/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 - Jean-André Santoni * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 - Andre Leiradella * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 - natinusala * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include "../gfx_widgets.h" #include "../gfx_animation.h" #include "../gfx_display.h" #include "../../retroarch.h" struct gfx_widget_generic_message_state { gfx_timer_t timer; float alpha; char message[256]; }; typedef struct gfx_widget_generic_message_state gfx_widget_generic_message_state_t; static gfx_widget_generic_message_state_t p_w_generic_message_st = { 0.0f, 0.0f, {'\0'} }; static gfx_widget_generic_message_state_t* gfx_widget_generic_message_get_ptr() { return &p_w_generic_message_st; } static void gfx_widget_generic_message_fadeout(void *userdata) { gfx_widget_generic_message_state_t* state = gfx_widget_generic_message_get_ptr(); gfx_animation_ctx_entry_t entry; gfx_animation_ctx_tag tag = (uintptr_t) &state->timer; /* Start fade out animation */ entry.cb = NULL; entry.duration = MSG_QUEUE_ANIMATION_DURATION; entry.easing_enum = EASING_OUT_QUAD; entry.subject = &state->alpha; entry.tag = tag; entry.target_value = 0.0f; entry.userdata = NULL; gfx_animation_push(&entry); } void gfx_widget_set_message(char *msg) { gfx_widget_generic_message_state_t* state = gfx_widget_generic_message_get_ptr(); gfx_timer_ctx_entry_t timer; gfx_animation_ctx_tag tag = (uintptr_t) &state->timer; if (!gfx_widgets_active()) return; strlcpy(state->message, msg, sizeof(state->message)); state->alpha = DEFAULT_BACKDROP; /* Kill and restart the timer / animation */ gfx_timer_kill(&state->timer); gfx_animation_kill_by_tag(&tag); timer.cb = gfx_widget_generic_message_fadeout; timer.duration = GENERIC_MESSAGE_DURATION; timer.userdata = NULL; gfx_timer_start(&state->timer, &timer); } static void gfx_widget_generic_message_frame(void* data) { gfx_widget_generic_message_state_t* state = gfx_widget_generic_message_get_ptr(); if (state->alpha > 0.0f) { video_frame_info_t* video_info = (video_frame_info_t*)data; void* userdata = video_info->userdata; unsigned video_width = video_info->width; unsigned video_height = video_info->height; unsigned height = gfx_widgets_get_generic_message_height(); unsigned text_color = COLOR_TEXT_ALPHA(0xffffffff, (unsigned)(state->alpha*255.0f)); gfx_widget_font_data_t* font_regular = gfx_widgets_get_font_regular(); size_t msg_queue_size = gfx_widgets_get_msg_queue_size(); gfx_display_set_alpha(gfx_widgets_get_backdrop_orig(), state->alpha); gfx_display_draw_quad(userdata, video_width, video_height, 0, video_height - height, video_width, height, video_width, video_height, gfx_widgets_get_backdrop_orig()); gfx_widgets_draw_text(font_regular, state->message, video_width/2, video_height - height/2.0f + font_regular->line_centre_offset, video_width, video_height, text_color, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, false); /* If the message queue is active, must flush the * text here to avoid overlaps */ if (msg_queue_size > 0) gfx_widgets_flush_text(video_width, video_height, font_regular); } } static void gfx_widget_generic_message_free(void) { gfx_widget_generic_message_state_t* state = gfx_widget_generic_message_get_ptr(); state->alpha = 0.0f; } const gfx_widget_t gfx_widget_generic_message = { NULL, /* init */ gfx_widget_generic_message_free, NULL, /* context_reset*/ NULL, /* context_destroy */ NULL, /* layout */ NULL, /* iterate */ gfx_widget_generic_message_frame };