/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 - Brad Parker * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../config.def.h" #include "../input_driver.h" #include "../input_keymaps.h" #include "../../tasks/tasks_internal.h" #include "../drivers_keyboard/keyboard_event_dos.h" #define END_FUNC(x) static void x##_End() { } #define LOCK_VAR(x) LockData((void*)&x, sizeof(x)) #define LOCK_FUNC(x) LockCode(x, (int)x##_End - (int)x) /* TODO/FIXME - static globals */ static uint16_t normal_keys[LAST_KEYCODE + 1]; static _go32_dpmi_seginfo old_kbd_int; static _go32_dpmi_seginfo kbd_int; int LockData(void *a, int size) { uint32_t baseaddr; __dpmi_meminfo region; if (__dpmi_get_segment_base_address(_my_ds(), &baseaddr) == -1) return -1; region.handle = 0; region.size = size; region.address = baseaddr + (uint32_t)a; if (__dpmi_lock_linear_region(®ion) == -1) return -1; return 0; } int LockCode(void *a, int size) { uint32_t baseaddr; __dpmi_meminfo region; if (__dpmi_get_segment_base_address(_my_cs(), &baseaddr) == -1) return (-1); region.handle = 0; region.size = size; region.address = baseaddr + (uint32_t)a; if (__dpmi_lock_linear_region(®ion) == -1) return (-1); return 0; } static void keyb_int(void) { static unsigned char buffer = 0; unsigned char rawcode = inp(0x60); /* read scancode from keyboard controller */ unsigned char make_break = !(rawcode & 0x80); /* bit 7: 0 = make, 1 = break */ int scancode = rawcode & 0x7F; if (buffer == 0xE0) { /* second byte of an extended key */ if (scancode < 0x60) normal_keys[scancode | (1 << 8)] = make_break; buffer = 0; } else if (buffer >= 0xE1 && buffer <= 0xE2) buffer = 0; /* ignore these extended keys */ else if (rawcode >= 0xE0 && rawcode <= 0xE2) buffer = rawcode; /* first byte of an extended key */ else if (scancode < 0x60) normal_keys[scancode] = make_break; outp(0x20, 0x20); /* must send EOI to finish interrupt */ } END_FUNC(keyb_int) static void hook_keyb_int(void) { _go32_dpmi_get_protected_mode_interrupt_vector(9, &old_kbd_int); memset(&kbd_int, 0, sizeof(kbd_int)); memset(normal_keys, 0, sizeof(normal_keys)); LOCK_FUNC(keyb_int); LOCK_VAR(normal_keys); kbd_int.pm_selector = _go32_my_cs(); kbd_int.pm_offset = (uint32_t)&keyb_int; _go32_dpmi_allocate_iret_wrapper(&kbd_int); _go32_dpmi_set_protected_mode_interrupt_vector(9, &kbd_int); } static void unhook_keyb_int(void) { if (old_kbd_int.pm_offset) { _go32_dpmi_set_protected_mode_interrupt_vector(9, &old_kbd_int); _go32_dpmi_free_iret_wrapper(&kbd_int); memset(&old_kbd_int, 0, sizeof(old_kbd_int)); } } static const char *dos_joypad_name(unsigned pad) { return "DOS Controller"; } static void dos_joypad_autodetect_add(unsigned autoconf_pad) { input_autoconfigure_connect( dos_joypad_name(autoconf_pad), NULL, dos_joypad.ident, autoconf_pad, 0, 0 ); } static void *dos_joypad_init(void *data) { hook_keyb_int(); dos_joypad_autodetect_add(0); return (void*)-1; } static int16_t dos_joypad_button_state( uint16_t *buf, uint16_t joykey) { switch (key) { case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A: return buf[DOSKEY_x]; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B: return buf[DOSKEY_z]; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_X: return buf[DOSKEY_s]; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_Y: return buf[DOSKEY_a]; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT: return buf[DOSKEY_RSHIFT]; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START: return buf[DOSKEY_RETURN]; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP: return buf[DOSKEY_UP]; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN: return buf[DOSKEY_DOWN]; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT: return buf[DOSKEY_LEFT]; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT: return buf[DOSKEY_RIGHT]; } return 0; } static int16_t dos_joypad_button(unsigned port_num, uint16_t joykey) { uint16_t *buf = dos_keyboard_state_get(port_num); if (port_num >= DEFAULT_MAX_PADS) return 0; return dos_joypad_button_state(buf, joykey); } static int16_t dos_joypad_axis(unsigned port_num, uint32_t joyaxis) { return 0; } static int16_t dos_joypad_state( rarch_joypad_info_t *joypad_info, const struct retro_keybind *binds, unsigned port) { unsigned i; int16_t ret = 0; uint16_t port_idx = joypad_info->joy_idx; uint16_t *buf = dos_keyboard_state_get(port_idx); if (port_idx >= DEFAULT_MAX_PADS) return 0; for (i = 0; i < RARCH_FIRST_CUSTOM_BIND; i++) { /* Auto-binds are per joypad, not per user. */ const uint64_t joykey = (binds[i].joykey != NO_BTN) ? binds[i].joykey : joypad_info->auto_binds[i].joykey; if ((uint16_t)joykey != NO_BTN && dos_joypad_button_state( buf, (uint16_t)joykey)) ret |= ( 1 << i); } return ret; } static void dos_joypad_poll(void) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i <= DEFAULT_MAX_PADS; i++) { uint32_t key; uint16_t *cur_state = dos_keyboard_state_get(i); for (key = 0; key < LAST_KEYCODE; key++) { if (cur_state[key] != normal_keys[key]) { unsigned code = input_keymaps_translate_keysym_to_rk(key); input_keyboard_event(normal_keys[key], code, code, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD); } } memcpy(cur_state, normal_keys, sizeof(normal_keys)); } } static bool dos_joypad_query_pad(unsigned pad) { return (pad < MAX_USERS); } static void dos_joypad_destroy(void) { unhook_keyb_int(); } input_device_driver_t dos_joypad = { dos_joypad_init, dos_joypad_query_pad, dos_joypad_destroy, dos_joypad_button, dos_joypad_state, NULL, dos_joypad_axis, dos_joypad_poll, NULL, dos_joypad_name, "dos", };