# This build was put together and is maintained by ModMyClassic.com for Libretro.
# The purpose is to give Libretro a proper "official" build platform for classic consoles.
# If you need any help in building for the classics or have any questions then please visit
# https://modmyclassic.com and we will help in any way possible!

# Building Prerequisites ##############
# arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip

include version.all

# General Shared Variables ############
TARGET := retroarch

# Libretro Defines ####################
#HAVE_CLASSIC = Classic Hook, disable some features
#HAVE_C_A7A7 = Classic Armv7 Cortex A7 optimisation override
#HAVE_SEGAM = Sega Mini Hook, change default configurations etc (TODO)

all: $(TARGET)

	#Build the RetroArch Binary for cross platform classics (ARMv7 Cortex A7)
	patchelf --version #Check if you have patchelf installed... (sudo apt-get install patchelf)
	CFLAGS="-marm -mtune=cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mfloat-abi=hard" ./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf --disable-wayland --disable-x11 --disable-opengl --disable-opengl1 --disable-opengl_core --enable-mali_fbdev --disable-freetype --enable-opengles --enable-udev --enable-alsa --enable-neon --enable-floathard --disable-discord
	make HAVE_CLASSIC=1 HAVE_C_A7A7=1 HAVE_SEGAM=1 -j #Cook it
	arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip -v retroarch
	@echo "*********************************************************************"
	@echo "***   SEGA Mega Drive Mini RetroArch binary built successfully!   ***"
	@echo "*********************************************************************"
	rm -rf obj-unix
	rm -f *.d
	rm -f *.o
	rm -f audio/*.o
	rm -f conf/*.o
	rm -f gfx/*.o
	rm -f gfx/drivers_font/*.o
	rm -f gfx/drivers_font_renderer/*.o
	rm -f gfx/drivers_context/*.o
	rm -f gfx/py_state/*.o
	rm -f compat/*.o
	rm -f record/*.o
	rm -f input/*.o
	rm -f tools/*.o
	rm -f $(BINDIR)/retroarch
	rm -f $(PNDDIR)/readme.html
	rm -f retroarch