/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2023 Jesse Talavera-Greenberg * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include "audio/common/wasapi.h" #include "audio/microphone_driver.h" #include "queues/fifo_queue.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "verbosity.h" #include "audio/common/mmdevice_common.h" typedef struct { HANDLE read_event; IMMDevice *device; char *device_name; IAudioClient *client; IAudioCaptureClient *capture; /** * The buffer in which samples from the microphone will be read and stored * until the frontend fetches them. */ fifo_buffer_t *buffer; /** * The size of an audio frame, in bytes. * Mic input is in one channel with either 16-bit ints or 32-bit floats, * so this will be 2 or 4. */ size_t frame_size; size_t engine_buffer_size; bool exclusive; bool running; } wasapi_microphone_handle_t; typedef struct wasapi_microphone { bool nonblock; } wasapi_microphone_t; static void wasapi_microphone_close_mic(void *driver_context, void *microphone_context); static void *wasapi_microphone_init(void) { settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); wasapi_microphone_t *wasapi = (wasapi_microphone_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(wasapi_microphone_t)); if (!wasapi) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI mic]: Failed to allocate microphone driver context\n"); return NULL; } wasapi->nonblock = !settings->bools.audio_sync; RARCH_DBG("[WASAPI mic]: Initialized microphone driver context.\n"); return wasapi; } static void wasapi_microphone_free(void *driver_context) { wasapi_microphone_t *wasapi = (wasapi_microphone_t*)driver_context; if (!wasapi) return; free(wasapi); } /** * Flushes microphone's most recent input to the provided context's FIFO queue. * WASAPI requires that fetched input be consumed in its entirety, * so the returned value may be less than the queue's size * if the next packet won't fit in it. * @param microphone Pointer to the microphone context. * @return The number of bytes in the queue after fetching input, * or -1 if there was an error. */ static int wasapi_microphone_fetch_fifo(wasapi_microphone_handle_t *microphone) { UINT32 next_packet_size = 0; /* Shared-mode capture streams split their input buffer into multiple packets, * while exclusive-mode capture streams just use the one. * * The following loop will run at least once; * for exclusive-mode streams, that's all that we'll need. */ do { BYTE *mic_input = NULL; UINT32 frames_read = 0; UINT32 bytes_read = 0; DWORD buffer_status_flags = 0; HRESULT hr = _IAudioCaptureClient_GetBuffer(microphone->capture, &mic_input, &frames_read, &buffer_status_flags, NULL, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to get capture device \"%s\"'s buffer: %s\n", microphone->device_name, hresult_name(hr)); return -1; } bytes_read = frames_read * microphone->frame_size; /* If the queue has room for the packets we just got... */ if (FIFO_WRITE_AVAIL(microphone->buffer) >= bytes_read && bytes_read > 0) { fifo_write(microphone->buffer, mic_input, bytes_read); /* ...then enqueue the bytes directly from the mic's buffer */ } else /* Not enough space for new frames, so we can't consume this packet right now */ frames_read = 0; /* If there's insufficient room in the queue, then we can't read the packet. * In that case, we leave the packet for next time. */ hr = _IAudioCaptureClient_ReleaseBuffer(microphone->capture, frames_read); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to release capture device \"%s\"'s buffer after consuming %u frames: %s\n", microphone->device_name, frames_read, hresult_name(hr)); return -1; } /* If this is a shared-mode stream and we didn't run out of room in the sample queue... */ if (!microphone->exclusive && frames_read > 0) { hr = _IAudioCaptureClient_GetNextPacketSize(microphone->capture, &next_packet_size); /* Get the number of frames that the mic has for us. */ if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to get capture device \"%s\"'s next packet size: %s\n", microphone->device_name, hresult_name(hr)); return -1; } } /* Exclusive-mode streams only deliver one packet at a time, though it's bigger. */ else next_packet_size = 0; } while (next_packet_size != 0); return FIFO_READ_AVAIL(microphone->buffer); } /** * Blocks until the provided microphone's capture event is signalled. * * @param microphone The microphone to wait on. * @param timeout The amount of time to wait, in milliseconds. * @return \c true if the event was signalled, * \c false if it timed out or there was an error. */ static bool wasapi_microphone_wait_for_capture_event(wasapi_microphone_handle_t *microphone, DWORD timeout) { /*...then let's wait for the mic to tell us that samples are ready. */ switch (WaitForSingleObject(microphone->read_event, timeout)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: /* Okay, there's data available. */ return true; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: /* Time out; there's nothing here for us. */ RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to wait for capture device \"%s\" event: Timeout after %ums\n", microphone->device_name, timeout); break; default: RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to wait for capture device \"%s\" event: %s\n", microphone->device_name, wasapi_error(GetLastError())); break; } return false; } /** * Reads samples from a microphone, * fetching more from it if necessary. * Works for exclusive and shared-mode streams. * * @param microphone Pointer to the context of the microphone * from which samples will be