/* Copyright (C) 2010-2020 The RetroArch team * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following license statement only applies to this file (video_layout.c). * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, * to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <formats/rxml.h> #include <file/file_path.h> #include <file/archive_file.h> #include <compat/strl.h> #include <string/stdstring.h> #include "video_layout.h" #include "video_layout/view.h" #include "../retroarch.h" #include "../verbosity.h" bool video_layout_load_internal(view_array_t *view_array, rxml_document_t *doc); typedef struct io { char *name; int base_value; int value; } io_t; typedef struct video_layout_state { video_layout_render_info_t render_info; const video_layout_render_interface_t *render; view_array_t view_array; view_t *view; int view_index; io_t *io; int io_count; void **images; int images_count; char *base_path; bool is_archive; bool view_changed; } video_layout_state_t; /* TODO/FIXME - global state - perhaps move outside this file */ static video_layout_state_t *video_layout_state = NULL; void video_layout_init(void *video_driver_data, const video_layout_render_interface_t *render) { if (video_layout_state) video_layout_deinit(); video_layout_state = (video_layout_state_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(video_layout_state_t)); video_layout_state->render_info.video_driver_data = video_driver_data; video_layout_state->render = render; vec_size((void**)&video_layout_state->images, sizeof(void*), 1); video_layout_state->images[0] = NULL; video_layout_state->images_count = 1; } void video_layout_deinit(void) { unsigned i; if (!video_layout_state) return; free(video_layout_state->base_path); for (i = 1; i < video_layout_state->images_count; ++i) { video_layout_state->render->free_image( video_layout_state->render_info.video_driver_data, video_layout_state->images[i] ); } free(video_layout_state->images); for (i = 0; i < video_layout_state->io_count; ++i) free(video_layout_state->io[i].name); free(video_layout_state->io); view_array_deinit(&video_layout_state->view_array); free(video_layout_state); video_layout_state = NULL; } int video_layout_io_assign(const char *name, int base_value) { int index = video_layout_state->io_count; vec_size((void**)&video_layout_state->io, sizeof(io_t), ++video_layout_state->io_count); video_layout_state->io[index].name = string_init(name); video_layout_state->io[index].base_value = base_value; video_layout_state->io[index].value = base_value; return index; } int video_layout_io_find(const char *name) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < video_layout_state->io_count; ++i) { if (string_is_equal(video_layout_state->io[i].name, name)) return i; } return -1; } int video_layout_io_get(int index) { return video_layout_state->io[index].value; } void video_layout_io_set(int index, int value) { video_layout_state->io[index].value = value; } bool video_layout_load(const char *path) { rxml_document_t *doc = NULL; bool result; if (!path || !strlen(path)) return true; video_layout_state->is_archive = path_is_compressed_file(path); if (video_layout_state->is_archive) { void *buf; int64_t len; char respath[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; strlcpy(respath, path, sizeof(respath)); strlcat(respath, "#", sizeof(respath)); string_set(&video_layout_state->base_path, respath); strlcat(respath, "default.lay", sizeof(respath)); if (file_archive_compressed_read(respath, &buf, NULL, &len)) { char *str; if ((str = (char*)realloc(buf, (size_t)len + 1))) { str[(size_t)len] = '\0'; doc = rxml_load_document_string(str); free(str); } else free(buf); } } else { char respath[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; fill_pathname_basedir(respath, path, sizeof(respath)); string_set(&video_layout_state->base_path, respath); doc = rxml_load_document(path); } if (!doc) { RARCH_LOG("video_layout: unable to open file \"%s\"\n", path); return false; } result = video_layout_load_internal(&video_layout_state->view_array, doc); rxml_free_document(doc); video_layout_view_select(video_layout_view_index()); return result; } bool video_layout_valid(void) { return video_layout_state && video_layout_state->view; } static int video_layout_load_image(const char *path) { struct texture_image image; void *handle; int index; image.supports_rgba = video_driver_supports_rgba(); if (video_layout_state->is_archive) { void *buf; int64_t len; char respath[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; strlcpy(respath, video_layout_state->base_path, sizeof(respath)); strlcat(respath, path, sizeof(respath)); if (!file_archive_compressed_read(respath, &buf, NULL, &len)) { RARCH_LOG("video_layout: failed to decompress image: %s\n", respath); return 0; } if (!image_texture_load_buffer(&image, image_texture_get_type(path), buf, (size_t)len)) { free(buf); RARCH_LOG("video_layout: failed to load image: %s\n", respath); return 0; } free(buf); } else { char respath[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; strlcpy(respath, video_layout_state->base_path, sizeof(respath)); strlcat(respath, path, sizeof(respath)); if (!image_texture_load(&image, respath)) { RARCH_LOG("video_layout: failed to load image: %s\n", respath); return 0; } } handle = video_layout_state->render->take_image( video_layout_state->render_info.video_driver_data, image); if (!handle) return 0; index = video_layout_state->images_count; vec_size((void**)&video_layout_state->images, sizeof(void*), ++video_layout_state->images_count); video_layout_state->images[index] = handle; return