// // Context.m // MetalRenderer // // Created by Stuart Carnie on 6/9/18. // Copyright © 2018 Stuart Carnie. All rights reserved. // #import "Context.h" #import "Filter.h" #import @interface BufferNode : NSObject @property (nonatomic, readonly) id src; @property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSUInteger allocated; @property (nonatomic, readwrite) BufferNode *next; @end @interface BufferChain : NSObject - (instancetype)initWithDevice:(id)device blockLen:(NSUInteger)blockLen; - (bool)allocRange:(BufferRange *)range length:(NSUInteger)length; - (void)commitRanges; - (void)discard; @end @interface Texture() @property (nonatomic, readwrite) id texture; @property (nonatomic, readwrite) id sampler; @end @interface Context() - (bool)_initConversionFilters; @end @implementation Context { dispatch_semaphore_t _inflightSemaphore; id _commandQueue; CAMetalLayer *_layer; id _drawable; id _samplers[TEXTURE_FILTER_MIPMAP_NEAREST + 1]; Filter *_filters[RPixelFormatCount]; // convert to bgra8888 // main render pass state id _rce; id _blitCommandBuffer; NSUInteger _currentChain; BufferChain *_chain[CHAIN_LENGTH]; MTLClearColor _clearColor; } - (instancetype)initWithDevice:(id)d layer:(CAMetalLayer *)layer library:(id)l { if (self = [super init]) { _inflightSemaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(MAX_INFLIGHT); _device = d; _layer = layer; _layer.displaySyncEnabled = YES; _library = l; _commandQueue = [_device newCommandQueue]; _clearColor = MTLClearColorMake(0, 0, 0, 1); { MTLSamplerDescriptor *sd = [MTLSamplerDescriptor new]; sd.label = @"NEAREST"; _samplers[TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST] = [d newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:sd]; sd.mipFilter = MTLSamplerMipFilterNearest; sd.label = @"MIPMAP_NEAREST"; _samplers[TEXTURE_FILTER_MIPMAP_NEAREST] = [d newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:sd]; sd.mipFilter = MTLSamplerMipFilterNotMipmapped; sd.minFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterLinear; sd.magFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterLinear; sd.label = @"LINEAR"; _samplers[TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR] = [d newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:sd]; sd.mipFilter = MTLSamplerMipFilterLinear; sd.label = @"MIPMAP_LINEAR"; _samplers[TEXTURE_FILTER_MIPMAP_LINEAR] = [d newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:sd]; } if (![self _initConversionFilters]) return nil; if (![self _initMainState]) return nil; for (int i = 0; i < CHAIN_LENGTH; i++) { _chain[i] = [[BufferChain alloc] initWithDevice:_device blockLen:65536]; } } return self; } - (void)setDisplaySyncEnabled:(bool)displaySyncEnabled { _layer.displaySyncEnabled = displaySyncEnabled; } - (bool)displaySyncEnabled { return _layer.displaySyncEnabled; } - (bool)_initMainState { return YES; } - (bool)_initConversionFilters { NSError *err = nil; _filters[RPixelFormatBGRA4Unorm] = [Filter newFilterWithFunctionName:@"convert_bgra4444_to_bgra8888" device:_device library:_library error:&err]; if (err) { RARCH_LOG("[Metal]: unable to create 'convert_bgra4444_to_bgra8888' conversion filter: %s\n", err.localizedDescription.UTF8String); return NO; } _filters[RPixelFormatB5G6R5Unorm] = [Filter newFilterWithFunctionName:@"convert_rgb565_to_bgra8888" device:_device library:_library error:&err]; if (err) { RARCH_LOG("[Metal]: unable to create 'convert_rgb565_to_bgra8888' conversion filter: %s\n", err.localizedDescription.UTF8String); return NO; } return YES; } - (Texture *)newTexture:(struct texture_image)image filter:(enum texture_filter_type)filter { assert(filter >= TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR && filter <= TEXTURE_FILTER_MIPMAP_NEAREST); if (!image.pixels && !image.width && !image.height) { /* Create a dummy texture instead. */ #define T0 0xff000000u #define T1 0xffffffffu static const uint32_t checkerboard[] = { T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, T1, T0, }; #undef T0 #undef T1 image.pixels = (uint32_t *)checkerboard; image.width = 8; image.height = 8; } BOOL mipmapped = filter == TEXTURE_FILTER_MIPMAP_LINEAR || filter == TEXTURE_FILTER_MIPMAP_NEAREST; Texture *tex = [Texture new]; tex.texture = [self newTexture:image mipmapped:mipmapped]; tex.sampler = _samplers[filter]; return tex; } - (id)newTexture:(struct texture_image)image mipmapped:(bool)mipmapped { MTLTextureDescriptor *td = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat:MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm width:image.width height:image.height mipmapped:mipmapped]; id t = [_device