#include #include "menu_driver.h" #include "menu_cbs.h" #include "../retroarch.h" #include "../configuration.h" #include "../playlist.h" #include "../libretro-db/libretrodb.h" #include #include // Stretchy buffers, invented (?) by Sean Barrett #define ex_buf__hdr(b) (((struct ex_buf_hdr *)(b))-1) #define ex_buf_len(b) ((b) ? ex_buf__hdr(b)->len : 0) #define ex_buf_cap(b) ((b) ? ex_buf__hdr(b)->cap : 0) #define ex_buf_end(b) ((b) + ex_buf_len(b)) #define ex_buf_sizeof(b) ((b) ? ex_buf_len(b)*sizeof(*b) : 0) #define ex_buf_free(b) ((b) ? (free(ex_buf__hdr(b)), (b) = NULL) : 0) #define ex_buf_fit(b, n) ((size_t)(n) <= ex_buf_cap(b) ? 0 : (*(void**)(&(b)) = ex_buf__grow((b), (n), sizeof(*(b))))) #define ex_buf_push(b, ...) (ex_buf_fit((b), 1 + ex_buf_len(b)), (b)[ex_buf__hdr(b)->len++] = __VA_ARGS__) #define ex_buf_pop(b) (b)[--ex_buf__hdr(b)->len] #define ex_buf_resize(b, sz) (ex_buf_fit((b), (sz)), ((b) ? ex_buf__hdr(b)->len = (sz) : 0)) #define ex_buf_clear(b) ((b) ? ex_buf__hdr(b)->len = 0 : 0) struct ex_buf_hdr { size_t len, cap; }; static void *ex_buf__grow(const void *buf, size_t new_len, size_t elem_size) { size_t new_cap = MAX(2 * ex_buf_cap(buf), MAX(new_len, 16)); size_t new_size = sizeof(struct ex_buf_hdr) + new_cap*elem_size; struct ex_buf_hdr *new_hdr; if (buf) new_hdr = (struct ex_buf_hdr *)realloc(ex_buf__hdr(buf), new_size); else (new_hdr = (struct ex_buf_hdr *)malloc(new_size))->len = 0; new_hdr->cap = new_cap; return new_hdr + 1; } // Arena allocator typedef struct ex_arena { char *ptr, *end, **blocks; } ex_arena; #define EX_ARENA_ALIGNMENT 8 #define EX_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE (64 * 1024) #define EX_ARENA_ALIGN_UP(n, a) (((n) + (a) - 1) & ~((a) - 1)) static void ex_arena_grow(ex_arena *arena, size_t min_size) { size_t size = EX_ARENA_ALIGN_UP(MAX(min_size, EX_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE), EX_ARENA_ALIGNMENT); arena->ptr = (char *)malloc(size); arena->end = arena->ptr + size; ex_buf_push(arena->blocks, arena->ptr); } static void *ex_arena_alloc(ex_arena *arena, size_t size) { if (size > (size_t)(arena->end - arena->ptr)) ex_arena_grow(arena, size); void *ptr = arena->ptr; arena->ptr = (char *)EX_ARENA_ALIGN_UP((uintptr_t)(arena->ptr + size), EX_ARENA_ALIGNMENT); return ptr; } static void ex_arena_free(ex_arena *arena) { for (char **it = arena->blocks; it != ex_buf_end(arena->blocks); it++) free(*it); ex_buf_free(arena->blocks); arena->ptr = arena->end = NULL; arena->blocks = NULL; } //Hash function static uint32_t ex_hash32(const char* str) { uint32_t hash = (uint32_t)0x811c9dc5; for (unsigned char c; (c = *(str++)) != '\0';) hash = ((hash * (uint32_t)0x01000193) ^ (uint32_t)c); return (hash ? hash : 1); } static uint32_t ex_hash32_nocase_filtered(const unsigned char* str, size_t len, unsigned char f_first, unsigned char f_last) { uint32_t hash = (uint32_t)0x811c9dc5; for (const unsigned char *end = str + len; str != end;) { unsigned char c = *(str++); if (c >= f_first && c <= f_last) hash = ((hash * (uint32_t)0x01000193) ^ (uint32_t)((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? (c | 0x20) : c)); } return (hash ? hash : 1); } //Hashmap typedef struct ex_hashmap32 { uint32_t len, cap, *keys; uintptr_t* vals; } ex_hashmap32; static void ex_hashmap32__grow(ex_hashmap32* map, uint32_t new_cap) { uint32_t oldCap = map->cap, *oldKeys = map->keys; uintptr_t *oldVals = map->vals; map->cap = (new_cap < 16 ? 