/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* BPS/UPS/IPS implementation from bSNES (nall::). * Modified for RetroArch. */ /* TODO/FIXME - turn this into actual task */ #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <boolean.h> #include <compat/msvc.h> #include <file/file_path.h> #include <streams/file_stream.h> #include <string/stdstring.h> #include <encodings/crc32.h> #include "../retroarch.h" #include "../msg_hash.h" #include "../verbosity.h" #include "../configuration.h" enum bps_mode { SOURCE_READ = 0, TARGET_READ, SOURCE_COPY, TARGET_COPY }; enum patch_error { PATCH_UNKNOWN = 0, PATCH_SUCCESS, PATCH_PATCH_TOO_SMALL, PATCH_PATCH_INVALID_HEADER, PATCH_PATCH_INVALID, PATCH_SOURCE_TOO_SMALL, PATCH_TARGET_ALLOC_FAILED, PATCH_SOURCE_INVALID, PATCH_TARGET_INVALID, PATCH_SOURCE_CHECKSUM_INVALID, PATCH_TARGET_CHECKSUM_INVALID, PATCH_PATCH_CHECKSUM_INVALID }; struct bps_data { const uint8_t *modify_data; const uint8_t *source_data; uint8_t *target_data; size_t modify_length; size_t source_length; size_t target_length; size_t modify_offset; size_t source_offset; size_t target_offset; size_t source_relative_offset; size_t target_relative_offset; size_t output_offset; uint32_t modify_checksum; uint32_t source_checksum; uint32_t target_checksum; }; struct ups_data { const uint8_t *patch_data; const uint8_t *source_data; uint8_t *target_data; unsigned patch_length; unsigned source_length; unsigned target_length; unsigned patch_offset; unsigned source_offset; unsigned target_offset; unsigned patch_checksum; unsigned source_checksum; unsigned target_checksum; }; typedef enum patch_error (*patch_func_t)(const uint8_t*, uint64_t, const uint8_t*, uint64_t, uint8_t**, uint64_t*); static uint8_t bps_read(struct bps_data *bps) { uint8_t data = bps->modify_data[bps->modify_offset++]; bps->modify_checksum = ~(encoding_crc32( ~bps->modify_checksum, &data, 1)); return data; } static uint64_t bps_decode(struct bps_data *bps) { uint64_t data = 0, shift = 1; for (;;) { uint8_t x = bps_read(bps); data += (x & 0x7f) * shift; if (x & 0x80) break; shift <<= 7; data += shift; } return data; } static void bps_write(struct bps_data *bps, uint8_t data) { bps->target_data[bps->output_offset++] = data; bps->target_checksum = ~(encoding_crc32(~bps->target_checksum, &data, 1)); } static enum patch_error bps_apply_patch( const uint8_t *modify_data, uint64_t modify_length, const uint8_t *source_data, uint64_t source_length, uint8_t **target_data, uint64_t *target_length) { size_t i; struct bps_data bps; uint32_t checksum = 0; size_t modify_source_size = 0; size_t modify_target_size = 0; size_t modify_markup_size = 0; uint32_t modify_source_checksum = 0; uint32_t modify_target_checksum = 0; uint32_t modify_modify_checksum = 0; if (modify_length < 19) return PATCH_PATCH_TOO_SMALL; bps.modify_data = modify_data; bps.source_data = source_data; bps.target_data = *target_data; bps.modify_length = modify_length; bps.source_length = source_length; bps.target_length = *target_length; bps.modify_offset = 0; bps.source_offset = 0; bps.target_offset = 0; bps.modify_checksum = ~0; bps.source_checksum = 0; bps.target_checksum = ~0; bps.source_relative_offset = 0; bps.target_relative_offset = 0; bps.output_offset = 0; if ( (bps_read(&bps) != 'B') || (bps_read(&bps) != 'P') || (bps_read(&bps) != 'S') || (bps_read(&bps) != '1')) return PATCH_PATCH_INVALID_HEADER; modify_source_size = bps_decode(&bps); modify_target_size = bps_decode(&bps); modify_markup_size = bps_decode(&bps); for (i = 0; i < modify_markup_size; i++) bps_read(&bps); if (modify_source_size > bps.source_length) return PATCH_SOURCE_TOO_SMALL; if (modify_target_size > bps.target_length) { uint8_t *prov=(uint8_t*)malloc((size_t)modify_target_size); if (!prov) return PATCH_TARGET_ALLOC_FAILED; free(*target_data); bps.target_data = prov; *target_data = prov; bps.target_length = modify_target_size; } while (bps.modify_offset < bps.modify_length - 12) { size_t length = bps_decode(&bps); unsigned mode = length & 3; length = (length >> 2) + 1; switch (mode) { case SOURCE_READ: while (length--) bps_write(&bps, bps.source_data[bps.output_offset]); break; case TARGET_READ: while (length--) bps_write(&bps, bps_read(&bps)); break; case SOURCE_COPY: case TARGET_COPY: { int offset = (int)bps_decode(&bps); bool negative = offset & 1; offset >>= 1; if (negative) offset = -offset; if (mode == SOURCE_COPY) { bps.source_offset += offset; while (length--) bps_write(&bps, bps.source_data[bps.source_offset++]); } else { bps.target_offset += offset; while (length--) bps_write(&bps, bps.target_data[bps.target_offset++]); break; } break; } } } for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 8) modify_source_checksum |= bps_read(&bps) << i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 8) modify_target_checksum |= bps_read(&bps) << i; checksum = ~bps.modify_checksum; for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 8) modify_modify_checksum |= bps_read(&bps) << i; bps.source_checksum = encoding_crc32(0, bps.source_data, bps.source_length); bps.target_checksum = ~bps.target_checksum; if (bps.source_checksum != modify_source_checksum) return PATCH_SOURCE_CHECKSUM_INVALID; if (bps.target_checksum != modify_target_checksum) return PATCH_TARGET_CHECKSUM_INVALID; if (checksum != modify_modify_checksum) return PATCH_PATCH_CHECKSUM_INVALID; *target_length = modify_target_size; return PATCH_SUCCESS; } static uint8_t ups_patch_read(struct ups_data *data) { if (data && data->patch_offset < data->patch_length) { uint8_t n = data->patch_data[data->patch_offset++]; data->patch_checksum = ~(encoding_crc32(~data->patch_checksum, &n, 1)); return n; } return 0x00; } static uint8_t ups_source_read(struct ups_data *data) { if (data && data->source_offset < data->source_length) { uint8_t n = data->source_data[data->source_offset++]; data->source_checksum = ~(encoding_crc32(~data->source_checksum, &n, 1)); return n; } return 0x00; } static void ups_target_write(struct ups_data *data, uint8_t n) { if (data && data->target_offset < data->target_length) { data->target_data[data->target_offset] = n; data->target_checksum = ~(encoding_crc32(~data->target_checksum, &n, 1)); } if (data) data->target_offset++; } static uint64_t ups_decode(struct ups_data *data) { uint64_t offset = 0, shift = 1; for (;;) { uint8_t x = ups_patch_read(data); offset += (x & 0x7f) * shift; if (x & 0x80) break; shift <<= 7; offset += shift; } return offset; } static enum patch_error ups_apply_patch( const uint8_t *patchdata, uint64_t patchlength, const uint8_t *sourcedata, uint64_t sourcelength, uint8_t **targetdata, uint64_t *targetlength) { size_t i; struct ups_data data; unsigned source_read_length; unsigned target_read_length; uint32_t patch_result_checksum = 0; uint32_t patch_read_checksum = 0; uint32_t source_read_checksum = 0; uint32_t target_read_checksum = 0; data.patch_data = patchdata; data.source_data = sourcedata; data.target_data = *targetdata; data.patch_length = (unsigned)patchlength; data.source_length = (unsigned)sourcelength; data.target_length = (unsigned)*targetlength; data.patch_offset = 0; data.source_offset = 0; data.target_offset = 0; data.patch_checksum = ~0; data.source_checksum = ~0; data.target_checksum = ~0; if (data.patch_length < 18) return PATCH_PATCH_INVALID; if ( (ups_patch_read(&data) != 'U') || (ups_patch_read(&data) != 'P') || (ups_patch_read(&data) != 