/* * Copyright (c) 2003 EISLAB, Lulea University of Technology. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the lwBT Bluetooth stack. * * Author: Conny Ohult <conny@sm.luth.se> * */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci.c * * Implementation of the Host Controller Interface (HCI). A command interface to the * baseband controller and link manager, and gives access to hardware status and * control registers. * */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <ogcsys.h> #include <gccore.h> #include "hci.h" #include "l2cap.h" #include "btmemr.h" #include "btmemb.h" #include "btpbuf.h" #include "physbusif.h" struct hci_pcb *hci_dev = NULL; struct hci_link *hci_active_links = NULL; struct hci_link *hci_tmp_link = NULL; struct hci_link_key *hci_tmp_key = NULL; MEMB(hci_pcbs,sizeof(struct hci_pcb),MEMB_NUM_HCI_PCB); MEMB(hci_links,sizeof(struct hci_link),MEMB_NUM_HCI_LINK); MEMB(hci_inq_results,sizeof(struct hci_inq_res),MEMB_NUM_HCI_INQ); MEMB(hci_link_key_results,sizeof(struct hci_link_key),MEMB_NUM_HCI_LINK_KEY); err_t hci_init(void) { btmemr_init(); btpbuf_init(); btmemb_init(&hci_pcbs); btmemb_init(&hci_links); btmemb_init(&hci_inq_results); btmemb_init(&hci_link_key_results); if((hci_dev=btmemb_alloc(&hci_pcbs))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_init: Could not allocate memory for hci_dev\n"); return ERR_MEM; } memset(hci_dev,0,sizeof(struct hci_pcb)); hci_active_links = NULL; hci_tmp_link = NULL; return ERR_OK; } struct hci_link* hci_new(void) { struct hci_link *link; link = btmemb_alloc(&hci_links); if(link==NULL) return NULL; memset(link,0,sizeof(struct hci_link)); return link; } struct hci_link* hci_get_link(struct bd_addr *bdaddr) { struct hci_link *link; for(link=hci_active_links;link!=NULL;link=link->next) { if(bd_addr_cmp(&(link->bdaddr),bdaddr)) break; } return link; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * hci_close(): * * Close the link control block. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_close(struct hci_link *link) { if(link->p != NULL) { btpbuf_free(link->p); } HCI_RMV(&(hci_active_links), link); btmemb_free(&hci_links, link); link = NULL; return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * hci_reset_all(): * * Closes all active link control blocks. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void hci_reset_all(void) { struct hci_link *link,*tlink; struct hci_inq_res *ires,*tires; struct hci_link_key *ikeys,*tikeys; for(link=hci_active_links;link!=NULL;) { tlink = link->next; hci_close(link); link = tlink; } hci_active_links = NULL; for(ires=hci_dev->ires;ires!=NULL;) { tires = ires->next; btmemb_free(&hci_inq_results,ires); ires = tires; } for(ikeys=hci_dev->keyres;ikeys!=NULL;) { tikeys = ikeys->next; btmemb_free(&hci_inq_results,ikeys); ikeys = tikeys; } btmemb_free(&hci_pcbs,hci_dev); hci_init(); } void hci_arg(void *arg) { hci_dev->cbarg = arg; } void hci_cmd_complete(err_t (*cmd_complete)(void *arg,struct hci_pcb *pcb,u8_t ogf,u8_t ocf,u8_t result)) { hci_dev->cmd_complete = cmd_complete; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * hci_pin_req(): * * Used to specify the function that should be called when HCI has received a * PIN code request event. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void hci_pin_req(err_t (* pin_req)(void *arg, struct bd_addr *bdaddr)) { hci_dev->pin_req = pin_req; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * hci_link_key_req(): * * Used to specify the function that should be called when HCI has received a * Link Key request event. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void hci_link_key_req(err_t (* link_key_req)(void *arg, struct bd_addr *bdaddr)) { hci_dev->link_key_req = link_key_req; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * hci_link_key_not(): * * Used to specify the function that should be called when HCI has received a * link key notification event. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void hci_link_key_not(err_t (* link_key_not)(void *arg, struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t *key)) { hci_dev->link_key_not = link_key_not; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * hci_connection_complete(): * * Used to specify the function that should be called when HCI has received a * connection complete event. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void hci_connection_complete(err_t (* conn_complete)(void *arg, struct bd_addr *bdaddr)) { hci_dev->conn_complete = conn_complete; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * hci_wlp_complete(): * * Used to specify the function that should be called when HCI has received a * successful write link policy complete event. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void hci_wlp_complete(err_t (* wlp_complete)(void *arg, struct bd_addr *bdaddr)) { hci_dev->wlp_complete = wlp_complete; } void hci_conn_req(err_t (*conn_req)(void *arg,struct bd_addr *bdaddr,u8_t *cod,u8_t link_type)) { hci_dev->conn_req = conn_req; } err_t hci_reg_dev_info(struct bd_addr *bdaddr,u8_t *cod,u8_t psrm,u8_t psm,u16_t co) { struct hci_inq_res *ires; if(hci_dev==NULL) return ERR_VAL; if((ires=btmemb_alloc(&hci_inq_results))!