/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 - Sergi Granell (xerpi) * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../../config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_MENU #include "../../menu/menu_driver.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_GFX_WIDGETS #include "../gfx_widgets.h" #endif #include "../font_driver.h" #include "../common/vita2d_common.h" #include "../../driver.h" #include "../video_coord_array.h" #include "../../verbosity.h" #include "../../configuration.h" #include #include extern void *memcpy_neon(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n); static void vita2d_gfx_set_viewport(void *data, unsigned viewport_width, unsigned viewport_height, bool force_full, bool allow_rotate); static void *vita2d_gfx_init(const video_info_t *video, input_driver_t **input, void **input_data) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(vita_video_t)); unsigned temp_width = PSP_FB_WIDTH; unsigned temp_height = PSP_FB_HEIGHT; vita2d_video_mode_data video_mode_data = {0}; if (!vita) return NULL; *input = NULL; *input_data = NULL; RARCH_LOG("vita2d_gfx_init: w: %i h: %i\n", video->width, video->height); RARCH_LOG("RARCH_SCALE_BASE: %i input_scale: %i = %i\n", RARCH_SCALE_BASE, video->input_scale, RARCH_SCALE_BASE * video->input_scale); vita2d_init_advanced_with_msaa((1 * 1024 * 1024), SCE_GXM_MULTISAMPLE_4X, sceKernelGetModelForCDialog() == SCE_KERNEL_MODEL_VITATV? VITA2D_VIDEO_MODE_1280x720 : VITA2D_VIDEO_MODE_960x544 ); vita2d_set_clear_color(RGBA8(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)); vita2d_set_vblank_wait(video->vsync); if (video->rgb32) { RARCH_LOG("Format: SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_X8U8U8U8_1RGB\n"); vita->format = SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_X8U8U8U8_1RGB; } else { RARCH_LOG("Format: SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_R5G6B5\n"); vita->format = SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_R5G6B5; } video_mode_data = vita2d_get_video_mode_data(); temp_width = video_mode_data.width; temp_height = video_mode_data.height; vita->fullscreen = video->fullscreen; vita->texture = NULL; vita->menu.texture = NULL; vita->menu.active = 0; vita->menu.width = 0; vita->menu.height = 0; vita->vsync = video->vsync; vita->rgb32 = video->rgb32; vita->tex_filter = video->smooth ? SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR : SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_POINT; vita->video_width = temp_width; vita->video_height = temp_height; video_driver_set_size(temp_width, temp_height); vita2d_gfx_set_viewport(vita, temp_width, temp_height, false, true); if (input && input_data) { settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); void *pspinput = input_driver_init_wrap(&input_psp, settings->arrays.input_joypad_driver); *input = pspinput ? &input_psp : NULL; *input_data = pspinput; } vita->keep_aspect = true; vita->should_resize = true; #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY vita->overlay_enable = false; #endif font_driver_init_osd(vita, video, false, video->is_threaded, FONT_DRIVER_RENDER_VITA2D); return vita; } #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY static void vita2d_render_overlay(void *data); static void vita2d_free_overlay(vita_video_t *vita) { unsigned i; vita2d_wait_rendering_done(); for (i = 0; i < vita->overlays; i++) vita2d_free_texture(vita->overlay[i].tex); free(vita->overlay); vita->overlay = NULL; vita->overlays = 0; } #endif static void vita2d_gfx_update_viewport(vita_video_t* vita, video_frame_info_t *video_info); static bool vita2d_gfx_frame(void *data, const void *frame, unsigned width, unsigned height, uint64_t frame_count, unsigned pitch, const char *msg, video_frame_info_t *video_info) { void *tex_p; vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t *)data; unsigned temp_width = PSP_FB_WIDTH; unsigned temp_height = PSP_FB_HEIGHT; vita2d_video_mode_data video_mode_data = {0}; #ifdef HAVE_MENU bool menu_is_alive = video_info->menu_is_alive; #endif #ifdef HAVE_GFX_WIDGETS bool widgets_active = video_info->widgets_active; #endif bool statistics_show = video_info->statistics_show; struct font_params *osd_params = (struct font_params*) &video_info->osd_stat_params; if (frame) { if(!