/* fatfile.c Functions used by the newlib disc stubs to interface with this library Copyright (c) 2006 Michael "Chishm" Chisholm Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 2009-10-23 oggzee: fixes for cluster aligned file size (write, truncate, seek) */ #include "fatfile.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "cache.h" #include "file_allocation_table.h" #include "bit_ops.h" #include "filetime.h" #include "lock.h" bool _FAT_findEntry(const char *path, DIR_ENTRY *dirEntry) { PARTITION *partition = _FAT_partition_getPartitionFromPath(path); /* Check Partition */ if( !partition ) return false; /* Move the path pointer to the start of the actual path */ if (strchr (path, ':') != NULL) path = strchr (path, ':') + 1; if (strchr (path, ':') != NULL) return false; /* Search for the file on the disc */ return _FAT_directory_entryFromPath (partition, dirEntry, path, NULL); } int FAT_getAttr(const char *file) { DIR_ENTRY dirEntry; if (!_FAT_findEntry(file,&dirEntry)) return -1; return dirEntry.entryData[DIR_ENTRY_attributes]; } int FAT_setAttr(const char *file, uint8_t attr) { /* Defines... */ DIR_ENTRY_POSITION entryEnd; PARTITION *partition = NULL; DIR_ENTRY dirEntry; /* Get Partition */ partition = _FAT_partition_getPartitionFromPath( file ); /* Check Partition */ if( !partition ) return -1; /* Move the path pointer to the start of the actual path */ if (strchr (file, ':') != NULL) file = strchr (file, ':') + 1; if (strchr (file, ':') != NULL) return -1; /* Get DIR_ENTRY */ if( !_FAT_directory_entryFromPath (partition, &dirEntry, file, NULL) ) return -1; /* Get Entry-End */ entryEnd = dirEntry.dataEnd; /* Lock Partition */ _FAT_lock(&partition->lock); /* Write Data */ _FAT_cache_writePartialSector ( partition->cache /* Cache to write */ , &attr /* Value to be written */ , _FAT_fat_clusterToSector( partition , entryEnd.cluster ) + entryEnd.sector /* cluster */ , entryEnd.offset * DIR_ENTRY_DATA_SIZE + DIR_ENTRY_attributes /* offset */ , 1 /* Size in bytes */ ); /* Flush any sectors in the disc cache */ if ( !_FAT_cache_flush( partition->cache ) ) { _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); /* Unlock Partition */ return -1; } /* Unlock Partition */ _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); return 0; } int _FAT_open_r (struct _reent *r, void *fileStruct, const char *path, int flags, int mode) { PARTITION* partition = NULL; bool fileExists; DIR_ENTRY dirEntry; const char* pathEnd; uint32_t dirCluster; FILE_STRUCT* file = (FILE_STRUCT*) fileStruct; partition = _FAT_partition_getPartitionFromPath (path); if (partition == NULL) { r->_errno = ENODEV; return -1; } /* Move the path pointer to the start of the actual path */ if (strchr (path, ':') != NULL) path = strchr (path, ':') + 1; if (strchr (path, ':') != NULL) { r->_errno = EINVAL; return -1; } switch((flags & 0x03)) { case O_RDONLY: /* Open the file for read-only access */ file->read = true; file->write = false; file->append = false; break; case O_WRONLY: /* Open file for write only access */ file->read = false; file->write = true; file->append = false; break; case O_RDWR: /* Open file for read/write access */ file->read = true; file->write = true; file->append = false; break; default: r->_errno = EACCES; return -1; } /* Make sure we aren't trying to write to a read-only disc */ if (file->write && partition->readOnly) { r->_errno = EROFS; return -1; } /* Search for the file on the disc */ _FAT_lock(&partition->lock); fileExists = _FAT_directory_entryFromPath (partition, &dirEntry, path, NULL); /* The file shouldn't exist if we are trying to create it */ if ((flags & O_CREAT) && (flags & O_EXCL) && fileExists) { _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = EEXIST; return -1; } /* It should not be a directory if we're opening a file, */ if (fileExists && _FAT_directory_isDirectory(&dirEntry)) { _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = EISDIR; return -1; } /* We haven't modified the file yet */ file->modified = false; /* If the file doesn't exist, create it if we're allowed to */ if (!fileExists) { if (flags & O_CREAT) { if (partition->readOnly) { /* We can't write to a read-only partition */ _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = EROFS; return -1; } /* Create the file * Get the directory it has to go in */ pathEnd = strrchr (path, DIR_SEPARATOR); if (pathEnd == NULL) { /* No path was specified */ dirCluster = partition->cwdCluster; pathEnd = path; } else { /* Path was specified -- get the right dirCluster * Recycling dirEntry, since it needs to be recreated anyway */ if (!