// // Created by Stuart Carnie on 6/24/18. // #import "Context.h" #import "MenuDisplay.h" #import "ShaderTypes.h" #import "menu_driver.h" #import // TODO(sgc): this dependency is incorrect #import "../metal_common.h" @implementation MenuDisplay { Context *_context; MTLClearColor _clearColor; MTLScissorRect _scissorRect; BOOL _useScissorRect; Uniforms _uniforms; bool _clearNextRender; } - (instancetype)initWithContext:(Context *)context { if (self = [super init]) { _context = context; _clearColor = MTLClearColorMake(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); _uniforms.projectionMatrix = matrix_proj_ortho(0, 1, 0, 1); _useScissorRect = NO; } return self; } + (const float *)defaultVertices { static float dummy[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, }; return &dummy[0]; } + (const float *)defaultTexCoords { static float dummy[] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, }; return &dummy[0]; } + (const float *)defaultColor { static float dummy[] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, }; return &dummy[0]; } - (void)setClearColor:(MTLClearColor)clearColor { _clearColor = clearColor; _clearNextRender = YES; } - (MTLClearColor)clearColor { return _clearColor; } - (void)setScissorRect:(MTLScissorRect)rect { _scissorRect = rect; _useScissorRect = YES; } - (void)clearScissorRect { _useScissorRect = NO; [_context resetScissorRect]; } - (MTLPrimitiveType)_toPrimitiveType:(enum gfx_display_prim_type)prim { switch (prim) { case GFX_DISPLAY_PRIM_TRIANGLESTRIP: return MTLPrimitiveTypeTriangleStrip; case GFX_DISPLAY_PRIM_TRIANGLES: return MTLPrimitiveTypeTriangle; default: RARCH_LOG("unexpected primitive type %d\n", prim); return MTLPrimitiveTypeTriangle; } } - (void)drawPipeline:(gfx_display_ctx_draw_t *)draw video:(video_frame_info_t *)video { static struct video_coords blank_coords; draw->x = 0; draw->y = 0; draw->matrix_data = NULL; _uniforms.outputSize = simd_make_float2(_context.viewport->full_width, _context.viewport->full_height); draw->pipeline.backend_data = &_uniforms; draw->pipeline.backend_data_size = sizeof(_uniforms); switch (draw->pipeline.id) { // ribbon default: case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU: case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU_2: { video_coord_array_t *ca = gfx_display_get_coords_array(); draw->coords = (struct video_coords *)&ca->coords; break; } case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU_3: case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU_4: case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU_5: case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU_6: { draw->coords = &blank_coords; blank_coords.vertices = 4; draw->prim_type = GFX_DISPLAY_PRIM_TRIANGLESTRIP; break; } } _uniforms.time += 0.01; } - (void)draw:(gfx_display_ctx_draw_t *)draw video:(video_frame_info_t *)video { const float *vertex = draw->coords->vertex ?: MenuDisplay.defaultVertices; const float *tex_coord = draw->coords->tex_coord ?: MenuDisplay.defaultTexCoords; const float *color = draw->coords->color ?: MenuDisplay.defaultColor; NSUInteger needed = draw->coords->vertices * sizeof(SpriteVertex); BufferRange range; if (![_context allocRange:&range length:needed]) { RARCH_ERR("[Metal]: MenuDisplay unable to allocate buffer of %d bytes", needed); return; } NSUInteger vertexCount = draw->coords->vertices; SpriteVertex *pv = (SpriteVertex *)range.data; for (unsigned i = 0; i < draw->coords->vertices; i++, pv++) { pv->position = simd_make_float2(vertex[0], 1.0f - vertex[1]); vertex += 2; pv->texCoord = simd_make_float2(tex_coord[0], tex_coord[1]); tex_coord += 2; pv->color = simd_make_float4(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]); color += 4; } id rce = _context.rce; if (_clearNextRender) { [_context resetRenderViewport:kFullscreenViewport]; [_context drawQuadX:0 y:0 w:1 h:1 r:(float)_clearColor.red g:(float)_clearColor.green b:(float)_clearColor.blue a:(float)_clearColor.alpha ]; _clearNextRender = NO; } MTLViewport vp = { .originX = draw->x, .originY = _context.viewport->full_height - draw->y - draw->height, .width = draw->width, .height = draw->height, .znear = 0, .zfar = 1, }; [rce setViewport:vp]; if (_useScissorRect) { [rce setScissorRect:_scissorRect]; } switch (draw->pipeline.id) { #if HAVE_SHADERPIPELINE case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU: case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU_2: case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU_3: case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU_4: case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU_5: case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU_6: [rce setRenderPipelineState:[_context getStockShader:draw->pipeline.id blend:_blend]]; [rce setVertexBytes:draw->pipeline.backend_data length:draw->pipeline.backend_data_size atIndex:BufferIndexUniforms]; [rce setVertexBuffer:range.buffer offset:range.offset atIndex:BufferIndexPositions]; [rce setFragmentBytes:draw->pipeline.backend_data length:draw->pipeline.backend_data_size atIndex:BufferIndexUniforms]; [rce drawPrimitives:[self _toPrimitiveType:draw->prim_type] vertexStart:0 vertexCount:vertexCount]; return; #endif default: break; } Texture *tex = (__bridge Texture *)(void *)draw->texture; if (tex == nil) return; [rce setRenderPipelineState:[_context getStockShader:VIDEO_SHADER_STOCK_BLEND blend:_blend]]; Uniforms uniforms = { .projectionMatrix = draw->matrix_data ? make_matrix_float4x4((const float *)draw->matrix_data) : _uniforms.projectionMatrix }; [rce setVertexBytes:&uniforms length:sizeof(uniforms) atIndex:BufferIndexUniforms]; [rce setVertexBuffer:range.buffer offset:range.offset atIndex:BufferIndexPositions]; [rce setFragmentTexture:tex.texture atIndex:TextureIndexColor]; [rce setFragmentSamplerState:tex.sampler atIndex:SamplerIndexDraw]; [rce drawPrimitives:MTLPrimitiveTypeTriangleStrip vertexStart:0 vertexCount:vertexCount]; } @end