=NULL) { bd_addr_set(&(ires->bdaddr),bdaddr); memcpy(ires->cod,cod,3); ires->psrm = psrm; ires->psm = psm; ires->co = co; ires->next = NULL; HCI_REG(&(hci_dev->ires),ires); return ERR_OK; } return ERR_MEM; } struct pbuf* hci_cmd_ass(struct pbuf *p,u8_t ocf,u8_t ogf,u8_t len) { ((u8_t*)p->payload)[0] = HCI_COMMAND_DATA_PACKET; /* cmd packet type */ ((u8_t*)p->payload)[1] = (ocf&0xff); /* OCF & OGF */ ((u8_t*)p->payload)[2] = ((ocf>>8)|(ogf<<2)); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[3] = len-HCI_CMD_HDR_LEN-1; /* Param len = plen - cmd hdr - ptype */ if(hci_dev->num_cmd>0) hci_dev->num_cmd--; return p; } err_t hci_reset(void) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_RESET_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_reset: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_RESET_OCF,HCI_HC_BB_OGF,HCI_RESET_PLEN); physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_read_buffer_size(void) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_R_BUF_SIZE_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_read_buffer_size: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_R_BUF_SIZE_OCF,HCI_INFO_PARAM_OGF,HCI_R_BUF_SIZE_PLEN); physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_read_bd_addr(void) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_R_BD_ADDR_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_read_bd_addr: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_R_BD_ADDR_OCF,HCI_INFO_PARAM_OGF,HCI_R_BD_ADDR_PLEN); physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_read_local_version(void) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_R_LOC_VERS_SIZE_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_read_local_version: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_R_LOC_VERSION_OCF,HCI_INFO_PARAM_OGF,HCI_R_LOC_VERS_SIZE_PLEN); physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_read_local_features(void) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_R_LOC_FEAT_SIZE_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_read_local_features: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_R_LOC_FEATURES_OCF,HCI_INFO_PARAM_OGF,HCI_R_LOC_FEAT_SIZE_PLEN); physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_read_stored_link_key() { struct pbuf *p = NULL; struct hci_link_key *tmpres; /* Free any previous link key result list */ while(hci_dev->keyres != NULL) { tmpres = hci_dev->keyres; hci_dev->keyres = hci_dev->keyres->next; btmemb_free(&hci_link_key_results,tmpres); } if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_R_STORED_LINK_KEY_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_read_stored_link_keys: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_R_STORED_LINK_KEY_OCF,HCI_HC_BB_OGF,HCI_R_STORED_LINK_KEY_PLEN); memcpy((void*)((u8_t*)p->payload + 4),hci_dev->bdaddr.addr,6); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[10] = 1; physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_set_event_filter(u8_t filter_type,u8_t filter_cond_type,u8_t *cond) { u32 cond_len = 0; struct pbuf *p = NULL; switch(filter_type) { case 0x00: cond_len = 0x00; break; case 0x01: switch(filter_cond_type) { case 0x00: cond_len = 0x00; break; case 0x01: cond_len = 0x06; break; case 0x02: cond_len = 0x06; break; default: break; } break; case 0x02: switch(filter_cond_type) { case 0x00: cond_len = 0x01; break; case 0x01: cond_len = 0x07; break; case 0x02: cond_len = 0x07; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_SET_EV_FILTER_PLEN+cond_len,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_set_event_filter: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_SET_EV_FILTER_OCF,HCI_HC_BB_OGF,HCI_SET_EV_FILTER_PLEN+cond_len); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[4] = filter_type; ((u8_t*)p->payload)[5] = filter_cond_type; if(cond_len>0) memcpy(p->payload+6,cond,cond_len); physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_write_page_timeout(u16_t timeout) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_W_PAGE_TIMEOUT_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_set_write_page_timeout: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_W_PAGE_TIMEOUT_OCF,HCI_HC_BB_OGF,HCI_W_PAGE_TIMEOUT_PLEN); ((u16_t*)p->payload)[2] = htole16(timeout); physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_write_scan_enable(u8_t scan_enable) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_W_SCAN_EN_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_set_write_page_timeout: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_W_SCAN_EN_OCF,HCI_HC_BB_OGF,HCI_W_SCAN_EN_PLEN); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[4] = scan_enable; physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_inquiry(u32_t lap,u8_t inq_len,u8_t num_resp,err_t (*inq_complete)(void *arg,struct hci_pcb *pcb,struct hci_inq_res *ires,u16_t result)) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; struct hci_inq_res *tmpres; /* Free any previous inquiry result list */ while(hci_dev->ires != NULL) { tmpres = hci_dev->ires; hci_dev->ires = hci_dev->ires->next; btmemb_free(&hci_inq_results,tmpres); } hci_dev->inq_complete = inq_complete; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_INQUIRY_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_inquiry: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_INQUIRY_OCF,HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF,HCI_INQUIRY_PLEN); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[4] = (lap&0xff); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[5] = (lap>>8); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[6] = (lap>>16); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[7] = inq_len; ((u8_t*)p->payload)[8] = num_resp; physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_periodic_inquiry(u32_t lap,u16_t min_period,u16_t max_period,u8_t inq_len,u8_t num_resp,err_t (*inq_complete)(void *arg,struct hci_pcb *pcb,struct hci_inq_res *ires,u16_t result)) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; struct hci_inq_res *tmpres; /* Free any previous inquiry result list */ while(hci_dev->ires != NULL) { tmpres = hci_dev->ires; hci_dev->ires = hci_dev->ires->next; btmemb_free(&hci_inq_results,tmpres); } hci_dev->inq_complete = inq_complete; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_periodic_inquiry: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_OCF,HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF,HCI_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ ((u16_t*)p->payload)[2] = htole16(max_period); ((u16_t*)p->payload)[3] = htole16(min_period); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[8] = (lap&0xff); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[9] = (lap>>8); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[10] = (lap>>16); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[11] = inq_len; ((u8_t*)p->payload)[12] = num_resp; physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_exit_periodic_inquiry() { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_EXIT_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_exit_periodic_inquiry: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_EXIT_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_OCF,HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF,HCI_EXIT_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_PLEN); physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_accecpt_conn_request(struct bd_addr *bdaddr,u8_t role) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_ACCEPT_CONN_REQ_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_exit_periodic_inquiry: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_ACCEPT_CONN_REQ_OCF,HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF,HCI_ACCEPT_CONN_REQ_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ memcpy((void*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+4),bdaddr,6); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[10] = role; physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_set_event_mask(u64_t ev_mask) { u64_t mask; struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_SET_EV_MASK_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_set_event_mask: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_SET_EV_MASK_OCF,HCI_HC_BB_OGF,HCI_SET_EV_MASK_PLEN); mask = htole64(ev_mask); memcpy(((u8_t*)p->payload)+4,&mask,8); physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_write_local_name(u8_t *name,u8_t len) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_W_LOCAL_NAME_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_write_local_name: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_W_LOCAL_NAME_OCF,HCI_HC_BB_OGF,HCI_W_LOCAL_NAME_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload) + 4, name, len); physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_write_pin_type(u8_t type) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_W_PIN_TYPE_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_write_local_name: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_W_PIN_TYPE_OCF,HCI_HC_BB_OGF,HCI_W_PIN_TYPE_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ ((u8_t *)p->payload)[4] = type; physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_read_remote_name(struct bd_addr *bdaddr) { u16_t clock_offset; struct pbuf *p = NULL; struct hci_inq_res *ires; u8_t page_scan_repetition_mode, page_scan_mode; for(ires=hci_dev->ires;ires!=NULL;ires=ires->next) { if(bd_addr_cmp(&(ires->bdaddr),bdaddr)) { page_scan_repetition_mode = ires->psrm; page_scan_mode = ires->psm; clock_offset = ires->co; break; } } if(ires==NULL) { page_scan_repetition_mode = 0x01; page_scan_mode = 0x00; clock_offset = 0x00; } if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_R_REMOTE_NAME_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_read_remote_name: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_R_REMOTE_NAME_OCF,HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF,HCI_R_REMOTE_NAME_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload+4),bdaddr->addr,6); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[10] = page_scan_repetition_mode; ((u8_t*)p->payload)[11] = page_scan_mode; ((u16_t*)p->payload)[6] = htole16(clock_offset); physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_write_inquiry_mode(u8_t mode) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_W_INQUIRY_MODE_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_write_inquiry_mode: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_W_INQUIRY_MODE_OCF,HCI_HC_BB_OGF,HCI_W_INQUIRY_MODE_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ ((u8_t*)p->payload)[4] = mode; physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_write_page_scan_type(u8_t type) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_W_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_write_inquiry_mode: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_W_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE_OCF,HCI_HC_BB_OGF,HCI_W_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ ((u8_t*)p->payload)[4] = type; physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_write_inquiry_scan_type(u8_t type) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_W_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE_PLEN,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_write_inquiry_mode: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_W_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE_OCF,HCI_HC_BB_OGF,HCI_W_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ ((u8_t*)p->payload)[4] = type; physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_vendor_specific_command(u8_t ocf,u8_t ogf,void *data,u8_t len) { struct pbuf *p = NULL; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_W_VENDOR_CMD_PLEN + len,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("hci_vendor_specific_patch: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p,ocf,ogf,HCI_W_VENDOR_CMD_PLEN + len); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ memcpy(((u8_t*)p->payload + 4),data,len); physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_sniff_mode(): * * Sets an ACL connection to low power Sniff mode. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_sniff_mode(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u16_t max_interval, u16_t min_interval, u16_t attempt, u16_t timeout) { struct pbuf *p; struct hci_link *link; /* Check if an ACL connection exists */ link = hci_get_link(bdaddr); if(link == NULL) { ERROR("hci_sniff_mode: ACL connection does not exist\n"); return ERR_CONN; } if((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, HCI_SNIFF_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { /* Alloc len of packet */ ERROR("hci_sniff_mode: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_SNIFF_MODE_OCF, HCI_LINK_POLICY_OGF, HCI_SNIFF_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ ((u16_t *)p->payload)[2] = htole16(link->connhdl); ((u16_t *)p->payload)[3] = htole16(max_interval); ((u16_t *)p->payload)[4] = htole16(min_interval); ((u16_t *)p->payload)[5] = htole16(attempt); ((u16_t *)p->payload)[6] = htole16(timeout); physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_write_link_policy_settings(): * * Control the modes (park, sniff, hold) that an ACL connection can take. * */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_write_link_policy_settings(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u16_t link_policy) { struct pbuf *p; struct hci_link *link; /* Check if an ACL connection exists */ link = hci_get_link(bdaddr); if(link == NULL) { ERROR("hci_write_link_policy_settings: ACL connection does not exist\n"); return ERR_CONN; } if( (p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, HCI_W_LINK_POLICY_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { /* Alloc len of packet */ ERROR("hci_write_link_policy_settings: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_W_LINK_POLICY_OCF, HCI_LINK_POLICY_OGF, HCI_W_LINK_POLICY_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ ((u16_t *)p->payload)[2] = htole16(link->connhdl); ((u16_t *)p->payload)[3] = htole16(link_policy); physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_pin_code_request_reply(): * * Used to reply to a PIN Code Request event from the Host Controller and specifies * the PIN code to use for a connection. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_pin_code_request_reply(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t pinlen, u8_t *pincode) { struct pbuf *p; if((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, HCI_PIN_CODE_REQ_REP_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("hci_pin_code_request_reply: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Reset buffer content just to make sure */ memset((u8_t *)p->payload, 0, HCI_PIN_CODE_REQ_REP_PLEN); /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_PIN_CODE_REQ_REP, HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF, HCI_PIN_CODE_REQ_REP_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload) + 4, bdaddr->addr, 6); ((u8_t *)p->payload)[10] = pinlen; memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload) + 11, pincode, pinlen); physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_link_key_req_reply(): * * Used to reply to a Link Key Code Request event from the Host Controller and specifies * the Link Key to use for a connection. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_link_key_req_reply(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, unsigned char *link_key) { struct pbuf *p; if ((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, HCI_LINK_KEY_REQ_REP_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("hci_link_key_req_reply: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_LINK_KEY_REQ_REP, HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF, HCI_LINK_KEY_REQ_REP_PLEN); //copy bdaddr to offset 0x4 memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload)+4, bdaddr->addr, 6); //copy Link Key (16 bytes long) to offset 10 (0xA) memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload)+10, link_key, 16); //send command physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_pin_code_request_neg_reply(): * * Used to reply to a PIN Code Request event from the Host Controller when the Host * cannot specify a PIN code to use for a connection. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_pin_code_request_neg_reply(struct bd_addr *bdaddr) { struct pbuf *p; if((p=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_PIN_CODE_REQ_NEG_REP_PLEN,PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("hci_pin_code_request_neg_reply: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p,HCI_PIN_CODE_REQ_NEG_REP,HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF,HCI_PIN_CODE_REQ_NEG_REP_PLEN); memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload)+4, bdaddr->addr, 6); physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_link_key_req_neg_reply(): * * Used to reply to a Link Key Request event from the Host Controller when the Host * cannot specify a Link Key to use for a connection. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_link_key_req_neg_reply(struct bd_addr *bdaddr) { struct pbuf *p; if ((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, HCI_LINK_KEY_REQ_REP_NEG_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("hci_link_key_req_neg_repl: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_LINK_KEY_REQ_REP_NEG, HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF, HCI_LINK_KEY_REQ_REP_NEG_PLEN); memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload)+4, bdaddr->addr, 6); physbusif_output(p,p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_disconnect(): * * Used to terminate an existing connection. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_disconnect(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t reason) { struct pbuf *p; struct hci_link *link; link = hci_get_link(bdaddr); if(link == NULL) { ERROR("hci_disconnect: Connection does not exist\n"); return ERR_CONN; /* Connection does not exist */ } if((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, HCI_DISCONN_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("hci_disconnect: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; /* Could not allocate memory for pbuf */ } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_DISCONN_OCF, HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF, HCI_DISCONN_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ ((u16_t *)p->payload)[2] = htole16(link->connhdl); ((u8_t *)p->payload)[6] = reason; physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_reject_connection_request(): * * Used to decline a new incoming connection request. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_reject_connection_request(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t reason) { struct pbuf *p; if((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, HCI_REJECT_CONN_REQ_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("hci_reject_connection_request: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_REJECT_CONN_REQ_OCF, HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF, HCI_REJECT_CONN_REQ_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload) + 4, bdaddr->addr, 6); ((u8_t *)p->payload)[10] = reason; physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_write_stored_link_key(): * * Writes a link key to be stored in the Bluetooth host controller. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_write_stored_link_key(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t *link) { struct pbuf *p; if((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, HCI_WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEY_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("hci_write_stored_link_key: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEY, HCI_HC_BB_OGF, HCI_WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEY_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ ((u8_t *)p->payload)[4] = 0x01; memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload) + 5, bdaddr->addr, 6); memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload) + 11, link, 16); physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_write_cod(): * * Write the value for the Class_of_Device parameter, which is used to indicate its * capabilities to other devices. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_write_cod(u8_t *cod) { struct pbuf *p; if((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, HCI_W_COD_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("hci_write_cod: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_W_COD_OCF, HCI_HC_BB_OGF, HCI_W_COD_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload)+4, cod, 3); physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } err_t hci_read_current_lap(void) { struct pbuf *p; if((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, HCI_R_CUR_IACLAP_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("hci_read_current_lap: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_R_CUR_IACLAP_OCF, HCI_HC_BB_OGF, HCI_R_CUR_IACLAP_PLEN); physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_set_hc_to_h_fc(): * * Used by the Host to turn flow control on or off in the direction from the Host * Controller to the Host. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_set_hc_to_h_fc(void) { struct pbuf *p; if((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, HCI_SET_HC_TO_H_FC_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("hci_set_hc_to_h_fc: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_SET_HC_TO_H_FC_OCF, HCI_HC_BB_OGF, HCI_SET_HC_TO_H_FC_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ ((u8_t *)p->payload)[4] = 0x01; /* Flow control on for HCI ACL Data Packets and off for HCI SCO Data Packets in direction from Host Controller to Host */ physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_host_buffer_size(): * * Used by the Host to notify the Host Controller about the maximum size of the data * portion of HCI ACL Data Packets sent from the Host Controller to the Host. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_host_buffer_size(void) { struct pbuf *p; if((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, HCI_H_BUF_SIZE_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("hci_host_buffer_size: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_H_BUF_SIZE_OCF, HCI_HC_BB_OGF, HCI_H_BUF_SIZE_PLEN); ((u16_t *)p->payload)[2] = htole16(HCI_HOST_ACL_MAX_LEN); /* Host ACL data packet maximum length */ ((u8_t *)p->payload)[6] = 255; /* Host SCO Data Packet Length */ *((u16_t *)(((u8_t *)p->payload)+7)) = htole16(HCI_HOST_MAX_NUM_ACL); /* Host max total num ACL data packets */ ((u16_t *)p->payload)[4] = htole16(1); /* Host Total Num SCO Data Packets */ physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); hci_dev->host_num_acl = HCI_HOST_MAX_NUM_ACL; return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* hci_host_num_comp_packets(): * * Used by the Host to indicate to the Host Controller the number of HCI Data Packets * that have been completed for each Connection Handle since the previous * Host_Number_Of_Completed_Packets command was sent to the Host Controller. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t hci_host_num_comp_packets(u16_t conhdl, u16_t num_complete) { struct pbuf *p; if((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, HCI_H_NUM_COMPL_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("hci_host_num_comp_packets: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_H_NUM_COMPL_OCF, HCI_HC_BB_OGF, HCI_H_NUM_COMPL_PLEN); ((u8_t*)p->payload)[4] = 1; *(u16_t*)(p->payload+5) = htole16(conhdl); *(u16_t*)(p->payload+7) = htole16(num_complete); /* Number of completed acl packets */ physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); hci_dev->host_num_acl += num_complete; return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* lp_pdu_maxsize(): * * Called by L2CAP to check the maxsize of the PDU. In this case it is the largest * ACL packet that the Host Controller can buffer. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u16_t lp_pdu_maxsize() { return hci_dev->acl_mtu; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* lp_is_connected(): * * Called by L2CAP to check if an active ACL connection exists for the specified * Bluetooth address. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u8_t lp_is_connected(struct bd_addr *bdaddr) { struct hci_link *link; link = hci_get_link(bdaddr); if(link == NULL) { return 0; } return 1; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* lp_acl_write(): * * Called by L2CAP to send data to the Host Controller that will be transfered over * the ACL link from there. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t lp_acl_write(struct bd_addr *bdaddr,struct pbuf *p,u16_t len,u8_t pb) { u16_t connhdlpbbc; struct hci_link *link; struct hci_acl_hdr *aclhdr; struct pbuf *q; link = hci_get_link(bdaddr); if(link==NULL) { ERROR("lp_acl_write: ACL connection does not exist\n"); return ERR_CONN; } if(hci_dev->acl_max_pkt==0) { if(p != NULL) { /* Packet can be queued? */ if(link->p != NULL) { LOG("lp_acl_write: Host buffer full. Dropped packet\n"); return ERR_OK; /* Drop packet */ } else { /* Copy PBUF_REF referenced payloads into PBUF_RAM */ p = btpbuf_take(p); /* Remember pbuf to queue, if any */ link->p = p; link->len = len; link->pb = pb; /* Pbufs are queued, increase the reference count */ btpbuf_ref(p); LOG("lp_acl_write: Host queued packet %p\n", (void *)p); } } } if((q=btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,HCI_ACL_HDR_LEN+1,PBUF_RAM))==NULL) { ERROR("lp_acl_write: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } btpbuf_chain(q,p); ((u8_t*)q->payload)[0] = HCI_ACL_DATA_PACKET; aclhdr = (void*)((u8_t*)q->payload+1); //aclhdr->connhdl_pb_bc = CONNPBBC(link->connhdl,pb,0); connhdlpbbc = link->connhdl; /* Received from connection complete event */ connhdlpbbc |= (pb<<12); /* Packet boundary flag */ connhdlpbbc &= 0x3FFF; /* Point-to-point */ aclhdr->connhdl_pb_bc = htole16(connhdlpbbc); aclhdr->len = htole16(len); physbusif_output(q,(q->len+len)); --hci_dev->acl_max_pkt; p = btpbuf_dechain(q); btpbuf_free(q); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* lp_write_flush_timeout(): * * Called by L2CAP to set the flush timeout for the ACL link. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t lp_write_flush_timeout(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u16_t flushto) { struct hci_link *link; struct pbuf *p; /* Check if an ACL connection exists */ link = hci_get_link(bdaddr); if(link == NULL) { ERROR("lp_write_flush_timeout: ACL connection does not exist\n"); return ERR_CONN; } if((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, HCI_W_FLUSHTO_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { /* Alloc len of packet */ ERROR("lp_write_flush_timeout: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_W_FLUSHTO, HCI_HC_BB_OGF, HCI_W_FLUSHTO_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ ((u16_t *)p->payload)[2] = htole16(link->connhdl); ((u16_t *)p->payload)[3] = htole16(flushto); physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* lp_connect_req(): * * Called by L2CAP to cause the Link Manager to create a connection to the * Bluetooth device with the BD_ADDR specified by the command parameters. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ err_t lp_connect_req(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t allow_role_switch) { u8_t page_scan_repetition_mode, page_scan_mode; u16_t clock_offset; struct pbuf *p; struct hci_link *link = hci_new(); struct hci_inq_res *inqres; if(link == NULL) { ERROR("lp_connect_req: Could not allocate memory for link\n"); return ERR_MEM; /* Could not allocate memory for link */ } bd_addr_set(&(link->bdaddr), bdaddr); HCI_REG(&(hci_active_links), link); /* Check if module has been discovered in a recent inquiry */ for(inqres = hci_dev->ires; inqres != NULL; inqres = inqres->next) { if(bd_addr_cmp(&inqres->bdaddr, bdaddr)) { page_scan_repetition_mode = inqres->psrm; page_scan_mode = inqres->psm; clock_offset = inqres->co; break; } } if(inqres == NULL) { /* No information on parameters from an inquiry. Using default values */ page_scan_repetition_mode = 0x01; /* Assuming worst case: time between successive page scans starting <= 2.56s */ page_scan_mode = 0x00; /* Assumes the device uses mandatory scanning, most devices use this. If no conn is established, try again w this parm set to optional page scanning */ clock_offset = 0x00; /* If the device was not found in a recent inquiry this information is irrelevant */ } if((p = btpbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, HCI_CREATE_CONN_PLEN, PBUF_RAM)) == NULL) { ERROR("lp_connect_req: Could not allocate memory for pbuf\n"); return ERR_MEM; /* Could not allocate memory for pbuf */ } /* Assembling command packet */ p = hci_cmd_ass(p, HCI_CREATE_CONN_OCF, HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF, HCI_CREATE_CONN_PLEN); /* Assembling cmd prameters */ memcpy(((u8_t *)p->payload)+4, bdaddr->addr, 6); ((u16_t *)p->payload)[5] = htole16(hci_dev->pkt_type); ((u8_t *)p->payload)[12] = page_scan_repetition_mode; ((u8_t *)p->payload)[13] = page_scan_mode; ((u16_t *)p->payload)[7] = htole16(clock_offset); ((u8_t *)p->payload)[16] = allow_role_switch; physbusif_output(p, p->tot_len); btpbuf_free(p); return ERR_OK; } static void hci_cc_info_param(u8_t ocf,struct pbuf *p) { struct bd_addr *bdaddr; switch(ocf) { case HCI_READ_LOCAL_VERSION: if(((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]==HCI_SUCCESS) { hci_dev->info.hci_version = *((u8_t*)p->payload + 1); hci_dev->info.hci_revision = le16toh(*(u16_t*)((u8_t*)p->payload + 2)); hci_dev->info.lmp_version = *((u8_t*)p->payload + 4); hci_dev->info.manufacturer = le16toh(*(u16_t*)((u8_t*)p->payload + 5)); hci_dev->info.lmp_subversion = le16toh(*(u16_t*)((u8_t*)p->payload + 7)); LOG("hci_cc_info_param(HCI_READ_LOCAL_VERSION): hci_version = %02x, hci_revision = %04x, lmp_version = %02x, manufacturer = %04x, lmp_suversion = %04x\n",hci_dev->info.hci_version,hci_dev->info.hci_revision,hci_dev->info.lmp_version,hci_dev->info.manufacturer,hci_dev->info.lmp_subversion); } break; case HCI_READ_LOCAL_FEATURES: if(((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]==HCI_SUCCESS) { memcpy(hci_dev->features,(void*)((u8_t*)p->payload+1),sizeof(hci_dev->features)); if(hci_dev->features[0]&LMP_3SLOT) hci_dev->pkt_type |= (HCI_DM3|HCI_DH3); if(hci_dev->features[0]&LMP_5SLOT) hci_dev->pkt_type |= (HCI_DM5|HCI_DH5); if(hci_dev->features[1]&LMP_HV2) hci_dev->pkt_type |= HCI_HV2; if(hci_dev->features[1]&LMP_HV3) hci_dev->pkt_type |= HCI_HV3; LOG("hci_cc_info_param(HCI_READ_LOCAL_FEATURES): %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",hci_dev->features[0],hci_dev->features[1],hci_dev->features[2],hci_dev->features[3], hci_dev->features[4],hci_dev->features[5],hci_dev->features[6],hci_dev->features[7]); } break; case HCI_READ_BUFFER_SIZE: if(((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]==HCI_SUCCESS) { hci_dev->acl_mtu = le16toh(*(u16_t*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+1)); hci_dev->sco_mtu = *((u8_t*)p->payload+3); hci_dev->acl_max_pkt = le16toh(*(u16_t*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+4)); hci_dev->sco_max_pkt = le16toh(*(u16_t*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+5)); LOG("hci_cc_info_param(HCI_READ_BUFFER_SIZE): acl_mt = %d, sco_mt = %d, acl_max_pkt = %d, sco_max_pkt = %d\n",hci_dev->acl_mtu,hci_dev->sco_mtu,hci_dev->acl_max_pkt,hci_dev->sco_max_pkt); } break; case HCI_READ_BD_ADDR: if(((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]==HCI_SUCCESS) { bdaddr = (void*)((u8_t*)p->payload+1); LOG("hci_cc_info_param(HCI_READ_BD_ADDR): %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",bdaddr->addr[0],bdaddr->addr[1],bdaddr->addr[2],bdaddr->addr[3],bdaddr->addr[4],bdaddr->addr[5]); bd_addr_set(&(hci_dev->bdaddr),bdaddr); } break; } } static void hci_cc_host_ctrl(u8_t ocf,struct pbuf *p) { u8_t *lap; u8_t i,resp_off; //printf("hci_cc_host_ctrl(%02x)\n",ocf); switch(ocf) { case HCI_SET_HC_TO_H_FC: if(((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]==HCI_SUCCESS) hci_dev->flow = 1; break; case HCI_READ_CUR_IACLAP: if(((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]==HCI_SUCCESS) { for(i=0;i<((u8_t*)p->payload)[1];i++) { resp_off = (i*3); lap = (void*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+(2+resp_off)); printf("lap = 00%02x%02x%02x\n",lap[2],lap[1],lap[0]); } } break; } } static void hci_cc_link_policy(u8_t ocf,struct pbuf *p) { err_t ret; struct hci_link *link; (void)ret; switch(ocf) { case HCI_W_LINK_POLICY: if(((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]==HCI_SUCCESS) { for(link=hci_active_links;link!=NULL;link=link->next) { if(link->connhdl==le16toh(*((u16_t*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+1)))) break; } if(link==NULL) { LOG("hci_cc_link_policy: Connection does not exist\n"); break; } HCI_EVENT_WLP_COMPLETE(hci_dev,&link->bdaddr,ret); } else { LOG("Unsuccessful HCI_W_LINK_POLICY.\n"); } break; } } static void hci_conn_request_evt(struct pbuf *p) { u8_t *cod; u8_t link_type; err_t ret = ERR_OK; struct bd_addr *bdaddr; struct hci_link *link; LOG("hci_conn_request_evt()\n"); bdaddr = (void*)((u8_t*)p->payload); cod = (((u8_t*)p->payload)+6); link_type = *(((u8_t*)p->payload)+9); HCI_EVENT_CONN_REQ(hci_dev,bdaddr,cod,link_type,ret); if(ret==ERR_OK) { link = hci_get_link(bdaddr); if(link==NULL) { if((link=hci_new())==NULL) { ERROR("hci_conn_request_evt: Could not allocate memory for link. Disconnect\n"); return; } bd_addr_set(&(link->bdaddr),bdaddr); HCI_REG(&(hci_active_links),link); } hci_accecpt_conn_request(bdaddr,0x00); } else { } } static void hci_conn_complete_evt(struct pbuf *p) { err_t ret; struct bd_addr *bdaddr; struct hci_link *link; (void)ret; bdaddr = (void*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+3); link = hci_get_link(bdaddr); LOG("hci_conn_complete_evt(%p,%02x - %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x)\n",link,((u8_t*)p->payload)[0],bdaddr->addr[0],bdaddr->addr[1],bdaddr->addr[2],bdaddr->addr[3],bdaddr->addr[4],bdaddr->addr[5]); switch(((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]) { case HCI_SUCCESS: if(link==NULL) { if((link=hci_new())==NULL) { ERROR("hci_conn_complete_evt: Could not allocate memory for link. Disconnect\n"); hci_disconnect(bdaddr, HCI_OTHER_END_TERMINATED_CONN_LOW_RESOURCES); lp_disconnect_ind(bdaddr,HCI_CONN_TERMINATED_BY_LOCAL_HOST); break; } bd_addr_set(&(link->bdaddr),bdaddr); link->connhdl = le16toh(*((u16_t*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+1))); HCI_REG(&(hci_active_links),link); HCI_EVENT_CONN_COMPLETE(hci_dev,bdaddr,ret); lp_connect_ind(&(link->bdaddr)); } else { link->connhdl = le16toh(*((u16_t*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+1))); HCI_EVENT_CONN_COMPLETE(hci_dev,bdaddr,ret); lp_connect_cfm(&(link->bdaddr),((u8_t*)p->payload)[10],ERR_OK); } break; case HCI_PAGE_TIMEOUT: break; default: if(link!=NULL) { hci_close(link); lp_connect_cfm(bdaddr,((u8_t*)p->payload)[10],ERR_CONN); } break; } } static void hci_inquiry_result_evt(struct pbuf *p) { u8_t num_resp; u32_t i,resp_off; struct bd_addr *bdaddr; struct hci_inq_res *ires; num_resp = ((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]; //printf("hci_inquriy_result_evt(%d)\n",num_resp); for(i=0;i<num_resp && i<MEMB_NUM_HCI_INQ;i++) { resp_off = (i*14); bdaddr = (void*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+(1+resp_off)); if((ires=btmemb_alloc(&hci_inq_results))!