_FAT_directory_entryFromPath (partition, &dirEntry, path, pathEnd) || !_FAT_directory_isDirectory(&dirEntry)) { _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = ENOTDIR; return -1; } dirCluster = _FAT_directory_entryGetCluster (partition, dirEntry.entryData); /* Move the pathEnd past the last DIR_SEPARATOR */ pathEnd += 1; } /* Create the entry data */ strncpy (dirEntry.filename, pathEnd, NAME_MAX - 1); memset (dirEntry.entryData, 0, DIR_ENTRY_DATA_SIZE); /* Set the creation time and date */ dirEntry.entryData[DIR_ENTRY_cTime_ms] = 0; u16_to_u8array (dirEntry.entryData, DIR_ENTRY_cTime, _FAT_filetime_getTimeFromRTC()); u16_to_u8array (dirEntry.entryData, DIR_ENTRY_cDate, _FAT_filetime_getDateFromRTC()); if (!_FAT_directory_addEntry (partition, &dirEntry, dirCluster)) { _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = ENOSPC; return -1; } /* File entry is modified */ file->modified = true; } else { /* file doesn't exist, and we aren't creating it */ _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = ENOENT; return -1; } } file->filesize = u8array_to_u32 (dirEntry.entryData, DIR_ENTRY_fileSize); #if 0 /* Allow LARGEFILEs with undefined results * Make sure that the file size can fit in the available space */ if (!(flags & O_LARGEFILE) && (file->filesize >= (1<<31))) { r->_errno = EFBIG; return -1; } #endif /* Make sure we aren't trying to write to a read-only file */ if (file->write && !_FAT_directory_isWritable(&dirEntry)) { _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = EROFS; return -1; } /* Associate this file with a particular partition */ file->partition = partition; file->startCluster = _FAT_directory_entryGetCluster (partition, dirEntry.entryData); /* Truncate the file if requested */ if ((flags & O_TRUNC) && file->write && (file->startCluster != 0)) { _FAT_fat_clearLinks (partition, file->startCluster); file->startCluster = CLUSTER_FREE; file->filesize = 0; /* File is modified since we just cut it all off */ file->modified = true; } /* Remember the position of this file's directory entry */ file->dirEntryStart = dirEntry.dataStart; /* Points to the start of the LFN entries of a file, or the alias for no LFN */ file->dirEntryEnd = dirEntry.dataEnd; /* Reset read/write pointer */ file->currentPosition = 0; file->rwPosition.cluster = file->startCluster; file->rwPosition.sector = 0; file->rwPosition.byte = 0; if (flags & O_APPEND) { file->append = true; /* Set append pointer to the end of the file */ file->appendPosition.cluster = _FAT_fat_lastCluster (partition, file->startCluster); file->appendPosition.sector = (file->filesize % partition->bytesPerCluster) / partition->bytesPerSector; file->appendPosition.byte = file->filesize % partition->bytesPerSector; /* Check if the end of the file is on the end of a cluster */ if ( (file->filesize > 0) && ((file->filesize % partition->bytesPerCluster)==0) ){ /* Set flag to allocate a new cluster */ file->appendPosition.sector = partition->sectorsPerCluster; file->appendPosition.byte = 0; } } else { file->append = false; /* Use something sane for the append pointer, so the whole file struct contains known values */ file->appendPosition = file->rwPosition; } file->inUse = true; /* Insert this file into the double-linked list of open files */ partition->openFileCount += 1; if (partition->firstOpenFile) { file->nextOpenFile = partition->firstOpenFile; partition->firstOpenFile->prevOpenFile = file; } else { file->nextOpenFile = NULL; } file->prevOpenFile = NULL; partition->firstOpenFile = file; _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); return (int) file; } /* Synchronizes the file data to disc. Does