/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 - Michael Lelli * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 - Steven Crowe * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../../config.h" #endif #include "../../config.def.h" #ifdef HAVE_MENU #include "../../menu/menu_driver.h" #endif #include "../../command.h" #include "../../frontend/drivers/platform_unix.h" #include "../drivers_keyboard/keyboard_event_android.h" #include "../../tasks/tasks_internal.h" #include "../../performance_counters.h" #include "../../configuration.h" #include "../../retroarch.h" #include "../../runloop.h" #define MAX_TOUCH 16 #define MAX_NUM_KEYBOARDS 3 #define DEFAULT_ASENSOR_EVENT_RATE 60 /* If using an SDK lower than 14 then add missing mouse button codes */ #if __ANDROID_API__ < 14 enum { AMOTION_EVENT_BUTTON_PRIMARY = 1 << 0, AMOTION_EVENT_BUTTON_SECONDARY = 1 << 1, AMOTION_EVENT_BUTTON_TERTIARY = 1 << 2, AMOTION_EVENT_BUTTON_BACK = 1 << 3, AMOTION_EVENT_BUTTON_FORWARD = 1 << 4, AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_VSCROLL = 9, AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_MOVE = 7, AINPUT_SOURCE_STYLUS = 0x00004000 | AINPUT_SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER, AMOTION_EVENT_BUTTON_STYLUS_PRIMARY = 1 << 5, AMOTION_EVENT_BUTTON_STYLUS_SECONDARY = 1 << 6 }; #endif /* If using an NDK lower than 16b then add missing definition */ #ifndef __ANDROID_API_O_MR1__ enum { AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE_RELATIVE = 0x00020000 | AINPUT_SOURCE_CLASS_NAVIGATION }; #endif /* If using an SDK lower than 24 then add missing relative axis codes */ #ifndef AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_RELATIVE_X #define AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_RELATIVE_X 27 #endif #ifndef AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_RELATIVE_Y #define AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_RELATIVE_Y 28 #endif /* Use this to enable/disable using the touch screen as mouse */ #define ENABLE_TOUCH_SCREEN_MOUSE 1 #define AKEYCODE_ASSIST 219 #define LAST_KEYCODE AKEYCODE_ASSIST #define MAX_KEYS ((LAST_KEYCODE + 7) / 8) /* First ports are used to keep track of gamepad states. * Last port is used for keyboard state */ static uint8_t android_key_state[DEFAULT_MAX_PADS + 1][MAX_KEYS]; #define ANDROID_KEYBOARD_PORT_INPUT_PRESSED(binds, id) (BIT_GET(android_key_state[ANDROID_KEYBOARD_PORT], rarch_keysym_lut[(binds)[(id)].key])) #define ANDROID_KEYBOARD_INPUT_PRESSED(key) (BIT_GET(android_key_state[0], (key))) uint8_t *android_keyboard_state_get(unsigned port) { return android_key_state[port]; } /* TODO/FIXME - * fix game focus toggle */ typedef struct { float x; float y; float z; } sensor_t; struct input_pointer { int16_t x, y; int16_t full_x, full_y; }; static int pad_id1 = -1; static int pad_id2 = -1; static int kbd_id[MAX_NUM_KEYBOARDS]; static int kbd_num = 0; enum { AXIS_X = 0, AXIS_Y = 1, AXIS_Z = 11, AXIS_RZ = 14, AXIS_HAT_X = 15, AXIS_HAT_Y = 16, AXIS_LTRIGGER = 17, AXIS_RTRIGGER = 18, AXIS_GAS = 22, AXIS_BRAKE = 23 }; typedef struct state_device { int id; int port; char name[256]; } state_device_t; typedef struct android_input { int64_t quick_tap_time; state_device_t pad_states[MAX_USERS]; /* int alignment */ int mouse_x, mouse_y; int mouse_x_delta, mouse_y_delta; int mouse_l, mouse_r, mouse_m, mouse_wu, mouse_wd; unsigned pads_connected; unsigned pointer_count; sensor_t accelerometer_state; /* float alignment */ sensor_t gyroscope_state; /* float alignment */ float mouse_x_prev, mouse_y_prev; struct input_pointer pointer[MAX_TOUCH]; /* int16_t alignment */ char device_model[256]; } android_input_t; static void frontend_android_get_version_sdk(int32_t *sdk); static void frontend_android_get_name(char *s, size_t len); bool (*engine_lookup_name)(char *buf, int *vendorId, int *productId, size_t size, int id); void (*engine_handle_dpad)(struct android_app *, AInputEvent*, int, int); static void android_input_poll_input_gingerbread(android_input_t *android); static void android_input_poll_input_default(android_input_t *android); static void (*android_input_poll_input)(android_input_t *android); static bool android_input_set_sensor_state(void *data, unsigned port, enum retro_sensor_action action, unsigned event_rate); extern float AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(const AInputEvent* motion_event, int32_t axis, size_t pointer_idx); static typeof(AMotionEvent_getAxisValue) *p_AMotionEvent_getAxisValue; #define AMotionEvent_getAxisValue (*p_AMotionEvent_getAxisValue) extern int32_t AMotionEvent_getButtonState(const AInputEvent* motion_event); static typeof(AMotionEvent_getButtonState) *p_AMotionEvent_getButtonState; #define AMotionEvent_getButtonState (*p_AMotionEvent_getButtonState) #ifdef HAVE_DYLIB static void *libandroid_handle; #endif static void android_keyboard_free(void) { unsigned i, j; for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_MAX_PADS; i++) for (j = 0; j < MAX_KEYS; j++) android_key_state[i][j] = 0; for (i = 0; i < (unsigned) kbd_num; i++) kbd_id[i] = -1; kbd_num = 0; } static bool android_input_lookup_name_prekitkat(char *buf, int *vendorId, int *productId, size_t size, int id) { jobject name = NULL; jmethodID getName = NULL; jobject device = NULL; jmethodID method = NULL; jclass class = 0; const char *str = NULL; JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv*)jni_thread_getenv(); if (!env) return false; FIND_CLASS(env, class, "android/view/InputDevice"); if (!class) return false; GET_STATIC_METHOD_ID(env, method, class, "getDevice", "(I)Landroid/view/InputDevice;"); if (!method) return false; CALL_OBJ_STATIC_METHOD_PARAM(env, device, class, method, (jint)id); if (!device) return false; GET_METHOD_ID(env, getName, class, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); if (!getName) return false; CALL_OBJ_METHOD(env, name, device, getName); if (!name) return false; buf[0] = '\0'; str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, name, 0); if (str) strlcpy(buf, str, size); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, name, str); return true; } static bool android_input_lookup_name(char *buf, int *vendorId, int *productId, size_t size, int id) { jmethodID getVendorId = NULL; jmethodID getProductId = NULL; jmethodID getName = NULL; jobject device = NULL; jobject name = NULL; jmethodID method = NULL; jclass class = NULL; const char *str = NULL; JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv*)jni_thread_getenv(); if (!env) return false; FIND_CLASS(env, class, "android/view/InputDevice"); if (!class) return false; GET_STATIC_METHOD_ID(env, method, class, "getDevice", "(I)Landroid/view/InputDevice;"); if (!method) return false; CALL_OBJ_STATIC_METHOD_PARAM(env, device, class, method, (jint)id); if (!device) return false; GET_METHOD_ID(env, getName, class, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); if (!getName) return false; CALL_OBJ_METHOD(env, name, device, getName); if (!name) return false; buf[0] = '\0'; str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, name, 0); if (str) strlcpy(buf, str, size); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, name, str); GET_METHOD_ID(env, getVendorId, class, "getVendorId", "()I"); if (!getVendorId) return false; CALL_INT_METHOD(env, *vendorId, device, getVendorId); GET_METHOD_ID(env, getProductId, class, "getProductId", "()I"); if (!getProductId) return false; *productId = 0; CALL_INT_METHOD(env, *productId, device, getProductId); return true; } static bool android_input_can_be_keyboard_jni(int id) { jmethodID getKeyboardType = NULL; jobject device = NULL; jint keyboard_type = -1; jmethodID method = NULL; jclass class = NULL; const char *str = NULL; JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv*)jni_thread_getenv(); if (!env) return false; FIND_CLASS(env, class, "android/view/InputDevice"); if (!class) return false; GET_STATIC_METHOD_ID(env, method, class, "getDevice", "(I)Landroid/view/InputDevice;"); if (!method) return false; CALL_OBJ_STATIC_METHOD_PARAM(env, device, class, method, (jint)id); if (!device) return false; GET_METHOD_ID(env, getKeyboardType, class, "getKeyboardType", "()I"); if (!getKeyboardType) return false; CALL_INT_METHOD(env, keyboard_type, device, getKeyboardType); if (keyboard_type < 0) return false; return keyboard_type == AINPUT_KEYBOARD_TYPE_ALPHABETIC; } bool android_input_can_be_keyboard(void *data, int port) { android_input_t *android = (android_input_t *) data; if (!android) return false; if (port < 0 || port >= android->pads_connected) return false; state_device_t *device = &android->pad_states[port]; if (!device->id && string_is_empty(device->name)) return false; return android_input_can_be_keyboard_jni(device->id); } static void android_input_poll_main_cmd(void) { int8_t cmd; struct android_app *android_app = (struct android_app*)g_android; if (read(android_app->msgread, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)) != sizeof(cmd)) cmd = -1; switch (cmd) { case APP_CMD_REINIT_DONE: slock_lock(android_app->mutex); android_app->reinitRequested = 0; scond_broadcast(android_app->cond); slock_unlock(android_app->mutex); break; case APP_CMD_INPUT_CHANGED: slock_lock(android_app->mutex); if (android_app->inputQueue) AInputQueue_detachLooper(android_app->inputQueue); android_app->inputQueue = android_app->pendingInputQueue; if (android_app->inputQueue) AInputQueue_attachLooper(android_app->inputQueue, android_app->looper, LOOPER_ID_INPUT, NULL, NULL); scond_broadcast(android_app->cond); slock_unlock(android_app->mutex); break; case