newTextureWithDescriptor:td]; [t replaceRegion:MTLRegionMake2D(0, 0, image.width, image.height) mipmapLevel:0 withBytes:image.pixels bytesPerRow:4 * image.width]; if (mipmapped) { id cb = self.blitCommandBuffer; id bce = [cb blitCommandEncoder]; [bce generateMipmapsForTexture:t]; [bce endEncoding]; } return t; } - (id)nextDrawable { if (_drawable == nil) { _drawable = _layer.nextDrawable; } return _drawable; } - (void)convertFormat:(RPixelFormat)fmt from:(id)src to:(id)dst { assert(dst.width * dst.height == src.length / RPixelFormatToBPP(fmt)); assert(fmt >= 0 && fmt < RPixelFormatCount); Filter *conv = _filters[fmt]; assert(conv != nil); [conv apply:self.blitCommandBuffer inBuf:src outTex:dst]; } - (id)blitCommandBuffer { if (!_blitCommandBuffer) _blitCommandBuffer = [_commandQueue commandBuffer]; return _blitCommandBuffer; } - (void)_nextChain { _currentChain = (_currentChain + 1) % CHAIN_LENGTH; [_chain[_currentChain] discard]; } - (void)begin { assert(_commandBuffer == nil); dispatch_semaphore_wait(_inflightSemaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); _commandBuffer = [_commandQueue commandBuffer]; } - (id)rce { assert(_commandBuffer != nil); if (_rce == nil) { MTLRenderPassDescriptor *rpd = [MTLRenderPassDescriptor new]; rpd.colorAttachments[0].clearColor = _clearColor; rpd.colorAttachments[0].loadAction = MTLLoadActionClear; rpd.colorAttachments[0].texture = self.nextDrawable.texture; _rce = [_commandBuffer renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:rpd]; } return _rce; } - (void)end { assert(_commandBuffer != nil); [_chain[_currentChain] commitRanges]; if (_blitCommandBuffer) { // pending blits for mipmaps [_blitCommandBuffer commit]; [_blitCommandBuffer waitUntilCompleted]; _blitCommandBuffer = nil; } if (_rce) { [_rce endEncoding]; _rce = nil; } __block dispatch_semaphore_t inflight = _inflightSemaphore; [_commandBuffer addCompletedHandler:^(id _) { dispatch_semaphore_signal(inflight); }]; if (self.nextDrawable) { [_commandBuffer presentDrawable:self.nextDrawable]; } [_commandBuffer commit]; _commandBuffer = nil; _drawable = nil; [self _nextChain]; } - (bool)allocRange:(BufferRange *)range length:(NSUInteger)length { return [_chain[_currentChain] allocRange:range length:length]; } @end @implementation Texture @end @implementation BufferNode - (instancetype)initWithBuffer:(id)src { if (self = [super init]) { _src = src; } return self; } @end @implementation BufferChain { id _device; NSUInteger _blockLen; BufferNode *_head; NSUInteger _offset; // offset into _current BufferNode *_current; NSUInteger _length; NSUInteger _allocated; } /* macOS requires constants in a buffer to have a 256 byte alignment. */ #ifdef TARGET_OS_MAC static const NSUInteger kConstantAlignment = 256; #else static const NSUInteger kConstantAlignment = 4; #endif - (instancetype)initWithDevice:(id)device blockLen:(NSUInteger)blockLen { if (self = [super init]) { _device = device; _blockLen = blockLen; } return self; } - (NSString *)debugDescription { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"length=%ld, allocated=%ld", _length, _allocated]; } - (void)commitRanges { for (BufferNode *n = _head; n != nil; n = n.next) { if (n.allocated > 0) { [n.src didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(0, n.allocated)]; } } } - (void)discard { _current = _head; _offset = 0; _allocated = 0; } - (bool)allocRange:(BufferRange *)range length:(NSUInteger)length { bzero(range, sizeof(*range)); if (!_head) { _head = [[BufferNode alloc] initWithBuffer:[_device newBufferWithLength:_blockLen options:MTLResourceStorageModeManaged]]; _length += _blockLen; _current = _head; _offset = 0; } if ([self _subAllocRange:range length:length]) return YES; while (_current.next) { [self _nextNode]; if ([self _subAllocRange:range length:length]) return YES; } NSUInteger blockLen = _blockLen; if (length > blockLen) { blockLen = length; } _current.next = [[BufferNode alloc] initWithBuffer:[_device newBufferWithLength:blockLen options:MTLResourceStorageModeManaged]]; if (!_current.next) return NO; _length += blockLen; [self _nextNode]; retro_assert([self _subAllocRange:range length:length]); return YES; } - (void)_nextNode { _current = _current.next; _offset = 0; } - (BOOL)_subAllocRange:(BufferRange *)range length:(NSUInteger)length { NSUInteger nextOffset = _offset + length; if (nextOffset <= _current.src.length) { _current.allocated = nextOffset; _allocated += length; range->data = _current.src.contents + _offset; range->buffer = _current.src; range->offset = _offset; _offset = MTL_ALIGN_BUFFER(nextOffset); return YES; } return NO; } @end