no locking of its own -- lock the partition before calling. Returns 0 on success, an error code on failure. */ int _FAT_syncToDisc (FILE_STRUCT* file) { uint8_t dirEntryData[DIR_ENTRY_DATA_SIZE]; if (!file || !file->inUse) { return EBADF; } if (file->write && file->modified) { /* Load the old entry */ _FAT_cache_readPartialSector (file->partition->cache, dirEntryData, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector(file->partition, file->dirEntryEnd.cluster) + file->dirEntryEnd.sector, file->dirEntryEnd.offset * DIR_ENTRY_DATA_SIZE, DIR_ENTRY_DATA_SIZE); // Write new data to the directory entry // File size u32_to_u8array (dirEntryData, DIR_ENTRY_fileSize, file->filesize); // Start cluster u16_to_u8array (dirEntryData, DIR_ENTRY_cluster, file->startCluster); u16_to_u8array (dirEntryData, DIR_ENTRY_clusterHigh, file->startCluster >> 16); // Modification time and date u16_to_u8array (dirEntryData, DIR_ENTRY_mTime, _FAT_filetime_getTimeFromRTC()); u16_to_u8array (dirEntryData, DIR_ENTRY_mDate, _FAT_filetime_getDateFromRTC()); // Access date u16_to_u8array (dirEntryData, DIR_ENTRY_aDate, _FAT_filetime_getDateFromRTC()); // Set archive attribute dirEntryData[DIR_ENTRY_attributes] |= ATTRIB_ARCH; // Write the new entry _FAT_cache_writePartialSector (file->partition->cache, dirEntryData, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector(file->partition, file->dirEntryEnd.cluster) + file->dirEntryEnd.sector, file->dirEntryEnd.offset * DIR_ENTRY_DATA_SIZE, DIR_ENTRY_DATA_SIZE); // Flush any sectors in the disc cache if (!_FAT_cache_flush(file->partition->cache)) { return EIO; } } file->modified = false; return 0; } int _FAT_close_r (struct _reent *r, void *fd) { FILE_STRUCT* file = (FILE_STRUCT*) fd; int ret = 0; if (!file->inUse) { r->_errno = EBADF; return -1; } _FAT_lock(&file->partition->lock); if (file->write) { ret = _FAT_syncToDisc (file); if (ret != 0) { r->_errno = ret; ret = -1; } } file->inUse = false; // Remove this file from the double-linked list of open files file->partition->openFileCount -= 1; if (file->nextOpenFile) { file->nextOpenFile->prevOpenFile = file->prevOpenFile; } if (file->prevOpenFile) { file->prevOpenFile->nextOpenFile = file->nextOpenFile; } else { file->partition->firstOpenFile = file->nextOpenFile; } _FAT_unlock(&file->partition->lock); return ret; } ssize_t _FAT_read_r (struct _reent *r, void *fd, char *ptr, size_t len) { FILE_STRUCT* file = (FILE_STRUCT*) fd; PARTITION* partition; CACHE* cache; FILE_POSITION position; uint32_t tempNextCluster; unsigned int tempVar; size_t remain; bool flagNoError = true; // Short circuit cases where len is 0 (or less) if (len <= 0) return 0; /* Make sure we can actually read from the file */ if ((file == NULL) || !file->inUse || !file->read) { r->_errno = EBADF; return -1; } partition = file->partition; _FAT_lock(&partition->lock); /* Don't try to read if the read pointer is past the end of file */ if (file->currentPosition >= file->filesize || file->startCluster == CLUSTER_FREE) { r->_errno = EOVERFLOW; _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); return 0; } // Don't read past end of file if (len + file->currentPosition > file->filesize) { r->_errno = EOVERFLOW; len = file->filesize - file->currentPosition; } remain = len; position = file->rwPosition; cache = file->partition->cache; // Align to sector tempVar = partition->bytesPerSector - position.byte; if (tempVar > remain) { tempVar = remain; } if ((tempVar < partition->bytesPerSector) && flagNoError) { _FAT_cache_readPartialSector ( cache, ptr, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster) + position.sector, position.byte, tempVar); remain -= tempVar; ptr += tempVar; position.byte += tempVar; if (position.byte >= partition->bytesPerSector) { position.byte = 0; position.sector++; } } /* align to cluster * tempVar is number of sectors to read */ if (remain > (partition->sectorsPerCluster - position.sector) * partition->bytesPerSector) { tempVar = partition->sectorsPerCluster - position.sector; } else { tempVar = remain / partition->bytesPerSector; } if ((tempVar > 0) && flagNoError) { if (! _FAT_cache_readSectors (cache, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster) + position.sector, tempVar, ptr)) { flagNoError = false; r->_errno = EIO; } else { ptr += tempVar * partition->bytesPerSector; remain -= tempVar * partition->bytesPerSector; position.sector += tempVar; } } /* Move onto next cluster * It should get to here without reading anything if a cluster is due to be allocated */ if ((position.sector >= partition->sectorsPerCluster) && flagNoError) { tempNextCluster = _FAT_fat_nextCluster(partition, position.cluster); if ((remain == 0) && (tempNextCluster == CLUSTER_EOF)) { position.sector = partition->sectorsPerCluster; } else if (!_FAT_fat_isValidCluster(partition, tempNextCluster)) { r->_errno = EIO; flagNoError = false; } else { position.sector = 0; position.cluster = tempNextCluster; } } /* Read in whole clusters, contiguous blocks at a time */ while ((remain >= partition->bytesPerCluster) && flagNoError) { uint32_t chunkEnd; uint32_t nextChunkStart = position.cluster; size_t chunkSize = 0; do { chunkEnd = nextChunkStart; nextChunkStart = _FAT_fat_nextCluster (partition, chunkEnd); chunkSize += partition->bytesPerCluster; } while ((nextChunkStart == chunkEnd + 1) && #ifdef LIMIT_SECTORS (chunkSize + partition->bytesPerCluster <= LIMIT_SECTORS * partition->bytesPerSector) && #endif (chunkSize + partition->bytesPerCluster <= remain)); if (!_FAT_cache_readSectors (cache, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster), chunkSize / partition->bytesPerSector, ptr)) { flagNoError = false; r->_errno = EIO; break; } ptr += chunkSize; remain -= chunkSize; /* Advance to next cluster */ if ((remain == 0) && (nextChunkStart == CLUSTER_EOF)) { position.sector = partition->sectorsPerCluster; position.cluster = chunkEnd; } else if (!_FAT_fat_isValidCluster(partition, nextChunkStart)) { r->_errno = EIO; flagNoError = false; } else { position.sector = 0; position.cluster = nextChunkStart; } } /* Read remaining sectors */ tempVar = remain / partition->bytesPerSector; /* Number of sectors left */ if ((tempVar > 0) && flagNoError) { if (!_FAT_cache_readSectors (cache, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster), tempVar, ptr)) { flagNoError = false; r->_errno = EIO; } else { ptr += tempVar * partition->bytesPerSector; remain -= tempVar * partition->bytesPerSector; position.sector += tempVar; } } // Last remaining sector // Check if anything is left if ((remain > 0) && flagNoError) { _FAT_cache_readPartialSector ( cache, ptr, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster) + position.sector, 0, remain); position.byte += remain; remain = 0; } // Length read is the wanted length minus the stuff not read len = len - remain; // Update file information file->rwPosition = position; file->currentPosition += len; _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); return len; } // if current position is on the cluster border and more data has to be written // then get next cluster or allocate next cluster // this solves the over-allocation problems when file size is aligned to cluster size // return true on succes, false on error static bool _FAT_check_position_for_next_cluster(struct _reent *r, FILE_POSITION *position, PARTITION* partition, size_t remain, bool *flagNoError) { uint32_t tempNextCluster; // do nothing if no more data to write if (remain == 0) return true; if (flagNoError && *flagNoError == false) return false; if (position->sector > partition->sectorsPerCluster) { // invalid arguments - internal error r->_errno = EINVAL; goto err; } if (position->sector == partition->sectorsPerCluster) { // need to advance to next cluster tempNextCluster = _FAT_fat_nextCluster(partition, position->cluster); if ((tempNextCluster == CLUSTER_EOF) || (tempNextCluster == CLUSTER_FREE)) { // Ran out of clusters so get a new one tempNextCluster = _FAT_fat_linkFreeCluster(partition, position->cluster); } if (!