// // EmulatorTouchMouse.swift // RetroArchiOS // // Created by Yoshi Sugawara on 12/27/21. // Copyright © 2021 RetroArch. All rights reserved. // /** Touch mouse behavior: - Mouse movement: Pan finger around screen - Left click: Tap with one finger - Right click: Tap with two fingers (or hold with one finger and tap with another) - Click-and-drag: Double tap and hold for 1 second, then pan finger around screen to drag mouse Code adapted from iDOS/dospad: https://github.com/litchie/dospad */ import Combine import UIKit @objc public protocol EmulatorTouchMouseHandlerDelegate: AnyObject { func handleMouseClick(isLeftClick: Bool, isPressed: Bool) func handleMouseMove(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) } @objcMembers public class EmulatorTouchMouseHandler: NSObject { enum MouseHoldState { case notHeld, wait, held } struct MouseClick { var isRightClick = false var isPressed = false } struct TouchInfo { let touch: UITouch let origin: CGPoint let holdState: MouseHoldState } var enabled = false let view: UIView weak var delegate: EmulatorTouchMouseHandlerDelegate? private let positionChangeThreshold: CGFloat = 20.0 private let mouseHoldInterval: TimeInterval = 1.0 private var pendingMouseEvents = [MouseClick]() private var mouseEventPublisher: AnyPublisher { mouseEventSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher() } private let mouseEventSubject = PassthroughSubject() private var subscription: AnyCancellable? private var primaryTouch: TouchInfo? private var secondaryTouch: TouchInfo? private let mediumHaptic = UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: .medium) public init(view: UIView, delegate: EmulatorTouchMouseHandlerDelegate? = nil) { self.view = view self.delegate = delegate super.init() setup() } private func setup() { subscription = mouseEventPublisher .sink(receiveValue: {[weak self] value in self?.pendingMouseEvents.append(value) self?.processMouseEvents() }) } private func processMouseEvents() { guard let event = pendingMouseEvents.first else { return } delegate?.handleMouseClick(isLeftClick: !event.isRightClick, isPressed: event.isPressed) if event.isPressed { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) { [weak self] in self?.mouseEventSubject.send(MouseClick(isRightClick: event.isRightClick, isPressed: false)) } } pendingMouseEvents.removeFirst() processMouseEvents() } @objc private func beginHold() { guard let primaryTouch = primaryTouch, primaryTouch.holdState == .wait else { return } self.primaryTouch = TouchInfo(touch: primaryTouch.touch, origin: primaryTouch.origin, holdState: .held) mediumHaptic.impactOccurred() delegate?.handleMouseClick(isLeftClick: true, isPressed: true) } private func endHold() { guard let primaryTouch = primaryTouch else { return } if primaryTouch.holdState == .notHeld { return } if primaryTouch.holdState == .wait { Thread.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self, selector: #selector(beginHold), object: self) } else { delegate?.handleMouseClick(isLeftClick: true, isPressed: false) } self.primaryTouch = TouchInfo(touch: primaryTouch.touch, origin: primaryTouch.origin, holdState: .notHeld) } public func touchesBegan(touches: Set) { guard enabled, let touch = touches.first else { return } if primaryTouch == nil { primaryTouch = TouchInfo(touch: touch, origin: touch.location(in: view), holdState: .wait) if touch.tapCount == 2 { self.perform(#selector(beginHold), with: nil, afterDelay: mouseHoldInterval) } } else if secondaryTouch == nil { secondaryTouch = TouchInfo(touch: touch, origin: touch.location(in: view), holdState: .notHeld) } } public func touchesEnded(touches: Set) { guard enabled else { return } for touch in touches { if touch == primaryTouch?.touch { if touch.tapCount > 0 { for _ in 1...touch.tapCount { mouseEventSubject.send(MouseClick(isRightClick: false, isPressed: true)) } } endHold() primaryTouch = nil secondaryTouch = nil } else if touch == secondaryTouch?.touch { if touch.tapCount > 0 { mouseEventSubject.send(MouseClick(isRightClick: true, isPressed: true)) endHold() } secondaryTouch = nil } } delegate?.handleMouseMove(x: 0, y: 0) } public func touchesMoved(touches: Set) { guard enabled else { return } for touch in touches { if touch == primaryTouch?.touch { let a = touch.previousLocation(in: view) let b = touch.location(in: view) if primaryTouch?.holdState == .wait && (distanceBetween(pointA: a, pointB: b) > positionChangeThreshold) { endHold() } delegate?.handleMouseMove(x: b.x-a.x, y: b.y-a.y) } } } public func touchesCancelled(touches: Set) { guard enabled else { return } for touch in touches { if touch == primaryTouch?.touch { endHold() } } primaryTouch = nil secondaryTouch = nil } func distanceBetween(pointA: CGPoint, pointB: CGPoint) -> CGFloat { let dx = pointA.x - pointB.x let dy = pointA.y - pointB.y return sqrt(dx*dx*dy*dy) } }