/* Copyright (C) 2010-2020 The RetroArch team * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following license statement only applies to this file (archive_file_sevenzip.c). * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, * to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <7zip/7z.h> #include <7zip/7zCrc.h> #include <7zip/7zFile.h> #define SEVENZIP_MAGIC "7z\xBC\xAF\x27\x1C" #define SEVENZIP_MAGIC_LEN 6 #define SEVENZIP_LOOKTOREAD_BUF_SIZE (1 << 14) /* Assume W-functions do not work below Win2K and Xbox platforms */ #if defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0500 || defined(_XBOX) #ifndef LEGACY_WIN32 #define LEGACY_WIN32 #endif #endif struct sevenzip_context_t { uint8_t *output; CFileInStream archiveStream; CLookToRead2 lookStream; ISzAlloc allocImp; ISzAlloc allocTempImp; CSzArEx db; size_t temp_size; uint32_t parse_index; uint32_t decompress_index; uint32_t packIndex; uint32_t block_index; }; static void *sevenzip_stream_alloc_impl(ISzAllocPtr p, size_t size) { if (size == 0) return 0; return malloc(size); } static void sevenzip_stream_free_impl(ISzAllocPtr p, void *address) { (void)p; if (address) free(address); } static void *sevenzip_stream_alloc_tmp_impl(ISzAllocPtr p, size_t size) { (void)p; if (size == 0) return 0; return malloc(size); } static void* sevenzip_stream_new(void) { struct sevenzip_context_t *sevenzip_context = (struct sevenzip_context_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct sevenzip_context_t)); /* These are the allocation routines - currently using * the non-standard 7zip choices. */ sevenzip_context->allocImp.Alloc = sevenzip_stream_alloc_impl; sevenzip_context->allocImp.Free = sevenzip_stream_free_impl; sevenzip_context->allocTempImp.Alloc = sevenzip_stream_alloc_tmp_impl; sevenzip_context->allocTempImp.Free = sevenzip_stream_free_impl; sevenzip_context->block_index = 0xFFFFFFFF; sevenzip_context->output = NULL; sevenzip_context->lookStream.bufSize = SEVENZIP_LOOKTOREAD_BUF_SIZE * sizeof(Byte); sevenzip_context->lookStream.buf = (Byte*)malloc(sevenzip_context->lookStream.bufSize); if (!sevenzip_context->lookStream.buf) sevenzip_context->lookStream.bufSize = 0; return sevenzip_context; } static void sevenzip_parse_file_free(void *context) { struct sevenzip_context_t *sevenzip_context = (struct sevenzip_context_t*)context; if (!sevenzip_context) return; if (sevenzip_context->output) { IAlloc_Free(&sevenzip_context->allocImp, sevenzip_context->output); sevenzip_context->output = NULL; } SzArEx_Free(&sevenzip_context->db, &sevenzip_context->allocImp); File_Close(&sevenzip_context->archiveStream.file); if (sevenzip_context->lookStream.buf) free(sevenzip_context->lookStream.buf); free(sevenzip_context); } /* Extract the relative path (needle) from a 7z archive * (path) and allocate a buf for it to write it in. * If optional_outfile is set, extract to that instead * and don't allocate buffer. */ static int64_t sevenzip_file_read( const char *path, const char *needle, void **buf, const char *optional_outfile) { CFileInStream archiveStream; CLookToRead2 lookStream; ISzAlloc allocImp; ISzAlloc allocTempImp; CSzArEx db; uint8_t *output = 0; int64_t outsize = -1; /*These are the allocation routines. * Currently using the non-standard 7zip choices. */ allocImp.Alloc = sevenzip_stream_alloc_impl; allocImp.Free = sevenzip_stream_free_impl; allocTempImp.Alloc = sevenzip_stream_alloc_tmp_impl; allocTempImp.Free = sevenzip_stream_free_impl; lookStream.bufSize = SEVENZIP_LOOKTOREAD_BUF_SIZE * sizeof(Byte); lookStream.buf = (Byte*)malloc(lookStream.bufSize); if (!lookStream.buf) lookStream.bufSize = 0; #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(USE_WINDOWS_FILE) && !defined(LEGACY_WIN32) if (!string_is_empty(path)) { wchar_t *pathW = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(path); if (pathW) { /* Could not open 7zip archive? */ if (InFile_OpenW(&archiveStream.file, pathW)) { free(pathW); return -1; } free(pathW); } } #else /* Could not open 7zip archive? */ if (InFile_Open(&archiveStream.file, path)) return -1; #endif