'S') || (ups_patch_read(&data) != '1') ) return PATCH_PATCH_INVALID; source_read_length = (unsigned)ups_decode(&data); target_read_length = (unsigned)ups_decode(&data); if ( (data.source_length != source_read_length) && (data.source_length != target_read_length)) return PATCH_SOURCE_INVALID; *targetlength = (data.source_length == source_read_length ? target_read_length : source_read_length); if (data.target_length < *targetlength) { uint8_t *prov=(uint8_t*)malloc((size_t)*targetlength); if (!prov) return PATCH_TARGET_ALLOC_FAILED; free(*targetdata); *targetdata = prov; data.target_data = prov; } data.target_length = (unsigned)*targetlength; while (data.patch_offset < data.patch_length - 12) { unsigned length = (unsigned)ups_decode(&data); while (length--) ups_target_write(&data, ups_source_read(&data)); for (;;) { uint8_t patch_xor = ups_patch_read(&data); ups_target_write(&data, patch_xor ^ ups_source_read(&data)); if (patch_xor == 0) break; } } while (data.source_offset < data.source_length) ups_target_write(&data, ups_source_read(&data)); while (data.target_offset < data.target_length) ups_target_write(&data, ups_source_read(&data)); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) source_read_checksum |= ups_patch_read(&data) << (i * 8); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) target_read_checksum |= ups_patch_read(&data) << (i * 8); patch_result_checksum = ~data.patch_checksum; data.source_checksum = ~data.source_checksum; data.target_checksum = ~data.target_checksum; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) patch_read_checksum |= ups_patch_read(&data) << (i * 8); if (patch_result_checksum != patch_read_checksum) return PATCH_PATCH_INVALID; if ( data.source_checksum == source_read_checksum && data.source_length == source_read_length) { if ( data.target_checksum == target_read_checksum && data.target_length == target_read_length) return PATCH_SUCCESS; return PATCH_TARGET_INVALID; } else if (data.source_checksum == target_read_checksum && data.source_length == target_read_length) { if ( data.target_checksum == source_read_checksum && data.target_length == source_read_length) return PATCH_SUCCESS; return PATCH_TARGET_INVALID; } return PATCH_SOURCE_INVALID; } static enum patch_error ips_alloc_targetdata( const uint8_t *patchdata, uint64_t patchlen, uint64_t sourcelength, uint8_t **targetdata, uint64_t *targetlength) { uint8_t *prov_alloc; uint32_t offset = 5; *targetlength = sourcelength; for (;;) { uint32_t address; unsigned length; if (offset > patchlen - 3) break; address = patchdata[offset++] << 16; address |= patchdata[offset++] << 8; address |= patchdata[offset++] << 0; if (address == 0x454f46) /* EOF */ { if (offset == patchlen) { prov_alloc = (uint8_t*)malloc((size_t)*targetlength); if (!prov_alloc) return PATCH_TARGET_ALLOC_FAILED; free(*targetdata); *targetdata = prov_alloc; return PATCH_SUCCESS; } else if (offset == patchlen - 3) { uint32_t size = patchdata[offset++] << 16; size |= patchdata[offset++] << 8; size |= patchdata[offset++] << 0; *targetlength = size; prov_alloc = (uint8_t*)malloc((size_t)*targetlength); if (!prov_alloc) return PATCH_TARGET_ALLOC_FAILED; free(*targetdata); *targetdata = prov_alloc; return PATCH_SUCCESS; } } if (offset > patchlen - 2) break; length = patchdata[offset++] << 8; length |= patchdata[offset++] << 0; if (length) /* Copy */ { if (offset > patchlen - length) break; while (length--) { address++; offset++; } } else /* RLE */ { if (offset > patchlen - 3) break; length = patchdata[offset++] << 8; length |= patchdata[offset++] << 0; if (length == 0) /* Illegal */ break; while (length--) address++; offset++; } if (address > *targetlength) *targetlength = address; } return