#include #include #include #include struct nbio_t { HANDLE file; bool is_write; size_t len; void* ptr; }; #define FILE_SHARE_ALL (FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE) struct nbio_t* nbio_open(const char * filename, unsigned mode) { static const DWORD dispositions[] = { OPEN_EXISTING, CREATE_ALWAYS, OPEN_ALWAYS, OPEN_EXISTING, CREATE_ALWAYS }; HANDLE mem; LARGE_INTEGER len; struct nbio_t* handle = NULL; void* ptr = NULL; bool is_write = (mode == NBIO_WRITE || mode == NBIO_UPDATE || mode == BIO_WRITE); DWORD access = (is_write ? GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE : GENERIC_READ); HANDLE file = CreateFile(filename, access, FILE_SHARE_ALL, NULL, dispositions[mode], FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return NULL; GetFileSizeEx(file, &len); mem = CreateFileMapping(file, NULL, is_write ? PAGE_READWRITE : PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); ptr = MapViewOfFile(mem, is_write ? (FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE) : FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, len.QuadPart); CloseHandle(mem); handle = malloc(sizeof(struct nbio_t)); handle->file = file; handle->is_write = is_write; handle->len = len.QuadPart; handle->ptr = ptr; return handle; } void nbio_begin_read(struct nbio_t* handle) { /* not needed */ } void nbio_begin_write(struct nbio_t* handle) { /* not needed */ } bool nbio_iterate(struct nbio_t* handle) { return true; /* not needed */ } void nbio_resize(struct nbio_t* handle, size_t len) { LARGE_INTEGER len_li; HANDLE mem; if (len < handle->len) { /* this works perfectly fine if this check is removed, * but it won't work on other nbio implementations */ /* therefore, it's blocked so nobody accidentally * relies on it. */ puts("ERROR - attempted file shrink operation, not implemented"); abort(); } len_li.QuadPart = len; SetFilePointerEx(handle->file, len_li, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); if (!SetEndOfFile(handle->file)) { puts("ERROR - couldn't resize file (SetEndOfFile)"); abort(); /* this one returns void and I can't find any other way for it to report failure */ } handle->len = len; UnmapViewOfFile(handle->ptr); mem = CreateFileMapping(handle->file, NULL, handle->is_write ? PAGE_READWRITE : PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); handle->ptr = MapViewOfFile(mem, handle->is_write ? (FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE) : FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, len); CloseHandle(mem); if (!handle->ptr) { puts("ERROR - couldn't resize file (MapViewOfFile)"); abort(); } } void* nbio_get_ptr(struct nbio_t* handle, size_t* len) { if (!handle) return NULL; if (len) *len = handle->len; return handle->ptr; } void nbio_cancel(struct nbio_t* handle) { /* not needed */ } void nbio_free(struct nbio_t* handle) { if (!handle) return; CloseHandle(handle->file); UnmapViewOfFile(handle->ptr); free(handle); }