FileInStream_CreateVTable(&archiveStream); LookToRead2_CreateVTable(&lookStream, false); lookStream.realStream = &archiveStream.vt; LookToRead2_Init(&lookStream); CrcGenerateTable(); memset(&db, 0, sizeof(db)); SzArEx_Init(&db); if (SzArEx_Open(&db, &lookStream.vt, &allocImp, &allocTempImp) == SZ_OK) { uint32_t i; bool file_found = false; uint16_t *temp = NULL; size_t temp_size = 0; uint32_t block_index = 0xFFFFFFFF; SRes res = SZ_OK; for (i = 0; i < db.NumFiles; i++) { size_t len; char infile[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; size_t offset = 0; size_t outSizeProcessed = 0; /* We skip over everything which is not a directory. * FIXME: Why continue then if IsDir is true?*/ if (SzArEx_IsDir(&db, i)) continue; len = SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&db, i, NULL); if (len > temp_size) { if (temp) free(temp); temp_size = len; temp = (uint16_t *)malloc(temp_size * sizeof(temp[0])); if (temp == 0) { res = SZ_ERROR_MEM; break; } } SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&db, i, temp); res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; infile[0] = '\0'; if (temp) res = utf16_to_char_string(temp, infile, sizeof(infile)) ? SZ_OK : SZ_ERROR_FAIL; if (string_is_equal(infile, needle)) { size_t output_size = 0; /* C LZMA SDK does not support chunked extraction - see here: * sourceforge.net/p/sevenzip/discussion/45798/thread/6fb59aaf/ * */ file_found = true; res = SzArEx_Extract(&db, &lookStream.vt, i, &block_index, &output, &output_size, &offset, &outSizeProcessed, &allocImp, &allocTempImp); if (res != SZ_OK) break; /* This goes to the error section. */ outsize = (int64_t)outSizeProcessed; if (optional_outfile) { const void *ptr = (const void*)(output + offset); if (!filestream_write_file(optional_outfile, ptr, outsize)) { res = SZ_OK; file_found = true; outsize = -1; } } else { /*We could either use the 7Zip allocated buffer, * or create our own and use it. * We would however need to realloc anyways, because RetroArch * expects a \0 at the end, therefore we allocate new, * copy and free the old one. */ *buf = malloc((size_t)(outsize + 1)); ((char*)(*buf))[outsize] = '\0'; memcpy(*buf,output + offset,outsize); } break; } } if (temp) free(temp); IAlloc_Free(&allocImp, output); if (!(file_found && res == SZ_OK)) { /* Error handling * * Failed to open compressed file inside 7zip archive. */ outsize = -1; } } SzArEx_Free(&db, &allocImp); File_Close(&archiveStream.file); if (lookStream.buf) free(lookStream.buf); return outsize; } static bool sevenzip_stream_decompress_data_to_file_init( void *context, file_archive_file_handle_t *handle, const uint8_t *cdata, unsigned cmode, uint32_t csize, uint32_t size) { struct sevenzip_context_t *sevenzip_context = (struct sevenzip_context_t*)context; if (!sevenzip_context) return false; sevenzip_context->decompress_index = (uint32_t)(size_t)cdata; return true; } static int sevenzip_stream_decompress_data_to_file_iterate( void *context, file_archive_file_handle_t *handle) { struct sevenzip_context_t *sevenzip_context = (struct sevenzip_context_t*)context; SRes res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; size_t output_size = 0; size_t offset = 0; size_t outSizeProcessed = 0; res = SzArEx_Extract(&sevenzip_context->db, &sevenzip_context->lookStream.vt, sevenzip_context->decompress_index, &sevenzip_context->block_index, &sevenzip_context->output, &output_size, &offset, &outSizeProcessed, &sevenzip_context->allocImp, &sevenzip_context->allocTempImp); if (res != SZ_OK) return 0; if (handle) handle->data = sevenzip_context->output + offset; return 1; } static int sevenzip_parse_file_init(file_archive_transfer_t *state, const char *file) { uint8_t magic_buf[SEVENZIP_MAGIC_LEN]; struct sevenzip_context_t *sevenzip_context = NULL; if (state->archive_size < SEVENZIP_MAGIC_LEN) goto error; filestream_seek(state->archive_file, 0, SEEK_SET); if (filestream_read(state->archive_file, magic_buf, SEVENZIP_MAGIC_LEN) != SEVENZIP_MAGIC_LEN) goto error; if (string_is_not_equal_fast(magic_buf, SEVENZIP_MAGIC, SEVENZIP_MAGIC_LEN)) goto error; sevenzip_context = (struct sevenzip_context_t*)sevenzip_stream_new(); state->context = sevenzip_context; #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(USE_WINDOWS_FILE) && !defined(LEGACY_WIN32) if (!string_is_empty(file)) { wchar_t *fileW = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(file); if (fileW) { /* could not open 7zip archive? */ if (InFile_OpenW(&sevenzip_context->archiveStream.file, fileW)) { free(fileW); goto error; } free(fileW); } } #else /* could not open 7zip archive? */ if (InFile_Open(&sevenzip_context->archiveStream.file, file)) goto error; #endif FileInStream_CreateVTable(&sevenzip_context->archiveStream); LookToRead2_CreateVTable(&sevenzip_context->lookStream, false); sevenzip_context->lookStream.realStream = &sevenzip_context->archiveStream.vt; LookToRead2_Init(&sevenzip_context->lookStream); CrcGenerateTable(); SzArEx_Init(&sevenzip_context->db); if (SzArEx_Open(&sevenzip_context->db, &sevenzip_context->lookStream.vt, &sevenzip_context->allocImp, &sevenzip_context->allocTempImp) != SZ_OK) goto error; state->step_total = sevenzip_context->db.NumFiles; return 0; error: if (sevenzip_context) sevenzip_parse_file_free(sevenzip_context); state->context = NULL; return -1; } static int sevenzip_parse_file_iterate_step_internal( struct sevenzip_context_t *sevenzip_context, char *filename, const uint8_t **cdata, unsigned *cmode, uint32_t *size, uint32_t *csize, uint32_t *checksum, unsigned *payback, struct archive_extract_userdata *userdata) { if (sevenzip_context->parse_index < sevenzip_context->db.NumFiles) { size_t len = SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&sevenzip_context->db, sevenzip_context->parse_index, NULL); uint64_t compressed_size = 0; if (sevenzip_context->packIndex < sevenzip_context->db.db.NumPackStreams) { compressed_size = sevenzip_context->db.db.PackPositions[sevenzip_context->packIndex + 1] - sevenzip_context->db.db.PackPositions[sevenzip_context->packIndex]; sevenzip_context->packIndex++; } if (len < PATH_MAX_LENGTH && !SzArEx_IsDir(&sevenzip_context->db, sevenzip_context->parse_index)) { char infile[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; SRes res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; uint16_t *temp = (uint16_t*)malloc(len * sizeof(uint16_t)); if (!temp) return -1; infile[0] = '\0'; SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&sevenzip_context->db, sevenzip_context->parse_index, temp); if (temp) { res = utf16_to_char_string(temp, infile, sizeof(infile)) ? SZ_OK : SZ_ERROR_FAIL; free(temp); } if (res != SZ_OK) return -1; strlcpy(filename, infile, PATH_MAX_LENGTH); *cmode = 0; /* unused for 7zip */ *checksum = sevenzip_context->db.CRCs.Vals[sevenzip_context->parse_index]; *size = (uint32_t)SzArEx_GetFileSize(&sevenzip_context->db, sevenzip_context->parse_index); *csize = (uint32_t)compressed_size; *cdata = (uint8_t *)(size_t)sevenzip_context->parse_index; } } else return 0; *payback = 1; return 1; } static int sevenzip_parse_file_iterate_step(void *context, const char *valid_exts, struct archive_extract_userdata *userdata, file_archive_file_cb file_cb) { const uint8_t *cdata = NULL; uint32_t checksum = 0; uint32_t size = 0; uint32_t csize = 0; unsigned cmode = 0; unsigned payload = 0; struct sevenzip_context_t *sevenzip_context = (struct sevenzip_context_t*)context; int ret; userdata->current_file_path[0] = '\0'; ret = sevenzip_parse_file_iterate_step_internal(sevenzip_context, userdata->current_file_path, &cdata, &cmode, &size, &csize, &checksum, &payload, userdata); if (ret != 1) return ret; userdata->crc = checksum; if (file_cb && !file_cb(userdata->current_file_path, valid_exts, cdata, cmode, csize, size, checksum, userdata)) return 0; sevenzip_context->parse_index += payload; return 1; } static uint32_t sevenzip_stream_crc32_calculate(uint32_t crc, const uint8_t *data, size_t length) { return encoding_crc32(crc, data, length); } const struct file_archive_file_backend sevenzip_backend = { sevenzip_parse_file_init, sevenzip_parse_file_iterate_step, sevenzip_parse_file_free, sevenzip_stream_decompress_data_to_file_init, sevenzip_stream_decompress_data_to_file_iterate, sevenzip_stream_crc32_calculate, sevenzip_file_read, "7z" };