/* Copyright (C) 2010-2020 The RetroArch team * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following license statement only applies to this file (disk_index_file.c). * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, * to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <file/file_path.h> #include <string/stdstring.h> #include <streams/file_stream.h> #include <formats/jsonsax_full.h> #include "file_path_special.h" #include "verbosity.h" #include "msg_hash.h" #include "disk_index_file.h" /****************/ /* JSON Helpers */ /****************/ typedef struct { JSON_Parser parser; JSON_Writer writer; RFILE *file; unsigned *current_entry_uint_val; char **current_entry_str_val; unsigned image_index; char *image_path; } DCifJSONContext; static JSON_Parser_HandlerResult DCifJSONObjectMemberHandler(JSON_Parser parser, char *pValue, size_t length, JSON_StringAttributes attributes) { DCifJSONContext *pCtx = (DCifJSONContext*)JSON_Parser_GetUserData(parser); (void)attributes; /* unused */ if (pCtx->current_entry_str_val) { /* something went wrong */ RARCH_ERR("[disk index file] JSON parsing failed at line %d.\n", __LINE__); return JSON_Parser_Abort; } if (length) { if (string_is_equal(pValue, "image_index")) pCtx->current_entry_uint_val = &pCtx->image_index; else if (string_is_equal(pValue, "image_path")) pCtx->current_entry_str_val = &pCtx->image_path; /* ignore unknown members */ } return JSON_Parser_Continue; } static JSON_Parser_HandlerResult DCifJSONNumberHandler(JSON_Parser parser, char *pValue, size_t length, JSON_StringAttributes attributes) { DCifJSONContext *pCtx = (DCifJSONContext*)JSON_Parser_GetUserData(parser); (void)attributes; /* unused */ if (pCtx->current_entry_uint_val && length && !string_is_empty(pValue)) *pCtx->current_entry_uint_val = string_to_unsigned(pValue); /* ignore unknown members */ pCtx->current_entry_uint_val = NULL; return JSON_Parser_Continue; } static JSON_Parser_HandlerResult DCifJSONStringHandler(JSON_Parser parser, char *pValue, size_t length, JSON_StringAttributes attributes) { DCifJSONContext *pCtx = (DCifJSONContext*)JSON_Parser_GetUserData(parser); (void)attributes; /* unused */ if (pCtx->current_entry_str_val && length && !string_is_empty(pValue)) { if (*pCtx->current_entry_str_val) free(*pCtx->current_entry_str_val); *pCtx->current_entry_str_val = strdup(pValue); } /* ignore unknown members */ pCtx->current_entry_str_val = NULL; return JSON_Parser_Continue; } static JSON_Writer_HandlerResult DCifJSONOutputHandler(JSON_Writer writer, const char *pBytes, size_t length) { DCifJSONContext *context = (DCifJSONContext*)JSON_Writer_GetUserData(writer); (void)writer; /* unused */ return filestream_write(context->file, pBytes, length) == length ? JSON_Writer_Continue : JSON_Writer_Abort; } static void DCifJSONLogError(DCifJSONContext *pCtx) { if (pCtx->parser && JSON_Parser_GetError(pCtx->parser) != JSON_Error_AbortedByHandler) { JSON_Error error = JSON_Parser_GetError(pCtx->parser); JSON_Location errorLocation = { 0, 0, 0 }; (void)JSON_Parser_GetErrorLocation(pCtx->parser, &errorLocation); RARCH_ERR("[disk index file] Error: Invalid JSON at line %d, column %d (input byte %d) - %s.\n", (int)errorLocation.line + 1, (int)errorLocation.column + 1, (int)errorLocation.byte, JSON_ErrorString(error)); } else if (pCtx->writer && JSON_Writer_GetError(pCtx->writer) != JSON_Error_AbortedByHandler) { RARCH_ERR("[disk index file] Error: could not write output - %s.\n", JSON_ErrorString(JSON_Writer_GetError(pCtx->writer))); } } /******************/ /* Initialisation */ /******************/ /* Resets existing disk index record */ static void disk_index_file_reset(disk_index_file_t *disk_index_file) { if (!disk_index_file) return; disk_index_file->modified = false; disk_index_file->image_index = 0; disk_index_file->image_path[0] = '\0'; disk_index_file->file_path[0] = '\0'; } /* Parses disk index file referenced by * disk_index_file->file_path. * Does nothing if disk index file does not exist. */ static bool disk_index_file_read(disk_index_file_t *disk_index_file) { const char *file_path = NULL; bool success = false; DCifJSONContext context = {0}; RFILE *file = NULL; /* Sanity check */ if (!disk_index_file) return false; file_path = disk_index_file->file_path; if ( string_is_empty(file_path) || !path_is_valid(file_path) ) return false; /* Attempt to open disk index file */ file = filestream_open( file_path, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_READ, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_HINT_NONE); if (!file) { RARCH_ERR( "[disk index file] Failed to open disk index record file: %s\n", file_path); return false; } /* Initialise JSON parser */ context.image_index = 0; context.image_path = NULL; context.parser = JSON_Parser_Create(NULL); context.file = file; if (!context.parser) { RARCH_ERR("[disk index file] Failed to create JSON parser.