/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "../../../frontend/frontend_android.h" #include "jni_macros.h" #include "input_autodetect.h" static void input_autodetect_get_device_name(void *data, char *buf, size_t size, int id) { struct android_app *android_app = (struct android_app*)data; buf[0] = '\0'; JavaVM *vm = android_app->activity->vm; JNIEnv *env = NULL; (*vm)->AttachCurrentThread(vm, &env, 0); jclass input_device_class = NULL; FIND_CLASS(env, input_device_class, "android/view/InputDevice"); if (!input_device_class) goto end; jmethodID method = NULL; GET_STATIC_METHOD_ID(env, method, input_device_class, "getDevice", "(I)Landroid/view/InputDevice;"); if (!method) goto end; jobject device = NULL; CALL_OBJ_STATIC_METHOD_PARAM(env, device, input_device_class, method, (jint)id); if (!device) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to find device for ID: %d\n", id); goto end; } jmethodID getName = NULL; GET_METHOD_ID(env, getName, input_device_class, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); if (!getName) goto end; jobject name = NULL; CALL_OBJ_METHOD(env, name, device, getName); if (!name) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to find name for device ID: %d\n", id); goto end; } const char *str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, name, 0); if (str) strlcpy(buf, str, size); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, name, str); end: (*vm)->DetachCurrentThread(vm); } void input_autodetect_setup (void *data, char *msg, size_t sizeof_msg, unsigned port, unsigned id, int source) { struct android_app *android_app = (struct android_app*)data; unsigned device; char name_buf[256]; name_buf[0] = 0; if (port > MAX_PADS) { snprintf(msg, sizeof_msg, "Max number of pads reached.\n"); return; } char *current_ime = android_app->current_ime; input_autodetect_get_device_name(android_app, name_buf, sizeof(name_buf), id); RARCH_LOG("device name: %s\n", name_buf); /* Shitty hack put back in again */ if (strstr(name_buf, "keypad-game-zeus") || strstr(name_buf, "keypad-zeus")) { if (zeus_id < 0) { RARCH_LOG("zeus_pad 1 detected: %d\n", id); zeus_id = id; zeus_port = port; } else { RARCH_LOG("zeus_pad 2 detected: %d\n", id); zeus_second_id = id; } } if (g_settings.input.autodetect_enable) { device = 0; if (strstr(name_buf,"Logitech") && strstr(name_buf, "RumblePad 2")) device = DEVICE_LOGITECH_RUMBLEPAD2; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Logitech") && strstr(name_buf, "Dual Action")) device = DEVICE_LOGITECH_DUAL_ACTION; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Logitech") && strstr(name_buf, "Precision")) device = DEVICE_LOGITECH_PRECISION_GAMEPAD; else if (strstr(name_buf, "shooter-keypad")) device = DEVICE_ICONTROLPAD_BLUEZ_IME; else if (strstr(name_buf, "SEGA VIRTUA STICK High Grade")) device = DEVICE_SEGA_VIRTUA_STICK_HIGH_GRADE; else if (strstr(name_buf, "TTT THT Arcade console 2P USB Play")) device = DEVICE_TTT_THT_ARCADE; else if (strstr(name_buf, "TOMMO NEOGEOX Arcade Stick")) device = DEVICE_TOMMO_NEOGEOX_ARCADE; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Onlive Wireless Controller")) device = DEVICE_ONLIVE_WIRELESS_CONTROLLER; else if (strstr(name_buf, "MadCatz") && strstr(name_buf, "PC USB Wired Stick")) device = DEVICE_MADCATZ_PC_USB_STICK; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Logicool") && strstr(name_buf, "RumblePad 2")) device = DEVICE_LOGICOOL_RUMBLEPAD2; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Sun4i-keypad")) device = DEVICE_IDROID_X360; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Zeemote") && strstr(name_buf, "Steelseries free")) device = DEVICE_ZEEMOTE_STEELSERIES; else if (strstr(name_buf, "HuiJia USB GamePad")) device = DEVICE_HUIJIA_USB_SNES; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Smartjoy Family Super Smartjoy 2")) device = DEVICE_SUPER_SMARTJOY; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Jess Tech Dual Analog Rumble Pad")) device = DEVICE_SAITEK_RUMBLE_P480; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Microsoft")) { if (strstr(name_buf, "Dual Strike")) device = DEVICE_MS_SIDEWINDER_DUAL_STRIKE; else if (strstr(name_buf, "SideWinder")) device = DEVICE_MS_SIDEWINDER; else if (strstr(name_buf, "X-Box 360") || strstr(name_buf, "X-Box") || strstr(name_buf, "Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver")) device = DEVICE_MS_XBOX; } else if (strstr(name_buf, "WiseGroup")) { if (strstr(name_buf, "TigerGame") || strstr(name_buf, "Game Controller Adapter") || strstr(name_buf, "JC-PS102U") || strstr(name_buf, "Dual USB Joypad")) { if (strstr(name_buf, "WiseGroup")) device = DEVICE_WISEGROUP_PLAYSTATION2; else if (strstr(name_buf, "JC-PS102U")) device = DEVICE_JCPS102_PLAYSTATION2; else device = DEVICE_GENERIC_PLAYSTATION2_CONVERTER; } } else if (strstr(name_buf, "PLAYSTATION(R)3") || strstr(name_buf, "Dualshock3") || strstr(name_buf,"Sixaxis") || strstr(name_buf, "Gasia,Co") || (strstr(name_buf, "Gamepad 0") || strstr(name_buf, "Gamepad 1") || strstr(name_buf, "Gamepad 2") || strstr(name_buf, "Gamepad 3"))) { if (strstr(name_buf, "Gamepad 0") || strstr(name_buf, "Gamepad 1") || strstr(name_buf, "Gamepad 2") || strstr(name_buf, "Gamepad 3")) device = DEVICE_PLAYSTATION3_VERSION1; else device = DEVICE_PLAYSTATION3_VERSION2; } else if (strstr(name_buf, "MOGA")) device = DEVICE_MOGA; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Sony Navigation Controller")) device = DEVICE_PSMOVE_NAVI; else if (strstr(name_buf, "OUYA Game Controller")) device = DEVICE_OUYA; else if (strstr(name_buf, "adc joystick")) device = DEVICE_JXD_S7300B; else if (strstr(name_buf, "idroid:con")) device = DEVICE_IDROID_CON; else if (strstr(name_buf, "NYKO PLAYPAD PRO")) device = DEVICE_NYKO_PLAYPAD_PRO; else if (strstr(name_buf, "2-Axis, 8-Button")) device = DEVICE_GENIUS_MAXFIRE_G08XU; else if (strstr(name_buf, "USB,2-axis 8-button gamepad")) device = DEVICE_USB_2_AXIS_8_BUTTON_GAMEPAD; else if (strstr(name_buf, "BUFFALO BGC-FC801")) device = DEVICE_BUFFALO_BGC_FC801; else if (strstr(name_buf, "RetroUSB.com RetroPad")) device = DEVICE_RETROUSB_RETROPAD; else if (strstr(name_buf, "RetroUSB.com SNES RetroPort")) device = DEVICE_RETROUSB_SNES_RETROPORT; else if (strstr(name_buf, "CYPRESS USB")) device = DEVICE_CYPRESS_USB; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Mayflash Wii Classic")) device = DEVICE_MAYFLASH_WII_CLASSIC; else if (strstr(name_buf, "SZMy-power LTD CO. Dual Box WII")) device = DEVICE_SZMY_POWER_DUAL_BOX_WII; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Toodles 2008 ChImp")) device = DEVICE_TOODLES_2008_CHIMP; else if (strstr(name_buf, "joy_key")) device = DEVICE_ARCHOS_GAMEPAD; else if (strstr(name_buf, "matrix_keyboard")) device = DEVICE_JXD_S5110; else if (strstr(name_buf, "keypad-zeus") || (strstr(name_buf, "keypad-game-zeus"))) device = DEVICE_XPERIA_PLAY; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Broadcom Bluetooth HID")) device = DEVICE_BROADCOM_BLUETOOTH_HID; else if (strstr(name_buf, "USB Gamepad")) device = DEVICE_THRUST_PREDATOR; else if (strstr(name_buf, "DragonRise")) device = DEVICE_DRAGONRISE; else if (strstr(name_buf, "Thrustmaster T Mini")) device = DEVICE_THRUSTMASTER_T_MINI; else if (strstr(name_buf, "2Axes 11Keys Game Pad")) device = DEVICE_TOMEE_NES_USB; else if (strstr(name_buf, "rk29-keypad") || strstr(name_buf, "GAMEMID")) device = DEVICE_GAMEMID; else if (strstr(name_buf, "USB Gamepad")) device = DEVICE_DEFENDER_GAME_RACER_CLASSIC; if (strstr(current_ime, "net.obsidianx.android.mogaime")) { device = DEVICE_MOGA_IME; snprintf(name_buf, sizeof(name_buf), "MOGA IME"); } else if (strstr(current_ime, "com.ccpcreations.android.WiiUseAndroid")) { device = DEVICE_CCPCREATIONS_WIIUSE_IME; snprintf(name_buf, sizeof(name_buf), "ccpcreations WiiUse"); } if (source == AINPUT_SOURCE_KEYBOARD && device != DEVICE_XPERIA_PLAY) device = DEVICE_KEYBOARD_RETROPAD; if (driver.input->set_keybinds) driver.input->set_keybinds(driver.input_data, device, port, id, (1ULL << KEYBINDS_ACTION_SET_DEFAULT_BINDS)); } if (name_buf[0] != 0) snprintf(msg, sizeof_msg, "Port %d: %s.\n", port, name_buf); }