/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../../config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_MENU #include "../../menu/menu_driver.h" #endif #include "../frontend_driver.h" #include "../../configuration.h" #include "../../defaults.h" #include "../../runloop.h" #include "../../verbosity.h" /* We only load this library once, so we let it be * unloaded at application shutdown, since unloading * it early seems to cause issues on some systems. */ static dylib_t dwmlib; static bool dwm_composition_disabled; static void gfx_dwm_shutdown(void) { if (dwmlib) dylib_close(dwmlib); dwmlib = NULL; } static bool gfx_init_dwm(void) { static bool inited = false; if (inited) return true; dwmlib = dylib_load("dwmapi.dll"); if (!dwmlib) { RARCH_LOG("Did not find dwmapi.dll.\n"); return false; } atexit(gfx_dwm_shutdown); HRESULT (WINAPI *mmcss)(BOOL) = (HRESULT (WINAPI*)(BOOL))dylib_proc(dwmlib, "DwmEnableMMCSS"); if (mmcss) { RARCH_LOG("Setting multimedia scheduling for DWM.\n"); mmcss(TRUE); } inited = true; return true; } static void gfx_set_dwm(void) { HRESULT ret; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!gfx_init_dwm()) return; if (settings->video.disable_composition == dwm_composition_disabled) return; HRESULT (WINAPI *composition_enable)(UINT) = (HRESULT (WINAPI*)(UINT))dylib_proc(dwmlib, "DwmEnableComposition"); if (!composition_enable) { RARCH_ERR("Did not find DwmEnableComposition ...\n"); return; } ret = composition_enable(!settings->video.disable_composition); if (FAILED(ret)) RARCH_ERR("Failed to set composition state ...\n"); dwm_composition_disabled = settings->video.disable_composition; } static void frontend_win32_get_os(char *s, size_t len, int *major, int *minor) { uint32_t version = GetVersion(); *major = (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(version))); *minor = (DWORD)(HIBYTE(LOWORD(version))); switch (*major) { case 10: strlcpy(s, "Windows 10", len); break; case 6: switch (*minor) { case 3: strlcpy(s, "Windows 8.1", len); break; case 2: strlcpy(s, "Windows 8", len); break; case 1: strlcpy(s, "Windows 7/2008 R2", len); break; case 0: strlcpy(s, "Windows Vista/2008", len); break; default: break; } break; case 5: switch (*minor) { case 2: strlcpy(s, "Windows 2003", len); break; case 1: strlcpy(s, "Windows XP", len); break; case 0: strlcpy(s, "Windows 2000", len); break; } break; case 4: switch (*minor) { case 0: strlcpy(s, "Windows NT 4.0", len); break; case 90: strlcpy(s, "Windows ME", len); break; case 10: strlcpy(s, "Windows 98", len); break; } break; default: sprintf(s, "Windows %i.%i", *major, *minor); break; } } static void frontend_win32_init(void *data) { typedef BOOL (WINAPI *isProcessDPIAwareProc)(); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *setProcessDPIAwareProc)(); HMODULE handle = GetModuleHandle("User32.dll"); isProcessDPIAwareProc isDPIAwareProc = (isProcessDPIAwareProc)dylib_proc(handle, "IsProcessDPIAware"); setProcessDPIAwareProc setDPIAwareProc = (setProcessDPIAwareProc)dylib_proc(handle, "SetProcessDPIAware"); if (isDPIAwareProc) { if (!isDPIAwareProc()) { if (setDPIAwareProc) setDPIAwareProc(); } } } enum frontend_powerstate frontend_win32_get_powerstate(int *seconds, int *percent) { SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS status; enum frontend_powerstate ret = FRONTEND_POWERSTATE_NONE; if (!GetSystemPowerStatus(&status)) return ret; if (status.BatteryFlag == 0xFF) ret = FRONTEND_POWERSTATE_NONE; if (status.BatteryFlag & (1 << 7)) ret = FRONTEND_POWERSTATE_NO_SOURCE; else if (status.BatteryFlag & (1 << 3)) ret = FRONTEND_POWERSTATE_CHARGING; else if (status.ACLineStatus == 1) ret = FRONTEND_POWERSTATE_CHARGED; else ret = FRONTEND_POWERSTATE_ON_POWER_SOURCE; *percent = (int)status.BatteryLifePercent; *seconds = (int)status.BatteryLifeTime; #ifdef _WIN32 if (*percent == 255) *percent = 0; #endif return ret; } enum frontend_architecture frontend_win32_get_architecture(void) { /* stub */ return FRONTEND_ARCH_NONE; } static int frontend_win32_parse_drive_list(void *data) { #ifdef HAVE_MENU size_t i = 0; unsigned drives = GetLogicalDrives(); char drive[] = " :\\"; file_list_t *list = (file_list_t*)data; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { drive[0] = 'A' + i; if (drives & (1 << i)) menu_entries_append_enum(list, drive, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_DETECT_CORE_LIST_PUSH_DIR), MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_DETECT_CORE_LIST_PUSH_DIR, MENU_SETTING_ACTION, 0, 0); } #endif return 0; } static void frontend_win32_environment_get(int *argc, char *argv[], void *args, void *params_data) { gfx_set_dwm(); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.assets, ":\\assets", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.assets)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.audio_filter, ":\\filters\\audio", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.audio_filter)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.video_filter, ":\\filters\\video", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.video_filter)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.cheats, ":\\cheats", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.cheats)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.database, ":\\database\\rdb", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.database)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.cursor, ":\\database\\cursors", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.cursor)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.playlist, ":\\playlists", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.assets)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.menu_config, ":\\config", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.menu_config)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.remap, ":\\config\\remaps", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.remap)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.wallpapers, ":\\assets\\wallpapers", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.wallpapers)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.thumbnails, ":\\thumbnails", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.thumbnails)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.overlay, ":\\overlays", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.overlay)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.core, ":\\cores", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.core)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.core_info, ":\\info", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.core_info)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.autoconfig, ":\\autoconfig", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.autoconfig)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.shader, ":\\shaders", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.shader)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.core_assets, ":\\downloads", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.core_assets)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.screenshot, ":\\screenshots", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.screenshot)); /* don't force this in the driver anymore, these will be handled by a dummy config file so they can be reset to content dir fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.sram, ":\\saves", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.sram)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.savestate, ":\\states", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.savestate)); fill_pathname_expand_special(g_defaults.dir.system, ":\\system", sizeof(g_defaults.dir.system)); */ #ifdef HAVE_MENU #if defined(HAVE_OPENGL) || defined(HAVE_OPENGLES) snprintf(g_defaults.settings.menu, sizeof(g_defaults.settings.menu), "xmb"); #endif #endif } static uint64_t frontend_win32_get_mem_total(void) { /* OSes below 2000 don't have the Ex version, and non-Ex cannot work with >4GB RAM */ #if _WIN32_WINNT > 0x0400 MEMORYSTATUSEX mem_info; mem_info.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX); GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&mem_info); return mem_info.ullTotalPhys; #else MEMORYSTATUS mem_info; mem_info.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS); GlobalMemoryStatus(&mem_info); return mem_info.dwTotalPhys; #endif } static uint64_t frontend_win32_get_mem_used(void) { /* OSes below 2000 don't have the Ex version, and non-Ex cannot work with >4GB RAM */ #if _WIN32_WINNT > 0x0400 MEMORYSTATUSEX mem_info; mem_info.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX); GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&mem_info); return ((frontend_win32_get_mem_total() - mem_info.ullAvailPhys)); #else MEMORYSTATUS mem_info; mem_info.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS); GlobalMemoryStatus(&mem_info); return ((frontend_win32_get_mem_total() - mem_info.dwAvailPhys)); #endif } static void frontend_win32_attach_console(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP if (!AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)) { AllocConsole(); AttachConsole( GetCurrentProcessId()) ; freopen( "CON", "w", stdout ); freopen( "CON", "w", stderr ); } #endif #endif } static void frontend_win32_detach_console(void) { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) #ifdef _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP if (!AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)) { HWND wnd = GetConsoleWindow(); FreeConsole(); PostMessage(wnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } #endif #endif } frontend_ctx_driver_t frontend_ctx_win32 = { frontend_win32_environment_get, frontend_win32_init, NULL, /* deinit */ NULL, /* exitspawn */ NULL, /* process_args */ NULL, /* exec */ NULL, /* set_fork */ NULL, /* shutdown */ NULL, /* get_name */ frontend_win32_get_os, NULL, /* get_rating */ NULL, /* load_content */ frontend_win32_get_architecture, frontend_win32_get_powerstate, frontend_win32_parse_drive_list, frontend_win32_get_mem_total, frontend_win32_get_mem_used, NULL, /* install_signal_handler */ NULL, /* get_sighandler_state */ NULL, /* set_sighandler_state */ NULL, /* destroy_sighandler_state */ frontend_win32_attach_console, /* attach_console */ frontend_win32_detach_console, /* detach_console */ "win32" };