\n"); goto end; } /* Configure parser */ JSON_Parser_SetAllowBOM(context.parser, JSON_True); JSON_Parser_SetNumberHandler(context.parser, &DCifJSONNumberHandler); JSON_Parser_SetStringHandler(context.parser, &DCifJSONStringHandler); JSON_Parser_SetObjectMemberHandler(context.parser, &DCifJSONObjectMemberHandler); JSON_Parser_SetUserData(context.parser, &context); /* Read file */ while (!filestream_eof(file)) { /* Disk index files are tiny - use small chunk size */ char chunk[128] = {0}; int64_t length = filestream_read(file, chunk, sizeof(chunk)); /* Error checking... */ if (!length && !filestream_eof(file)) { RARCH_ERR( "[disk index file] Failed to read disk index file: %s\n", file_path); JSON_Parser_Free(context.parser); goto end; } /* Parse chunk */ if (!JSON_Parser_Parse(context.parser, chunk, length, JSON_False)) { RARCH_ERR( "[disk index file] Error parsing chunk of disk index file: %s\n---snip---\n%s\n---snip---\n", file_path, chunk); DCifJSONLogError(&context); JSON_Parser_Free(context.parser); goto end; } } /* Finalise parsing */ if (!JSON_Parser_Parse(context.parser, NULL, 0, JSON_True)) { RARCH_WARN( "[disk index file] Error parsing disk index file: %s\n", file_path); DCifJSONLogError(&context); JSON_Parser_Free(context.parser); goto end; } /* Free parser */ JSON_Parser_Free(context.parser); /* Copy values read from JSON file */ disk_index_file->image_index = context.image_index; if (!string_is_empty(context.image_path)) strlcpy( disk_index_file->image_path, context.image_path, sizeof(disk_index_file->image_path)); else disk_index_file->image_path[0] = '\0'; success = true; end: /* Clean up leftover strings */ if (context.image_path) free(context.image_path); /* Close log file */ filestream_close(file); return success; } /* Initialises existing disk index record, loading * current parameters if a record file exists. * Returns false if arguments are invalid. */ bool disk_index_file_init( disk_index_file_t *disk_index_file, const char *content_path, const char *dir_savefile) { const char *content_file = NULL; char content_name[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char disk_index_file_dir[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char disk_index_file_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; content_name[0] = '\0'; disk_index_file_dir[0] = '\0'; disk_index_file_path[0] = '\0'; /* Sanity check */ if (!disk_index_file) return false; /* Disk index records are only valid when loading * content (i.e. they do not apply to contentless * cores) */ if (string_is_empty(content_path)) goto error; /* Build disk index file path */ /* > Get content name */ content_file = path_basename(content_path); if (string_is_empty(content_file)) goto error; strlcpy(content_name, content_file, sizeof(content_name)); path_remove_extension(content_name); if (string_is_empty(content_name)) goto error; /* > Get disk index file directory */ if (!string_is_empty(dir_savefile)) strlcpy(disk_index_file_dir, dir_savefile, sizeof(disk_index_file_dir)); else { /* Use content directory */ strlcpy(disk_index_file_dir, content_path, sizeof(disk_index_file_dir)); path_basedir(disk_index_file_dir); } /* > Create directory, if required */ if (!path_is_directory(disk_index_file_dir)) { if (!path_mkdir(disk_index_file_dir)) { RARCH_ERR( "[disk index file] failed to create directory for disk index file: %s\n", disk_index_file_dir); goto error; } } /* > Generate final path */ fill_pathname_join( disk_index_file_path, disk_index_file_dir, content_name, sizeof(disk_index_file_path)); strlcat( disk_index_file_path, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_DISK_CONTROL_INDEX_EXTENSION), sizeof(disk_index_file_path)); if (string_is_empty(disk_index_file_path)) goto error; /* All is well - reset disk_index_file_t and * attempt to load values from file */ disk_index_file_reset(disk_index_file); strlcpy( disk_index_file->file_path, disk_index_file_path, sizeof(disk_index_file->file_path)); /* > If