/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 8.00.0613 */ /* @@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( ) */ /* verify that the version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #define __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ 475 #endif /* verify that the version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REQUIRED_RPCSAL_H_VERSION__ #define __REQUIRED_RPCSAL_H_VERSION__ 100 #endif #include "rpc.h" #include "rpcndr.h" #ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #error this stub requires an updated version of #endif /* __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ */ #ifndef COM_NO_WINDOWS_H #include "windows.h" #include "ole2.h" #endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/ #ifndef __dxgidebug_h__ #define __dxgidebug_h__ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) #pragma once #endif /* Forward Declarations */ #ifndef __IDXGIInfoQueue_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IDXGIInfoQueue_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface IDXGIInfoQueue IDXGIInfoQueue; #endif /* __IDXGIInfoQueue_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IDXGIDebug_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IDXGIDebug_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface IDXGIDebug IDXGIDebug; #endif /* __IDXGIDebug_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IDXGIDebug1_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IDXGIDebug1_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface IDXGIDebug1 IDXGIDebug1; #endif /* __IDXGIDebug1_FWD_DEFINED__ */ /* header files for imported files */ #include "oaidl.h" #include "ocidl.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif /* interface __MIDL_itf_dxgidebug_0000_0000 */ /* [local] */ /*#include */ /*#pragma region Application Family*/ /*#if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_APP)*/ #define DXGI_DEBUG_BINARY_VERSION ( 1 ) typedef enum DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_FLAGS { DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_SUMMARY = 0x1, DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_DETAIL = 0x2, DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_IGNORE_INTERNAL = 0x4, DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_ALL = 0x7 } DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_FLAGS; typedef GUID DXGI_DEBUG_ID; DEFINE_GUID(DXGI_DEBUG_ALL, 0xe48ae283, 0xda80, 0x490b, 0x87, 0xe6, 0x43, 0xe9, 0xa9, 0xcf, 0xda, 0x8); DEFINE_GUID(DXGI_DEBUG_DX, 0x35cdd7fc, 0x13b2, 0x421d, 0xa5, 0xd7, 0x7e, 0x44, 0x51, 0x28, 0x7d, 0x64); DEFINE_GUID(DXGI_DEBUG_DXGI, 0x25cddaa4, 0xb1c6, 0x47e1, 0xac, 0x3e, 0x98, 0x87, 0x5b, 0x5a, 0x2e, 0x2a); DEFINE_GUID(DXGI_DEBUG_APP, 0x6cd6e01, 0x4219, 0x4ebd, 0x87, 0x9, 0x27, 0xed, 0x23, 0x36, 0xc, 0x62); typedef enum DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN = 0, DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN + 1 ) , DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_INITIALIZATION = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS + 1 ) , DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_CLEANUP = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_INITIALIZATION + 1 ) , DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_COMPILATION = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_CLEANUP + 1 ) , DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_STATE_CREATION = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_COMPILATION + 1 ) , DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_STATE_SETTING = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_STATE_CREATION + 1 ) , DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_STATE_GETTING = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_STATE_SETTING + 1 ) , DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_RESOURCE_MANIPULATION = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_STATE_GETTING + 1 ) , DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_EXECUTION = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_RESOURCE_MANIPULATION + 1 ) , DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_SHADER = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_EXECUTION + 1 ) } DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY; typedef enum DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_CORRUPTION = 0, DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_CORRUPTION + 1 ) , DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR + 1 ) , DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING + 1 ) , DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_MESSAGE = ( DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO + 1 ) } DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY; typedef int DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_ID; #define DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_ID_STRING_FROM_APPLICATION 0 typedef struct DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE { DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer; DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Category; DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity; DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_ID ID; /* [annotation] */ _Field_size_(DescriptionByteLength) const char *pDescription; SIZE_T DescriptionByteLength; } DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE; typedef struct DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER_DESC { UINT NumCategories; /* [annotation] */ _Field_size_(NumCategories) DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY *pCategoryList; UINT NumSeverities; /* [annotation] */ _Field_size_(NumSeverities) DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY *pSeverityList; UINT NumIDs; /* [annotation] */ _Field_size_(NumIDs) DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_ID *pIDList; } DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER_DESC; typedef struct DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER { DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER_DESC AllowList; DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER_DESC DenyList; } DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER; #define DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_COUNT_LIMIT 1024 HRESULT WINAPI DXGIGetDebugInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppDebug); extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_dxgidebug_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_dxgidebug_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec; #ifndef __IDXGIInfoQueue_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __IDXGIInfoQueue_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface IDXGIInfoQueue */ /* [unique][local][object][uuid] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_IDXGIInfoQueue; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("D67441C7-672A-476f-9E82-CD55B44949CE") IDXGIInfoQueue : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetMessageCountLimit( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ UINT64 MessageCountLimit) = 0; virtual void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ClearStoredMessages( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMessage( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ UINT64 MessageIndex, /* [annotation] */ _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*pMessageByteLength) DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE *pMessage, /* [annotation] */ _Inout_ SIZE_T *pMessageByteLength) = 0; virtual UINT64 STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilters( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual UINT64 STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetNumStoredMessages( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual UINT64 STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual UINT64 STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMessageCountLimit( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual UINT64 STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual UINT64 STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddStorageFilterEntries( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER *pFilter) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetStorageFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*pFilterByteLength) DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER *pFilter, /* [annotation] */ _Inout_ SIZE_T *pFilterByteLength) = 0; virtual void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ClearStorageFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE PushEmptyStorageFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE PushDenyAllStorageFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE PushCopyOfStorageFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE PushStorageFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER *pFilter) = 0; virtual void STDMETHODCALLTYPE PopStorageFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual UINT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetStorageFilterStackSize( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRetrievalFilterEntries( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER *pFilter) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetRetrievalFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*pFilterByteLength) DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER *pFilter, /* [annotation] */ _Inout_ SIZE_T *pFilterByteLength) = 0; virtual void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ClearRetrievalFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE PushEmptyRetrievalFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE PushDenyAllRetrievalFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE PushCopyOfRetrievalFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE PushRetrievalFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER *pFilter) = 0; virtual void STDMETHODCALLTYPE PopRetrievalFilter( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual UINT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetRetrievalFilterStackSize( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddMessage( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Category, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_ID ID, /* [annotation] */ _In_ LPCSTR pDescription) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddApplicationMessage( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity, /* [annotation] */ _In_ LPCSTR pDescription) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetBreakOnCategory( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Category, /* [annotation] */ _In_ BOOL bEnable) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetBreakOnSeverity( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity, /* [annotation] */ _In_ BOOL bEnable) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetBreakOnID( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_ID ID, /* [annotation] */ _In_ BOOL bEnable) = 0; virtual BOOL STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetBreakOnCategory( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Category) = 0; virtual BOOL STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetBreakOnSeverity( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity) = 0; virtual BOOL STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetBreakOnID( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_ID ID) = 0; virtual void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetMuteDebugOutput( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ BOOL bMute) = 0; virtual BOOL STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMuteDebugOutput( /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct IDXGIInfoQueueVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ _COM_Outptr_ void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *SetMessageCountLimit )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ UINT64 MessageCountLimit); void ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *ClearStoredMessages )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetMessage )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ UINT64 MessageIndex, /* [annotation] */ _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*pMessageByteLength) DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE *pMessage, /* [annotation] */ _Inout_ SIZE_T *pMessageByteLength); UINT64 ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilters )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); UINT64 ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetNumStoredMessages )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); UINT64 ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); UINT64 ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetMessageCountLimit )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); UINT64 ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); UINT64 ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddStorageFilterEntries )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER *pFilter); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetStorageFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*pFilterByteLength) DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER *pFilter, /* [annotation] */ _Inout_ SIZE_T *pFilterByteLength); void ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *ClearStorageFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *PushEmptyStorageFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *PushDenyAllStorageFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *PushCopyOfStorageFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *PushStorageFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER *pFilter); void ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *PopStorageFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); UINT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetStorageFilterStackSize )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRetrievalFilterEntries )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER *pFilter); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetRetrievalFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*pFilterByteLength) DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER *pFilter, /* [annotation] */ _Inout_ SIZE_T *pFilterByteLength); void ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *ClearRetrievalFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *PushEmptyRetrievalFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *PushDenyAllRetrievalFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *PushCopyOfRetrievalFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *PushRetrievalFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER *pFilter); void ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *PopRetrievalFilter )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); UINT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetRetrievalFilterStackSize )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddMessage )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Category, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_ID ID, /* [annotation] */ _In_ LPCSTR pDescription); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddApplicationMessage )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity, /* [annotation] */ _In_ LPCSTR pDescription); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *SetBreakOnCategory )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Category, /* [annotation] */ _In_ BOOL bEnable); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *SetBreakOnSeverity )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity, /* [annotation] */ _In_ BOOL bEnable); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *SetBreakOnID )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_ID ID, /* [annotation] */ _In_ BOOL bEnable); BOOL ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetBreakOnCategory )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Category); BOOL ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetBreakOnSeverity )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity); BOOL ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetBreakOnID )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_ID ID); void ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *SetMuteDebugOutput )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer, /* [annotation] */ _In_ BOOL bMute); BOOL ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetMuteDebugOutput )( IDXGIInfoQueue * This, /* [annotation] */ _In_ DXGI_DEBUG_ID Producer); END_INTERFACE } IDXGIInfoQueueVtbl; interface IDXGIInfoQueue { CONST_VTBL struct IDXGIInfoQueueVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define IDXGIInfoQueue_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_SetMessageCountLimit(This,Producer,MessageCountLimit) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> SetMessageCountLimit(This,Producer,MessageCountLimit) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_ClearStoredMessages(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> ClearStoredMessages(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetMessage(This,Producer,MessageIndex,pMessage,pMessageByteLength) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetMessage(This,Producer,MessageIndex,pMessage,pMessageByteLength) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilters(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilters(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetNumStoredMessages(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetNumStoredMessages(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetMessageCountLimit(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetMessageCountLimit(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_AddStorageFilterEntries(This,Producer,pFilter) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddStorageFilterEntries(This,Producer,pFilter) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetStorageFilter(This,Producer,pFilter,pFilterByteLength) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetStorageFilter(This,Producer,pFilter,pFilterByteLength) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_ClearStorageFilter(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> ClearStorageFilter(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_PushEmptyStorageFilter(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> PushEmptyStorageFilter(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_PushDenyAllStorageFilter(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> PushDenyAllStorageFilter(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_PushCopyOfStorageFilter(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> PushCopyOfStorageFilter(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_PushStorageFilter(This,Producer,pFilter) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> PushStorageFilter(This,Producer,pFilter) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_PopStorageFilter(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> PopStorageFilter(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetStorageFilterStackSize(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetStorageFilterStackSize(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_AddRetrievalFilterEntries(This,Producer,pFilter) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRetrievalFilterEntries(This,Producer,pFilter) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetRetrievalFilter(This,Producer,pFilter,pFilterByteLength) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetRetrievalFilter(This,Producer,pFilter,pFilterByteLength) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_ClearRetrievalFilter(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> ClearRetrievalFilter(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_PushEmptyRetrievalFilter(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> PushEmptyRetrievalFilter(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_PushDenyAllRetrievalFilter(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> PushDenyAllRetrievalFilter(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_PushCopyOfRetrievalFilter(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> PushCopyOfRetrievalFilter(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_PushRetrievalFilter(This,Producer,pFilter) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> PushRetrievalFilter(This,Producer,pFilter) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_PopRetrievalFilter(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> PopRetrievalFilter(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetRetrievalFilterStackSize(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetRetrievalFilterStackSize(This,Producer) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_AddMessage(This,Producer,Category,Severity,ID,pDescription) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddMessage(This,Producer,Category,Severity,ID,pDescription) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_AddApplicationMessage(This,Severity,pDescription) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddApplicationMessage(This,Severity,pDescription) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_SetBreakOnCategory(This,Producer,Category,bEnable) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> SetBreakOnCategory(This,Producer,Category,bEnable) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_SetBreakOnSeverity(This,Producer,Severity,bEnable) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> SetBreakOnSeverity(This,Producer,Severity,bEnable) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_SetBreakOnID(This,Producer,ID,bEnable) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> SetBreakOnID(This,Producer,ID,bEnable) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetBreakOnCategory(This,Producer,Category) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetBreakOnCategory(This,Producer,Category) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetBreakOnSeverity(This,Producer,Severity) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetBreakOnSeverity(This,Producer,Severity) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetBreakOnID(This,Producer,ID) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetBreakOnID(This,Producer,ID) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_SetMuteDebugOutput(This,Producer,bMute) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> SetMuteDebugOutput(This,Producer,bMute) ) #define IDXGIInfoQueue_GetMuteDebugOutput(This,Producer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetMuteDebugOutput(This,Producer) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __IDXGIInfoQueue_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IDXGIDebug_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __IDXGIDebug_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface IDXGIDebug */ /* [unique][local][object][uuid] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_IDXGIDebug; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("119E7452-DE9E-40fe-8806-88F90C12B441") IDXGIDebug : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReportLiveObjects( GUID apiid, DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_FLAGS flags) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct IDXGIDebugVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IDXGIDebug * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ _COM_Outptr_ void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IDXGIDebug * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IDXGIDebug * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *ReportLiveObjects )( IDXGIDebug * This, GUID apiid, DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_FLAGS flags); END_INTERFACE } IDXGIDebugVtbl; interface IDXGIDebug { CONST_VTBL struct IDXGIDebugVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define IDXGIDebug_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define IDXGIDebug_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define IDXGIDebug_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define IDXGIDebug_ReportLiveObjects(This,apiid,flags) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> ReportLiveObjects(This,apiid,flags) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __IDXGIDebug_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IDXGIDebug1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __IDXGIDebug1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface IDXGIDebug1 */ /* [unique][local][object][uuid] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_IDXGIDebug1; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("c5a05f0c-16f2-4adf-9f4d-a8c4d58ac550") IDXGIDebug1 : public IDXGIDebug { public: virtual void STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnableLeakTrackingForThread( void) = 0; virtual void STDMETHODCALLTYPE DisableLeakTrackingForThread( void) = 0; virtual BOOL STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsLeakTrackingEnabledForThread( void) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct IDXGIDebug1Vtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IDXGIDebug1 * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ _COM_Outptr_ void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IDXGIDebug1 * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IDXGIDebug1 * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *ReportLiveObjects )( IDXGIDebug1 * This, GUID apiid, DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_FLAGS flags); void ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *EnableLeakTrackingForThread )( IDXGIDebug1 * This); void ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *DisableLeakTrackingForThread )( IDXGIDebug1 * This); BOOL ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *IsLeakTrackingEnabledForThread )( IDXGIDebug1 * This); END_INTERFACE } IDXGIDebug1Vtbl; interface IDXGIDebug1 { CONST_VTBL struct IDXGIDebug1Vtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define IDXGIDebug1_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define IDXGIDebug1_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define IDXGIDebug1_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define IDXGIDebug1_ReportLiveObjects(This,apiid,flags) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> ReportLiveObjects(This,apiid,flags) ) #define IDXGIDebug1_EnableLeakTrackingForThread(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> EnableLeakTrackingForThread(This) ) #define IDXGIDebug1_DisableLeakTrackingForThread(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> DisableLeakTrackingForThread(This) ) #define IDXGIDebug1_IsLeakTrackingEnabledForThread(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> IsLeakTrackingEnabledForThread(This) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __IDXGIDebug1_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ /* interface __MIDL_itf_dxgidebug_0000_0003 */ /* [local] */ /*#endif*/ /* WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_APP) */ /*#pragma endregion*/ /*#pragma region Desktop Family*/ /*#if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP)*/ /*#endif*/ /* WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) */ /*#pragma endregion*/ DEFINE_GUID(IID_IDXGIInfoQueue,0xD67441C7,0x672A,0x476f,0x9E,0x82,0xCD,0x55,0xB4,0x49,0x49,0xCE); DEFINE_GUID(IID_IDXGIDebug,0x119E7452,0xDE9E,0x40fe,0x88,0x06,0x88,0xF9,0x0C,0x12,0xB4,0x41); DEFINE_GUID(IID_IDXGIDebug1,0xc5a05f0c,0x16f2,0x4adf,0x9f,0x4d,0xa8,0xc4,0xd5,0x8a,0xc5,0x50); extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_dxgidebug_0000_0003_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_dxgidebug_0000_0003_v0_0_s_ifspec; /* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */ /* end of Additional Prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif