HAVE_LIBRETRO= # Libretro library used HAVE_ASSETS_DIR= # Assets install directory HAVE_NVDA=yes # NVDA support HAVE_PATCH=yes # Softpatching support (BPS/IPS/UPS) HAVE_SAPI=no # SAPI support HAVE_BLISSBOX=auto # Blissbox support HAVE_ANGLE=no # ANGLE support (OpenGL wrapper) HAVE_CONFIGFILE=yes # Config file support HAVE_GDI=yes # GDI support (Win32-only) HAVE_OPENGLES_LIBS= # Link flags for custom GLES library HAVE_OPENGLES_CFLAGS= # C-flags for custom GLES library HAVE_CACA=auto # Libcaca support HAVE_SIXEL=auto # Libsixel support HAVE_DEBUG=no # Enable a debug build HAVE_LIBRETRODB=yes # Libretrodb support HAVE_MENU=yes # Enable menu drivers HAVE_GFX_WIDGETS=yes # Enable graphics widgets HAVE_RGUI=auto # RGUI menu HAVE_MATERIALUI=auto # MaterialUI menu HAVE_XMB=auto # XMB menu HAVE_OZONE=auto # Ozone menu HAVE_STRIPES=no # Stripes menu HAVE_RUNAHEAD=yes # Runahead support HAVE_DSOUND=auto # DirectSound support HAVE_XAUDIO=auto # XAudio support HAVE_WASAPI=auto # WASAPI support HAVE_WINMM=auto # WinMM support HAVE_NEAREST_RESAMPLER=yes # Nearest resampler HAVE_CC_RESAMPLER=yes # CC Resampler HAVE_SSL=auto # SSL/mbedtls support C89_SSL=no HAVE_BUILTINMBEDTLS=auto # Bake in the mbedtls library C89_BUILTINMBEDTLS=no HAVE_OVERLAY=yes # Overlay support HAVE_VIDEO_LAYOUT=yes # Layout support HAVE_DYNAMIC=yes # Dynamic loading of libretro library HAVE_SDL=auto # SDL support C89_SDL=no HAVE_SDL2=auto # SDL2 support (disables SDL 1.x) C89_SDL2=no HAVE_LIBUSB=auto # Libusb HID support C89_LIBUSB=no HAVE_DBUS=no # dbus support HAVE_SYSTEMD=auto # Systemd support HAVE_UDEV=auto # Udev/Evdev gamepad support HAVE_THREADS=auto # Threading support HAVE_THREAD_STORAGE=auto # Thread Local Storage support HAVE_FFMPEG=auto # FFmpeg support C89_FFMPEG=no HAVE_MPV=no # MPV support HAVE_SSA=auto # SSA/ASS for FFmpeg subtitle support HAVE_DYLIB=auto # Dynamic loading support HAVE_NETWORKING=auto # Networking features (recommended) HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD=auto # Networked game pad (plus baked-in core) C89_NETWORKGAMEPAD=no HAVE_NETPLAYDISCOVERY=yes # Add netplay discovery (room creation, etc.) HAVE_MINIUPNPC=auto # Mini UPnP client library (for NAT traversal) HAVE_BUILTINMINIUPNPC=auto # Bake in Mini UPnP client library (for NAT traversal) C89_BUILTINMINIUPNPC=no HAVE_D3D8=no # Direct3D 8 support HAVE_D3D9=auto # Direct3D 9 support C89_D3D9=no HAVE_D3D10=yes # Direct3D 10 support C89_D3D10=no HAVE_D3D11=yes # Direct3D 11 support C89_D3D11=no HAVE_D3D12=yes # Direct3D 12 support C89_D3D12=no HAVE_D3DX=auto # Direct3DX support HAVE_DINPUT=auto # Dinput support HAVE_OPENGL=auto # OpenGL 2.0 support HAVE_OPENGL_CORE=yes # Modern OpenGL driver support (GLES3+/GL3.2 core+), requires OpenGL. C89_OPENGL_CORE=no HAVE_OPENGL1=yes # OpenGL 1.1 support HAVE_MALI_FBDEV=no # Mali fbdev context support HAVE_VIVANTE_FBDEV=no # Vivante fbdev context support HAVE_OPENDINGUX_FBDEV=no # Opendingux fbdev context support HAVE_OPENGLES=no # Use GLESv2 instead of desktop GL HAVE_OPENGLES3=no # OpenGLES3 support HAVE_X11=auto # everything X11. HAVE_XRANDR=auto # Xrandr support. HAVE_OMAP=no # OMAP video support HAVE_XINERAMA=auto # Xinerama support. HAVE_KMS=auto # KMS context support HAVE_PLAIN_DRM=no # Plain DRM video support HAVE_EXYNOS=no # Exynos video support HAVE_DISPMANX=no # Dispmanx video support HAVE_SUNXI=no # Sunxi video support HAVE_WAYLAND=auto # Wayland support C89_WAYLAND=no