/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <file/nbio.h> #include <formats/image.h> #include <compat/strl.h> #include <string/stdstring.h> #include <retro_miscellaneous.h> #include <features/features_cpu.h> #include "task_file_transfer.h" #include "tasks_internal.h" #include "../configuration.h" enum image_status_enum { IMAGE_STATUS_WAIT = 0, IMAGE_STATUS_TRANSFER, IMAGE_STATUS_TRANSFER_PARSE, IMAGE_STATUS_PROCESS_TRANSFER, IMAGE_STATUS_PROCESS_TRANSFER_PARSE }; struct nbio_image_handle { enum image_type_enum type; enum image_status_enum status; bool is_blocking; bool is_blocking_on_processing; bool is_finished; int processing_final_state; unsigned frame_duration; size_t size; unsigned upscale_threshold; void *handle; transfer_cb_t cb; struct texture_image ti; }; static int cb_image_upload_generic(void *data, size_t len) { unsigned r_shift, g_shift, b_shift, a_shift; nbio_handle_t *nbio = (nbio_handle_t*)data; struct nbio_image_handle *image = (struct nbio_image_handle*)nbio->data; if (!image) return -1; switch (image->processing_final_state) { case IMAGE_PROCESS_ERROR: case IMAGE_PROCESS_ERROR_END: return -1; default: break; } image_texture_set_color_shifts(&r_shift, &g_shift, &b_shift, &a_shift, &image->ti); image_texture_color_convert(r_shift, g_shift, b_shift, a_shift, &image->ti); image->is_blocking_on_processing = false; image->is_blocking = true; image->is_finished = true; nbio->is_finished = true; return 0; } static int task_image_process( struct nbio_image_handle *image, unsigned *width, unsigned *height) { int retval; if (!image_transfer_is_valid(image->handle, image->type)) return IMAGE_PROCESS_ERROR; retval = image_transfer_process( image->handle, image->type, &image->ti.pixels, image->size, width, height); if (retval == IMAGE_PROCESS_ERROR) return IMAGE_PROCESS_ERROR; image->ti.width = *width; image->ti.height = *height; return retval; } static int cb_image_thumbnail(void *data, size_t len) { unsigned width = 0; unsigned height = 0; nbio_handle_t *nbio = (nbio_handle_t*)data; struct nbio_image_handle *image = (struct nbio_image_handle*)nbio->data; int retval = image ? task_image_process(image, &width, &height) : IMAGE_PROCESS_ERROR; if ((retval == IMAGE_PROCESS_ERROR) || (retval == IMAGE_PROCESS_ERROR_END) ) return -1; image->is_blocking_on_processing = (retval != IMAGE_PROCESS_END); image->is_finished = (retval == IMAGE_PROCESS_END); image->cb = &cb_image_upload_generic; return 0; } static int task_image_iterate_process_transfer(struct nbio_image_handle *image) { int retval = 0; unsigned width = 0; unsigned height = 0; retro_time_t start_time = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); do { retval = task_image_process(image, &width, &height); if (retval != IMAGE_PROCESS_NEXT) break; } while (cpu_features_get_time_usec() - start_time < image->frame_duration); if (retval == IMAGE_PROCESS_NEXT) return 0; image->processing_final_state = retval; return -1; } static void task_image_cleanup(nbio_handle_t *nbio) { struct nbio_image_handle *image = (struct nbio_image_handle*)nbio->data; if (image) { image_transfer_free(image->handle, image->type); image->handle = NULL; image->cb = NULL; } if (!string_is_empty(nbio->path)) free(nbio->path); if (nbio->data) free(nbio->data); nbio_free(nbio->handle); nbio->path = NULL; nbio->data = NULL; nbio->handle = NULL; } static void task_image_load_free(retro_task_t *task) { nbio_handle_t *nbio = task ? (nbio_handle_t*)task->state : NULL; if (nbio) { task_image_cleanup(nbio); free(nbio); } } static int cb_nbio_image_thumbnail(void *data, size_t len) { void *ptr = NULL; nbio_handle_t *nbio = (nbio_handle_t*)data; struct nbio_image_handle *image = nbio ? (struct nbio_image_handle*)nbio->data : NULL; void *handle = image ? image_transfer_new(image->type) : NULL; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); float refresh_rate = 0.0f; if (!handle) return -1; image->status = IMAGE_STATUS_TRANSFER; image->handle = handle; image->cb = &cb_image_thumbnail; ptr = nbio_get_ptr(nbio->handle, &len); image_transfer_set_buffer_ptr(image->handle, image->type, ptr, len); /* Set image size */ image->size = len; /* Set task iteration duration */ if (settings) refresh_rate = settings->floats.video_refresh_rate; if (refresh_rate <= 0.0f) refresh_rate = 60.0f; image->frame_duration = (unsigned)((1.0 / refresh_rate) * 1000000.0f); if (!image_transfer_start(image->handle, image->type)) { task_image_cleanup(nbio); return -1; } image->is_blocking = false; image->is_finished = false; nbio->is_finished = true; return 0; } static bool upscale_image( unsigned scale_factor, struct texture_image *image_src, struct texture_image *image_dst) { uint32_t x_ratio, y_ratio; unsigned x_src, y_src; unsigned x_dst, y_dst; /* Sanity check */ if ((scale_factor < 1) || !image_src || !image_dst) return false; if (!image_src->pixels || (image_src->width < 1) || (image_src->height < 1)) return false; /* Get output dimensions */ image_dst->width = image_src->width * scale_factor; image_dst->height = image_src->height * scale_factor; /* Allocate pixel buffer */ image_dst->pixels = (uint32_t*)calloc(image_dst->width * image_dst->height, sizeof(uint32_t)); if (!image_dst->pixels) return false; /* Perform nearest neighbour resampling */ x_ratio = ((image_src->width << 16) / image_dst->width); y_ratio = ((image_src->height << 16) / image_dst->height); for (y_dst = 0; y_dst < image_dst->height; y_dst++) { y_src = (y_dst * y_ratio) >> 16; for (x_dst = 0; x_dst < image_dst->width; x_dst++) { x_src = (x_dst * x_ratio) >> 16; image_dst->pixels[(y_dst * image_dst->width) + x_dst] = image_src->pixels[(y_src * image_src->width) + x_src]; } } return true; } bool task_image_load_handler(retro_task_t *task) { nbio_handle_t *nbio = (nbio_handle_t*)task->state; struct nbio_image_handle *image = (struct nbio_image_handle*)nbio->data; if (image) { switch (image->status) { case IMAGE_STATUS_WAIT: return true; case IMAGE_STATUS_PROCESS_TRANSFER: if (task_image_iterate_process_transfer(image) == -1) image->status = IMAGE_STATUS_PROCESS_TRANSFER_PARSE; break; case IMAGE_STATUS_TRANSFER_PARSE: if (image->handle && image->cb) { size_t len = 0; if (image->cb(nbio, len) == -1) return false; } if (image->is_blocking_on_processing) image->status = IMAGE_STATUS_PROCESS_TRANSFER; break; case IMAGE_STATUS_TRANSFER: if (!image->is_blocking && !image->is_finished) { retro_time_t start_time = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); do { if (!image_transfer_iterate(image->handle, image->type)) { image->status = IMAGE_STATUS_TRANSFER_PARSE; break; } } while (cpu_features_get_time_usec() - start_time < image->frame_duration); } break; case IMAGE_STATUS_PROCESS_TRANSFER_PARSE: if (image->handle && image->cb) { size_t len = 0; if (image->cb(nbio, len) == -1) return false; } if (!image->is_finished) break; } } if ( nbio->is_finished && (image && image->is_finished) && (!task_get_cancelled(task))) { struct texture_image *img = (struct texture_image*)malloc(sizeof(struct texture_image)); if (img) { /* Upscale image, if required */ if (image->upscale_threshold > 0) { if (((image->ti.width > 0) && (image->ti.height > 0)) && ((image->ti.width < image->upscale_threshold) || (image->ti.height < image->upscale_threshold))) { unsigned min_size = (image->ti.width < image->ti.height) ? image->ti.width : image->ti.height; float scale_factor = (float)image->upscale_threshold / (float)min_size; unsigned scale_factor_int = (unsigned)scale_factor; struct texture_image img_resampled = { 0, 0, NULL, false }; if (scale_factor - (float)scale_factor_int > 0.0f) scale_factor_int += 1; if (upscale_image(scale_factor_int, &image->ti, &img_resampled)) { image->ti.width = img_resampled.width; image->ti.height = img_resampled.height; if (image->ti.pixels) free(image->ti.pixels); image->ti.pixels = img_resampled.pixels; } } } img->width = image->ti.width; img->height = image->ti.height; img->pixels = image->ti.pixels; img->supports_rgba = image->ti.supports_rgba; } task_set_data(task, img); return false; } return true; } bool task_push_image_load(const char *fullpath, bool supports_rgba, unsigned upscale_threshold, retro_task_callback_t cb, void *user_data) { nbio_handle_t *nbio = NULL; struct nbio_image_handle *image = NULL; retro_task_t *t = task_init(); if (!t) return false; nbio = (nbio_handle_t*)malloc(sizeof(*nbio)); if (!nbio) { free(t); return false; } nbio->type = NBIO_TYPE_NONE; nbio->is_finished = false; nbio->status = NBIO_STATUS_INIT; nbio->pos_increment = 0; nbio->status_flags = 0; nbio->data = NULL; nbio->handle = NULL; nbio->msg_queue = NULL; nbio->cb = &cb_nbio_image_thumbnail; if (supports_rgba) BIT32_SET(nbio->status_flags, NBIO_FLAG_IMAGE_SUPPORTS_RGBA); image = (struct nbio_image_handle*)malloc(sizeof(*image)); if (!image) { free(nbio); free(t); return false; } nbio->path = strdup(fullpath); image->type = IMAGE_TYPE_NONE; image->status = IMAGE_STATUS_WAIT; image->is_blocking = false; image->is_blocking_on_processing = false; image->is_finished = false; image->processing_final_state = 0; image->frame_duration = 0; image->size = 0; image->upscale_threshold = upscale_threshold; image->handle = NULL; image->ti.width = 0; image->ti.height = 0; image->ti.pixels = NULL; /* TODO/FIXME - shouldn't we set this ? */ image->ti.supports_rgba = false; if (strstr(fullpath, ".png")) { nbio->type = NBIO_TYPE_PNG; image->type = IMAGE_TYPE_PNG; } else if (strstr(fullpath, ".jpeg") || strstr(fullpath, ".jpg")) { nbio->type = NBIO_TYPE_JPEG; image->type = IMAGE_TYPE_JPEG; } else if (strstr(fullpath, ".bmp")) { nbio->type = NBIO_TYPE_BMP; image->type = IMAGE_TYPE_BMP; } else if (strstr(fullpath, ".tga")) { nbio->type = NBIO_TYPE_TGA; image->type = IMAGE_TYPE_TGA; } nbio->data = (struct nbio_image_handle*)image; t->state = nbio; t->handler = task_file_load_handler; t->cleanup = task_image_load_free; t->callback = cb; t->user_data = user_data; task_queue_push(t); return true; }