/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2023 Jesse Talavera-Greenberg * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include "SDL.h" #include "SDL_audio.h" #include "verbosity.h" #include "retro_assert.h" #include "retro_math.h" #include "audio/microphone_driver.h" #include #include typedef struct sdl_microphone_handle { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS slock_t *lock; scond_t *cond; #endif /** * The queue used to store incoming samples from the driver. */ fifo_buffer_t *sample_buffer; SDL_AudioDeviceID device_id; SDL_AudioSpec device_spec; } sdl_microphone_handle_t; typedef struct sdl_microphone { bool nonblock; } sdl_microphone_t; static INLINE int find_num_frames(int rate, int latency) { int frames = (rate * latency) / 1000; /* SDL only likes 2^n sized buffers. */ return next_pow2(frames); } static void *sdl_microphone_init(void) { sdl_microphone_t *sdl = NULL; uint32_t sdl_subsystem_flags = SDL_WasInit(0); /* Initialise audio subsystem, if required */ if (sdl_subsystem_flags == 0) { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0) return NULL; } else if ((sdl_subsystem_flags & SDL_INIT_AUDIO) == 0) { if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0) return NULL; } if (!(sdl = (sdl_microphone_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*sdl)))) return NULL; return sdl; } static void sdl_microphone_close_mic(void *driver_context, void *microphone_context) { sdl_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (sdl_microphone_handle_t *)microphone_context; if (microphone) { /* If the microphone was originally initialized successfully... */ if (microphone->device_id > 0) SDL_CloseAudioDevice(microphone->device_id); fifo_free(microphone->sample_buffer); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS slock_free(microphone->lock); scond_free(microphone->cond); #endif RARCH_LOG("[SDL audio]: Freed microphone with former device ID %u\n", microphone->device_id); free(microphone); } } static void sdl_microphone_free(void *data) { sdl_microphone_t *sdl = (sdl_microphone_t*)data; if (sdl) SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO); free(sdl); /* NOTE: The microphone frontend should've closed the mics by now */ } static void sdl_audio_record_cb(void *data, Uint8 *stream, int len) { sdl_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (sdl_microphone_handle_t*)data; size_t avail = FIFO_WRITE_AVAIL(microphone->sample_buffer); size_t read_size = MIN(len, (int)avail); /* If the sample buffer is almost full, just write as much as we can into it*/ fifo_write(microphone->sample_buffer, stream, read_size); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS scond_signal(microphone->cond); #endif } static void *sdl_microphone_open_mic(void *driver_context, const char *device, unsigned rate, unsigned latency, unsigned *new_rate) { int frames; size_t bufsize; sdl_microphone_handle_t *microphone = NULL; SDL_AudioSpec desired_spec = {0}; void *tmp = NULL; /* If the audio driver wasn't initialized yet... */ if (!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_AUDIO)) { RARCH_ERR("[SDL mic]: Attempted to initialize input device before initializing the audio subsystem\n"); return NULL; } if (!(microphone = (sdl_microphone_handle_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(sdl_microphone_handle_t)))) return NULL; /* Only print SDL audio devices if verbose logging is enabled */ if (verbosity_is_enabled()) { int i; int num_available_microphones = SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(true); RARCH_DBG("[SDL mic]: %d audio capture devices found:\n", num_available_microphones); for (i = 0; i < num_available_microphones; ++i) RARCH_DBG("[SDL mic]: - %s\n", SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(i, true)); } /* We have to buffer up some data ourselves, so we let SDL * carry approximately half of the latency. * * SDL double buffers audio and we do as well. */ frames = find_num_frames(rate, latency / 4); desired_spec.freq = rate; desired_spec.format = AUDIO_F32SYS; desired_spec.channels = 1; /* Microphones only usually provide input in mono */ desired_spec.samples = frames; desired_spec.userdata = microphone; desired_spec.callback = sdl_audio_record_cb; microphone->device_id = SDL_OpenAudioDevice( NULL, true, &desired_spec, µphone->device_spec, SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_FREQUENCY_CHANGE | SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_FORMAT_CHANGE); if (microphone->device_id == 0) { RARCH_ERR("[SDL mic]: Failed to open SDL audio input device: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); goto error; } RARCH_DBG("[SDL mic]: Opened SDL audio input device with ID %u\n", microphone->device_id); RARCH_DBG("[SDL mic]: Requested a microphone frequency of %u Hz, got %u Hz\n", desired_spec.freq, microphone->device_spec.freq); RARCH_DBG("[SDL mic]: Requested %u channels for microphone, got %u\n", desired_spec.channels, microphone->device_spec.channels); RARCH_DBG("[SDL mic]: Requested a %u-sample microphone buffer, got %u samples (%u bytes)\n", frames, microphone->device_spec.samples, microphone->device_spec.size); RARCH_DBG("[SDL mic]: Got a microphone silence value of %u\n", microphone->device_spec.silence); RARCH_DBG("[SDL mic]: Requested microphone audio format: %u-bit %s %s %s endian\n", SDL_AUDIO_BITSIZE(desired_spec.format), SDL_AUDIO_ISSIGNED(desired_spec.format) ? "signed" : "unsigned", SDL_AUDIO_ISFLOAT(desired_spec.format) ? "floating-point" : "integer", SDL_AUDIO_ISBIGENDIAN(desired_spec.format) ? "big" : "little"); RARCH_DBG("[SDL mic]: Received microphone audio format: %u-bit %s %s %s