/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2017 - Jean-André Santoni * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 - Andrés Suárez * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <file/nbio.h> #include <formats/image.h> #include <compat/strl.h> #include <retro_assert.h> #include <retro_miscellaneous.h> #include <lists/string_list.h> #include <lrc_hash.h> #include <string/stdstring.h> #include <file/file_path.h> #include <lists/dir_list.h> #include <queues/task_queue.h> #include "task_content.h" #include "tasks_internal.h" #include "../file_path_special.h" #include "../verbosity.h" #include "../configuration.h" #include "../playlist.h" #include "../command.h" #include "../core_info.h" #include "../../retroarch.h" #include "../../menu/menu_driver.h" typedef struct { struct string_list *lpl_list; playlist_config_t playlist_config; /* size_t alignment */ char hostname[512]; char subsystem_name[512]; char content_crc[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char content_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char core_name[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char core_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char core_extensions[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; bool found; bool current; bool contentless; } netplay_crc_handle_t; static void netplay_crc_scan_callback(retro_task_t *task, void *task_data, void *user_data, const char *error) { netplay_crc_handle_t *state = (netplay_crc_handle_t*)task_data; content_ctx_info_t content_info = {0}; if (!state) return; fflush(stdout); if (!string_is_empty(state->subsystem_name) && !string_is_equal(state->subsystem_name, "N/A")) { content_ctx_info_t content_info = {0}; struct string_list *game_list = string_split(state->content_path, "|"); unsigned i = 0; task_push_load_new_core(state->core_path, NULL, &content_info, CORE_TYPE_PLAIN, NULL, NULL); content_clear_subsystem(); if (!content_set_subsystem_by_name(state->subsystem_name)) RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: Subsystem not found in implementation\n"); for (i = 0; i < game_list->size; i++) content_add_subsystem(game_list->elems[i].data); task_push_load_subsystem_with_core( NULL, &content_info, CORE_TYPE_PLAIN, NULL, NULL); string_list_free(game_list); return; } /* regular core with content file */ if (!string_is_empty(state->core_path) && !string_is_empty(state->content_path) && !state->contentless && !state->current) { struct retro_system_info *system = &runloop_state_get_ptr()->system.info; RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: Loading core %s with content file %s\n", state->core_path, state->content_path); command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT_DIRECT_DEFERRED, state->hostname); if (system && string_is_equal(system->library_name, state->core_name)) task_push_load_content_with_core( state->content_path, &content_info, CORE_TYPE_PLAIN, NULL, NULL); else { task_push_load_new_core(state->core_path, NULL, &content_info, CORE_TYPE_PLAIN, NULL, NULL); task_push_load_content_with_core( state->content_path, &content_info, CORE_TYPE_PLAIN, NULL, NULL); } } else /* contentless core */ if (!string_is_empty(state->core_path) && !string_is_empty(state->content_path) && state->contentless) { content_ctx_info_t content_info = {0}; struct retro_system_info *system = &runloop_state_get_ptr()->system.info; RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: Loading contentless core %s\n", state->core_path); command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT_DIRECT_DEFERRED, state->hostname); if (!string_is_equal(system->library_name, state->core_name)) task_push_load_new_core(state->core_path, NULL, &content_info, CORE_TYPE_PLAIN, NULL, NULL); task_push_start_current_core(&content_info); } /* regular core with current content */ else if (!string_is_empty(state->core_path) && !string_is_empty(state->content_path) && state->current) { RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: Loading core %s with current content\n", state->core_path); command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT_DIRECT, state->hostname); command_event(CMD_EVENT_RESUME, NULL); } /* no match found */ else { RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: Couldn't find a suitable %s\n", string_is_empty(state->content_path) ? "content file" : "core"); runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NETPLAY_LOAD_CONTENT_MANUALLY), 1, 480, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } free(state); } static void begin_task(retro_task_t *task, const char *title) { task_set_progress(task, 0); task_free_title(task); task_set_title(task, strdup(title)); task_set_finished(task, false); } static void finish_task(retro_task_t *task, const char *title) { task_set_progress(task, 100); task_free_title(task); task_set_title(task, strdup(title)); task_set_finished(task, true); } #define core_requires_content(state) string_is_not_equal(state->content_path, "N/A") /** * Given