/*  RetroArch - A frontend for libretro.
 *  Copyright (C) 2015-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen
 *  Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis
 *  RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
 *  of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
 *  ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 *  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
 *  PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch.
 *  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <ctype.h>

#include <file/file_path.h>
#include <streams/file_stream.h>
#include <string/stdstring.h>
#include <retro_miscellaneous.h>

#ifdef WIIU
#include <wiiu/os.h>

#include "../font_driver.h"
#include "../../verbosity.h"

#define STATIC static INLINE
#include "../../deps/stb/stb_rect_pack.h"
#include "../../deps/stb/stb_truetype.h"
#undef STATIC

/* Padding is required between each glyph in
 * the atlas to prevent texture bleed when
 * drawing with linear filtering enabled */

typedef struct stb_unicode_atlas_slot
   struct stb_unicode_atlas_slot* next;
   struct font_glyph glyph;      /* unsigned alignment */
   unsigned charcode;
   unsigned last_used;

typedef struct
   uint8_t *font_data;
   struct font_atlas atlas;               /* ptr alignment */
   stb_unicode_atlas_slot_t* uc_map[0x100];
   stb_unicode_atlas_slot_t atlas_slots[STB_UNICODE_ATLAS_SIZE];
   stbtt_fontinfo info;                   /* ptr alignment */
   int max_glyph_width;
   int max_glyph_height;
   unsigned usage_counter;
   float scale_factor;
   struct font_line_metrics line_metrics; /* float alignment */
} stb_unicode_font_renderer_t;

static struct font_atlas *font_renderer_stb_unicode_get_atlas(void *data)
   stb_unicode_font_renderer_t *self = (stb_unicode_font_renderer_t*)data;
   return &self->atlas;

static void font_renderer_stb_unicode_free(void *data)
   stb_unicode_font_renderer_t *self = (stb_unicode_font_renderer_t*)data;


static stb_unicode_atlas_slot_t* font_renderer_stb_unicode_get_slot(stb_unicode_font_renderer_t *handle)
   int i, map_id;
   unsigned oldest = 0;

   for (i = 1; i < STB_UNICODE_ATLAS_SIZE; i++)
      if ((handle->usage_counter - handle->atlas_slots[i].last_used) >
         (handle->usage_counter - handle->atlas_slots[oldest].last_used))
         oldest = i;

   /* remove from map */
   map_id = handle->atlas_slots[oldest].charcode & 0xFF;
   if (handle->uc_map[map_id] == &handle->atlas_slots[oldest])
      handle->uc_map[map_id] = handle->atlas_slots[oldest].next;
   else if (handle->uc_map[map_id])
      stb_unicode_atlas_slot_t* ptr = handle->uc_map[map_id];
      while (ptr->next && ptr->next != &handle->atlas_slots[oldest])
         ptr = ptr->next;
      ptr->next = handle->atlas_slots[oldest].next;

   return &handle->atlas_slots[oldest];

static const struct font_glyph *font_renderer_stb_unicode_get_glyph(
      void *data, uint32_t charcode)
   int glyph_index                      = 0;
   int x0                               = 0;
   int y1                               = 0;
   int advance_width                    = 0;
   int left_side_bearing                = 0;
   unsigned map_id                      = 0;
   uint8_t *dst                         = NULL;
   stb_unicode_atlas_slot_t* atlas_slot = NULL;
   stb_unicode_font_renderer_t *self    = (stb_unicode_font_renderer_t*)data;
   float glyph_advance_x                = 0.0f;
   float glyph_draw_offset_y            = 0.0f;

   if (!self)
      return NULL;

   map_id                               = charcode & 0xFF;
   atlas_slot                           = self->uc_map[map_id];

   while (atlas_slot)
      if (atlas_slot->charcode == charcode)
         atlas_slot->last_used = self->usage_counter++;
         return &atlas_slot->glyph;
      atlas_slot = atlas_slot->next;

   atlas_slot             = font_renderer_stb_unicode_get_slot(self);
   atlas_slot->charcode   = charcode;
   atlas_slot->next       = self->uc_map[map_id];
   self->uc_map[map_id]   = atlas_slot;

   glyph_index            = stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(&self->info, charcode);

   dst = (uint8_t*)self->atlas.buffer + atlas_slot->glyph.atlas_offset_x
         + atlas_slot->glyph.atlas_offset_y * self->atlas.width;

   stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics(&self->info, glyph_index, &advance_width, &left_side_bearing);
   if (stbtt_GetGlyphBox(&self->info, glyph_index, &x0, NULL, NULL, &y1))
      stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap(&self->info, dst, self->max_glyph_width, self->max_glyph_height,
            self->atlas.width, self->scale_factor, self->scale_factor, glyph_index);
      /* This means the glyph is empty. In this case, stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap()
       * fills the corresponding region of the atlas buffer with garbage,
       * so just zero it */
      int x, y;
      for (x = 0; x < self->max_glyph_width; x++)
         for (y = 0; y < self->max_glyph_height; y++)
            dst[x + (y * self->atlas.width)] = 0;

