Input Method
File type icon
Select the button to use
Report Refresh Rate
Optimal device settings
Extracting assets, please wait …
RetroArch - Main Menu
TV Mode
Load Core
Load Game
Load Game (History)
Select Libretro core
Refresh rate calibration
Touch the screen with your fingers for more accurate measurements.
Refresh rate measured to: %1$s Hz.
Recently played games
Loading [%1$s]…
Current: %1$s
Press key to use
No core
Welcome to RetroArch
This is your first time starting up RetroArch. RetroArch will now be preconfigured for the best possible gameplay experience.
The ideal configuration options for your device will now be preconfigured.\n\nNOTE: For optimal performance, turn off Google Account sync, GPS and Wi-Fi in your Android settings menu.
The ideal configuration options for your device will now be preconfigured.\n\nNOTE: For optimal performance, turn off Google Account sync, Google Play Store auto-updates, GPS and Wi-Fi in your Android settings menu.
NVidia Shield detected
GameMID detected
OUYA detected
Xperia Play detected
Nexus 7 2013 detected
Device either not detected in list or doesn\'t have any optimal settings in our database.
Go to \'Load Core\' and select a core first.
Loading [%1$s]…
Using OS-reported refresh rate of: %1$s Hz.
Menu toggle
Enable audio
Dynamic rate control
Enable dynamic rate control (recommended).
Audio latency
Set the amount of desired audio latency. Your mileage may vary on the device you are using.
Automatically detect audio latency
Use automatic audio latency detection. Only available for Android 4.1 and up - your mileage may vary based on the device you are using.
64ms (Low)
96ms (Medium)
128ms (Medium)
160ms (High)
Back behavior
Select how you want the Back button to behave.
Set Input Method
Sets IME to be used in-game.
Enable configuration autodetect
This will attempt to preconfigure various gamepads and/or IME apps that you connect.
List of autodetected devices
Configuration Autodetect - Supported Pads
iCade profile Pad 1
Select the iCade profile to use for controller 1.
iCade profile Pad 2
Select the iCade profile to use for controller 2.
iCade profile Pad 3
Select the iCade profile to use for controller 3.
iCade profile Pad 4
Select the iCade profile to use for controller 4.
Debug input reporting
This will report keycodes on-screen generated by your input device(s). Useful for debugging.
Touchscreen Overlay
Enable touchscreen overlays (WARNING: Lower-resolution overlays might be more suitable for less powerful devices).
Input overlay
Sets touchscreen overlay config.
Overlay opacity
Set the opacity of the touch overlay.
Custom Binds
Player 1 Custom Binds
Player 2 Custom Binds
Player 3 Custom Binds
Player 4 Custom Binds
Up Button
Down Button
Left Button
Right Button
A Button
B Button
X Button
Y Button
Start Button
Select Button
L1 Button
L2 Button
L3 Button
R1 Button
R2 Button
R3 Button
Current IME
Report IME
Reports the current IME (Input Method Editor) name.
ROM paths
ROM directory
Sets directory where ROM browser will first browse for ROM files.
Save files
Enable custom directory
Enables use of custom save file folder. (.srm) save files will be saved and loaded to configured directory. If not enabled, save files will reside in ROM folder.
Savefile directory
Sets directory where to save and load game save files.
Save states
Enables use of custom save state folder. (.state) save states will be saved and loaded to configured directory. If not enabled, save states will reside in ROM folder.
Save state directory
Sets directory where to save and load game save states.
Enables use of custom system folder. Cores will look for system specific files, like BIOSes, in this folder. If not enabled, it will look in the ROM folder.
System directory
Sets directory where system files are loaded from.
Configuration style
Global configuration
Enable global settings for all cores. Leave disabled if you want per-core settings.
Auto load state
Loads an automatically created savestate (* at startup.
Auto save state
Automatically saves state (* when exiting game.
Enable real-time rewinding of gameplay. (WARNING: Very CPU intensive - will decrease ingame performance by a lot - only use this option on a powerful device).
Full screen
Square pixel
When set to enabled, prevents screen tearing.
Will auto-rotate the screen for vertically oriented games.
Scale integer
Scales video only in whole steps of game resolution. Useful when playing without bilinear filtering.
Aspect ratio
Aspect ratio to enforce.
Threaded video driver
Uses a multi-threaded video driver. Is likely to improve performance at the expense of slightly more latency and jitter. Use this if you have troubles getting good video and audio.
Forced refresh rate (Hz)
Force a specific refresh rate to be detected. Only set manually if calibration reports wrong refresh rate.
Calibrate refresh rate
Attempts to find the true refresh rate of monitor. Updates value in \'Force refresh rate (Hz)\' option. To help ensure accuracy, make sure no intense background services are running, and avoid triggering screensaver.
Set OS-reported refresh rate
Sets refresh rate equal to OS-reported value. This might not be accurate for your device.
Bilinear filter
Applies Bilinear filtering, smooths out edges (settings still apply even if no shader is selected).
First-pass shader
Enable first pass shader (WARNING: recommended system requirements for these shaders is a Tegra 4 / Exynos 5 class GPU and/or higher).
GLSL shader
Sets GLES2 style shader.
On-screen fonts
Enable rendering of on-screen fonts for messages.
RetroArch/libretro homepage
The official homepage of the RetroArch/libretro project.
RetroArch Guide (PDF)
The manual to RetroArch Android in PDF format.
Cores Guide (PDF)
The manual to most libretro cores in PDF format.
Overlay Guide (PDF)
Explains howto make your own overlays.