/* SSNES - A Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) Emulator frontend for libsnes. * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * * Some code herein may be based on code found in BSNES. * * SSNES is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * SSNES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SSNES. * If not, see . */ /// Config header for SSNES // // #ifndef __CONFIG_DEF_H #define __CONFIG_DEF_H #include #include "libsnes.hpp" #include "driver.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "input/keysym.h" #ifdef HAVE_SRC #include #endif ///////////////// Drivers #define VIDEO_GL 0 #define VIDEO_XVIDEO 11 #define VIDEO_SDL 13 #define VIDEO_EXT 14 //////////////////////// #define AUDIO_RSOUND 1 #define AUDIO_OSS 2 #define AUDIO_ALSA 3 #define AUDIO_ROAR 4 #define AUDIO_AL 5 #define AUDIO_JACK 6 #define AUDIO_SDL 8 #define AUDIO_XAUDIO 9 #define AUDIO_PULSE 10 #define AUDIO_EXT 15 #define AUDIO_DSOUND 16 #define AUDIO_COREAUDIO 17 //////////////////////// #define INPUT_SDL 7 #define INPUT_X 12 //////////////////////// #if defined(HAVE_SDL) #define VIDEO_DEFAULT_DRIVER VIDEO_GL #elif defined(HAVE_XVIDEO) #define VIDEO_DEFAULT_DRIVER VIDEO_XVIDEO #elif defined(HAVE_SDL) #define VIDEO_DEFAULT_DRIVER VIDEO_SDL #elif defined(HAVE_DYLIB) #define VIDEO_DEFAULT_DRIVER VIDEO_EXT #else #error "Need at least one video driver!" #endif #if defined(HAVE_ALSA) #define AUDIO_DEFAULT_DRIVER AUDIO_ALSA #elif defined(HAVE_PULSE) #define AUDIO_DEFAULT_DRIVER AUDIO_PULSE #elif defined(HAVE_OSS) #define AUDIO_DEFAULT_DRIVER AUDIO_OSS #elif defined(HAVE_JACK) #define AUDIO_DEFAULT_DRIVER AUDIO_JACK #elif defined(HAVE_COREAUDIO) #define AUDIO_DEFAULT_DRIVER AUDIO_COREAUDIO #elif defined(HAVE_AL) #define AUDIO_DEFAULT_DRIVER AUDIO_AL #elif defined(HAVE_DSOUND) #define AUDIO_DEFAULT_DRIVER AUDIO_DSOUND #elif defined(HAVE_SDL) #define AUDIO_DEFAULT_DRIVER AUDIO_SDL #elif defined(HAVE_XAUDIO) #define AUDIO_DEFAULT_DRIVER AUDIO_XAUDIO #elif defined(HAVE_RSOUND) #define AUDIO_DEFAULT_DRIVER AUDIO_RSOUND #elif defined(HAVE_ROAR) #define AUDIO_DEFAULT_DRIVER AUDIO_ROAR #elif defined(HAVE_DYLIB) #define AUDIO_DEFAULT_DRIVER AUDIO_EXT #else #error "Need at least one audio driver!" #endif #if defined(HAVE_SDL) #define INPUT_DEFAULT_DRIVER INPUT_SDL #elif defined(HAVE_XVIDEO) #define INPUT_DEFAULT_DRIVER INPUT_X #else #error "Need at least one input driver!" #endif //////////////// // Video //////////////// // Windowed static const float xscale = 3.0; // Real x res = 296 * xscale static const float yscale = 3.0; // Real y res = 224 * yscale // Fullscreen static const bool fullscreen = false; // To start in Fullscreen or not static const unsigned fullscreen_x = 0; // Fullscreen resolution. A value of 0 uses the desktop resolution. static const unsigned fullscreen_y = 0; // Force 16-bit colors. static const bool force_16bit = false; // Forcibly disable composition. Only valid on Windows Vista/7 for now. static const bool disable_composition = false; // Video VSYNC (recommended) static const bool vsync = true; // Smooths picture static const bool video_smooth = true; // On resize and fullscreen, rendering area will stay 4:3 static const bool force_aspect = true; // Crop overscanned frames (7/8 or 15/15 for interlaced frames). static const bool crop_overscan = false; // Font size for on-screen messages. static const unsigned font_size = 48; // Offset for where messages will be placed on-screen. Values are in range [0.0, 1.0]. static const float message_pos_offset_x = 0.05; static const float message_pos_offset_y = 0.05; // Color of the message. static const uint32_t message_color = 0xffffff; // RGB hex value. // Render-to-texture before rendering to screen (multi-pass shaders) static const bool render_to_texture = false; static const float fbo_scale_x = 2.0; static const float fbo_scale_y = 2.0; static const bool second_pass_smooth = true; // Record video assuming game runs hi-res. static const bool hires_record = false; // Record post-filtered (CPU filter) video rather than raw SNES output. static const bool post_filter_record = false; #define SNES_ASPECT_RATIO (4.0/3) //////////////// // Audio //////////////// // Will enable audio or not. static const bool audio_enable = true; // Output samplerate static const unsigned out_rate = 48000; // Input samplerate from libSNES. // Lower this (slightly) if you are experiencing frequent audio dropouts while vsync is enabled. static const float in_rate = 31980.0; // When changing input rate on-the-fly static const float audio_rate_step = 0.25; // Audio device (e.g. hw:0,0 or /dev/audio). If NULL, will use defaults. static const char* audio_device = NULL; // Desired audio latency in milliseconds. Might not be honored if driver can't provide given latency. static const int out_latency = 64; // Will sync audio. (recommended) static const bool audio_sync = true; // Defines the quality (and cpu reqirements) of samplerate conversion. #ifdef HAVE_SRC #define SAMPLERATE_QUALITY SRC_LINEAR #endif // Enables use of rewind. This will incur some memory footprint depending on the save state buffer. // This rewind only works when using bSNES core atm. static const bool rewind_enable = false; // The buffer size for the rewind buffer. This needs to be about 15-20MB per minute. Very game dependant. static const unsigned rewind_buffer_size = 20 << 20; // 20MiB // How many frames to rewind at a time. static const unsigned rewind_granularity = 1; // Pause gameplay when gameplay loses focus. static const bool pause_nonactive = true; // Saves non-volatile SRAM at a regular interval. It is measured in seconds. A value of 0 disables autosave. static const unsigned autosave_interval = 0; // When being client over netplay, use keybinds for player 1 rather than player 2. static const bool netplay_client_swap_input = true; // On save state load, block SRAM from being overwritten. // This could potentially lead to buggy games. static const bool block_sram_overwrite = false; // When saving savestates, state index is automatically incremented before saving. // When the ROM is loaded, state index will be set to the highest existing value. static const bool savestate_auto_index = false; //////////////////// // Keybinds, Joypad //////////////////// // Axis threshold (between 0.0 and 1.0) // How far an axis must be tilted to result in a button press static const float axis_threshold = 0.5; // To figure out which joypad buttons to use, check jstest or similar. // SDL sometimes reverses the axes for some odd reason, but hey. :D // Player 1 static const struct snes_keybind snes_keybinds_1[] = { // SNES button | keyboard key | js btn | js axis | { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A, SK_x, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B, SK_z, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_X, SK_s, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_Y, SK_a, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L, SK_q, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R, SK_w, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT, SK_LEFT, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT, SK_RIGHT, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP, SK_UP, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN, SK_DOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START, SK_RETURN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT, SK_RSHIFT, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_FAST_FORWARD_KEY, SK_SPACE, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_FAST_FORWARD_HOLD_KEY, SK_l, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_SAVE_STATE_KEY, SK_F2, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_LOAD_STATE_KEY, SK_F4, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE_KEY, SK_f, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_QUIT_KEY, SK_ESCAPE, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_STATE_SLOT_MINUS, SK_F6, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_STATE_SLOT_PLUS, SK_F7, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_AUDIO_INPUT_RATE_PLUS, SK_KP_PLUS, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_AUDIO_INPUT_RATE_MINUS, SK_KP_MINUS, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_REWIND, SK_r, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_MOVIE_RECORD_TOGGLE, SK_o, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_PAUSE_TOGGLE, SK_p, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_RESET, SK_h, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_SHADER_NEXT, SK_m, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_SHADER_PREV, SK_n, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_CHEAT_INDEX_PLUS, SK_y, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_CHEAT_INDEX_MINUS, SK_t, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_CHEAT_TOGGLE, SK_u, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_SCREENSHOT, SK_PRINT, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SSNES_DSP_CONFIG, SK_c, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { -1 } }; // Player 2-5 static const struct snes_keybind snes_keybinds_rest[] = { { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A, SK_UNKNOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B, SK_UNKNOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_X, SK_UNKNOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_Y, SK_UNKNOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L, SK_UNKNOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R, SK_UNKNOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT, SK_UNKNOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT, SK_UNKNOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP, SK_UNKNOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN, SK_UNKNOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START, SK_UNKNOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { SNES_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT, SK_UNKNOWN, NO_BTN, AXIS_NONE }, { -1 } }; #endif