   atlas_slot->glyph.width          = self->max_glyph_width;
   atlas_slot->glyph.height         = self->max_glyph_height;
   /* advance_x must always be rounded to the
    * *nearest* integer */
   glyph_advance_x = (float)advance_width * self->scale_factor;
   atlas_slot->glyph.advance_x      = (int)((glyph_advance_x > 0.0f) ?
         (glyph_advance_x + 0.5f) : (glyph_advance_x - 0.5f));
   /* advance_y is always zero */
   atlas_slot->glyph.advance_y      = 0;
   /* draw_offset_x must always be rounded *down*
    * to the nearest integer */
   atlas_slot->glyph.draw_offset_x  = (int)((float)x0 * self->scale_factor);
   /* draw_offset_y must always be rounded *up*
    * to the nearest integer */
   glyph_draw_offset_y = (float)(-y1) * self->scale_factor;
   atlas_slot->glyph.draw_offset_y  = (int)((glyph_draw_offset_y < 0.0f) ?
         floor((double)glyph_draw_offset_y) : ceil((double)glyph_draw_offset_y));

   self->atlas.dirty = true;
   atlas_slot->last_used = self->usage_counter++;
   return &atlas_slot->glyph;

static bool font_renderer_stb_unicode_create_atlas(
      stb_unicode_font_renderer_t *self, float font_size)
   unsigned i, x, y;
   stb_unicode_atlas_slot_t* slot = NULL;

   self->max_glyph_width  = font_size < 0 ? -font_size : font_size;
   self->max_glyph_height = font_size < 0 ? -font_size : font_size;

   self->atlas.width      = (self->max_glyph_width  + STB_UNICODE_ATLAS_PADDING) * STB_UNICODE_ATLAS_COLS;
   self->atlas.height     = (self->max_glyph_height + STB_UNICODE_ATLAS_PADDING) * STB_UNICODE_ATLAS_ROWS;

   self->atlas.buffer     = (uint8_t*)
      calloc(self->atlas.width * self->atlas.height, sizeof(uint8_t));

   if (!self->atlas.buffer)
      return false;

   slot = self->atlas_slots;

   for (y = 0; y < STB_UNICODE_ATLAS_ROWS; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < STB_UNICODE_ATLAS_COLS; x++)
         slot->glyph.atlas_offset_x = x * (self->max_glyph_width  + STB_UNICODE_ATLAS_PADDING);
         slot->glyph.atlas_offset_y = y * (self->max_glyph_height + STB_UNICODE_ATLAS_PADDING);

   for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
      font_renderer_stb_unicode_get_glyph(self, i);

   for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
      if (ISALNUM(i))
         font_renderer_stb_unicode_get_glyph(self, i);

   return true;

static void *font_renderer_stb_unicode_init(const char *font_path, float font_size)
   int ascent, descent, line_gap;
   stb_unicode_font_renderer_t *self =
      (stb_unicode_font_renderer_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*self));

   if (!self || font_size < 1.0)
      goto error;

   /* See https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/stb_truetype.h#L539 */
   font_size = STBTT_POINT_SIZE(font_size);

#ifdef WIIU
   if (!*font_path)
      uint32_t size = 0;
      if (!OSGetSharedData(SHARED_FONT_DEFAULT, 0, (void**)&self->font_data, &size))
         goto error;
   if (!path_is_valid(font_path) || !filestream_read_file(font_path, (void**)&self->font_data, NULL))
      goto error;

   if (!stbtt_InitFont(&self->info, self->font_data,
            stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(self->font_data, 0)))
      goto error;

   stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&self->info, &ascent, &descent, &line_gap);

   if (font_size < 0)
      self->scale_factor = stbtt_ScaleForMappingEmToPixels(&self->info, -font_size);
      self->scale_factor = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&self->info, font_size);

   /* Ascender, descender and line_gap values always
    * end up ~0.5 pixels too small when scaled...
    * > Add a manual correction factor */
   self->line_metrics.ascender  = 0.5f + (float)ascent * self->scale_factor;
   self->line_metrics.descender = 0.5f + ((float)(-descent) * self->scale_factor);
   self->line_metrics.height    = 0.5f + (float)(ascent - descent + line_gap) * self->scale_factor;

   if (!font_renderer_stb_unicode_create_atlas(self, font_size))
      goto error;

   return self;

   if (self)
   return NULL;

static const char *font_renderer_stb_unicode_get_default_font(void)
#ifdef WIIU
   return "";
   static const char *paths[] = {
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__WINRT__)
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
      "/Library/Fonts/Andale Mono.ttf",
      "/Library/Fonts/Courier New.ttf",
#elif defined(__ANDROID_API__)
#elif defined(VITA)
#elif defined(ORBIS)
#elif !defined(__WINRT__)

   const char **p;

   for (p = paths; *p; ++p)
      if (path_is_valid(*p))
         return *p;

   return NULL;

static bool font_renderer_stb_unicode_get_line_metrics(
      void* data, struct font_line_metrics **metrics)
   stb_unicode_font_renderer_t *handle = (stb_unicode_font_renderer_t*)data;
   if (!handle)
      return false;
   *metrics = &handle->line_metrics;
   return true;

font_renderer_driver_t stb_unicode_font_renderer = {