_FAT_fat_isValidCluster(partition, tempNextCluster)) { // Couldn't get a cluster, so abort r->_errno = ENOSPC; goto err; } position->sector = 0; position->cluster = tempNextCluster; } return true; err: if (flagNoError) *flagNoError = false; return false; } /* Extend a file so that the size is the same as the rwPosition */ static bool _FAT_file_extend_r (struct _reent *r, FILE_STRUCT* file) { PARTITION* partition = file->partition; CACHE* cache = file->partition->cache; FILE_POSITION position; uint8_t zeroBuffer [partition->bytesPerSector]; memset(zeroBuffer, 0, partition->bytesPerSector); uint32_t remain; uint32_t tempNextCluster; unsigned int sector; position.byte = file->filesize % partition->bytesPerSector; position.sector = (file->filesize % partition->bytesPerCluster) / partition->bytesPerSector; // It is assumed that there is always a startCluster // This will be true when _FAT_file_extend_r is called from _FAT_write_r position.cluster = _FAT_fat_lastCluster (partition, file->startCluster); remain = file->currentPosition - file->filesize; if ((remain > 0) && (file->filesize > 0) && (position.sector == 0) && (position.byte == 0)) { // Get a new cluster on the edge of a cluster boundary tempNextCluster = _FAT_fat_linkFreeCluster(partition, position.cluster); if (!_FAT_fat_isValidCluster(partition, tempNextCluster)) { // Couldn't get a cluster, so abort r->_errno = ENOSPC; return false; } position.cluster = tempNextCluster; position.sector = 0; } if (remain + position.byte < partition->bytesPerSector) { // Only need to clear to the end of the sector _FAT_cache_writePartialSector (cache, zeroBuffer, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster) + position.sector, position.byte, remain); position.byte += remain; } else { if (position.byte > 0) { _FAT_cache_writePartialSector (cache, zeroBuffer, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster) + position.sector, position.byte, partition->bytesPerSector - position.byte); remain -= (partition->bytesPerSector - position.byte); position.byte = 0; position.sector ++; } while (remain >= partition->bytesPerSector) { if (position.sector >= partition->sectorsPerCluster) { position.sector = 0; // Ran out of clusters so get a new one tempNextCluster = _FAT_fat_linkFreeCluster(partition, position.cluster); if (!_FAT_fat_isValidCluster(partition, tempNextCluster)) { // Couldn't get a cluster, so abort r->_errno = ENOSPC; return false; } position.cluster = tempNextCluster; } sector = _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster) + position.sector; _FAT_cache_writeSectors (cache, sector, 1, zeroBuffer); remain -= partition->bytesPerSector; position.sector ++; } // error already marked if (!_FAT_check_position_for_next_cluster(r, &position, partition, remain, NULL)) return false; if (remain > 0) { _FAT_cache_writePartialSector (cache, zeroBuffer, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster) + position.sector, 0, remain); position.byte = remain; } } file->rwPosition = position; file->filesize = file->currentPosition; return true; } ssize_t _FAT_write_r (struct _reent *r, void *fd, const char *ptr, size_t len) { FILE_STRUCT* file = (FILE_STRUCT*) fd; PARTITION* partition; CACHE* cache; FILE_POSITION position; uint32_t tempNextCluster; unsigned int tempVar; size_t remain; bool flagNoError = true; bool flagAppending = false; /* Make sure we can actually write to the file */ if ((file == NULL) || !file->inUse || !file->write) { r->_errno = EBADF; return -1; } partition = file->partition; cache = file->partition->cache; _FAT_lock(&partition->lock); /* Only write up to the maximum file size, taking into account wrap-around of ints */ if (len + file->filesize > FILE_MAX_SIZE || len + file->filesize < file->filesize) { len = FILE_MAX_SIZE - file->filesize; } /* Short circuit cases where len is 0 (or less) */ if (len <= 0) { _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); return 0; } remain = len; /* Get a new cluster for the start of the file if required */ if (file->startCluster == CLUSTER_FREE) { tempNextCluster = _FAT_fat_linkFreeCluster (partition, CLUSTER_FREE); if (!