# Test configuration file to be used with --appendconfig. # Sets up joypad driver, test input file for the joypad driver, # logging and autoconfig dir, and prevents saving. # Usage: # retroarch --appendconfig tests_other/testinput_device_reservation_test.cfg\|tests_other/all_binds_empty.cfg # Test scenario: # - Player 1 through 4 has preferred device C # - Player 5 and 6 has no reserved device # - Connect controller A, then B, then 4 instances of C # - VALIDATE: check that Player 1 - C (1), Player 2 - C(2), Player 3 - C(3), Player 4 - C(4), # Player 5 - A, Player 6 - B input_joypad_driver = "test" test_input_file_joypad = "tests-other/test_input_joypad_device_reservation2.ratst" joypad_autoconfig_dir = "tests-other/autoconf" frontend_log_level = "0" libretro_log_level = "0" log_verbosity = "true" config_save_on_exit = "false" input_player1_reserved_device = "Test joypad device C" input_player1_device_reservation_type = "2" input_player2_reserved_device = "Test joypad device C" input_player2_device_reservation_type = "2" input_player3_reserved_device = "0005:0006 Test joypad device C" input_player3_device_reservation_type = "2" input_player4_reserved_device = "0005:0006 " input_player4_device_reservation_type = "2" # input_max_users = "3"