/************************************************************** edid.c - Basic EDID generation (based on edid.S: EDID data template by Carsten Emde) --------------------------------------------------------- Switchres Modeline generation engine for emulation License GPL-2.0+ Copyright 2010-2021 Chris Kennedy, Antonio Giner, Alexandre Wodarczyk, Gil Delescluse **************************************************************/ #include #include #include "switchres.h" #include "edid.h" //============================================================ // edid_from_modeline //============================================================ int edid_from_modeline(modeline *mode, monitor_range *range, const char *name, edid_block *edid) { if (!edid) return 0; // header edid->b[0] = 0x00; edid->b[1] = 0xff; edid->b[2] = 0xff; edid->b[3] = 0xff; edid->b[4] = 0xff; edid->b[5] = 0xff; edid->b[6] = 0xff; edid->b[7] = 0x00; // Manufacturer ID = "SWR" edid->b[8] = 0x4e; edid->b[9] = 0xf2; // Manufacturer product code edid->b[10] = 0x00; edid->b[11] = 0x00; // Serial number edid->b[12] = 0x00; edid->b[13] = 0x00; edid->b[14] = 0x00; edid->b[15] = 0x00; // Week of manufacture edid->b[16] = 5; // Year of manufacture edid->b[17] = 2021 - 1990; // EDID version and revision edid->b[18] = 1; edid->b[19] = 3; // video params edid->b[20] = 0x6d; // Maximum H & V size in cm edid->b[21] = 48; edid->b[22] = 36; // Gamma edid->b[23] = 120; // Display features edid->b[24] = 0x0A; // Chromacity coordinates; edid->b[25] = 0x5e; edid->b[26] = 0xc0; edid->b[27] = 0xa4; edid->b[28] = 0x59; edid->b[29] = 0x4a; edid->b[30] = 0x98; edid->b[31] = 0x25; edid->b[32] = 0x20; edid->b[33] = 0x50; edid->b[34] = 0x54; // Established timings edid->b[35] = 0x00; edid->b[36] = 0x00; edid->b[37] = 0x00; // Standard timing information edid->b[38] = 0x01; edid->b[39] = 0x01; edid->b[40] = 0x01; edid->b[41] = 0x01; edid->b[42] = 0x01; edid->b[43] = 0x01; edid->b[44] = 0x01; edid->b[45] = 0x01; edid->b[46] = 0x01; edid->b[47] = 0x01; edid->b[48] = 0x01; edid->b[49] = 0x01; edid->b[50] = 0x01; edid->b[51] = 0x01; edid->b[52] = 0x01; edid->b[53] = 0x01; // Pixel clock in 10 kHz units. (0.-655.35 MHz, little-endian) edid->b[54] = (mode->pclock / 10000) & 0xff; edid->b[55] = (mode->pclock / 10000) >> 8; int h_active = mode->hactive; int h_blank = mode->htotal - mode->hactive; int h_offset = mode->hbegin - mode->hactive; int h_pulse = mode->hend - mode->hbegin; int v_active = mode->vactive; int v_blank = (int)mode->vtotal - mode->vactive; int v_offset = mode->vbegin - mode->vactive; int v_pulse = mode->vend - mode->vbegin; // Horizontal active pixels 8 lsbits (0-4095) edid->b[56] = h_active & 0xff; // Horizontal blanking pixels 8 lsbits (0-4095) edid->b[57] = h_blank & 0xff; // Bits 7-4 Horizontal active pixels 4 msbits // Bits 3-0 Horizontal blanking pixels 4 msbits edid->b[58] = (((h_active >> 8) & 0x0f) << 4) + ((h_blank >> 8) & 0x0f); // Vertical active lines 8 lsbits (0-4095) edid->b[59] = v_active & 0xff; // Vertical blanking lines 8 lsbits (0-4095) edid->b[60] = v_blank & 0xff; // Bits 7-4 Vertical active lines 4 msbits // Bits 3-0 Vertical blanking lines 4 msbits edid->b[61] = (((v_active >> 8) & 0x0f) << 4) + ((v_blank >> 8) & 0x0f); // Horizontal sync offset pixels 8 lsbits (0-1023) From blanking start edid->b[62] = h_offset & 0xff; // Horizontal sync pulse width pixels 8 lsbits (0-1023) edid->b[63] = h_pulse & 0xff; // Bits 7-4 Vertical sync offset lines 4 lsbits 0-63) // Bits 3-0 Vertical sync pulse width lines 4 lsbits 0-63) edid->b[64] = ((v_offset & 0x0f) << 4) + (v_pulse & 0x0f); // Bits 7-6 Horizontal sync offset pixels 2 msbits // Bits 5-4 Horizontal sync pulse width pixels 2 msbits // Bits 3-2 Vertical sync offset lines 2 msbits // Bits 1-0 Vertical sync pulse width lines 2 msbits edid->b[65] = (((h_offset >> 8) & 0x03) << 6) + (((h_pulse >> 8) & 0x03) << 4) + (((v_offset >> 8) & 0x03) << 2) + ((v_pulse >> 8) & 0x03); // Horizontal display size, mm, 8 lsbits (0-4095 mm, 161 in) edid->b[66] = 485 & 0xff; // Vertical display size, mm, 8 lsbits (0-4095 mm, 161 in) edid->b[67] = 364 & 0xff; // Bits 7-4 Horizontal display size, mm, 4 msbits // Bits 3-0 Vertical display size, mm, 4 msbits edid->b[68] = (((485 >> 8) & 0x0f) << 4) + ((364 >> 8) & 0x0f); // Horizontal border pixels (each side; total is twice this) edid->b[69] = 0; // Vertical border lines (each side; total is twice this) edid->b[70] = 0; // Features bitmap edid->b[71] = ((mode->interlace & 0x01) << 7) + 0x18 + (mode->vsync << 2) + (mode->hsync << 2); // Descriptor: monitor serial number edid->b[72] = 0; edid->b[73] = 0; edid->b[74] = 0; edid->b[75] = 0xff; edid->b[76] = 0; edid->b[77] = 'S'; edid->b[78] = 'w'; edid->b[79] = 'i'; edid->b[80] = 't'; edid->b[81] = 'c'; edid->b[82] = 'h'; edid->b[83] = 'r'; edid->b[84] = 'e'; edid->b[85] = 's'; edid->b[86] = '2'; edid->b[87] = '0'; edid->b[88] = '0'; edid->b[89] = 0x0a; // Descriptor: monitor range limits edid->b[90] = 0; edid->b[91] = 0; edid->b[92] = 0; edid->b[93] = 0xfd; edid->b[94] = 0; edid->b[95] = ((int)range->vfreq_min) & 0xff; edid->b[96] = ((int)range->vfreq_max) & 0xff; edid->b[97] = ((int)range->hfreq_min / 1000) & 0xff; edid->b[98] = ((int)range->hfreq_max / 1000) & 0xff; edid->b[99] = 0xff; edid->b[100] = 0; edid->b[101] = 0x0a; edid->b[102] = 0x20; edid->b[103] = 0x20; edid->b[104] = 0x20; edid->b[105] = 0x20; edid->b[106] = 0x20; edid->b[107] = 0x20; // Descriptor: text edid->b[108] = 0; edid->b[109] = 0; edid->b[110] = 0; edid->b[111] = 0xfc; edid->b[112] = 0; snprintf(&edid->b[113], 13, "%s", name); edid->b[125] = 0x0a; // Extensions to follow edid->b[126] = 0; // Compute checksum char checksum = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i <= 126; i++) checksum += edid->b[i]; edid->b[127] = 256 - checksum; return 1; }