PATCH_PATCH_INVALID; } static enum patch_error ips_apply_patch( const uint8_t *patchdata, uint64_t patchlen, const uint8_t *sourcedata, uint64_t sourcelength, uint8_t **targetdata, uint64_t *targetlength) { uint32_t offset = 5; enum patch_error error_patch = PATCH_UNKNOWN; if ( patchlen < 8 || patchdata[0] != 'P' || patchdata[1] != 'A' || patchdata[2] != 'T' || patchdata[3] != 'C' || patchdata[4] != 'H') return PATCH_PATCH_INVALID; if ((error_patch = ips_alloc_targetdata( patchdata, patchlen, sourcelength, targetdata, targetlength)) != PATCH_SUCCESS) return error_patch; memcpy(*targetdata, sourcedata, (size_t)sourcelength); for (;;) { uint32_t address; unsigned length; if (offset > patchlen - 3) break; address = patchdata[offset++] << 16; address |= patchdata[offset++] << 8; address |= patchdata[offset++] << 0; if (address == 0x454f46) /* EOF */ { if (offset == patchlen) return PATCH_SUCCESS; if (offset == patchlen - 3) { #if 0 uint32_t size = patchdata[offset++] << 16; size |= patchdata[offset++] << 8; size |= patchdata[offset++] << 0; #endif return PATCH_SUCCESS; } } if (offset > patchlen - 2) break; length = patchdata[offset++] << 8; length |= patchdata[offset++] << 0; if (length) /* Copy */ { if (offset > patchlen - length) break; while (length--) (*targetdata)[address++] = patchdata[offset++]; } else /* RLE */ { if (offset > patchlen - 3) break; length = patchdata[offset++] << 8; length |= patchdata[offset++] << 0; if (length == 0) /* Illegal */ break; while (length--) (*targetdata)[address++] = patchdata[offset]; offset++; } } return PATCH_PATCH_INVALID; } static bool apply_patch_content(uint8_t **buf, ssize_t *size, const char *patch_desc, const char *patch_path, patch_func_t func, void *patch_data, int64_t patch_size) { settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); bool show_notification = settings ? settings->bools.notification_show_patch_applied : false; enum patch_error err = PATCH_UNKNOWN; ssize_t ret_size = *size; uint8_t *ret_buf = *buf; uint64_t target_size = 0; uint8_t *patched_content = NULL; RARCH_LOG("Found %s file in \"%s\", attempting to patch ...\n", patch_desc, patch_path); if ((err = func((const uint8_t*)patch_data, patch_size, ret_buf, ret_size, &patched_content, &target_size)) == PATCH_SUCCESS) { free(ret_buf); *buf = patched_content; *size = target_size; /* Show an OSD message */ if (show_notification) { const char *patch_filename = path_basename(patch_path); char msg[256]; msg[0] = '\0'; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), msg_hash_to_str(MSG_APPLYING_PATCH), patch_filename ? patch_filename : msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_UNKNOWN)); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 180, false, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } } else RARCH_ERR("%s %s: %s #%u\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_PATCH), patch_desc, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_ERROR), (unsigned)err); return true; } static bool try_bps_patch(bool allow_bps, const char *name_bps, uint8_t **buf, ssize_t *size) { if ( allow_bps && !string_is_empty(name_bps) && path_is_valid(name_bps) ) { int64_t patch_size; bool ret = false; void *patch_data = NULL; if (!filestream_read_file(name_bps, &patch_data, &patch_size)) return false; if (patch_size >= 0) ret = apply_patch_content(buf, size, "BPS", name_bps, bps_apply_patch, patch_data, patch_size); if (patch_data) free(patch_data); return ret; } return false; } static bool try_ups_patch(bool allow_ups, const char *name_ups, uint8_t **buf, ssize_t *size) { if ( allow_ups && !string_is_empty(name_ups) && path_is_valid(name_ups) ) { int64_t patch_size; bool ret = false; void *patch_data = NULL; if (!filestream_read_file(name_ups, &patch_data, &patch_size)) return false; if (patch_size >= 0) ret = apply_patch_content(buf, size, "UPS", name_ups, ups_apply_patch, patch_data, patch_size); if (patch_data) free(patch_data); return ret; } return false; } static bool try_ips_patch(bool allow_ips, const char *name_ips, uint8_t **buf, ssize_t *size) { if ( allow_ips && !string_is_empty(name_ips) && path_is_valid(name_ips) ) { int64_t patch_size; bool ret = false; void *patch_data = NULL; if (!filestream_read_file(name_ips, &patch_data, &patch_size)) return false; if (patch_size >= 0) ret = apply_patch_content(buf, size, "IPS", name_ips, ips_apply_patch, patch_data, patch_size); if (patch_data) free(patch_data); return ret; } return false; } /** * patch_content: * @buf : buffer of the content file. * @size : size of the content file. * * Apply patch to the content file in-memory. * **/ bool patch_content( bool is_ips_pref, bool is_bps_pref, bool is_ups_pref, const char *name_ips, const char *name_bps, const char *name_ups, uint8_t **buf, void *data) { ssize_t *size = (ssize_t*)data; bool allow_ups = !is_bps_pref && !is_ips_pref; bool allow_ips = !is_ups_pref && !is_bps_pref; bool allow_bps = !is_ups_pref && !is_ips_pref; bool patch_found = false; if ( (unsigned)is_ips_pref + (unsigned)is_bps_pref + (unsigned)is_ups_pref > 1) { RARCH_WARN("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_SEVERAL_PATCHES_ARE_EXPLICITLY_DEFINED)); return false; } /* Attempt to apply first (non-indexed) patch */ if ( try_ips_patch(allow_ips, name_ips, buf, size) || try_bps_patch(allow_bps, name_bps, buf, size) || try_ups_patch(allow_ups, name_ups, buf, size)) { /* A patch has been found. Now attempt to apply * any additional 'indexed' patch files */ size_t name_ips_len = strlen(name_ips); size_t name_bps_len = strlen(name_bps); size_t name_ups_len = strlen(name_ups); char *name_ips_indexed = (char*)malloc((name_ips_len + 2) * sizeof(char)); char *name_bps_indexed = (char*)malloc((name_bps_len + 2) * sizeof(char)); char *name_ups_indexed = (char*)malloc((name_ups_len + 2) * sizeof(char)); /* First patch already applied -> index * for subsequent patches starts at 1 */ size_t patch_index = 1; name_ips_indexed[0] = '\0'; name_bps_indexed[0] = '\0'; name_ups_indexed[0] = '\0'; strlcpy(name_ips_indexed, name_ips, (name_ips_len + 1) * sizeof(char)); strlcpy(name_bps_indexed, name_bps, (name_bps_len + 1) * sizeof(char)); strlcpy(name_ups_indexed, name_ups, (name_ups_len + 1) * sizeof(char)); /* Ensure that we NUL terminate *after* the * index character */ name_ips_indexed[name_ips_len + 1] = '\0'; name_bps_indexed[name_bps_len + 1] = '\0'; name_ups_indexed[name_ups_len + 1] = '\0'; /* try to patch "*.ipsX" */ while (patch_index < 10) { /* Add index character to end of patch * file path string * > Note: This technique only works for * index values up to 9 (i.e. single * digit numbers) * > If we want to support more than 10 * patches in total, will have to replace * this with an snprintf() implementation * (which will have significantly higher * performance overheads) */ char index_char = '0' + patch_index; name_ips_indexed[name_ips_len] = index_char; name_bps_indexed[name_bps_len] = index_char; name_ups_indexed[name_ups_len] = index_char; if ( !try_ips_patch(allow_ips, name_ips_indexed, buf, size) && !try_bps_patch(allow_bps, name_bps_indexed, buf, size) && !try_ups_patch(allow_ups, name_ups_indexed, buf, size)) break; patch_index++; } free(name_ips_indexed); free(name_bps_indexed); free(name_ups_indexed); patch_found = true; } if(!patch_found) RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_DID_NOT_FIND_A_VALID_CONTENT_PATCH)); return patch_found; }