_FAT_fat_isValidCluster(partition, tempNextCluster)) { /* Couldn't get a cluster, so abort immediately */ _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = ENOSPC; return -1; } file->startCluster = tempNextCluster; /* Appending starts at the begining for a 0 byte file */ file->appendPosition.cluster = file->startCluster; file->appendPosition.sector = 0; file->appendPosition.byte = 0; file->rwPosition.cluster = file->startCluster; file->rwPosition.sector = 0; file->rwPosition.byte = 0; } if (file->append) { position = file->appendPosition; flagAppending = true; } else { // If the write pointer is past the end of the file, extend the file to that size if (file->currentPosition > file->filesize) { if (!_FAT_file_extend_r (r, file)) { _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); return -1; } } // Write at current read pointer position = file->rwPosition; // If it is writing past the current end of file, set appending flag if (len + file->currentPosition > file->filesize) { flagAppending = true; } } // Move onto next cluster if needed _FAT_check_position_for_next_cluster(r, &position, partition, remain, &flagNoError); // Align to sector tempVar = partition->bytesPerSector - position.byte; if (tempVar > remain) { tempVar = remain; } if ((tempVar < partition->bytesPerSector) && flagNoError) { // Write partial sector to disk _FAT_cache_writePartialSector (cache, ptr, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster) + position.sector, position.byte, tempVar); remain -= tempVar; ptr += tempVar; position.byte += tempVar; // Move onto next sector if (position.byte >= partition->bytesPerSector) { position.byte = 0; position.sector ++; } } // Align to cluster // tempVar is number of sectors to write if (remain > (partition->sectorsPerCluster - position.sector) * partition->bytesPerSector) { tempVar = partition->sectorsPerCluster - position.sector; } else { tempVar = remain / partition->bytesPerSector; } if ((tempVar > 0 && tempVar < partition->sectorsPerCluster) && flagNoError) { if (!_FAT_cache_writeSectors (cache, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster) + position.sector, tempVar, ptr)) { flagNoError = false; r->_errno = EIO; } else { ptr += tempVar * partition->bytesPerSector; remain -= tempVar * partition->bytesPerSector; position.sector += tempVar; } } // Write whole clusters while ((remain >= partition->bytesPerCluster) && flagNoError) { // allocate next cluster _FAT_check_position_for_next_cluster(r, &position, partition, remain, &flagNoError); if (!flagNoError) break; // set indexes to the current position uint32_t chunkEnd = position.cluster; uint32_t nextChunkStart = position.cluster; size_t chunkSize = partition->bytesPerCluster; FILE_POSITION next_position = position; // group consecutive clusters while (flagNoError && #ifdef LIMIT_SECTORS (chunkSize + partition->bytesPerCluster <= LIMIT_SECTORS * partition->bytesPerSector) && #endif (chunkSize + partition->bytesPerCluster < remain)) { // pretend to use up all sectors in next_position next_position.sector = partition->sectorsPerCluster; // get or allocate next cluster _FAT_check_position_for_next_cluster(r, &next_position, partition, remain - chunkSize, &flagNoError); if (!flagNoError) break; // exit loop on error nextChunkStart = next_position.cluster; if (nextChunkStart != chunkEnd + 1) break; // exit loop if not consecutive chunkEnd = nextChunkStart; chunkSize += partition->bytesPerCluster; } if ( !_FAT_cache_writeSectors (cache, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector(partition, position.cluster), chunkSize / partition->bytesPerSector, ptr)) { flagNoError = false; r->_errno = EIO; break; } ptr += chunkSize; remain -= chunkSize; if ((chunkEnd != nextChunkStart) && _FAT_fat_isValidCluster(partition, nextChunkStart)) { // new cluster is already allocated (because it was not consecutive) position.cluster = nextChunkStart; position.sector = 0; } else { // Allocate a new cluster when next writing the file position.cluster = chunkEnd; position.sector = partition->sectorsPerCluster; } } // allocate next cluster if needed _FAT_check_position_for_next_cluster(r, &position, partition, remain, &flagNoError); // Write remaining sectors tempVar = remain / partition->bytesPerSector; // Number of sectors left if ((tempVar > 0) && flagNoError) { if (!