a path to a content file, return the base name without the * path or the file extension. * * e.g. /home/user/foo.rom => foo */ static void get_entry(char *entry, int len, const char *path) { const char *buf = path_basename(path); entry[0] = '\0'; strlcpy(entry, buf, len); path_remove_extension(entry); } /** * Execute a search for compatible content for netplay. * We prioritize a CRC match, if we have a CRC to match against. * If we don't have a CRC, or if there's no CRC match found, fall * back to a filename match and hope for the best. */ static void task_netplay_crc_scan_handler(retro_task_t *task) { size_t i, j, k; char entry[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; bool have_crc = false; netplay_crc_handle_t *state = (netplay_crc_handle_t*)task->state; begin_task(task, "Looking for compatible content..."); /* start by checking cases that don't require a search */ /* the core doesn't have any content to match, so fast-succeed */ if (!core_requires_content(state)) { state->found = true; state->contentless = true; task_set_data(task, state); finish_task(task, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NETPLAY_COMPAT_CONTENT_FOUND)); return; } /* if this list is null, it means that RA failed to open the playlist directory */ if (!state->lpl_list) { finish_task(task, "Playlist directory not found"); free(state); return; } /* We opened the playlist directory, but there's nothing there. Nothing to do. */ if (state->lpl_list->size == 0 && core_requires_content(state)) { string_list_free(state->lpl_list); finish_task(task, "There are no playlists available; cannot execute search"); command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT_DIRECT_DEFERRED, state->hostname); free(state); return; } have_crc = !string_is_equal(state->content_crc, "00000000|crc"); /* if content is already loaded and the lobby gave us a CRC, check the loaded content first */ if (have_crc && content_get_crc() > 0) { char current[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: Testing CRC matching for: %s\n", state->content_crc); snprintf(current, sizeof(current), "%lX|crc", (unsigned long)content_get_crc()); RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: Current content CRC: %s\n", current); if (string_is_equal(current, state->content_crc)) { RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: CRC match %s with currently loaded content\n", current); strcpy_literal(state->content_path, "N/A"); state->found = true; state->current = true; task_set_data(task, state); finish_task(task, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NETPLAY_COMPAT_CONTENT_FOUND)); string_list_free(state->lpl_list); return; } } /* now let's do the search */ if (string_is_empty(state->subsystem_name) || string_is_equal(state->subsystem_name, "N/A")) { for (i = 0; i < state->lpl_list->size; i++) { playlist_t *playlist = NULL; unsigned playlist_size = 0; const char *lpl_path = state->lpl_list->elems[i].data; /* skip files without .lpl file extension */ if (!string_ends_with_size(lpl_path, ".lpl", strlen(lpl_path), STRLEN_CONST(".lpl"))) continue; RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: Searching playlist: %s\n", lpl_path); playlist_config_set_path(&state->playlist_config, lpl_path); playlist = playlist_init(&state->playlist_config); playlist_size = playlist_get_size(playlist); for (j = 0; j < playlist_size; j++) { const char *playlist_path = NULL; const char *playlist_crc32 = NULL; const struct playlist_entry *playlist_entry = NULL; playlist_get_index(playlist, j, &playlist_entry); playlist_path = playlist_entry->path; playlist_crc32 = playlist_entry->crc32; if (have_crc && string_is_equal(playlist_crc32, state->content_crc)) { RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: CRC match %s\n", playlist_crc32); strlcpy(state->content_path, playlist_path, sizeof(state->content_path)); state->found = true; task_set_data(task, state); finish_task(task, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NETPLAY_COMPAT_CONTENT_FOUND)); string_list_free(state->lpl_list); playlist_free(playlist); return; } get_entry(entry, sizeof(entry), playlist_path); /* See if the filename is a match. The response depends on whether or not we are doing a CRC * search. * Otherwise, on match we complete the task and mark it as successful immediately. */ if (!string_is_empty(entry) && string_is_equal(entry, state->content_path) && strstr(state->core_extensions, path_get_extension(playlist_path))) { RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: Filename match %s\n", playlist_path); strlcpy(state->content_path, playlist_path, sizeof(state->content_path)); state->found = true; task_set_data(task, state); finish_task(task, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NETPLAY_COMPAT_CONTENT_FOUND)); string_list_free(state->lpl_list); playlist_free(playlist); return; } task_set_progress(task, (int)(j / playlist_size * 100.0)); } playlist_free(playlist); } } else { bool found[100]; struct string_list *game_list = string_split(state->content_path, "|"); for (i = 0; i < game_list->size; i++) { found[i] = false; for (j = 0; j < state->lpl_list->size && !found[i]; j++) { playlist_t *playlist = NULL; unsigned playlist_size = 0; const char *lpl_path = state->lpl_list->elems[j].data; /* skip files without .lpl file extension */ if (!string_ends_with_size(lpl_path, ".lpl", strlen(lpl_path), STRLEN_CONST(".lpl"))) continue; RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: Searching content %d/%d (%s) in playlist: %s\n", i + 1, game_list->size, game_list->elems[i].data, lpl_path); playlist_config_set_path(&state->playlist_config, lpl_path); playlist = playlist_init(&state->playlist_config); playlist_size = playlist_get_size(playlist); for (k = 0; k < playlist_size && !found[i]; k++) { const struct playlist_entry *playlist_entry = NULL; playlist_get_index(playlist, k, &playlist_entry); get_entry(entry, sizeof(entry), playlist_entry->path); if (!string_is_empty(entry) && strstr(game_list->elems[i].data, entry) && strstr(state->core_extensions, path_get_extension(playlist_entry->path))) { RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: Filename match %s\n", playlist_entry->path); if (i == 0) { state->content_path[0] = '\0'; strlcpy(state->content_path, playlist_entry->path, sizeof(state->content_path)); } else { strlcat(state->content_path, "|", sizeof(state->content_path)); strlcat(state->content_path, playlist_entry->path, sizeof(state->content_path)); } found[i] = true; } task_set_progress(task, (int)(j / playlist_size * 100.0)); } playlist_free(playlist); } } for (i = 0; i < game_list->size; i++) { state->found = true; if (!found[i]) { state->found = false; break; } } if (state->found) { RARCH_LOG("[Lobby]: Subsystem matching set found %s\n", state->content_path); task_set_data(task, state); finish_task(task, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NETPLAY_COMPAT_CONTENT_FOUND)); } string_list_free(state->lpl_list); string_list_free(game_list); return; } /* end of the line. no matches at all. */ string_list_free(state->lpl_list); finish_task(task, "Failed to locate matching content by either CRC or filename."); command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT_DIRECT_DEFERRED, state->hostname); free(state); } bool task_push_netplay_crc_scan(uint32_t crc, char* name, const char *hostname, const char *core_name, const char *subsystem) { unsigned i; union string_list_elem_attr attr; struct string_list *lpl_list = NULL; core_info_list_t *info = NULL; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); retro_task_t *task = task_init(); netplay_crc_handle_t *state = (netplay_crc_handle_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*state)); if (!task || !state) goto error; state->playlist_config.capacity = COLLECTION_SIZE; state->playlist_config.old_format = settings->bools.playlist_use_old_format; state->playlist_config.compress = settings->bools.playlist_compression; state->playlist_config.fuzzy_archive_match = settings->bools.playlist_fuzzy_archive_match; playlist_config_set_base_content_directory(&state->playlist_config, settings->bools.playlist_portable_paths ? settings->paths.directory_menu_content : NULL); state->content_crc[0] = '\0'; state->content_path[0] = '\0'; state->hostname[0] = '\0'; state->core_name[0] = '\0'; state->subsystem_name[0] = '\0'; attr.i = 0; snprintf(state->content_crc, sizeof(state->content_crc), "%08lX|crc", (unsigned long)crc); strlcpy(state->content_path, name, sizeof(state->content_path)); strlcpy(state->hostname, hostname, sizeof(state->hostname)); strlcpy(state->subsystem_name, subsystem, sizeof(state->subsystem_name)); strlcpy(state->core_name, core_name, sizeof(state->core_name)); lpl_list = dir_list_new(settings->paths.directory_playlist, NULL, true, true, true, false); if (!lpl_list) goto error; state->lpl_list = lpl_list; string_list_append(state->lpl_list, settings->paths.path_content_history, attr); state->found = false; core_info_get_list(&info); for (i = 0; i < info->count; i++) { /* check if the core name matches. TO-DO :we could try to load the core too to check if the version string matches too */ #if 0 printf("Info: %s State: %s", info->list[i].core_name, state->core_name); #endif if (string_is_equal(info->list[i].core_name, state->core_name)) { strlcpy(state->core_path, info->list[i].path, sizeof(state->core_path)); if (string_is_not_equal(state->content_path, "N/A") && !string_is_empty(info->list[i].supported_extensions)) { strlcpy(state->core_extensions, info->list[i].supported_extensions, sizeof(state->core_extensions)); } break; } } /* blocking means no other task can run while this one is running, * which is the default */ task->type = TASK_TYPE_BLOCKING; task->state = state; task->handler = task_netplay_crc_scan_handler; task->callback = netplay_crc_scan_callback; task->title = strdup("Looking for matching content..."); task_queue_push(task); return true; error: if (state) free(state); if (task) free(task); return false; }