file does not exist (or some other * error occurs) then this is a new record * - in this case, 'modified' flag should * be set to 'true' */ if (!disk_index_file_read(disk_index_file)) disk_index_file->modified = true; return true; error: disk_index_file_reset(disk_index_file); return false; } /***********/ /* Setters */ /***********/ /* Sets image index and path */ void disk_index_file_set( disk_index_file_t *disk_index_file, unsigned image_index, const char *image_path) { if (!disk_index_file) return; /* Check whether image index should be updated */ if (disk_index_file->image_index != image_index) { disk_index_file->image_index = image_index; disk_index_file->modified = true; } /* Check whether image path should be updated */ if (!string_is_empty(image_path)) { if (!string_is_equal(disk_index_file->image_path, image_path)) { strlcpy( disk_index_file->image_path, image_path, sizeof(disk_index_file->image_path)); disk_index_file->modified = true; } } else if (!string_is_empty(disk_index_file->image_path)) { disk_index_file->image_path[0] = '\0'; disk_index_file->modified = true; } } /**********/ /* Saving */ /**********/ /* Saves specified disk index file to disk */ bool disk_index_file_save(disk_index_file_t *disk_index_file) { int n; char value_string[32]; const char *file_path; DCifJSONContext context = {0}; RFILE *file = NULL; bool success = false; value_string[0] = '\0'; /* Sanity check */ if (!disk_index_file) return false; /* > Only save file if record has been modified. * We return true in this case - since there * was nothing to write, there can be no * 'failure' */ if (!disk_index_file->modified) return true; file_path = disk_index_file->file_path; if (string_is_empty(file_path)) return false; RARCH_LOG( "[disk index file] Saving disk index file: %s\n", file_path); /* Attempt to open disk index file */ file = filestream_open( file_path, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_WRITE, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_HINT_NONE); if (!file) { RARCH_ERR( "[disk index file] Failed to open disk index file: %s\n", file_path); return false; } /* Initialise JSON writer */ context.writer = JSON_Writer_Create(NULL); context.file = file; if (!context.writer) { RARCH_ERR("[disk index file] Failed to create JSON writer.\n"); goto end; } /* Configure JSON writer */ JSON_Writer_SetOutputEncoding(context.writer, JSON_UTF8); JSON_Writer_SetOutputHandler(context.writer, &DCifJSONOutputHandler); JSON_Writer_SetUserData(context.writer, &context); /* Write output file */ JSON_Writer_WriteStartObject(context.writer); JSON_Writer_WriteNewLine(context.writer); /* > Version entry */ JSON_Writer_WriteSpace(context.writer, 2); JSON_Writer_WriteString(context.writer, "version", STRLEN_CONST("version"), JSON_UTF8); JSON_Writer_WriteColon(context.writer); JSON_Writer_WriteSpace(context.writer, 1); JSON_Writer_WriteString(context.writer, "1.0", STRLEN_CONST("1.0"), JSON_UTF8); JSON_Writer_WriteComma(context.writer); JSON_Writer_WriteNewLine(context.writer); /* > image index entry */ n = snprintf( value_string, sizeof(value_string), "%u", disk_index_file->image_index); if ((n < 0) || (n >= 32)) n = 0; /* Silence GCC warnings... */ JSON_Writer_WriteSpace(context.writer, 2); JSON_Writer_WriteString(context.writer, "image_index", STRLEN_CONST("image_index"), JSON_UTF8); JSON_Writer_WriteColon(context.writer); JSON_Writer_WriteSpace(context.writer, 1); JSON_Writer_WriteNumber(context.writer, value_string, strlen(value_string), JSON_UTF8); JSON_Writer_WriteComma(context.writer); JSON_Writer_WriteNewLine(context.writer); /* > image path entry */ JSON_Writer_WriteSpace(context.writer, 2); JSON_Writer_WriteString(context.writer, "image_path", STRLEN_CONST("image_path"), JSON_UTF8); JSON_Writer_WriteColon(context.writer); JSON_Writer_WriteSpace(context.writer, 1); JSON_Writer_WriteString(context.writer, disk_index_file->image_path, strlen(disk_index_file->image_path), JSON_UTF8); JSON_Writer_WriteNewLine(context.writer); /* > Finalise */ JSON_Writer_WriteEndObject(context.writer); JSON_Writer_WriteNewLine(context.writer); /* Free JSON writer */ JSON_Writer_Free(context.writer); /* Changes have been written - record * is no longer considered to be in a * 'modified' state */ disk_index_file->modified = false; success = true; end: /* Close disk index file */ filestream_close(file); return success; }