_FAT_cache_writeSectors (cache, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster), tempVar, ptr)) { flagNoError = false; r->_errno = EIO; } else { ptr += tempVar * partition->bytesPerSector; remain -= tempVar * partition->bytesPerSector; position.sector += tempVar; } } // Last remaining sector if ((remain > 0) && flagNoError) { if (flagAppending) { _FAT_cache_eraseWritePartialSector ( cache, ptr, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster) + position.sector, 0, remain); } else { _FAT_cache_writePartialSector ( cache, ptr, _FAT_fat_clusterToSector (partition, position.cluster) + position.sector, 0, remain); } position.byte += remain; remain = 0; } // Amount written is the originally requested amount minus stuff remaining len = len - remain; // Update file information file->modified = true; if (file->append) { // Appending doesn't affect the read pointer file->appendPosition = position; file->filesize += len; } else { // Writing also shifts the read pointer file->rwPosition = position; file->currentPosition += len; if (file->filesize < file->currentPosition) { file->filesize = file->currentPosition; } } _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); return len; } off_t _FAT_seek_r (struct _reent *r, void *fd, off_t pos, int dir) { FILE_STRUCT* file = (FILE_STRUCT*) fd; PARTITION* partition; uint32_t cluster, nextCluster; int clusCount; off_t newPosition; uint32_t position; if ((file == NULL) || (file->inUse == false)) { // invalid file r->_errno = EBADF; return -1; } partition = file->partition; _FAT_lock(&partition->lock); switch (dir) { case SEEK_SET: newPosition = pos; break; case SEEK_CUR: newPosition = (off_t)file->currentPosition + pos; break; case SEEK_END: newPosition = (off_t)file->filesize + pos; break; default: _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if ((pos > 0) && (newPosition < 0)) { _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = EOVERFLOW; return -1; } // newPosition can only be larger than the FILE_MAX_SIZE on platforms where // off_t is larger than 32 bits. if (newPosition < 0 || ((sizeof(newPosition) > 4) && newPosition > (off_t)FILE_MAX_SIZE)) { _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = EINVAL; return -1; } position = (uint32_t)newPosition; // Only change the read/write position if it is within the bounds of the current filesize, // or at the very edge of the file if (position <= file->filesize && file->startCluster != CLUSTER_FREE) { // Calculate where the correct cluster is // how many clusters from start of file clusCount = position / partition->bytesPerCluster; cluster = file->startCluster; if (position >= file->currentPosition) { // start from current cluster int currentCount = file->currentPosition / partition->bytesPerCluster; if (file->rwPosition.sector == partition->sectorsPerCluster) { currentCount--; } clusCount -= currentCount; cluster = file->rwPosition.cluster; } // Calculate the sector and byte of the current position, // and store them file->rwPosition.sector = (position % partition->bytesPerCluster) / partition->bytesPerSector; file->rwPosition.byte = position % partition->bytesPerSector; nextCluster = _FAT_fat_nextCluster (partition, cluster); while ((clusCount > 0) && (nextCluster != CLUSTER_FREE) && (nextCluster != CLUSTER_EOF)) { clusCount--; cluster = nextCluster; nextCluster = _FAT_fat_nextCluster (partition, cluster); } // Check if ran out of clusters and it needs to allocate a new one if (clusCount > 0) { if ((clusCount == 1) && (file->filesize == position) && (file->rwPosition.sector == 0)) { // Set flag to allocate a new cluster file->rwPosition.sector = partition->sectorsPerCluster; file->rwPosition.byte = 0; } else { _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = EINVAL; return -1; } } file->rwPosition.cluster = cluster; } // Save position file->currentPosition = position; _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); return position; } int _FAT_fstat_r (struct _reent *r, void *fd, struct stat *st) { FILE_STRUCT* file = (FILE_STRUCT*) fd; PARTITION* partition; DIR_ENTRY fileEntry; if ((file == NULL) || (file->inUse == false)) { // invalid file r->_errno = EBADF; return -1; } partition = file->partition; _FAT_lock(&partition->lock); // Get the file's entry data fileEntry.dataStart = file->dirEntryStart; fileEntry.dataEnd = file->dirEntryEnd; if (!