(vita->texture&&vita2d_texture_get_datap(vita->texture)==frame)) { unsigned i; unsigned int stride; if ((width != vita->width || height != vita->height) && vita->texture) { vita2d_wait_rendering_done(); vita2d_free_texture(vita->texture); vita->texture = NULL; } if (!vita->texture) { RARCH_LOG("Creating texture: %ix%i\n", width, height); vita->width = width; vita->height = height; vita->texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(width, height, vita->format); vita2d_texture_set_filters(vita->texture,vita->tex_filter,vita->tex_filter); } tex_p = vita2d_texture_get_datap(vita->texture); stride = vita2d_texture_get_stride(vita->texture); if (vita->format == SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_X8U8U8U8_1RGB) { stride /= 4; pitch /= 4; uint32_t *tex32 = tex_p; const uint32_t *frame32 = frame; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) memcpy_neon(&tex32[i*stride],&frame32[i*pitch],pitch*sizeof(uint32_t)); } else { stride /= 2; pitch /= 2; uint16_t *tex16 = tex_p; const uint16_t *frame16 = frame; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) memcpy_neon(&tex16[i*stride],&frame16[i*pitch],width*sizeof(uint16_t)); } } } if (vita->should_resize) vita2d_gfx_update_viewport(vita, video_info); video_mode_data = vita2d_get_video_mode_data(); temp_width = video_mode_data.width; temp_height = video_mode_data.height; vita2d_start_drawing(); vita2d_draw_rectangle(0,0,temp_width,temp_height,vita2d_get_clear_color()); if (vita->texture) { if (vita->fullscreen) vita2d_draw_texture_scale(vita->texture, 0, 0, temp_width / (float)vita->width, temp_height / (float)vita->height); else { const float radian = 270 * 0.0174532925f; const float rad = vita->rotation * radian; float scalex = vita->vp.width / (float)vita->width; float scaley = vita->vp.height / (float)vita->height; vita2d_draw_texture_scale_rotate(vita->texture,vita->vp.x, vita->vp.y, scalex, scaley, rad); } } if (vita->menu.active) { #ifdef HAVE_MENU menu_driver_frame(menu_is_alive, video_info); #endif if(vita->menu.texture) { if (vita->fullscreen) vita2d_draw_texture_scale(vita->menu.texture, 0, 0, temp_width / (float)vita->menu.width, temp_height / (float)vita->menu.height); else { if (vita->menu.width > vita->menu.height) { float scale = temp_height / (float)vita->menu.height; float w = vita->menu.width * scale; vita2d_draw_texture_scale(vita->menu.texture, temp_width / 2.0f - w/2.0f, 0.0f, scale, scale); } else { float scale = temp_width / (float)vita->menu.width; float h = vita->menu.height * scale; vita2d_draw_texture_scale(vita->menu.texture, 0.0f, temp_height / 2.0f - h/2.0f, scale, scale); } } } } else if (statistics_show) { if (osd_params) font_driver_render_msg(vita, video_info->stat_text, osd_params, NULL); } #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY if (vita->overlay_enable) vita2d_render_overlay(vita); #endif #ifdef HAVE_GFX_WIDGETS if (widgets_active) gfx_widgets_frame(video_info); #endif if(!string_is_empty(msg)) font_driver_render_msg(vita, msg, NULL, NULL); vita2d_end_drawing(); vita2d_swap_buffers(); return true; } static void vita2d_gfx_set_nonblock_state(void *data, bool toggle, bool c, unsigned d) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t *)data; if (vita) { vita->vsync = !toggle; vita2d_set_vblank_wait(vita->vsync); } } static bool vita2d_gfx_alive(void *data) { (void)data; return true; } static bool vita2d_gfx_focus(void *data) { (void)data; return true; } static bool vita2d_gfx_suppress_screensaver(void *data, bool enable) { (void)data; (void)enable; return false; } static void vita2d_gfx_free(void *data) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t *)data; vita2d_fini(); if (vita->menu.texture) { vita2d_free_texture(vita->menu.texture); vita->menu.texture = NULL; } if (vita->texture) { vita2d_free_texture(vita->texture); vita->texture = NULL; } font_driver_free_osd(); } static bool vita2d_gfx_set_shader(void *data, enum rarch_shader_type type, const char *path) { (void)data; (void)type; (void)path; return false; } static void vita2d_set_projection(vita_video_t *vita, struct video_ortho *ortho, bool allow_rotate) { math_matrix_4x4 rot; /* Calculate projection. */ matrix_4x4_ortho(vita->mvp_no_rot, ortho->left, ortho->right, ortho->bottom, ortho->top, ortho->znear, ortho->zfar); if (!allow_rotate) { vita->mvp = vita->mvp_no_rot; return; } matrix_4x4_rotate_z(rot, M_PI * vita->rotation / 180.0f); matrix_4x4_multiply(vita->mvp, rot, vita->mvp_no_rot); } static void vita2d_gfx_update_viewport(vita_video_t* vita, video_frame_info_t *video_info) { vita2d_video_mode_data video_mode_data = vita2d_get_video_mode_data(); unsigned temp_width = video_mode_data.width; unsigned temp_height = video_mode_data.height; int x = 0; int y = 0; float device_aspect = ((float)temp_width) / temp_height; float width = temp_width; float height = temp_height; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); bool video_scale_integer = settings->bools.video_scale_integer; unsigned aspect_ratio_idx = settings->uints.video_aspect_ratio_idx; if (video_scale_integer) { video_viewport_get_scaled_integer(&vita->vp, temp_width, temp_height, video_driver_get_aspect_ratio(), vita->keep_aspect); width = vita->vp.width; height = vita->vp.height; } else if (vita->keep_aspect) { float desired_aspect = video_driver_get_aspect_ratio(); if ( (vita->rotation == ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) || (vita->rotation == ORIENTATION_FLIPPED_ROTATED)) { device_aspect = 1.0 / device_aspect; width = temp_height; height = temp_width; } #if defined(HAVE_MENU) if (aspect_ratio_idx == ASPECT_RATIO_CUSTOM) { x = video_info->custom_vp_x; y = video_info->custom_vp_y; width = video_info->custom_vp_width; height = video_info->custom_vp_height; } else #endif { float delta; if ((fabsf(device_aspect - desired_aspect) < 0.0001f)) { /* If the aspect ratios of screen and desired aspect * ratio are sufficiently equal (floating point stuff), * assume they are actually equal. */ } else if (device_aspect > desired_aspect) { delta = (desired_aspect / device_aspect - 1.0f) / 2.0f + 0.5f; x = (int)roundf(width * (0.5f - delta)); width = (unsigned)roundf(2.0f * width * delta); } else { delta = (device_aspect / desired_aspect - 1.0f) / 2.0f + 0.5f; y = (int)roundf(height * (0.5f - delta)); height = (unsigned)roundf(2.0f * height * delta); } if ( (vita->rotation == ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) || (vita->rotation == ORIENTATION_FLIPPED_ROTATED) ) { x = (temp_width - width) * 0.5f; y = (temp_height - height) * 0.5f; } } vita->vp.x = x; vita->vp.y = y; vita->vp.width = width; vita->vp.height = height; } else { vita->vp.x = 0; vita->vp.y = 0; vita->vp.width = width; vita->vp.height = height; } vita->vp.width += vita->vp.width&0x1; vita->vp.height += vita->vp.height&0x1; vita->should_resize = false; } static void vita2d_gfx_set_viewport(void *data, unsigned viewport_width, unsigned viewport_height, bool force_full, bool allow_rotate) { int x = 0; int y = 0; float device_aspect = (float)viewport_width / viewport_height; struct video_ortho ortho = {0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1}; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; bool video_scale_integer = settings->bools.video_scale_integer; unsigned aspect_ratio_idx = settings->uints.video_aspect_ratio_idx; if (video_scale_integer && !force_full) { video_viewport_get_scaled_integer(&vita->vp, viewport_width, viewport_height, video_driver_get_aspect_ratio(), vita->keep_aspect); viewport_width = vita->vp.width; viewport_height = vita->vp.height; } else if (vita->keep_aspect && !force_full) { float desired_aspect = video_driver_get_aspect_ratio(); #if defined(HAVE_MENU) if (aspect_ratio_idx == ASPECT_RATIO_CUSTOM) { const struct video_viewport *custom = video_viewport_get_custom(); x = custom->x; y = custom->y; viewport_width = custom->width; viewport_height = custom->height; } else #endif { float delta; if (fabsf(device_aspect - desired_aspect) < 0.0001f) { /* If the aspect ratios of screen and desired aspect * ratio are sufficiently equal (floating point stuff), * assume they are actually equal. */ } else if (device_aspect > desired_aspect) { delta = (desired_aspect / device_aspect - 1.0f) / 2.0f + 0.5f; x = (int)roundf(viewport_width * (0.5f - delta)); viewport_width = (unsigned)roundf(2.0f * viewport_width * delta); } else { delta = (device_aspect / desired_aspect - 1.0f) / 2.0f + 0.5f; y = (int)roundf(viewport_height * (0.5f - delta)); viewport_height = (unsigned)roundf(2.0f * viewport_height * delta); } } vita->vp.x = x; vita->vp.y = y; vita->vp.width = viewport_width; vita->vp.height = viewport_height; } else { vita->vp.x = 0; vita->vp.y = 0; vita->vp.width = viewport_width; vita->vp.height = viewport_height; } vita2d_set_viewport(vita->vp.x, vita->vp.y, vita->vp.width, vita->vp.height); vita2d_set_projection(vita, &ortho, allow_rotate); /* Set last backbuffer viewport. */ if (!force_full) { vita->vp.width = viewport_width; vita->vp.height = viewport_height; } #if 0 vita->vp.x = (float)vita->vp.x; vita->vp.y = (float)vita->vp.y; vita->vp.width = (float)vita->vp.width; vita->vp.height = (float)vita->vp.height; vita->vp.minDepth = 0.0f; vita->vp.maxDepth = 1.0f; RARCH_LOG("Setting viewport @ %ux%u\n", viewport_width, viewport_height); #endif } static void vita2d_gfx_set_rotation(void *data, unsigned rotation) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; struct video_ortho ortho = {0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1}; if (!vita) return; vita->rotation = rotation; vita->should_resize = true; vita2d_set_projection(vita, &ortho, true); } static void vita2d_gfx_viewport_info(void *data, struct video_viewport *vp) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; if (vita) *vp = vita->vp; } static void vita_set_filtering(void *data, unsigned index, bool smooth, bool ctx_scaling) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t *)data; if (vita) { vita->tex_filter = smooth ? SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR : SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_POINT; vita2d_texture_set_filters(vita->texture,vita->tex_filter, vita->tex_filter); } } static void vita_set_aspect_ratio(void *data, unsigned aspect_ratio_idx) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; if (!vita) return; vita->keep_aspect = true; vita->should_resize = true; } static void vita_apply_state_changes(void *data) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; if (vita) vita->should_resize = true; } static void vita_set_texture_frame(void *data, const void *frame, bool rgb32, unsigned width, unsigned height, float alpha) { int i, j; void *tex_p; unsigned int stride; vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; (void)alpha; if (width != vita->menu.width && height != vita->menu.height && vita->menu.texture) { vita2d_wait_rendering_done(); vita2d_free_texture(vita->menu.texture); vita->menu.texture = NULL; } if (!vita->menu.texture) { if (rgb32) { vita->menu.texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture(width, height); RARCH_LOG("Creating Frame RGBA8 texture: w: %i h: %i\n", width, height); } else { vita->menu.texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format( width, height, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_U4U4U4U4_RGBA); RARCH_LOG("Creating Frame R5G6B5 texture: w: %i h: %i\n", width, height); } vita->menu.width = width; vita->menu.height = height; } vita2d_texture_set_filters(vita->menu.texture, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR); tex_p = vita2d_texture_get_datap(vita->menu.texture); stride = vita2d_texture_get_stride(vita->menu.texture); if (rgb32) { uint32_t *tex32 = tex_p; const uint32_t *frame32 = frame; stride /= 4; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) for (j = 0; j < width; j++) tex32[j + i*stride] = frame32[j + i*width]; } else { uint16_t *tex16 = tex_p; const uint16_t *frame16 = frame; stride /= 2; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) for (j = 0; j < width; j++) tex16[j + i*stride] = frame16[j + i*width]; } } static void vita_set_texture_enable(void *data, bool state, bool full_screen) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; (void)full_screen; vita->menu.active = state; } static uintptr_t vita_load_texture(void *video_data, void *data, bool threaded, enum texture_filter_type filter_type) { unsigned int stride, pitch, j; uint32_t *tex32 = NULL; const uint32_t *frame32 = NULL; struct texture_image *image = (struct texture_image*)data; struct vita2d_texture *texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(image->width, image->height,SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_U8U8U8U8_ARGB); if (!texture) return 0; if ((filter_type == TEXTURE_FILTER_MIPMAP_LINEAR) || (filter_type == TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR)) vita2d_texture_set_filters(texture, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR); stride = vita2d_texture_get_stride(texture); stride /= 4; tex32 = vita2d_texture_get_datap(texture); frame32 = image->pixels; pitch = image->width; for (j = 0; j < image->height; j++) memcpy_neon( &tex32[j*stride], &frame32[j*pitch], pitch * sizeof(uint32_t)); return (uintptr_t)texture; } static void vita_unload_texture(void *data, bool threaded, uintptr_t handle) { struct vita2d_texture *texture = (struct vita2d_texture*)handle; if (!texture) return; /* TODO: We really want to defer this deletion instead, * but this will do for now. */ vita2d_wait_rendering_done(); vita2d_free_texture(texture); #if 0 free(texture); #endif } static bool vita_get_current_sw_framebuffer(void *data, struct retro_framebuffer *framebuffer) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; if (!vita->texture || vita->width != framebuffer->width || vita->height != framebuffer->height) { if(vita->texture) { vita2d_wait_rendering_done(); vita2d_free_texture(vita->texture); vita->texture = NULL; } vita->width = framebuffer->width; vita->height = framebuffer->height; vita->texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format( vita->width, vita->height, vita->format); vita2d_texture_set_filters(vita->texture, vita->tex_filter,vita->tex_filter); } framebuffer->data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(vita->texture); framebuffer->pitch = vita2d_texture_get_stride(vita->texture); framebuffer->format = vita->rgb32 ? RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB8888 : RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565; framebuffer->memory_flags = 0; return true; } static uint32_t vita_get_flags(void *data) { uint32_t flags = 0; BIT32_SET(flags, GFX_CTX_FLAGS_SCREENSHOTS_SUPPORTED); return flags; } static const video_poke_interface_t vita_poke_interface = { vita_get_flags, vita_load_texture, vita_unload_texture, NULL, NULL, /* get_refresh_rate */ vita_set_filtering, NULL, /* get_video_output_size */ NULL, /* get_video_output_prev */ NULL, /* get_video_output_next */ NULL, /* get_current_framebuffer */ NULL, /* get_proc_address */ vita_set_aspect_ratio, vita_apply_state_changes, vita_set_texture_frame, vita_set_texture_enable, font_driver_render_msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, vita_get_current_sw_framebuffer, NULL }; static void vita2d_gfx_get_poke_interface(void *data, const video_poke_interface_t **iface) { (void)data; *iface = &vita_poke_interface; } #ifdef HAVE_GFX_WIDGETS static bool vita2d_gfx_gfx_widgets_enabled(void *data) { (void)data; return true; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY static void vita2d_overlay_tex_geom(void *data, unsigned image, float x, float y, float w, float h); static void vita2d_overlay_vertex_geom(void *data, unsigned image, float x, float y, float w, float h); static bool vita2d_overlay_load(void *data, const void *image_data, unsigned num_images) { unsigned i,j,k; unsigned int stride, pitch; vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; const