coord); } void menu_display_rotate_z(menu_display_ctx_rotate_draw_t *draw) { #if !defined(VITA) math_matrix_4x4 matrix_rotated, matrix_scaled; math_matrix_4x4 *b = NULL; if (!draw || !menu_disp || !menu_disp->get_default_mvp) return; b = (math_matrix_4x4*)menu_disp->get_default_mvp(); matrix_4x4_rotate_z(matrix_rotated, draw->rotation); matrix_4x4_multiply(*draw->matrix, matrix_rotated, *b); if (!draw->scale_enable) return; matrix_4x4_scale(matrix_scaled, draw->scale_x, draw->scale_y, draw->scale_z); matrix_4x4_multiply(*draw->matrix, matrix_scaled, *draw->matrix); #endif } bool menu_display_get_tex_coords(menu_display_ctx_coord_draw_t *draw) { if (!draw) return false; if (!menu_disp || !menu_disp->get_default_tex_coords) return false; draw->ptr = menu_disp->get_default_tex_coords(); return true; } void menu_display_handle_thumbnail_upload(void *task_data, void *user_data, const char *err) { menu_ctx_load_image_t load_image_info; struct texture_image *img = (struct texture_image*)task_data; load_image_info.data = img; load_image_info.type = MENU_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL; menu_driver_load_image(&load_image_info); image_texture_free(img); free(img); free(user_data); } void menu_display_handle_savestate_thumbnail_upload(void *task_data, void *user_data, const char *err) { menu_ctx_load_image_t load_image_info; struct texture_image *img = (struct texture_image*)task_data; load_image_info.data = img; load_image_info.type = MENU_IMAGE_SAVESTATE_THUMBNAIL; menu_driver_load_image(&load_image_info); image_texture_free(img); free(img); free(user_data); } void menu_display_handle_wallpaper_upload(void *task_data, void *user_data, const char *err) { menu_ctx_load_image_t load_image_info; struct texture_image *img = (struct texture_image*)task_data; load_image_info.data = img; load_image_info.type = MENU_IMAGE_WALLPAPER; menu_driver_load_image(&load_image_info); image_texture_free(img); free(img); free(user_data); } void menu_display_allocate_white_texture(void) { struct texture_image ti; static const uint8_t white_data[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }; ti.width = 1; ti.height = 1; ti.pixels = (uint32_t*)&white_data; if (menu_display_white_texture) video_driver_texture_unload(&menu_display_white_texture); video_driver_texture_load(&ti, TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST, &menu_display_white_texture); } void menu_display_draw_cursor( float *color, float cursor_size, uintptr_t texture, float x, float y, unsigned width, unsigned height) { menu_display_ctx_draw_t draw; struct video_coords coords; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); bool cursor_visible = settings->bools.video_fullscreen || !menu_display_has_windowed; if (!settings->bools.menu_mouse_enable) return; if (!cursor_visible) return; coords.vertices = 4; coords.vertex = NULL; coords.tex_coord = NULL; coords.lut_tex_coord = NULL; coords.color = (const float*)color; menu_display_blend_begin(); draw.x = x - (cursor_size / 2); draw.y = (int)height - y - (cursor_size / 2); draw.width = cursor_size; draw.height = cursor_size; draw.coords = &coords; draw.matrix_data = NULL; draw.texture = texture; draw.prim_type = MENU_DISPLAY_PRIM_TRIANGLESTRIP; menu_display_draw(&draw); menu_display_blend_end(); } static INLINE float menu_display_scalef(float val, float oldmin, float oldmax, float newmin, float newmax) { return (((val - oldmin) * (newmax - newmin)) / (oldmax - oldmin)) + newmin; } static INLINE float menu_display_randf(float min, float max) { return (rand() * ((max - min) / RAND_MAX)) + min; } void menu_display_push_quad( unsigned width, unsigned height, const float *colors, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { float vertex[8]; video_coords_t coords; menu_display_ctx_coord_draw_t coord_draw; video_coord_array_t *ca = menu_display_get_coords_array(); vertex[0] = x1 / (float)width; vertex[1] = y1 / (float)height; vertex[2] = x2 / (float)width; vertex[3] = y1 / (float)height; vertex[4] = x1 / (float)width; vertex[5] = y2 / (float)height; vertex[6] = x2 / (float)width; vertex[7] = y2 / (float)height; coord_draw.ptr = NULL; menu_display_get_tex_coords(&coord_draw); coords.color = colors; coords.vertex = vertex; coords.tex_coord = coord_draw.ptr; coords.lut_tex_coord = coord_draw.ptr; coords.vertices = 3; video_coord_array_append(ca, &coords, 3); coords.color += 4; coords.vertex += 2; coords.tex_coord += 2; coords.lut_tex_coord += 2; video_coord_array_append(ca, &coords, 3); } void menu_display_snow(int width, int height) { struct display_particle { float x, y; float xspeed, yspeed; float alpha; bool alive; }; static struct display_particle particles[PARTICLES_COUNT] = {{0}}; static int timeout = 0; unsigned i, max_gen = 2; for (i = 0; i < PARTICLES_COUNT; ++i) { struct display_particle *p = (struct display_particle*)&particles[i]; if (p->alive) { int16_t mouse_x = menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_X_AXIS); p->y += p->yspeed; p->x += menu_display_scalef(mouse_x, 0, width, -0.3, 0.3); p->x += p->xspeed; p->alive = p->y >= 0 && p->y < height && p->x >= 0 && p->x < width; } else if (max_gen > 0 && timeout <= 0) { p->xspeed = menu_display_randf(-0.2, 0.2); p->yspeed = menu_display_randf(1, 2); p->y = 0; p->x = rand() % width; p->alpha = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX; p->alive = true; max_gen--; } } if (max_gen == 0) timeout = 3; else timeout--; for (i = 0; i < PARTICLES_COUNT; ++i) { unsigned j; float alpha, colors[16]; struct display_particle *p = &particles[i]; if (!p->alive) continue; alpha = menu_display_randf(0, 100) > 90 ? p->alpha/2 : p->alpha; for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { colors[j] = 1; if (j == 3 || j == 7 || j == 11 || j == 15) colors[j] = alpha; } menu_display_push_quad(width, height, colors, p->x-2, p->y-2, p->x+2, p->y+2); j++; } } void menu_display_draw_text( const font_data_t *font, const char *text, float x, float y, int width, int height, uint32_t color, enum text_alignment text_align, float scale, bool shadows_enable, float shadow_offset) { struct font_params params; /* Don't draw outside of the screen */ if (x < -64 || x > width + 64 || y < -64 || y > height + 64) return; params.x = x / width; params.y = 1.0f - y / height; params.scale = scale; params.drop_mod = 0.0f; params.drop_x = 0.0f; params.drop_y = 0.0f; params.color = color; params.full_screen = true; params.text_align = text_align; if (shadows_enable) { params.drop_x = shadow_offset; params.drop_y = -shadow_offset; params.drop_alpha = 0.35f; } video_driver_set_osd_msg(text, ¶ms, (void*)font); } void menu_display_set_alpha(float *color, float alpha_value) { if (!color) return; color[3] = color[7] = color[11] = color[15] = alpha_value; } void menu_display_reset_textures_list(const char *texture_path, const char *iconpath, uintptr_t *item, enum texture_filter_type filter_type) { struct texture_image ti; char path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; path[0] = '\0'; ti.width = 0; ti.height = 0; ti.pixels = NULL; ti.supports_rgba = video_driver_supports_rgba(); if (!string_is_empty(texture_path)) fill_pathname_join(path, iconpath, texture_path, sizeof(path)); if (string_is_empty(path) || !path_file_exists(path)) return; if (!image_texture_load(&ti, path)) return; video_driver_texture_load(&ti, filter_type, item); image_texture_free(&ti); }