#define LIBCO_C #include "libco.h" #include #include typedef void (*entrypoint_t)(void); cothread_t co_active(void) { return (void *)sceKernelGetThreadId(); } static int thread_wrap(unsigned int argc, void *argp) { entrypoint_t entrypoint = *(entrypoint_t *) argp; sceKernelSleepThread(); entrypoint(); return 0; } cothread_t co_create(unsigned int size, void (*entrypoint)(void)) { SceUID new_thread_id = sceKernelCreateThread("cothread", thread_wrap, 0x12, size, 0, NULL); sceKernelStartThread(new_thread_id, sizeof (entrypoint), &entrypoint); return (void *) new_thread_id; } void co_delete(cothread_t handle) { SceUID id = (SceUID) handle; sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread(id); } void co_switch(cothread_t handle) { SceUID id = (SceUID) handle; sceKernelWakeupThread(id); /* Sleep the currently active thread so the new thread can start */ sceKernelSleepThread(); }