/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 - Jean-André Santoni * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 - Andrés Suárez * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 - Brad Parker * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <retro_miscellaneous.h> #include <lists/file_list.h> #include <lists/string_list.h> #include <file/file_path.h> #include <compat/strl.h> #include <streams/file_stream.h> #include <string/stdstring.h> #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING #include <net/net_http.h> #endif #include "menu_driver.h" #include "menu_networking.h" #include "menu_cbs.h" #include "menu_entries.h" #include "../core_info.h" #include "../configuration.h" #include "../file_path_special.h" #include "../msg_hash.h" #include "../tasks/task_file_transfer.h" #include "../tasks/tasks_internal.h" void print_buf_lines(file_list_t *list, char *buf, const char *label, int buf_size, enum msg_file_type type, bool append, bool extended) { char c; int i, j = 0; char *line_start = buf; if (!buf || !buf_size) { menu_entries_append_enum(list, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NO_ENTRIES_TO_DISPLAY), msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_NO_ENTRIES_TO_DISPLAY), MENU_ENUM_LABEL_NO_ENTRIES_TO_DISPLAY, FILE_TYPE_NONE, 0, 0); return; } for (i = 0; i < buf_size; i++) { size_t ln; const char *core_date = NULL; const char *core_crc = NULL; const char *core_pathname = NULL; struct string_list *str_list = NULL; /* The end of the buffer, print the last bit */ if (*(buf + i) == '\0') break; if (*(buf + i) != '\n') continue; /* Found a line ending, print the line and compute new line_start */ /* Save the next char */ c = *(buf + i + 1); /* replace with \0 */ *(buf + i + 1) = '\0'; /* We need to strip the newline. */ ln = strlen(line_start) - 1; if (line_start[ln] == '\n') line_start[ln] = '\0'; str_list = string_split(line_start, " "); if (str_list->elems[0].data) core_date = str_list->elems[0].data; if (str_list->elems[1].data) core_crc = str_list->elems[1].data; if (str_list->elems[2].data) core_pathname = str_list->elems[2].data; (void)core_date; (void)core_crc; if (extended) { if (append) menu_entries_append_enum(list, core_pathname, "", MENU_ENUM_LABEL_URL_ENTRY, type, 0, 0); else menu_entries_prepend(list, core_pathname, "", MENU_ENUM_LABEL_URL_ENTRY, type, 0, 0); } else { if (append) menu_entries_append_enum(list, line_start, label, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_URL_ENTRY, type, 0, 0); else menu_entries_prepend(list, line_start, label, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_URL_ENTRY, type, 0, 0); } switch (type) { case FILE_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_CORE: { settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (settings) { char display_name[255]; char core_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char *last = NULL; display_name[0] = core_path[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join_noext( core_path, settings->paths.path_libretro_info, (extended && !string_is_empty(core_pathname)) ? core_pathname : line_start, sizeof(core_path)); path_remove_extension(core_path); last = (char*)strrchr(core_path, '_'); if (!string_is_empty(last)) { if (string_is_not_equal_fast(last, "_libretro", 9)) *last = '\0'; } strlcat(core_path, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_CORE_INFO_EXTENSION), sizeof(core_path)); if ( filestream_exists(core_path) && core_info_get_display_name( core_path, display_name, sizeof(display_name))) file_list_set_alt_at_offset(list, j, display_name); } } break; default: case FILE_TYPE_NONE: break; } j++; string_list_free(str_list); /* Restore the saved char */ *(buf + i + 1) = c; line_start = buf + i + 1; } if (append) file_list_sort_on_alt(list); /* If the buffer was completely full, and didn't end * with a newline, just ignore the partial last line. */ } void cb_net_generic_subdir(retro_task_t *task, void *task_data, void *user_data, const char *err) { #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING char subdir_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; http_transfer_data_t *data = (http_transfer_data_t*)task_data; file_transfer_t *state = (file_transfer_t*)user_data; subdir_path[0] = '\0'; if (!data || err) goto finish; if (!string_is_empty(data->data)) memcpy(subdir_path, data->data, data->len * sizeof(char)); subdir_path[data->len] = '\0'; finish: if (!err && !strstr(subdir_path, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_INDEX_DIRS_URL))) { char parent_dir[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; parent_dir[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_parent_dir(parent_dir, state->path, sizeof(parent_dir)); /*generic_action_ok_displaylist_push(parent_dir, NULL, subdir_path, 0, 0, 0, ACTION_OK_DL_CORE_CONTENT_DIRS_SUBDIR_LIST);*/ } if (data) { if (data->data) free(data->data); free(data); } if (user_data) free(user_data); #endif } void cb_net_generic(retro_task_t *task, void *task_data, void *user_data, const char *err) { #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING bool refresh = false; http_transfer_data_t *data = (http_transfer_data_t*)task_data; file_transfer_t *state = (file_transfer_t*)user_data; menu_handle_t *menu = NULL; if (!menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_DRIVER_DATA_GET, &menu)) goto finish; if (menu->core_buf) free(menu->core_buf); menu->core_buf = NULL; menu->core_len = 0; if (!data || err) goto finish; menu->core_buf = (char*)malloc((data->len+1) * sizeof(char)); if (!menu->core_buf) goto finish; if (!string_is_empty(data->data)) memcpy(menu->core_buf, data->data, data->len * sizeof(char)); menu->core_buf[data->len] = '\0'; menu->core_len = data->len; finish: refresh = true; menu_entries_ctl(MENU_ENTRIES_CTL_UNSET_REFRESH, &refresh); if (data) { if (data->data) free(data->data); free(data); } if (!err && !strstr(state->path, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_INDEX_DIRS_URL))) { char *parent_dir = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); char *parent_dir_encoded = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); file_transfer_t *transf = NULL; parent_dir[0] = '\0'; parent_dir_encoded[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_parent_dir(parent_dir, state->path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); strlcat(parent_dir, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_INDEX_DIRS_URL), PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); transf = (file_transfer_t*)malloc(sizeof(*transf)); transf->enum_idx = MSG_UNKNOWN; strlcpy(transf->path, parent_dir, sizeof(transf->path)); net_http_urlencode_full(parent_dir_encoded, parent_dir, PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); task_push_http_transfer(parent_dir_encoded, true, "index_dirs", cb_net_generic_subdir, transf); free(parent_dir); free(parent_dir_encoded); } if (state) free(state); #endif }