<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <qnx xmlns="http://www.qnx.com/schemas/application/1.0"> <!-- BlackBerry Tablet OS application descriptor file. Specifies parameters for identifying, installing, and launching native applications on BlackBerry Tablet OS. --> <!-- A universally unique application identifier. Must be unique across all BlackBerry Tablet OS applications. Using a reverse DNS-style name as the id is recommended. (Eg. com.example.ExampleApplication.) Required. --> <id>com.RetroArch</id> <!-- The name that is displayed in the BlackBerry Tablet OS application installer. May have multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. --> <name>RetroArch</name> <!-- A string value of the format <0-999>.<0-999>.<0-999> that represents application version which can be used to check for application upgrade. Values can also be 1-part or 2-part. It is not necessary to have a 3-part value. An updated version of application must have a versionNumber value higher than the previous version. Required. --> <versionNumber>1.0.0</versionNumber> <!-- Fourth digit segment of the package version. First three segments are taken from the <versionNumber> element. Must be an integer from 0 to 2^16-1 --> <buildId>1</buildId> <!-- A string value (such as "v1", "2.5", or "Alpha 1") that represents the version of the application, as it should be shown to users. Optional. --> <versionLabel>"v1.0.2"</versionLabel> <!-- Description, displayed in the BlackBerry Tablet OS application installer. May have multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. --> <description>Multi-emulator/multi-game system application</description> <!-- Copyright information. Optional. --> <!-- <copyright></copyright> --> <!-- Name of author which is used for signing. Must match the developer name of your development certificate. --> <author>Example Inc.</author> <!-- Unique author ID assigned by signing authority. Required if using debug tokens. --> <!-- <authorId>ABC1234YjsnUk235h</authorId> --> <initialWindow> <aspectRatio>landscape</aspectRatio> <autoOrients>false</autoOrients> <systemChrome>none</systemChrome> <transparent>false</transparent> </initialWindow> <!-- The category where the application appears. Either core.games or core.media. --> <category>core.games</category> <asset path="icon.png">icon.png</asset> <asset path="lib">lib</asset> <asset path="../../media/overlays">overlays</asset> <asset path="../../retroarch.cfg">retroarch.cfg</asset> <!-- <asset path="LICENSE">LICENSE</asset> --> <!-- <asset path="NOTICE">NOTICE</asset> --> <configuration id="com.qnx.qcc.configuration.exe.debug.507133694" name="Device-Debug"> <platformArchitecture>armle-v7</platformArchitecture> <asset path="Device-Debug/RetroArch" entry="true" type="Qnx/Elf">RetroArch</asset> </configuration> <configuration id="com.qnx.qcc.configuration.exe.release.237026123" name="Device-Release"> <platformArchitecture>armle-v7</platformArchitecture> <asset path="Device-Release/RetroArch" entry="true" type="Qnx/Elf">RetroArch</asset> </configuration> <configuration id="com.qnx.qcc.configuration.exe.profile.491517832" name="Device-Profile"> <platformArchitecture>armle-v7</platformArchitecture> <asset path="Device-Profile/RetroArch" entry="true" type="Qnx/Elf">RetroArch</asset> </configuration> <configuration id="com.qnx.qcc.configuration.exe.profile.coverage.511003583" name="Device-Coverage"> <platformArchitecture>armle-v7</platformArchitecture> <asset path="Device-Coverage/RetroArch" entry="true" type="Qnx/Elf">RetroArch</asset> </configuration> <!-- The icon for the application, which should be 86x86. --> <icon> <image>icon.png</image> </icon> <!-- The splash screen that will appear when your application is launching. Should be 1024x600. --> <!-- <splashscreen></splashscreen> --> <!-- Request permission to execute native code. Required for native applications. --> <action system="true">run_native</action> <!-- The permissions requested by your application. --> <action>access_shared</action> <!-- <action>record_audio</action> --> <!-- <action>read_geolocation</action> --> <!-- <action>use_camera</action> --> <!-- <action>access_internet</action> --> <!-- <action>play_audio</action> --> <!-- <action>post_notification</action> --> <!-- <action>set_audio_volume</action> --> <!-- <action>read_device_identifying_information</action> --> <!-- Ensure that shared libraries in the package are found at run-time. --> <env var="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="app/native/lib"/> </qnx>