16 : new_cap); map->keys = (uint32_t *)calloc(map->cap, sizeof(uint32_t)); map->vals = (uintptr_t *)malloc(map->cap * sizeof(uintptr_t)); for (size_t i = 0; i < oldCap; i++) { if (!oldKeys[i]) continue; for (uint32_t key = oldKeys[i], j = key;; j++) { if (!map->keys[j &= map->cap - 1]) { map->keys[j] = key; map->vals[j] = oldVals[i]; break; } } } free(oldKeys); free(oldVals); } static void ex_hashmap32_free(ex_hashmap32* map) { free(map->keys); free(map->vals); } static uintptr_t ex_hashmap32_getnum(ex_hashmap32* map, uint32_t key) { if (map->len == 0 || !key) return 0; for (uint32_t i = key;; i++) { if (map->keys[i &= map->cap - 1] == key) return map->vals[i]; if (!map->keys[i]) return 0; } } static void ex_hashmap32_setnum(ex_hashmap32* map, uint32_t key, uintptr_t val) { if (!key) return; if (2 * map->len >= map->cap) ex_hashmap32__grow(map, 2 * map->cap); for (uint32_t i = key;; i++) { if (!map->keys[i &= map->cap - 1]) { map->len++; map->keys[i] = key; map->vals[i] = val; return; } if (map->keys[i] == key) { map->vals[i] = val; return; } } } static INLINE void* ex_hashmap32_getptr (ex_hashmap32* map, uint32_t key) { return (void*)ex_hashmap32_getnum(map, key); } static INLINE void ex_hashmap32_setptr (ex_hashmap32* map, uint32_t key, void* ptr) { ex_hashmap32_setnum(map, key, (uintptr_t)ptr); } static INLINE void* ex_hashmap32_strgetptr(ex_hashmap32* map, const char* str) { return (void*)ex_hashmap32_getnum(map, ex_hash32(str)); } static INLINE void ex_hashmap32_strsetptr(ex_hashmap32* map, const char* str, void* ptr) { ex_hashmap32_setnum(map, ex_hash32(str), (uintptr_t)ptr); } static INLINE uintptr_t ex_hashmap32_strgetnum(ex_hashmap32* map, const char* str) { return ex_hashmap32_getnum(map, ex_hash32(str)); } static INLINE void ex_hashmap32_strsetnum(ex_hashmap32* map, const char* str, uintptr_t num) { ex_hashmap32_setnum(map, ex_hash32(str), num); } // Explore enum { EXPLORE_BY_DEVELOPER, EXPLORE_BY_PUBLISHER, EXPLORE_BY_RELEASEYEAR, EXPLORE_BY_PLAYERCOUNT, EXPLORE_BY_GENRE, EXPLORE_BY_ORIGIN, EXPLORE_BY_REGION, EXPLORE_BY_FRANCHISE, EXPLORE_BY_TAGS, EXPLORE_BY_SYSTEM, EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT, EXPLORE_TYPE_ADDITIONALFILTER = FILE_TYPE_RDB, //database icon EXPLORE_TYPE_FILTERNULL = MENU_SETTINGS_LAST, EXPLORE_TYPE_SEARCH, EXPLORE_TYPE_SHOWALL, EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTCATEGORY, EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTITEM = EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTCATEGORY + EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT, }; static const struct { const char *name, *rdbkey; bool use_split, is_company, is_numeric; } explore_by_info[EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT] = { { "Developer", "developer", true, true, false }, { "Publisher", "publisher", true, true, false }, { "Release Year", "releaseyear", false, false, true }, { "Player Count", "users", false, false, true }, { "Genre", "genre", true, false, false }, { "Origin", "origin", false, false, false }, { "Region", "region", false, false, false }, { "Franchise", "franchise", false, false, false }, { "Tags", "tags", true, false, false }, { "System", "system", false, false, false }, }; typedef struct { uint32_t idx; char str[1]; } explore_string_t; typedef struct { const struct playlist_entry* playlist_entry; explore_string_t *by[EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT]; explore_string_t **split; char* original_title; } explore_entry_t; typedef struct { ex_arena arena; explore_string_t **by[EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT]; bool has_unknown[EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT]; explore_entry_t* entries; playlist_t **playlists; const char* label_explore_item_str; char title[1024]; char find_string[1024]; unsigned top_depth; } explore_state_t; static explore_state_t* explore_state; static int explore_qsort_func_strings(const void *a_, const void *b_) { const explore_string_t **a = (const explore_string_t**)a_; const explore_string_t **b = (const explore_string_t**)b_; if ((*a)->str[0] != (*b)->str[0]) return (unsigned char)(*a)->str[0] - (unsigned char)(*b)->str[0]; return strcasecmp((*a)->str, (*b)->str); } static int explore_qsort_func_entries(const void *a_, const void *b_) { const explore_entry_t *a = (const explore_entry_t*)a_; const explore_entry_t *b = (const explore_entry_t*)b_; if (a->playlist_entry->label[0] != b->playlist_entry->label[0]) return (unsigned char)a->playlist_entry->label[0] - (unsigned char)b->playlist_entry->label[0]; return strcasecmp(a->playlist_entry->label, b->playlist_entry->label); } static int explore_qsort_func_menulist(const void *a_, const void *b_) { const struct item_file *a = (const struct item_file*)a_; const struct item_file *b = (const struct item_file*)b_; if (a->path[0] != b->path[0]) return (unsigned char)a->path[0] - (unsigned char)b->path[0]; return strcasecmp(a->path, b->path); } static int explore_check_company_suffix(const char* p, bool search_reverse) { if (search_reverse) { p -= (p[-1] == '.' ? 4 : 3); if (p[-1] != ' ') return 0; } if (tolower(p[0]) == 'i' && tolower(p[1]) == 'n' && tolower(p[2]) == 'c') return (p[3] == '.' ? 4 : 3); //, Inc if (tolower(p[0]) == 'l' && tolower(p[1] )== 't' && tolower(p[2]) == 'd') return (p[3] == '.' ? 4 : 3); //, Ltd if (tolower(p[0]) == 't' && tolower(p[1] )== 'h' && tolower(p[2]) == 'e') return (p[3] == '.' ? 4 : 3); //, The return 0; } static void explore_add_unique_string(ex_hashmap32 *maps, explore_entry_t *e, unsigned cat, const char *str, explore_string_t ***split_buf) { if (!str || !*str) { explore_state->has_unknown[cat] = true; return; } if (!explore_by_info[cat].use_split) split_buf = NULL; bool is_company = explore_by_info[cat].is_company; for (const char *p = str + 1, *p_next;; p++) { if (*p != '/' && *p != ',' && *p != '|' && *p != '\0') continue; if (!split_buf && *p != '\0') continue; p_next = p; while (*str == ' ') str++; while (p[-1] == ' ') p--; if (p == str) { if (*p == '\0') return; continue; } if (is_company && p - str > 5) { p -= explore_check_company_suffix(p, true); while (p[-1] == ' ') p--; } size_t len = p - str; uint32_t hash = ex_hash32_nocase_filtered((unsigned char*)str, len, '0', 255); explore_string_t* entry = (explore_string_t*)ex_hashmap32_getptr(&maps[cat], hash); if (!entry) { entry = (explore_string_t*)ex_arena_alloc(&explore_state->arena, sizeof(explore_string_t) + len); memcpy(entry->str, str, len); entry->str[len] = '\0'; ex_buf_push(explore_state->by[cat], entry); ex_hashmap32_setptr(&maps[cat], hash, entry); } if (!e->by[cat]) e->by[cat] = entry; else ex_buf_push(*split_buf, entry); if (*p_next == '\0') return; if (is_company && *p_next == ',') { p = p_next + 1; while (*p == ' ') p++; p += explore_check_company_suffix(p, false); while (*p == ' ') p++; if (*p == '\0') return; if (*p == '/' || *p == ',' || *p == '|') p_next = p; } p = p_next; str = p + 1; } } static void explore_free() { for (int i = 0; i != EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT; i++) ex_buf_free(explore_state->by[i]); ex_buf_free(explore_state->entries); for (size_t i = 0; i != ex_buf_len(explore_state->playlists); i++) playlist_free(explore_state->playlists[i]); ex_buf_free(explore_state->playlists); ex_arena_free(&explore_state->arena); free(explore_state); explore_state = NULL; } static void explore_build_list() { char tmp[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; if (explore_state) explore_free(); explore_state = calloc(1, sizeof(explore_state_t)); explore_state->label_explore_item_str = msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_EXPLORE_ITEM); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); const char *directory_playlist = settings->paths.directory_playlist; const char *directory_database = settings->paths.path_content_database; ex_hashmap32 rdb_indices = {0}; struct explore_rdb { libretrodb_t *handle; ex_hashmap32 playlist_entries; } *rdbs = NULL; // Index all playlists for (libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *dir = retro_vfs_opendir_impl(directory_playlist, false); dir;) { if (!retro_vfs_readdir_impl(dir)) { retro_vfs_closedir_impl(dir); break; } playlist_config_t playlist_config = {0}; const char* fname = retro_vfs_dirent_get_name_impl(dir), *fext = (fname ? strrchr(fname, '.') : NULL); if (!fext || strcasecmp(fext, ".lpl")) continue; fill_pathname_join(playlist_config.path, directory_playlist, fname, sizeof(playlist_config.path)); playlist_config.capacity = COLLECTION_SIZE; playlist_t *playlist = playlist_init(&playlist_config); size_t used_entries = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < playlist_size(playlist); j++) { const struct playlist_entry *entry = NULL; playlist_get_index(playlist, j, &entry); // Maybe remove this to also include playlist entries with no crc/db/label (build label from file name) if (!entry->crc32 || !