=NULL) { bd_addr_set(&(ires->bdaddr),bdaddr); ires->psrm = ((u8_t*)p->payload)[7+resp_off]; ires->psm = ((u8_t*)p->payload)[8+resp_off]; memcpy(ires->cod,((u8_t*)p->payload)+10+resp_off,3); ires->co = le16toh(*((u16_t*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+13+resp_off))); ires->next = NULL; HCI_REG(&(hci_dev->ires),ires); } else ERROR("hci_inquriy_result_evt: Could not allocate memory for inquiry result\n"); } } static void hci_return_link_key_evt(struct pbuf *p) { u8_t num_keys; u32_t i,resp_off; struct bd_addr *bdaddr; struct hci_link_key *keyres; num_keys = ((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]; //printf("hci_return_link_key_evt(%d)\n",num_keys); for(i=0;i<num_keys && i<MEMB_NUM_HCI_LINK_KEY;i++) { resp_off = (i*22); bdaddr = (void*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+1+resp_off); if((keyres=btmemb_alloc(&hci_link_key_results))!=NULL) { bd_addr_set(&(keyres->bdaddr),bdaddr); memcpy(keyres->key,((u8_t*)p->payload)+7+resp_off,16); keyres->next = NULL; //printf("link key evt: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",bdaddr->addr[0],bdaddr->addr[1],bdaddr->addr[2],bdaddr->addr[3],bdaddr->addr[4],bdaddr->addr[5]); HCI_REG(&(hci_dev->keyres),keyres); } else ERROR("hci_return_link_key_evt: Could not allocate memory for link key result\n"); } } void hci_event_handler(struct pbuf *p) { err_t ret; u8_t i,resp_off; u16_t ogf,ocf,opc; u16_t connhdl; struct pbuf *q; struct hci_link *link; struct bd_addr *bdaddr; struct hci_evt_hdr *evthdr; (void)ret; evthdr = p->payload; btpbuf_header(p,-HCI_EVENT_HDR_LEN); switch(evthdr->code) { case HCI_INQUIRY_COMPLETE: //printf("HCI_INQUIRY_COMPLETE\n"); HCI_EVENT_INQ_COMPLETE(hci_dev,((u8_t*)p->payload)[0],ret); break; case HCI_INQUIRY_RESULT: hci_inquiry_result_evt(p); break; case HCI_CONNECTION_COMPLETE: hci_conn_complete_evt(p); break; case HCI_CONNECTION_REQUEST: hci_conn_request_evt(p); break; case HCI_DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE: switch(((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]) { case HCI_SUCCESS: for(link=hci_active_links;link!=NULL;link=link->next) { if(link->connhdl==le16toh(*((u16_t*)(((u8_t*)p->payload)+1)))) break; } if(link!=NULL) { lp_disconnect_ind(&(link->bdaddr),((u8_t*)p->payload)[3]); hci_close(link); } break; default: return; } break; case HCI_ENCRYPTION_CHANGE: break; case HCI_QOS_SETUP_COMPLETE: break; case HCI_COMMAND_COMPLETE: hci_dev->num_cmd += ((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]; btpbuf_header(p,-1); opc = le16toh(((u16_t*)p->payload)[0]); ocf = (opc&0x03ff); ogf = (opc>>10); btpbuf_header(p,-2); switch(ogf) { case HCI_INFO_PARAM: hci_cc_info_param(ocf,p); break; case HCI_HOST_C_N_BB: hci_cc_host_ctrl(ocf,p); break; case HCI_LINK_POLICY: hci_cc_link_policy(ocf,p); break; } HCI_EVENT_CMD_COMPLETE(hci_dev,ogf,ocf,((u8_t*)p->payload)[0],ret); break; case HCI_COMMAND_STATUS: if(((u8_t*)p->payload)[0]!=HCI_SUCCESS) { btpbuf_header(p,-2); opc = le16toh(((u16_t*)p->payload)[0]); ocf = (opc&0x03ff); ogf = (opc>>10); btpbuf_header(p,-2); HCI_EVENT_CMD_COMPLETE(hci_dev,ogf,ocf,((u8_t*)p->payload)[0],ret); btpbuf_header(p,4); } hci_dev->num_cmd += ((u8_t*)p->payload)[1]; break; case HCI_HARDWARE_ERROR: //TODO: IS THIS FATAL?? break; case HCI_ROLE_CHANGE: break; case HCI_NBR_OF_COMPLETED_PACKETS: for(i=0;i<((u8_t *)p->payload)[0];i++) { resp_off = i*4; hci_dev->acl_max_pkt += le16toh(*((u16_t *)(((u8_t *)p->payload) + 3 + resp_off))); connhdl = le16toh(*((u16_t *)(((u8_t *)p->payload) + 1 + resp_off))); for(link = hci_active_links; link != NULL; link = link->next) { if(link->connhdl == connhdl) break; } q = link == NULL ? NULL : link->p; /* Queued packet present? */ if (q != NULL) { /* NULL attached buffer immediately */ link->p = NULL; /* Send the queued packet */ lp_acl_write(&link->bdaddr, q, link->len, link->pb); /* Free the queued packet */ btpbuf_free(q); } } break; case HCI_MODE_CHANGE: printf("HCI_MODE_CHANGE\n"); break; case HCI_DATA_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: //TODO: IS THIS FATAL???? break; case HCI_MAX_SLOTS_CHANGE: break; case HCI_RETURN_LINK_KEYS: hci_return_link_key_evt(p); break; case HCI_PIN_CODE_REQUEST: bdaddr = (void *)((u8_t *)p->payload); /* Get the Bluetooth address */ HCI_EVENT_PIN_REQ(hci_dev, bdaddr, ret); /* Notify application. If event is not registered, send a negative reply */ break; case HCI_LINK_KEY_REQUEST: bdaddr = (void *)((u8_t *)p->payload); /* Get the Bluetooth address */ HCI_EVENT_LINK_KEY_REQ(hci_dev, bdaddr, ret); break; case HCI_LINK_KEY_NOTIFICATION: bdaddr = (void *)((u8_t *)p->payload); /* Get the Bluetooth address */ HCI_EVENT_LINK_KEY_NOT(hci_dev, bdaddr, ((u8_t *)p->payload) + 6, ret); /* Notify application.*/ break; default: LOG("hci_event_input: Undefined event code 0x%x\n", evthdr->code); break; } } void hci_acldata_handler(struct pbuf *p) { struct hci_acl_hdr *aclhdr; struct hci_link *link; u16_t conhdl; aclhdr = p->payload; btpbuf_header(p, -HCI_ACL_HDR_LEN); conhdl = le16toh(aclhdr->connhdl_pb_bc) & 0x0FFF; /* Get the connection handle from the first 12 bits */ if(hci_dev->flow) { //TODO: XXX??? DO WE SAVE NUMACL PACKETS COMPLETED IN LINKS LIST?? SHOULD WE CALL //hci_host_num_comp_packets from the main loop when no data has been received from the //serial port??? --hci_dev->host_num_acl; if(hci_dev->host_num_acl == 0) { hci_host_num_comp_packets(conhdl, HCI_HOST_MAX_NUM_ACL); hci_dev->host_num_acl = HCI_HOST_MAX_NUM_ACL; } } for(link = hci_active_links; link != NULL; link = link->next) { if(link->connhdl == conhdl) { break; } } if(link != NULL) { if(le16toh(aclhdr->len)) { //LOG("hci_acl_input: Forward ACL packet to higher layer p->tot_len = %d\n", p->tot_len); l2cap_input(p, &(link->bdaddr)); } else { btpbuf_free(p); /* If length of ACL packet is zero, we silently discard it */ } } else { btpbuf_free(p); /* If no acitve ACL link was found, we silently discard the packet */ } }