endian\n", SDL_AUDIO_BITSIZE(desired_spec.format), SDL_AUDIO_ISSIGNED(desired_spec.format) ? "signed" : "unsigned", SDL_AUDIO_ISFLOAT(desired_spec.format) ? "floating-point" : "integer", SDL_AUDIO_ISBIGENDIAN(desired_spec.format) ? "big" : "little"); if (new_rate) *new_rate = microphone->device_spec.freq; #ifdef HAVE_THREADS microphone->lock = slock_new(); microphone->cond = scond_new(); #endif RARCH_LOG("[SDL audio]: Requested %u ms latency for input device, got %d ms\n", latency, (int)(microphone->device_spec.samples * 4 * 1000 / microphone->device_spec.freq)); /* Create a buffer twice as big as needed and prefill the buffer. */ bufsize = microphone->device_spec.samples * 2 * (SDL_AUDIO_BITSIZE(microphone->device_spec.format) / 8); tmp = calloc(1, bufsize); microphone->sample_buffer = fifo_new(bufsize); RARCH_DBG("[SDL audio]: Initialized microphone sample queue with %u bytes\n", bufsize); if (tmp) { fifo_write(microphone->sample_buffer, tmp, bufsize); free(tmp); } RARCH_LOG("[SDL audio]: Initialized microphone with device ID %u\n", microphone->device_id); return microphone; error: free(microphone); return NULL; } static bool sdl_microphone_mic_alive(const void *data, const void *microphone_context) { const sdl_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (const sdl_microphone_handle_t*)microphone_context; if (!microphone) return false; /* Both params must be non-null */ return SDL_GetAudioDeviceStatus(microphone->device_id) == SDL_AUDIO_PLAYING; } static bool sdl_microphone_start_mic(void *driver_context, void *microphone_context) { sdl_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (sdl_microphone_handle_t*)microphone_context; if (!microphone) return false; SDL_PauseAudioDevice(microphone->device_id, false); if (SDL_GetAudioDeviceStatus(microphone->device_id) != SDL_AUDIO_PLAYING) { RARCH_ERR("[SDL mic]: Failed to start microphone %u: %s\n", microphone->device_id, SDL_GetError()); return false; } RARCH_DBG("[SDL mic]: Started microphone %u\n", microphone->device_id); return true; } static bool sdl_microphone_stop_mic(void *driver_context, void *microphone_context) { sdl_microphone_t *sdl = (sdl_microphone_t*)driver_context; sdl_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (sdl_microphone_handle_t*)microphone_context; if (!sdl || !microphone) return false; SDL_PauseAudioDevice(microphone->device_id, true); switch (SDL_GetAudioDeviceStatus(microphone->device_id)) { case SDL_AUDIO_PLAYING: RARCH_ERR("[SDL mic]: Microphone %u failed to pause\n", microphone->device_id); return false; case SDL_AUDIO_STOPPED: RARCH_WARN("[SDL mic]: Microphone %u is in state STOPPED; it may not start again\n", microphone->device_id); /* fall-through */ case SDL_AUDIO_PAUSED: break; default: RARCH_ERR("[SDL mic]: Microphone %u is in unknown state\n", microphone->device_id); return false; } return true; } static void sdl_microphone_set_nonblock_state(void *driver_context, bool state) { sdl_microphone_t *sdl = (sdl_microphone_t*)driver_context; if (sdl) sdl->nonblock = state; } static int sdl_microphone_read(void *driver_context, void *microphone_context, void *buf, size_t size) { int ret = 0; sdl_microphone_t *sdl = (sdl_microphone_t*)driver_context; sdl_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (sdl_microphone_handle_t*)microphone_context; if (!sdl || !microphone || !buf) return -1; if (sdl->nonblock) { /* If we shouldn't block on an empty queue... */ size_t avail, read_amt; SDL_LockAudioDevice(microphone->device_id); /* Stop the SDL mic thread */ avail = FIFO_READ_AVAIL(microphone->sample_buffer); read_amt = avail > size ? size : avail; if (read_amt > 0) { /* If the incoming queue isn't empty... */ fifo_read(microphone->sample_buffer, buf, read_amt); /* ...then read as much data as will fit in buf */ } SDL_UnlockAudioDevice(microphone->device_id); /* Let the mic thread run again */ ret = (int)read_amt; } else { size_t read = 0; while (read < size) { /* Until we've given the caller as much data as they've asked for... */ size_t avail; SDL_LockAudioDevice(microphone->device_id); /* Stop the SDL microphone thread from running */ avail = FIFO_READ_AVAIL(microphone->sample_buffer); if (avail == 0) { /* If the incoming sample queue is empty... */ SDL_UnlockAudioDevice(microphone->device_id); /* Let the SDL microphone thread run so it can push some incoming samples */ #ifdef HAVE_THREADS slock_lock(microphone->lock); /* Let *only* the SDL microphone thread access the incoming sample queue. */ scond_wait(microphone->cond, microphone->lock); /* Wait until the SDL microphone thread tells us it's added some samples. */ slock_unlock(microphone->lock); /* Allow this thread to access the incoming sample queue, which we'll do next iteration */ #endif } else { size_t read_amt = MIN(size - read, avail); fifo_read(microphone->sample_buffer, buf + read, read_amt); /* Read as many samples as we have available without underflowing the queue */ SDL_UnlockAudioDevice(microphone->device_id); /* Let the SDL microphone thread run again */ read += read_amt; } } ret = (int)read; } return ret; } static bool sdl_microphone_mic_use_float(const void *driver_context, const void *microphone_context) { sdl_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (sdl_microphone_handle_t*)microphone_context; return SDL_AUDIO_ISFLOAT(microphone->device_spec.format); } microphone_driver_t microphone_sdl = { sdl_microphone_init, sdl_microphone_free, sdl_microphone_read, sdl_microphone_set_nonblock_state, "sdl2", NULL, NULL, sdl_microphone_open_mic, sdl_microphone_close_mic, sdl_microphone_mic_alive, sdl_microphone_start_mic, sdl_microphone_stop_mic, sdl_microphone_mic_use_float, };