/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <string.h> #include <encodings/utf.h> #include <compat/strl.h> #include "../common/metal_common.h" #include "../font_driver.h" @interface MetalRaster : NSObject { __weak MetalDriver *_driver; const font_renderer_driver_t *_font_driver; void *_font_data; struct font_atlas *_atlas; NSUInteger _stride; id<MTLBuffer> _buffer; id<MTLTexture> _texture; id<MTLRenderPipelineState> _state; id<MTLSamplerState> _sampler; Context *_context; Uniforms _uniforms; id<MTLBuffer> _vert; unsigned _capacity; unsigned _offset; unsigned _vertices; } @property (readonly) struct font_atlas *atlas; - (instancetype)initWithDriver:(MetalDriver *)driver fontPath:(const char *)font_path fontSize:(unsigned)font_size; - (int)getWidthForMessage:(const char *)msg length:(NSUInteger)length scale:(float)scale; - (const struct font_glyph *)getGlyph:(uint32_t)code; @end @implementation MetalRaster - (instancetype)initWithDriver:(MetalDriver *)driver fontPath:(const char *)font_path fontSize:(unsigned)font_size { if (self = [super init]) { if (driver == nil) return nil; _driver = driver; _context = driver.context; if (!font_renderer_create_default( &_font_driver, &_font_data, font_path, font_size)) { RARCH_WARN("Couldn't initialize font renderer.\n"); return nil; } _uniforms.projectionMatrix = matrix_proj_ortho(0, 1, 0, 1); _atlas = _font_driver->get_atlas(_font_data); _stride = MTL_ALIGN_BUFFER(_atlas->width); if (_stride == _atlas->width) { _buffer = [_context.device newBufferWithBytes:_atlas->buffer length:(NSUInteger)(_stride * _atlas->height) options:MTLResourceStorageModeManaged]; /* Even though newBufferWithBytes will copy the initial contents * from our atlas, it doesn't seem to invalidate the buffer when * doing so, causing corrupted text rendering if we hit this code * path. To work around it we manually invalidate the buffer. */ [_buffer didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(0, _buffer.length)]; } else { _buffer = [_context.device newBufferWithLength:(NSUInteger)(_stride * _atlas->height) options:MTLResourceStorageModeManaged]; void *dst = _buffer.contents; void *src = _atlas->buffer; for (unsigned i = 0; i < _atlas->height; i++) { memcpy(dst, src, _atlas->width); dst += _stride; src += _atlas->width; } [_buffer didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(0, _buffer.length)]; } MTLTextureDescriptor *td = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat:MTLPixelFormatR8Unorm width:_atlas->width height:_atlas->height mipmapped:NO]; _texture = [_buffer newTextureWithDescriptor:td offset:0 bytesPerRow:_stride]; _capacity = 12000; _vert = [_context.device newBufferWithLength:sizeof(SpriteVertex) * _capacity options:MTLResourceStorageModeManaged]; if (![self _initializeState]) { return nil; } } return self; } - (bool)_initializeState { { MTLVertexDescriptor *vd = [MTLVertexDescriptor new]; vd.attributes[0].offset = 0; vd.attributes[0].format = MTLVertexFormatFloat2; vd.attributes[1].offset = offsetof(SpriteVertex, texCoord); vd.attributes[1].format = MTLVertexFormatFloat2; vd.attributes[2].offset = offsetof(SpriteVertex, color); vd.attributes[2].format = MTLVertexFormatFloat4; vd.layouts[0].stride = sizeof(SpriteVertex); vd.layouts[0].stepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunctionPerVertex; MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor *psd = [MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor new]; psd.label = @"font pipeline"; MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor *ca = psd.colorAttachments[0]; ca.pixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm; ca.blendingEnabled = YES; ca.sourceAlphaBlendFactor = MTLBlendFactorSourceAlpha; ca.sourceRGBBlendFactor = MTLBlendFactorSourceAlpha; ca.destinationAlphaBlendFactor = MTLBlendFactorOneMinusSourceAlpha; ca.destinationRGBBlendFactor = MTLBlendFactorOneMinusSourceAlpha; psd.sampleCount = 1; psd.vertexDescriptor = vd; psd.vertexFunction = [_context.library newFunctionWithName:@"sprite_vertex"]; psd.fragmentFunction = [_context.library newFunctionWithName:@"sprite_fragment_a8"]; NSError *err; _state = [_context.device newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor:psd error:&err]; if (err != nil) { RARCH_ERR("[MetalRaster]: error creating pipeline state: %s\n", err.localizedDescription.UTF8String); return NO; } } { MTLSamplerDescriptor *sd = [MTLSamplerDescriptor new]; sd.minFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterLinear; sd.magFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterLinear; _sampler = [_context.device newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:sd]; } return YES; } - (void)updateGlyph:(const struct font_glyph *)glyph { if (_atlas->dirty) { unsigned row; for (row = glyph->atlas_offset_y; row < (glyph->atlas_offset_y + glyph->height); row++) { uint8_t *src = _atlas->buffer + row * _atlas->width + glyph->atlas_offset_x; uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)_buffer.contents + row * _stride + glyph->atlas_offset_x; memcpy(dst, src, glyph->width); } NSUInteger offset = glyph->atlas_offset_y; NSUInteger len = glyph->height * _stride; [_buffer didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(offset, len)]; _atlas->dirty = false; } } - (int)getWidthForMessage:(const char *)msg length:(NSUInteger)length scale:(float)scale { int delta_x = 0; for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < length; i++) { const struct font_glyph *glyph = _font_driver->get_glyph(_font_data, (uint8_t)msg[i]); if (!glyph) /* Do something smarter here ... */ glyph = _font_driver->get_glyph(_font_data, '?'); if (glyph) { [self updateGlyph:glyph]; delta_x += glyph->advance_x; } } return (int)(delta_x * scale); } - (const struct font_glyph *)getGlyph:(uint32_t)code { if (!_font_driver->ident) return NULL; const struct font_glyph *glyph = _font_driver->get_glyph((void *)_font_driver, code); if (glyph) { [self updateGlyph:glyph]; } return glyph; } static INLINE void write_quad6(SpriteVertex *pv, float x, float y, float width, float height, float tex_x, float tex_y, float tex_width, float tex_height, const vector_float4 *color) { unsigned i; static const float strip[2 * 6] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, }; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { pv[i].position = simd_make_float2(x + strip[2 * i + 0] * width, y + strip[2 * i + 1] * height); pv[i].texCoord = simd_make_float2(tex_x + strip[2 * i + 0] * tex_width, tex_y + strip[2 * i + 1] * tex_height); pv[i].color = *color; } } - (void)_renderLine:(const char *)msg length:(NSUInteger)length scale:(float)scale color:(vector_float4)color posX:(float)posX posY:(float)posY aligned:(unsigned)aligned { const char *msg_end = msg + length; int x = (int)roundf(posX * _driver.viewport->full_width); int y = (int)roundf((1.0f - posY) * _driver.viewport->full_height); int delta_x = 0; int delta_y = 0; float inv_tex_size_x = 1.0f / _texture.width; float inv_tex_size_y = 1.0f / _texture.height; float inv_win_width = 1.0f / _driver.viewport->full_width; float inv_win_height = 1.0f / _driver.viewport->full_height; switch (aligned) { case TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT: x -= [self getWidthForMessage:msg length:length scale:scale]; break; case TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER: x -= [self getWidthForMessage:msg length:length scale:scale] / 2; break; default: break; } SpriteVertex *v = (SpriteVertex *)_vert.contents; v += _offset + _vertices; while (msg < msg_end) { unsigned code = utf8_walk(&msg); const struct font_glyph *glyph = _font_driver->get_glyph(_font_data, code); if (!glyph) /* Do something smarter here ... */ glyph = _font_driver->get_glyph(_font_data, '?'); if (!glyph) continue; [self updateGlyph:glyph]; int off_x, off_y, tex_x, tex_y, width, height; off_x = glyph->draw_offset_x; off_y = glyph->draw_offset_y; tex_x = glyph->atlas_offset_x; tex_y = glyph->atlas_offset_y; width = glyph->width; height = glyph->height; write_quad6(v, (x + (off_x + delta_x) * scale) * inv_win_width, (y + (off_y + delta_y) * scale) * inv_win_height, width * scale * inv_win_width, height * scale * inv_win_height, tex_x * inv_tex_size_x, tex_y * inv_tex_size_y, width * inv_tex_size_x, height * inv_tex_size_y, &color); _vertices += 6; v += 6; delta_x += glyph->advance_x; delta_y += glyph->advance_y; } } - (void)_flush { NSUInteger start = _offset * sizeof(SpriteVertex); [_vert didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(start, sizeof(SpriteVertex) * _vertices)]; id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder> rce = _context.rce; [rce pushDebugGroup:@"render fonts"]; [_context resetRenderViewport:kFullscreenViewport]; [rce setRenderPipelineState:_state]; [rce setVertexBytes:&_uniforms length:sizeof(Uniforms) atIndex:BufferIndexUniforms]; [rce setVertexBuffer:_vert offset:start atIndex:BufferIndexPositions]; [rce setFragmentTexture:_texture atIndex:TextureIndexColor]; [rce setFragmentSamplerState:_sampler atIndex:SamplerIndexDraw]; [rce drawPrimitives:MTLPrimitiveTypeTriangle vertexStart:0 vertexCount:_vertices]; [rce popDebugGroup]; _offset += _vertices; _vertices = 0; } - (void)renderMessage:(const char *)msg height:(unsigned)height scale:(float)scale color:(vector_float4)color posX:(float)posX posY:(float)posY aligned:(unsigned)aligned { struct font_line_metrics *line_metrics = NULL; /* If font line metrics are not supported just draw as usual */ if (!