read. * @param buffer The buffer in which the fetched samples will be stored. * @param buffer_size The size of buffer, in bytes. * @param timeout Timeout for new samples, in milliseconds. * 0 means that this function won't wait for new samples, * \c INFINITE means that this function will wait indefinitely. * @return The number of samples that were retrieved, * or -1 if there was an error (including timeout). */ static int wasapi_microphone_read_buffered( wasapi_microphone_handle_t *microphone, void *buffer, size_t buffer_size, DWORD timeout) { int bytes_read = 0; /* Number of bytes sent to the core */ int bytes_available = FIFO_READ_AVAIL(microphone->buffer); /* If we don't have any queued samples to give to the core... */ if (!bytes_available) { /* If we couldn't wait for the microphone to signal a capture event... */ if (!wasapi_microphone_wait_for_capture_event(microphone, timeout)) return -1; bytes_available = wasapi_microphone_fetch_fifo(microphone); /* If we couldn't fetch samples from the microphone... */ if (bytes_available < 0) return -1; } /* Now that we have samples available, let's give them to the core */ bytes_read = MIN((int)buffer_size, bytes_available); fifo_read(microphone->buffer, buffer, bytes_read); /* Read data from the sample queue and store it in the provided buffer */ return bytes_read; } static int wasapi_microphone_read(void *driver_context, void *mic_context, void *buffer, size_t buffer_size) { int bytes_read = 0; wasapi_microphone_t *wasapi = (wasapi_microphone_t *)driver_context; wasapi_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (wasapi_microphone_handle_t*)mic_context; if (!wasapi || !microphone || !buffer) return -1; /* If microphones shouldn't block... */ if (wasapi->nonblock) return wasapi_microphone_read_buffered(microphone, buffer, buffer_size, 0); if (microphone->exclusive) { int read; for (read = -1; (size_t)bytes_read < buffer_size; bytes_read += read) { read = wasapi_microphone_read_buffered(microphone, (char *)buffer + bytes_read, buffer_size - bytes_read, INFINITE); if (read == -1) return -1; } } else { int read; for (read = -1; (size_t)bytes_read < buffer_size; bytes_read += read) { read = wasapi_microphone_read_buffered(microphone, (char *)buffer + bytes_read, buffer_size - bytes_read, INFINITE); if (read == -1) return -1; } } return bytes_read; } static void wasapi_microphone_set_nonblock_state(void *driver_context, bool nonblock) { wasapi_microphone_t *wasapi = (wasapi_microphone_t*)driver_context; wasapi->nonblock = nonblock; } static void *wasapi_microphone_open_mic(void *driver_context, const char *device, unsigned rate, unsigned latency, unsigned *new_rate) { HRESULT hr; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); DWORD flags = 0; UINT32 frame_count = 0; REFERENCE_TIME dev_period = 0; BYTE *dest = NULL; bool float_format = settings->bools.microphone_wasapi_float_format; bool exclusive_mode = settings->bools.microphone_wasapi_exclusive_mode; unsigned sh_buffer_length = settings->uints.microphone_wasapi_sh_buffer_length; wasapi_microphone_handle_t *microphone = calloc(1, sizeof(wasapi_microphone_handle_t)); if (!microphone) return NULL; microphone->exclusive = exclusive_mode; microphone->device = wasapi_init_device(device, eCapture); /* If we requested a particular capture device, but couldn't open it... */ if (device && !microphone->device) { RARCH_WARN("[WASAPI]: Failed to open requested capture device \"%s\", attempting to open default device\n", device); microphone->device = wasapi_init_device(NULL, eCapture); } if (!microphone->device) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to open capture device\n"); goto error; } microphone->device_name = mmdevice_name(microphone->device); if (!microphone->device_name) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to get friendly name of capture device\n"); goto error; } microphone->client = wasapi_init_client(microphone->device, µphone->exclusive, &float_format, &rate, latency, 1); if (!microphone->client) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to open client for capture device \"%s\"\n", microphone->device_name); goto error; } hr = _IAudioClient_GetBufferSize(microphone->client, &frame_count); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to get buffer size of IAudioClient for capture device \"%s\": %s\n", microphone->device_name, hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } microphone->frame_size = float_format ? sizeof(float) : sizeof(int16_t); microphone->engine_buffer_size = frame_count * microphone->frame_size; /* If this mic should be used *exclusively* by RetroArch... */ if (microphone->exclusive) { microphone->buffer = fifo_new(microphone->engine_buffer_size); if (!microphone->buffer) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to initialize FIFO queue for capture device.\n"); goto error; } RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Intermediate exclusive-mode capture buffer length is %u frames (%.1fms, %u bytes).\n", frame_count, (double)frame_count * 1000.0 / rate, microphone->engine_buffer_size); } else { /* If the user selected the "default" shared buffer length... */ if (sh_buffer_length <= 0) { hr = _IAudioClient_GetDevicePeriod(microphone->client, &dev_period, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto error; sh_buffer_length = (dev_period * rate / 10000000) * 2; /* Default buffer seems to be too small, resulting in slowdown. * Doubling it seems to work okay. Dunno why. */ } microphone->buffer = fifo_new(sh_buffer_length * microphone->frame_size); if (!microphone->buffer) goto error; RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Intermediate shared-mode capture buffer length is %u frames (%.1fms, %u bytes).