index; } int video_layout_view_count(void) { return video_layout_state->view_array.views_count; } const char *video_layout_view_name(int index) { return video_layout_state->view_array.views[index].name; } int video_layout_view_select(int index) { index = MAX(0, MIN(index, video_layout_state->view_array.views_count - 1)); video_layout_state->view_index = index; video_layout_state->view = video_layout_state->view_array.views_count ? &video_layout_state->view_array.views[index] : NULL; video_layout_view_change(); return index; } int video_layout_view_cycle(void) { return video_layout_view_select( (video_layout_state->view_index + 1) % video_layout_state->view_array.views_count); } int video_layout_view_index(void) { return video_layout_state->view_index; } void video_layout_view_change(void) { video_layout_state->view_changed = true; } bool video_layout_view_on_change(void) { if (video_layout_state->view_changed) { video_layout_state->view_changed = false; return true; } return false; } void video_layout_view_fit_bounds(video_layout_bounds_t bounds) { unsigned i, j, k; view_t *view = video_layout_state->view; float c = MIN(bounds.w / view->bounds.w, bounds.h / view->bounds.h); float dx = view->bounds.w * c; float dy = view->bounds.h * c; view->render_bounds.w = dx; view->render_bounds.h = dy; view->render_bounds.x = (bounds.w - dx) / 2.f; view->render_bounds.y = (bounds.h - dy) / 2.f; for (i = 0; i < view->layers_count; ++i) { layer_t *layer = &view->layers[i]; for (j = 0; j < layer->elements_count; ++j) { element_t *elem = &layer->elements[j]; elem->render_bounds.x = elem->bounds.x * view->render_bounds.w + view->render_bounds.x; elem->render_bounds.y = elem->bounds.y * view->render_bounds.h + view->render_bounds.y; elem->render_bounds.w = elem->bounds.w * view->render_bounds.w; elem->render_bounds.h = elem->bounds.h * view->render_bounds.h; for (k = 0; k < elem->components_count; ++k) { component_t *comp = &elem->components[k]; comp->render_bounds.x = comp->bounds.x * elem->render_bounds.w + elem->render_bounds.x; comp->render_bounds.y = comp->bounds.y * elem->render_bounds.h + elem->render_bounds.y; comp->render_bounds.w = comp->bounds.w * elem->render_bounds.w; comp->render_bounds.h = comp->bounds.h * elem->render_bounds.h; if (comp->type == VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_SCREEN) view->screens[comp->attr.screen.index] = comp->render_bounds; } } } } int video_layout_layer_count(void) { return video_layout_state->view->layers_count; } void video_layout_layer_render(int index) { unsigned i, j; video_layout_render_info_t *info = &video_layout_state->render_info; const video_layout_render_interface_t *r = video_layout_state->render; layer_t *layer = &video_layout_state->view->layers[index]; r->layer_begin(info); for (i = 0; i < layer->elements_count; ++i) { element_t *elem = &layer->elements[i]; if (elem->o_bind != -1) elem->state = video_layout_state->io[elem->o_bind].value; for (j = 0; j < elem->components_count; ++j) { component_t *comp = &elem->components[j]; if (comp->enabled_state != -1) { if (comp->enabled_state != elem->state) continue; } info->bounds = comp->render_bounds; info->orientation = comp->orientation; info->color = comp->color; switch (comp->type) { case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_UNKNOWN: break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_SCREEN: r->screen(info, comp->attr.screen.index); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_RECT: r->rect(info); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_DISK: r->ellipse(info); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_IMAGE: if (!comp->attr.image.loaded) { comp->attr.image.image_idx = video_layout_load_image(comp->attr.image.file); if (comp->attr.image.alpha_file) comp->attr.image.alpha_idx = video_layout_load_image(comp->attr.image.alpha_file); comp->attr.image.loaded = true; } r->image(info, video_layout_state->images[comp->attr.image.image_idx], video_layout_state->images[comp->attr.image.alpha_idx]); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_TEXT: r->text(info, comp->attr.text.string); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_COUNTER: r->counter(info, MIN(elem->state, comp->attr.counter.max_state)); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_DOTMATRIX_X1: r->led_dot(info, 1, elem->state); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_DOTMATRIX_H5: r->led_dot(info, 5, elem->state); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_DOTMATRIX_H8: r->led_dot(info, 8, elem->state); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_LED_7: r->led_seg(info, VIDEO_LAYOUT_LED_7, elem->state); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_LED_8_GTS1: r->led_seg(info, VIDEO_LAYOUT_LED_8_GTS1, elem->state); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_LED_14: r->led_seg(info, VIDEO_LAYOUT_LED_14, elem->state); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_LED_14_SC: r->led_seg(info, VIDEO_LAYOUT_LED_14_SC, elem->state); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_LED_16: r->led_seg(info, VIDEO_LAYOUT_LED_16, elem->state); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_LED_16_SC: r->led_seg(info, VIDEO_LAYOUT_LED_16_SC, elem->state); break; case VIDEO_LAYOUT_C_REEL: /* not implemented */ break; } } } r->layer_end(info, layer->blend); } const video_layout_bounds_t *video_layout_screen(int index) { return &video_layout_state->view->screens[index]; } int video_layout_screen_count(void) { return video_layout_state->view->screens_count; }