_FAT_directory_entryFromPosition (partition, &fileEntry)) { _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = EIO; return -1; } // Fill in the stat struct _FAT_directory_entryStat (partition, &fileEntry, st); // Fix stats that have changed since the file was openned st->st_ino = (ino_t)(file->startCluster); // The file serial number is the start cluster st->st_size = file->filesize; // File size _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); return 0; } int _FAT_ftruncate_r (struct _reent *r, void *fd, off_t len) { FILE_STRUCT* file = (FILE_STRUCT*) fd; PARTITION* partition; int ret=0; uint32_t newSize = (uint32_t)len; if (len < 0) { // Trying to truncate to a negative size r->_errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if ((sizeof(len) > 4) && len > (off_t)FILE_MAX_SIZE) { // Trying to extend the file beyond what FAT supports r->_errno = EFBIG; return -1; } if (!file || !file->inUse) { // invalid file r->_errno = EBADF; return -1; } if (!file->write) { // Read-only file r->_errno = EINVAL; return -1; } partition = file->partition; _FAT_lock(&partition->lock); if (newSize > file->filesize) { // Expanding the file FILE_POSITION savedPosition; uint32_t savedOffset; // Get a new cluster for the start of the file if required if (file->startCluster == CLUSTER_FREE) { uint32_t tempNextCluster = _FAT_fat_linkFreeCluster (partition, CLUSTER_FREE); if (!_FAT_fat_isValidCluster(partition, tempNextCluster)) { // Couldn't get a cluster, so abort immediately _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); r->_errno = ENOSPC; return -1; } file->startCluster = tempNextCluster; file->rwPosition.cluster = file->startCluster; file->rwPosition.sector = 0; file->rwPosition.byte = 0; } // Save the read/write pointer savedPosition = file->rwPosition; savedOffset = file->currentPosition; // Set the position to the new size file->currentPosition = newSize; // Extend the file to the new position if (!_FAT_file_extend_r (r, file)) { ret = -1; } // Set the append position to the new rwPointer if (file->append) { file->appendPosition = file->rwPosition; } // Restore the old rwPointer; file->rwPosition = savedPosition; file->currentPosition = savedOffset; } else if (newSize < file->filesize){ // Shrinking the file if (len == 0) { // Cutting the file down to nothing, clear all clusters used _FAT_fat_clearLinks (partition, file->startCluster); file->startCluster = CLUSTER_FREE; file->appendPosition.cluster = CLUSTER_FREE; file->appendPosition.sector = 0; file->appendPosition.byte = 0; } else { // Trimming the file down to the required size unsigned int chainLength; uint32_t lastCluster; // Drop the unneeded end of the cluster chain. // If the end falls on a cluster boundary, drop that cluster too, // then set a flag to allocate a cluster as needed chainLength = ((newSize-1) / partition->bytesPerCluster) + 1; lastCluster = _FAT_fat_trimChain (partition, file->startCluster, chainLength); if (file->append) { file->appendPosition.byte = newSize % partition->bytesPerSector; // Does the end of the file fall on the edge of a cluster? if (newSize % partition->bytesPerCluster == 0) { // Set a flag to allocate a new cluster file->appendPosition.sector = partition->sectorsPerCluster; } else { file->appendPosition.sector = (newSize % partition->bytesPerCluster) / partition->bytesPerSector; } file->appendPosition.cluster = lastCluster; } } } else { // Truncating to same length, so don't do anything } file->filesize = newSize; file->modified = true; _FAT_unlock(&partition->lock); return ret; } int _FAT_fsync_r (struct _reent *r, void *fd) { FILE_STRUCT* file = (FILE_STRUCT*) fd; int ret = 0; if (!file->inUse) { r->_errno = EBADF; return -1; } _FAT_lock(&file->partition->lock); ret = _FAT_syncToDisc (file); if (ret != 0) { r->_errno = ret; ret = -1; } _FAT_unlock(&file->partition->lock); return ret; }