\n", sh_buffer_length, (double)sh_buffer_length * 1000.0 / rate, sh_buffer_length * microphone->frame_size); } microphone->read_event = CreateEventA(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!microphone->read_event) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to allocate capture device's event handle\n"); goto error; } hr = _IAudioClient_SetEventHandle(microphone->client, microphone->read_event); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to set capture device's event handle: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } hr = _IAudioClient_GetService(microphone->client, IID_IAudioCaptureClient, (void**)µphone->capture); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to get capture device's IAudioCaptureClient service: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } /* Get and release the buffer, just to ensure that we can. */ hr = _IAudioCaptureClient_GetBuffer(microphone->capture, &dest, &frame_count, &flags, NULL, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to get capture client buffer: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } hr = _IAudioCaptureClient_ReleaseBuffer(microphone->capture, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to release capture client buffer: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } if (new_rate) { /* The rate was (possibly) modified when we initialized the client */ *new_rate = rate; } return microphone; error: IFACE_RELEASE(microphone->capture); IFACE_RELEASE(microphone->client); IFACE_RELEASE(microphone->device); if (microphone->read_event) CloseHandle(microphone->read_event); if (microphone->buffer) fifo_free(microphone->buffer); if (microphone->device_name) free(microphone->device_name); free(microphone); return NULL; } static void wasapi_microphone_close_mic(void *driver_context, void *microphone_context) { DWORD ir; wasapi_microphone_t *wasapi = (wasapi_microphone_t*)driver_context; wasapi_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (wasapi_microphone_handle_t*)microphone_context; HANDLE write_event; if (!wasapi || !microphone) return; write_event = microphone->read_event; IFACE_RELEASE(microphone->capture); if (microphone->client) _IAudioClient_Stop(microphone->client); IFACE_RELEASE(microphone->client); IFACE_RELEASE(microphone->device); if (microphone->buffer) fifo_free(microphone->buffer); if (microphone->device_name) free(microphone->device_name); free(microphone); ir = WaitForSingleObject(write_event, 20); if (ir == WAIT_FAILED) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI mic]: WaitForSingleObject failed: %s\n", wasapi_error(GetLastError())); } /* If event isn't signaled log and leak */ if (ir != WAIT_OBJECT_0) return; CloseHandle(write_event); } static bool wasapi_microphone_start_mic(void *driver_context, void *microphone_context) { wasapi_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (wasapi_microphone_handle_t*)microphone_context; HRESULT hr; (void)driver_context; if (!microphone) return false; hr = _IAudioClient_Start(microphone->client); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || hr == AUDCLNT_E_NOT_STOPPED) { /* Starting an already-active microphone is not an error */ microphone->running = true; } else { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI mic]: Failed to start capture device \"%s\"'s IAudioClient: %s\n", microphone->device_name, hresult_name(hr)); microphone->running = false; } return microphone->running; } static bool wasapi_microphone_stop_mic(void *driver_context, void *microphone_context) { wasapi_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (wasapi_microphone_handle_t*)microphone_context; HRESULT hr; (void)driver_context; if (!microphone) return false; hr = _IAudioClient_Stop(microphone->client); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI mic]: Failed to stop capture device \"%s\"'s IAudioClient: %s\n", microphone->device_name, hresult_name(hr)); return false; } RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI mic]: Stopped capture device \"%s\".\n", microphone->device_name); microphone->running = false; return true; } static bool wasapi_microphone_mic_alive(const void *driver_context, const void *mic_context) { wasapi_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (wasapi_microphone_handle_t *)mic_context; (void)driver_context; return microphone && microphone->running; } static struct string_list *wasapi_microphone_device_list_new(const void *driver_context) { return mmdevice_list_new(driver_context, eCapture); } static void wasapi_microphone_device_list_free(const void *driver_context, struct string_list *devices) { struct string_list *sl = (struct string_list*)devices; if (sl) string_list_free(sl); } static bool wasapi_microphone_use_float(const void *driver_context, const void *microphone_context) { wasapi_microphone_handle_t *microphone = (wasapi_microphone_handle_t *)microphone_context; (void)driver_context; if (!microphone) return false; return microphone->frame_size == sizeof(float); } microphone_driver_t microphone_wasapi = { wasapi_microphone_init, wasapi_microphone_free, wasapi_microphone_read, wasapi_microphone_set_nonblock_state, "wasapi", wasapi_microphone_device_list_new, wasapi_microphone_device_list_free, wasapi_microphone_open_mic, wasapi_microphone_close_mic, wasapi_microphone_mic_alive, wasapi_microphone_start_mic, wasapi_microphone_stop_mic, wasapi_microphone_use_float };