CXX_WAYLAND=no HAVE_DYNAMIC_EGL=no # Dynamic library EGL support HAVE_EGL=auto # EGL context support HAVE_VG=auto # OpenVG support HAVE_CG=auto # Cg shader support HAVE_HLSL=no # HLSL9 shader support (for Direct3D9) HAVE_BUILTINZLIB=auto # Bake in zlib HAVE_ZLIB=auto # zlib support (ZIP extract, PNG decoding/encoding) HAVE_ALSA=auto # ALSA support C89_ALSA=no HAVE_RPILED=auto # RPI led support HAVE_TINYALSA=auto # TinyALSA support HAVE_AUDIOIO=auto # AudioIO support HAVE_OSS=auto # OSS support HAVE_RSOUND=auto # RSound support HAVE_ROAR=auto # RoarAudio support HAVE_AL=auto # OpenAL support HAVE_JACK=auto # JACK support HAVE_COREAUDIO=auto # CoreAudio support HAVE_PULSE=auto # PulseAudio support C89_PULSE=no HAVE_FREETYPE=auto # FreeType support HAVE_STB_FONT=yes # stb_truetype font support HAVE_STB_IMAGE=yes # stb image loading support HAVE_STB_VORBIS=yes # stb vorbis support HAVE_IBXM=yes # IBXM support HAVE_XVIDEO=auto # XVideo support HAVE_V4L2=auto # Video4linux2 support HAVE_NEON=no # ARM NEON optimizations HAVE_SSE=no # x86 SSE optimizations (SSE, SSE2) HAVE_FLOATHARD=no # Force hard float ABI (for ARM) HAVE_FLOATSOFTFP=no # Force soft float ABI (for ARM) HAVE_CHD=yes # Compile in chd support CXX_CHD=no HAVE_7ZIP=yes # Compile in 7z support HAVE_FLAC=auto # Compile in flac support HAVE_DR_MP3=yes # Compile in Dr. MP3 support HAVE_BUILTINFLAC=auto # Bake in flac support HAVE_ONLINE_UPDATER=yes # Disable the online updater HAVE_UPDATE_CORES=yes # Disable downloading cores with online updater HAVE_UPDATE_ASSETS=yes # Disable downloading assets with online updater HAVE_PRESERVE_DYLIB=no # Enable dlclose() for Valgrind support HAVE_PARPORT=auto # Parallel port joypad support HAVE_IMAGEVIEWER=yes # Built-in image viewer support. HAVE_MMAP=auto # MMAP support HAVE_QT=auto # Qt companion support C89_QT=no HAVE_XSHM=auto # XShm video driver support HAVE_CHEEVOS=yes # Retro Achievements HAVE_LUA=no # Lua support (for Retro Achievements) HAVE_DISCORD=yes # Discord Integration C89_DISCORD=no HAVE_CHEATS=yes # Cheat support HAVE_BSV_MOVIE=yes # BSV movie support HAVE_ACCESSIBILITY=yes # Accessibility Integration HAVE_TRANSLATE=yes # OCR and Translation Server Integration HAVE_SHADERPIPELINE=yes # Additional shader-based pipelines C89_SHADERPIPELINE=no HAVE_VULKAN=auto # Vulkan support HAVE_VULKAN_DISPLAY=yes # Vulkan KHR display backend support C89_VULKAN=no HAVE_RPNG=yes # RPNG support HAVE_RBMP=yes # RBMP support HAVE_RJPEG=yes # RJPEG support HAVE_RTGA=yes # RTGA support HAVE_RWAV=yes # WAV support HAVE_HID=yes # Low-level HID (Human Interface Device) support HAVE_AUDIOMIXER=yes # Audio Mixer HAVE_LANGEXTRA=yes # Multi-language support HAVE_OSMESA=no # Off-screen Mesa rendering HAVE_VIDEOPROCESSOR=auto # Enable video processor core HAVE_VIDEOCORE=auto # Broadcom Videocore 4 support HAVE_DRMINGW=no # DrMingw exception handler HAVE_GONG=no # Gong core embedded HAVE_CDROM=auto # CD-ROM support HAVE_GLSL=yes # GLSL shaders support HAVE_SLANG=auto # slang support C89_SLANG=no HAVE_GLSLANG=auto # glslang support (requires C++11) C89_GLSLANG=no HAVE_BUILTINGLSLANG=auto # Bake in glslang support C89_BUILTINGLSLANG=no HAVE_SPIRV_CROSS=auto # SPIRV-Cross support (requires C++11) C89_SPIRV_CROSS=no HAVE_METAL=no # Metal support (macOS-only) C89_METAL=no HAVE_NETWORK_VIDEO=no HAVE_STEAM=no # Enable Steam build HAVE_ODROIDGO2=no # ODROID-GO Advance rotation support (requires librga)