*entry->crc32 || !entry->db_name || !*entry->db_name || !entry->label || !*entry->label) continue; uintptr_t rdb_num = ex_hashmap32_strgetnum(&rdb_indices, entry->db_name); if (!rdb_num) { struct explore_rdb rdb = { libretrodb_new() }; fill_pathname_join_noext(tmp, directory_database, entry->db_name, sizeof(tmp)); strlcat(tmp, ".rdb", sizeof(tmp)); if (libretrodb_open(tmp, rdb.handle) != 0) { // invalid rdb file libretrodb_free(rdb.handle); ex_hashmap32_strsetnum(&rdb_indices, entry->db_name, (uintptr_t)-1); continue; } ex_buf_push(rdbs, rdb); rdb_num = (uintptr_t)ex_buf_len(rdbs); ex_hashmap32_strsetnum(&rdb_indices, entry->db_name, rdb_num); } if (rdb_num == (uintptr_t)-1) continue; struct explore_rdb* rdb = &rdbs[rdb_num - 1]; uint32_t entry_crc32 = (uint32_t)strtoul(entry->crc32, NULL, 16); ex_hashmap32_setptr(&rdb->playlist_entries, entry_crc32, (void*)entry); used_entries++; } if (used_entries) ex_buf_push(explore_state->playlists, playlist); else playlist_free(playlist); } ex_hashmap32 map_cores = {0}; core_info_list_t *core_list = NULL; if (core_info_get_list(&core_list) && core_list) for (size_t i = 0; i != core_list->count; i++) ex_hashmap32_strsetptr(&map_cores, core_list->list[i].display_name, &core_list->list[i]); // Loop through all RDBs referenced in the playlists and load meta data strings explore_string_t **split_buf = NULL; ex_hashmap32 cat_maps[EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT] = {{0}}; for (size_t i = 0; i != ex_buf_len(rdbs); i++) { struct explore_rdb* rdb = &rdbs[i]; struct rmsgpack_dom_value item; libretrodb_cursor_t *cur = libretrodb_cursor_new(); bool more = (libretrodb_cursor_open(rdb->handle, cur, NULL) == 0 && libretrodb_cursor_read_item(cur, &item) == 0); for (; more; more = (rmsgpack_dom_value_free(&item), libretrodb_cursor_read_item(cur, &item) == 0)) { uint32_t crc32; char numeric_buf[EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT][16]; char* fields[EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT] = {NULL}; char* original_title = NULL; bool found_crc32 = false; core_info_t* core_info = NULL; if (item.type != RDT_MAP) continue; for (unsigned i = 0; i < item.val.map.len; i++) { struct rmsgpack_dom_value *key = &item.val.map.items[i].key; struct rmsgpack_dom_value *val = &item.val.map.items[i].value; if (!key || !val || key->type != RDT_STRING) continue; const char* key_str = key->val.string.buff; if (string_is_equal(key_str, "crc")) { crc32 = swap_if_little32(*(uint32_t*)val->val.binary.buff); found_crc32 = true; continue; } if (string_is_equal(key_str, "original_title")) { original_title = val->val.string.buff; continue; } for (unsigned cat = 0; cat != EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT; cat++) { if (!string_is_equal(key_str, explore_by_info[cat].rdbkey)) continue; if (explore_by_info[cat].is_numeric) { if (!val->val.int_) break; snprintf(numeric_buf[cat], sizeof(numeric_buf[cat]), "%d", (int)val->val.int_); fields[cat] = numeric_buf[cat]; break; } if (val->type != RDT_STRING) break; fields[cat] = val->val.string.buff; break; } } if (!found_crc32) continue; const struct playlist_entry *entry = (const struct playlist_entry *)ex_hashmap32_getptr(&rdb->playlist_entries, crc32); if (!entry) continue; explore_entry_t e = {entry}; for (unsigned cat = 0; cat != EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT; cat++) explore_add_unique_string(cat_maps, &e, cat, fields[cat], &split_buf); if (!string_is_empty(entry->core_name)) core_info = (core_info_t*)ex_hashmap32_strgetptr(&map_cores, entry->core_name); explore_add_unique_string(cat_maps, &e, EXPLORE_BY_SYSTEM, (core_info ? core_info->systemname : NULL), NULL); if (original_title && *original_title) { size_t len = strlen(original_title) + 1; e.original_title = (char*)ex_arena_alloc(&explore_state->arena, len); memcpy(e.original_title, original_title, len); } if (ex_buf_len(split_buf)) { ex_buf_push(split_buf, NULL); //terminator size_t len = ex_buf_sizeof(split_buf); e.split = (explore_string_t **)ex_arena_alloc(&explore_state->arena, len); memcpy(e.split, split_buf, len); ex_buf_clear(split_buf); } ex_buf_push(explore_state->entries, e); } libretrodb_cursor_close(cur); libretrodb_cursor_free(cur); libretrodb_close(rdb->handle); libretrodb_free(rdb->handle); ex_hashmap32_free(&rdb->playlist_entries); } ex_buf_free(split_buf); ex_hashmap32_free(&map_cores); ex_hashmap32_free(&rdb_indices); ex_buf_free(rdbs); for (int i = 0; i != EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT; i++) { size_t len = ex_buf_len(explore_state->by[i]); qsort(explore_state->by[i], len, sizeof(*explore_state->by[i]), explore_qsort_func_strings); for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx != len; idx++) explore_state->by[i][idx]->idx = idx; ex_hashmap32_free(&cat_maps[i]); } qsort(explore_state->entries, ex_buf_len(explore_state->entries), sizeof(*explore_state->entries), explore_qsort_func_entries); } static int explore_action_get_title(const char *path, const char *label, unsigned menu_type, char *s, size_t len) { snprintf(s, len, "%s", explore_state->title); return 0; } static void explore_append_title(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list ap; size_t len = strlen(explore_state->title); va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(explore_state->title + len, sizeof(explore_state->title) - len, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } static int explore_action_sublabel_spacer(file_list_t *list, unsigned type, unsigned i, const char *label, const char *path, char *s, size_t len) { strlcpy(s, " ", len); return 1; // 1 means it'll never change and can be cached } static int explore_action_ok(const char *path, const char *label, unsigned type, size_t idx, size_t entry_idx) { const char* explore_tab = msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_EXPLORE_TAB); filebrowser_clear_type(); return generic_action_ok_displaylist_push(explore_tab, NULL, explore_tab, type, idx, entry_idx, ACTION_OK_DL_PUSH_DEFAULT); } static menu_file_list_cbs_t* explore_menu_entry(file_list_t *list, const char *path, unsigned type) { menu_entries_append_enum(list, path, explore_state->label_explore_item_str, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_EXPLORE_ITEM, type, 0, 0); menu_file_list_cbs_t* cbs = ((menu_file_list_cbs_t*)list->list[list->size-1].actiondata); cbs->action_ok = explore_action_ok; return cbs; } static void explore_menu_add_spacer(file_list_t *list) { if (!list->size) return; ((menu_file_list_cbs_t*)list->list[list->size-1].actiondata)->action_sublabel = explore_action_sublabel_spacer; } static void explore_action_find_complete(void *userdata, const char *line) { menu_input_dialog_end(); if (line && *line) { strlcpy(explore_state->find_string, line, sizeof(explore_state->find_string)); explore_action_ok(NULL, NULL, EXPLORE_TYPE_SEARCH, 0, 0); } } static int explore_action_ok_find(const char *path, const char *label, unsigned type, size_t idx, size_t entry_idx) { menu_input_ctx_line_t line = {0}; line.label = "Search Text"; line.cb = explore_action_find_complete; menu_input_dialog_start(&line); return 0; } unsigned menu_displaylist_explore(file_list_t *list) { char tmp[512]; file_list_t *menu_stack = menu_entries_get_menu_stack_ptr(0); if (!explore_state) { explore_build_list(); explore_state->top_depth = (unsigned)menu_stack->size - 1; } if (menu_stack->size > 1) { struct item_file *stack = &menu_stack->list[menu_stack->size - 1]; menu_file_list_cbs_t* cbs = ((menu_file_list_cbs_t*)stack->actiondata); cbs->action_get_title = explore_action_get_title; } struct item_file *stack_top = menu_stack->list + explore_state->top_depth; unsigned depth = (unsigned)menu_stack->size - 1 - explore_state->top_depth; unsigned current_type = stack_top[depth].type; unsigned current_cat = current_type - EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTCATEGORY; unsigned previous_cat = stack_top[depth ? depth - 1 : 0].type - EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTCATEGORY; if (depth) { ((menu_file_list_cbs_t*)stack_top[depth].actiondata)->action_get_title = explore_action_get_title; bool clear_find_text = (current_type != EXPLORE_TYPE_SEARCH); explore_state->title[0] = '\0'; for (unsigned i = 1, levels = 0; i < depth; i++) { unsigned by_category = (stack_top[i].type - EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTCATEGORY); if (stack_top[i].type == EXPLORE_TYPE_SEARCH) clear_find_text = false; if (by_category >= EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT) continue; unsigned by_selected_type = stack_top[i + 1].type; const char* name = explore_by_info[by_category].name; explore_string_t **entries = explore_state->by[by_category]; explore_append_title("%s%s: %s", (levels++ ? " / " : ""), name, (by_selected_type != EXPLORE_TYPE_FILTERNULL ? entries[by_selected_type - EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTITEM]->str : "Unknown")); } if (clear_find_text) explore_state->find_string[0] = '\0'; if (*explore_state->find_string) explore_append_title(" '%s'", explore_state->find_string); } void playlist_set_cached(playlist_t* pl); playlist_set_cached(NULL); if (current_type == MENU_EXPLORE_TAB || current_type == EXPLORE_TYPE_ADDITIONALFILTER) { // Explore top or selecting an additional filter bool is_top = (current_type == MENU_EXPLORE_TAB); if (is_top) strlcpy(explore_state->title, "Explore", sizeof(explore_state->title)); else explore_append_title(" - Additional Filter"); if (is_top || !*explore_state->find_string) { explore_menu_entry(list, "Search Name ...", EXPLORE_TYPE_SEARCH)->action_ok = explore_action_ok_find; explore_menu_add_spacer(list); } for (unsigned cat = 0; cat < EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT; cat++) { const char* name = explore_by_info[cat].name; explore_string_t **entries = explore_state->by[cat]; if (!ex_buf_len(entries)) continue; for (unsigned i = 1; i < depth; i++) if (stack_top[i].type == cat + EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTCATEGORY) goto SKIP_EXPLORE_BY_CATEGORY; if (!is_top) snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "By %s", name); else if (explore_by_info[cat].is_numeric) snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "By %s (%s - %s)", name, entries[0]->str, entries[ex_buf_len(entries) - 1]->str); else snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "By %s (%u entries)", name, (unsigned)ex_buf_len(entries)); explore_menu_entry(list, tmp, cat + EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTCATEGORY); SKIP_EXPLORE_BY_CATEGORY:; } if (is_top) { explore_menu_add_spacer(list); explore_menu_entry(list, "Show All", EXPLORE_TYPE_SHOWALL); } } else if (depth == 1 && current_type != EXPLORE_TYPE_SEARCH && current_type != EXPLORE_TYPE_SHOWALL) { // List all items in a selected explore by category explore_string_t **entries = explore_state->by[current_cat]; for (int i = 0, i_last = ex_buf_len(entries) - 1; i <= i_last; i++) explore_menu_entry(list, entries[i]->str, EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTITEM + i); if (explore_state->has_unknown[current_cat]) { explore_menu_add_spacer(list); explore_menu_entry(list, "Unknown", EXPLORE_TYPE_FILTERNULL); } explore_append_title("Select %s", explore_by_info[current_cat].name); } else if (previous_cat < EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT || current_type < EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTITEM) { unsigned levels = 0; unsigned cats[10]; explore_string_t* filter[10]; bool use_split[10]; bool use_find = (*explore_state->find_string != '\0'); bool is_show_all = (depth == 1 && !use_find); bool is_filtered_category = (current_cat < EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT); bool filtered_category_have_unknown = false; if (is_filtered_category) { // List filtered items in a selected explore by category explore_append_title(" - Select %s", explore_by_info[current_cat].name); } else { // Game list if (is_show_all) { explore_append_title("All"); explore_menu_entry(list, "Search Name ...", EXPLORE_TYPE_SEARCH)->action_ok = explore_action_ok_find; } else explore_menu_entry(list, "Add Additional Filter", EXPLORE_TYPE_ADDITIONALFILTER); explore_menu_add_spacer(list); } for (unsigned i = 1; i < depth; i++) { unsigned by_category = (stack_top[i].type - EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTCATEGORY); if (by_category >= EXPLORE_CAT_COUNT) continue; unsigned by_selected_type = stack_top[i + 1].type; explore_string_t **entries = explore_state->by[by_category]; cats [levels] = by_category; use_split[levels] = explore_by_info[by_category].use_split; filter [levels] = (by_selected_type == EXPLORE_TYPE_FILTERNULL ? NULL : entries[by_selected_type - EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTITEM]); levels++; } ex_hashmap32 map_filtered_category = {0}; for (explore_entry_t *e = explore_state->entries, *e_end = ex_buf_end(explore_state->entries); e != e_end; e++) { for (unsigned lvl = 0; lvl != levels; lvl++) { if (filter[lvl] == e->by[cats[lvl]]) continue; if (use_split[lvl] && e->split) { explore_string_t** split = e->split; do { if (*split == filter[lvl]) break; } while (*(++split)); if (*split) continue; } goto SKIP_ENTRY; } if (use_find && !strcasestr(e->playlist_entry->label, explore_state->find_string)) goto SKIP_ENTRY; if (is_filtered_category) { explore_string_t* str = e->by[current_cat]; if (!str) { filtered_category_have_unknown = true; continue; } if (ex_hashmap32_getnum(&map_filtered_category, str->idx + 1)) continue; ex_hashmap32_setnum(&map_filtered_category, str->idx + 1, 1); explore_menu_entry(list, str->str, EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTITEM + str->idx); } else { explore_menu_entry(list, (e->original_title ? e->original_title : e->playlist_entry->label), EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTITEM + (e - explore_state->entries)); } SKIP_ENTRY:; } if (is_filtered_category) qsort(list->list, list->size, sizeof(*list->list), explore_qsort_func_menulist); if (is_filtered_category && filtered_category_have_unknown) { explore_menu_add_spacer(list); explore_menu_entry(list, "Unknown", EXPLORE_TYPE_FILTERNULL); } explore_append_title(" (%u)", (unsigned) (list->size - 1)); } else { // Content page of selected game const struct playlist_entry *pl_entry = explore_state->entries[current_type - EXPLORE_TYPE_FIRSTITEM].playlist_entry; snprintf(explore_state->title, sizeof(explore_state->title), "%s", pl_entry->label); for (int pl_idx = 0; pl_idx != ex_buf_len(explore_state->playlists); pl_idx++) { playlist_t* pl = explore_state->playlists[pl_idx]; const struct playlist_entry* pl_first; playlist_get_index(pl, 0, &pl_first); if (pl_entry < pl_first || pl_entry >= pl_first + playlist_size(pl)) continue; // Fake all the state so the content screen and information screen think we're viewing via playlist playlist_set_cached(pl); menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); menu->rpl_entry_selection_ptr = (pl_entry - pl_first); strlcpy(menu->deferred_path, pl_entry->path, sizeof(menu->deferred_path)); menu_displaylist_info_t info = {0}; info.list = list; menu_displaylist_ctl(DISPLAYLIST_HORIZONTAL_CONTENT_ACTIONS, &info); break; } } return list->size; }