_font_driver->get_line_metrics || !_font_driver->get_line_metrics(_font_data, &line_metrics)) { [self _renderLine:msg length:strlen(msg) scale:scale color:color posX:posX posY:posY aligned:aligned]; return; } int lines = 0; float line_height = line_metrics->height * scale / height; for (;;) { const char *delim = strchr(msg, '\n'); NSUInteger msg_len = delim ? (unsigned)(delim - msg) : strlen(msg); /* Draw the line */ [self _renderLine:msg length:msg_len scale:scale color:color posX:posX posY:posY - (float)lines * line_height aligned:aligned]; if (!delim) break; msg += msg_len + 1; lines++; } } - (void)renderMessage:(const char *)msg width:(unsigned)width height:(unsigned)height params:(const struct font_params *)params { if (!msg || !*msg) return; float x, y, scale, drop_mod, drop_alpha; int drop_x, drop_y; enum text_alignment text_align; vector_float4 color, color_dark; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); float video_msg_pos_x = settings->floats.video_msg_pos_x; float video_msg_pos_y = settings->floats.video_msg_pos_y; float video_msg_color_r = settings->floats.video_msg_color_r; float video_msg_color_g = settings->floats.video_msg_color_g; float video_msg_color_b = settings->floats.video_msg_color_b; if (params) { x = params->x; y = params->y; scale = params->scale; text_align = params->text_align; drop_x = params->drop_x; drop_y = params->drop_y; drop_mod = params->drop_mod; drop_alpha = params->drop_alpha; color = simd_make_float4( FONT_COLOR_GET_RED(params->color) / 255.0f, FONT_COLOR_GET_GREEN(params->color) / 255.0f, FONT_COLOR_GET_BLUE(params->color) / 255.0f, FONT_COLOR_GET_ALPHA(params->color) / 255.0f); } else { x = video_msg_pos_x; y = video_msg_pos_y; scale = 1.0f; text_align = TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT; color = simd_make_float4( video_msg_color_r, video_msg_color_g, video_msg_color_b, 1.0f); drop_x = -2; drop_y = -2; drop_mod = 0.3f; drop_alpha = 1.0f; } @autoreleasepool { NSUInteger max_glyphs = strlen(msg); if (drop_x || drop_y) max_glyphs *= 2; if (max_glyphs * 6 + _offset > _capacity) _offset = 0; if (drop_x || drop_y) { color_dark.x = color.x * drop_mod; color_dark.y = color.y * drop_mod; color_dark.z = color.z * drop_mod; color_dark.w = color.w * drop_alpha; [self renderMessage:msg height:height scale:scale color:color_dark posX:x + scale * drop_x / width posY:y + scale * drop_y / height aligned:text_align]; } [self renderMessage:msg height:height scale:scale color:color posX:x posY:y aligned:text_align]; [self _flush]; } } @end static void metal_raster_font_free_font(void *data, bool is_threaded); static void *metal_raster_font_init_font(void *data, const char *font_path, float font_size, bool is_threaded) { MetalRaster *r = [[MetalRaster alloc] initWithDriver:(__bridge MetalDriver *)data fontPath:font_path fontSize:(unsigned)font_size]; if (!r) return NULL; return (__bridge_retained void *)r; } static void metal_raster_font_free_font(void *data, bool is_threaded) { MetalRaster *r = (__bridge_transfer MetalRaster *)data; r = nil; } static int metal_get_message_width(void *data, const char *msg, unsigned msg_len, float scale) { MetalRaster *r = (__bridge MetalRaster *)data; return [r getWidthForMessage:msg length:msg_len scale:scale]; } static void metal_raster_font_render_msg( void *userdata, void *data, const char *msg, const struct font_params *params) { MetalRaster *r = (__bridge MetalRaster *)data; MetalDriver *d = (__bridge MetalDriver *)userdata; video_viewport_t *vp = [d viewport]; unsigned width = vp->full_width; unsigned height = vp->full_height; [r renderMessage:msg width:width height:height params:params]; } static const struct font_glyph *metal_raster_font_get_glyph( void *data, uint32_t code) { MetalRaster *r = (__bridge MetalRaster *)data; return [r getGlyph:code]; } font_renderer_t metal_raster_font = { .init = metal_raster_font_init_font, .free = metal_raster_font_free_font, .render_msg = metal_raster_font_render_msg, .ident = "Metal raster", .get_glyph = metal_raster_font_get_glyph, NULL, /* bind_block */ NULL, /* flush_block */ .get_message_width = metal_get_message_width, NULL /* get_line_metrics */ };