#!/bin/bash WD=$(realpath $(dirname $0)) include_cheats="" include_overlays="" include_shaders="" assets_zip="$WD/assets.zip" args=`getopt achmos $*` set -- $args while :; do case "$1" in -a) include_cheats=1 include_overlays=1 include_shaders=1 shift ;; -c) include_cheats=1 shift ;; -h) echo "$(basename $0) -- Rebuild assets.zip" echo "Meant to be used when building RetroArch yourself. The buildbot does not use this." echo echo " -c Include cheats" echo " -o Include overlays" echo " -s Include shaders" echo " -a Include cheats, overlays, and shaders" echo " -m Build for macOS (places in OSX directory" exit 0 ;; -m) assets_zip="$WD/OSX/assets.zip" shift ;; -o) include_overlays=1 shift ;; -s) include_shaders=1 shift ;; --) shift break ;; esac done function fetch_zip() { echo "Fetching $1..." curl -s -o tmp.zip "https://git.libretro.com/api/v4/projects/libretro-assets%2F$1/jobs/artifacts/master/download?job=libretro-package-any" echo " Unzipping..." unzip -q tmp.zip rm -f tmp.zip } pushd "$WD" &>/dev/null rm -rf .media fetch_zip retroarch-assets fetch_zip retroarch-joypad-autoconfig fetch_zip libretro-database fetch_zip libretro-super if [ -n "$include_overlays" ] ; then fetch_zip common-overlays fi if [ -n "$include_shaders" ] ; then fetch_zip glsl-shaders fetch_zip slang-shaders fi pushd .media &>/dev/null echo "Packaging assets" mkdir assets ; mv retroarch-assets/{COPYING,glui,menu_widgets,ozone,pkg,rgui,sounds,xmb} assets ; rm -rf retroarch-assets rm -rf assets/pkg/wiiu echo "Packaging autoconfig" mv retroarch-joypad-autoconfig autoconfig rm -rf autoconfig/{android,dinput,linuxraw,parport,qnx,sdl2,udev,x,xinput} if [ -n "$include_cheats" ] ; then echo "Packaging cheats" mv libretro-database/cht cht fi echo "Packaging database" mkdir database ; mv libretro-database/{cursors,rdb} database ; rm -rf libretro-database echo "Packaging info" mv libretro-super/info info ; rmdir libretro-super if [ -n "$include_overlays" ] ; then echo "Packaging overlays" mv common-overlays overlays rm -rf overlays/{ctr,wii} fi if [ -n "$include_shaders" ] ; then echo "Packaging shaders" mkdir shaders ; mv glsl-shaders shaders/shaders_glsl ; mv slang-shaders shaders/shaders_slang fi rm -f ../assets.zip echo "Zipping final assets bundle..." zip -qr ../assets.zip * popd &>/dev/null rm -rf .media echo "Done!"