struct texture_image *images = (const struct texture_image*)image_data; vita2d_free_overlay(vita); vita->overlay = (struct vita_overlay_data*)calloc(num_images, sizeof(*vita->overlay)); if (!vita->overlay) return false; vita->overlays = num_images; for (i = 0; i < num_images; i++) { struct vita_overlay_data *o = (struct vita_overlay_data*)&vita->overlay[i]; o->width = images[i].width; o->height = images[i].height; o->tex = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(o->width , o->height, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_U8U8U8U8_ARGB); vita2d_texture_set_filters(o->tex,SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR,SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR); stride = vita2d_texture_get_stride(o->tex); stride /= 4; uint32_t *tex32 = vita2d_texture_get_datap(o->tex); const uint32_t *frame32 = images[i].pixels; pitch = o->width; for (j = 0; j < o->height; j++) for (k = 0; k < o->width; k++) tex32[k + j*stride] = frame32[k + j*pitch]; vita2d_overlay_tex_geom(vita, i, 0, 0, 1, 1); /* Default. Stretch to whole screen. */ vita2d_overlay_vertex_geom(vita, i, 0, 0, 1, 1); vita->overlay[i].alpha_mod = 1.0f; } return true; } static void vita2d_overlay_tex_geom(void *data, unsigned image, float x, float y, float w, float h) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; struct vita_overlay_data *o = NULL; if (vita) o = (struct vita_overlay_data*)&vita->overlay[image]; if (o) { o->tex_x = x; o->tex_y = y; o->tex_w = w*o->width; o->tex_h = h*o->height; } } static void vita2d_overlay_vertex_geom(void *data, unsigned image, float x, float y, float w, float h) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; struct vita_overlay_data *o = NULL; /* Flipped, so we preserve top-down semantics. */ /*y = 1.0f - y; h = -h;*/ if (vita) o = (struct vita_overlay_data*)&vita->overlay[image]; if (o) { vita2d_video_mode_data video_mode_data = vita2d_get_video_mode_data(); o->w = w*video_mode_data.width/o->width; o->h = h*video_mode_data.height/o->height; o->x = video_mode_data.width*(1-w)/2+x; o->y = video_mode_data.height*(1-h)/2+y; } } static void vita2d_overlay_enable(void *data, bool state) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; vita->overlay_enable = state; } static void vita2d_overlay_full_screen(void *data, bool enable) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; vita->overlay_full_screen = enable; } static void vita2d_overlay_set_alpha(void *data, unsigned image, float mod) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; vita->overlay[image].alpha_mod = mod; } static void vita2d_render_overlay(void *data) { unsigned i; vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; for (i = 0; i < vita->overlays; i++) { vita2d_draw_texture_tint_part_scale(vita->overlay[i].tex, vita->overlay[i].x, vita->overlay[i].y, vita->overlay[i].tex_x, vita->overlay[i].tex_y, vita->overlay[i].tex_w, vita->overlay[i].tex_h, vita->overlay[i].w, vita->overlay[i].h, RGBA8(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,(uint8_t)(vita->overlay[i].alpha_mod * 255.0f))); } } static const video_overlay_interface_t vita2d_overlay_interface = { vita2d_overlay_enable, vita2d_overlay_load, vita2d_overlay_tex_geom, vita2d_overlay_vertex_geom, vita2d_overlay_full_screen, vita2d_overlay_set_alpha, }; static void vita2d_get_overlay_interface(void *data, const video_overlay_interface_t **iface) { *iface = &vita2d_overlay_interface; } #endif video_driver_t video_vita2d = { vita2d_gfx_init, vita2d_gfx_frame, vita2d_gfx_set_nonblock_state, vita2d_gfx_alive, vita2d_gfx_focus, vita2d_gfx_suppress_screensaver, NULL, /* has_windowed */ vita2d_gfx_set_shader, vita2d_gfx_free, "vita2d", vita2d_gfx_set_viewport, vita2d_gfx_set_rotation, vita2d_gfx_viewport_info, NULL, /* read_viewport */ NULL, /* read_frame_raw */ #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY vita2d_get_overlay_interface, #endif #ifdef HAVE_VIDEO_LAYOUT NULL, #endif vita2d_gfx_get_poke_interface, NULL, #ifdef HAVE_GFX_WIDGETS vita2d_gfx_gfx_widgets_enabled #endif };