APP_CMD_INIT_WINDOW: slock_lock(android_app->mutex); android_app->window = android_app->pendingWindow; android_app->reinitRequested = 1; scond_broadcast(android_app->cond); slock_unlock(android_app->mutex); break; case APP_CMD_SAVE_STATE: slock_lock(android_app->mutex); android_app->stateSaved = 1; scond_broadcast(android_app->cond); slock_unlock(android_app->mutex); break; case APP_CMD_RESUME: case APP_CMD_START: case APP_CMD_PAUSE: case APP_CMD_STOP: slock_lock(android_app->mutex); android_app->activityState = cmd; scond_broadcast(android_app->cond); slock_unlock(android_app->mutex); break; case APP_CMD_CONFIG_CHANGED: AConfiguration_fromAssetManager(android_app->config, android_app->activity->assetManager); break; case APP_CMD_TERM_WINDOW: slock_lock(android_app->mutex); /* The window is being hidden or closed, clean it up. */ /* terminate display/EGL context here */ android_app->window = NULL; scond_broadcast(android_app->cond); slock_unlock(android_app->mutex); break; case APP_CMD_GAINED_FOCUS: { runloop_state_t *runloop_st = runloop_state_get_ptr(); bool enable_accelerometer = (android_app->sensor_state_mask & (UINT64_C(1) << RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_DISABLE)); bool enable_gyroscope = (android_app->sensor_state_mask & (UINT64_C(1) << RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_DISABLE)); runloop_st->flags &= ~(RUNLOOP_FLAG_PAUSED | RUNLOOP_FLAG_IDLE); video_driver_unset_stub_frame(); if (enable_accelerometer) input_set_sensor_state(0, RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_ENABLE, android_app->accelerometer_event_rate); if (enable_gyroscope) input_set_sensor_state(0, RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_ENABLE, android_app->gyroscope_event_rate); } slock_lock(android_app->mutex); android_app->unfocused = false; scond_broadcast(android_app->cond); slock_unlock(android_app->mutex); break; case APP_CMD_LOST_FOCUS: { runloop_state_t *runloop_st = runloop_state_get_ptr(); bool disable_accelerometer = (android_app->sensor_state_mask & (UINT64_C(1) << RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_ENABLE)) && android_app->accelerometerSensor; bool disable_gyroscope = (android_app->sensor_state_mask & (UINT64_C(1) << RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_ENABLE)) && android_app->gyroscopeSensor; runloop_st->flags |= (RUNLOOP_FLAG_PAUSED | RUNLOOP_FLAG_IDLE); video_driver_set_stub_frame(); /* Avoid draining battery while app is not being used. */ if (disable_accelerometer) input_set_sensor_state(0, RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_DISABLE, android_app->accelerometer_event_rate); if (disable_gyroscope) input_set_sensor_state(0, RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_DISABLE, android_app->gyroscope_event_rate); } slock_lock(android_app->mutex); android_app->unfocused = true; scond_broadcast(android_app->cond); slock_unlock(android_app->mutex); break; case APP_CMD_DESTROY: android_app->destroyRequested = 1; break; } } static void engine_handle_dpad_default(struct android_app *android, AInputEvent *event, int port, int source) { size_t motion_ptr = AMotionEvent_getAction(event) >> AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT; float x = AMotionEvent_getX(event, motion_ptr); float y = AMotionEvent_getY(event, motion_ptr); android->analog_state[port][0] = (int16_t)(x * 32767.0f); android->analog_state[port][1] = (int16_t)(y * 32767.0f); } #ifdef HAVE_DYLIB static void engine_handle_dpad_getaxisvalue(struct android_app *android, AInputEvent *event, int port, int source) { size_t motion_ptr = AMotionEvent_getAction(event) >> AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT; float x = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event, AXIS_X, motion_ptr); float y = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event, AXIS_Y, motion_ptr); float z = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event, AXIS_Z, motion_ptr); float rz = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event, AXIS_RZ, motion_ptr); float hatx = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event, AXIS_HAT_X, motion_ptr); float haty = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event, AXIS_HAT_Y, motion_ptr); float ltrig = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event, AXIS_LTRIGGER, motion_ptr); float rtrig = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event, AXIS_RTRIGGER, motion_ptr); float brake = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event, AXIS_BRAKE, motion_ptr); float gas = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event, AXIS_GAS, motion_ptr); android->hat_state[port][0] = (int)hatx; android->hat_state[port][1] = (int)haty; /* XXX: this could be a loop instead, but do we really want to * loop through every axis? */ android->analog_state[port][0] = (int16_t)(x * 32767.0f); android->analog_state[port][1] = (int16_t)(y * 32767.0f); android->analog_state[port][2] = (int16_t)(z * 32767.0f); android->analog_state[port][3] = (int16_t)(rz * 32767.0f); #if 0 android->analog_state[port][4] = (int16_t)(hatx * 32767.0f); android->analog_state[port][5] = (int16_t)(haty * 32767.0f); #endif android->analog_state[port][6] = (int16_t)(ltrig * 32767.0f); android->analog_state[port][7] = (int16_t)(rtrig * 32767.0f); android->analog_state[port][8] = (int16_t)(brake * 32767.0f); android->analog_state[port][9] = (int16_t)(gas * 32767.0f); } #endif static bool android_input_init_handle(void) { #ifdef HAVE_DYLIB if (libandroid_handle != NULL) /* already initialized */ return true; #if defined (ANDROID_AARCH64) || defined(ANDROID_X64) if ((libandroid_handle = dlopen("/system/lib64/libandroid.so", RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_LAZY)) == 0) return false; #else if ((libandroid_handle = dlopen("/system/lib/libandroid.so", RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_LAZY)) == 0) return false; #endif if ((p_AMotionEvent_getAxisValue = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "AMotionEvent_getAxisValue"))) engine_handle_dpad = engine_handle_dpad_getaxisvalue; p_AMotionEvent_getButtonState = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "AMotionEvent_getButtonState"); #endif pad_id1 = -1; pad_id2 = -1; return true; } static void *android_input_init(const char *joypad_driver) { int32_t sdk; struct android_app *android_app = (struct android_app*)g_android; android_input_t *android = (android_input_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*android)); if (!android) return NULL; android->pads_connected = 0; android->quick_tap_time = 0; input_keymaps_init_keyboard_lut(rarch_key_map_android); frontend_android_get_version_sdk(&sdk); if (sdk >= 19) engine_lookup_name = android_input_lookup_name; else engine_lookup_name = android_input_lookup_name_prekitkat; engine_handle_dpad = engine_handle_dpad_default; if (sdk > 10) android_input_poll_input = android_input_poll_input_default; else android_input_poll_input = android_input_poll_input_gingerbread; if (!android_input_init_handle()) { RARCH_WARN("Unable to open libandroid.so\n"); } frontend_android_get_name(android->device_model, sizeof(android->device_model)); android_app->input_alive = true; return android; } static int android_check_quick_tap(android_input_t *android) { /* Check if the touch screen has been been quick tapped * and then not touched again for 200ms * If so then return true and deactivate quick tap timer */ retro_time_t now = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); if (android->quick_tap_time && (now / 1000 - android->quick_tap_time / 1000000) >= 200) { android->quick_tap_time = 0; return 1; } return 0; } static INLINE void android_mouse_calculate_deltas(android_input_t *android, AInputEvent *event,size_t motion_ptr,int source) { unsigned video_width, video_height; video_driver_get_size(&video_width, &video_height); float x = 0; float x_delta = 0; float x_min = 0; float x_max = (float)video_width; float y = 0; float y_delta = 0; float y_min = 0; float y_max = (float)video_height; /* AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE_RELATIVE is available on Oreo (SDK 26) and newer, * it passes the relative coordinates in the regular X and Y parts. * NOTE: AINPUT_SOURCE_* defines have multiple bits set so do full check */ if ((source & AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE_RELATIVE) == AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE_RELATIVE) { x_delta = AMotionEvent_getX(event, motion_ptr); y_delta = AMotionEvent_getY(event, motion_ptr); } else { /* This axis is only available on Android Nougat or on * Android devices with NVIDIA extensions */ if (p_AMotionEvent_getAxisValue) { x_delta = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event,AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_RELATIVE_X, motion_ptr); y_delta = AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event,AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_RELATIVE_Y, motion_ptr); } /* If AXIS_RELATIVE had 0 values it might be because we're not * running Android Nougat or on a device * with NVIDIA extension, so re-calculate deltas based on * AXIS_X and AXIS_Y. This has limitations * compared to AXIS_RELATIVE because once the Android mouse cursor * hits the edge of the screen it is * not possible to move the in-game mouse any further in that direction. */ if (!x_delta && !y_delta) { x = AMotionEvent_getX(event, motion_ptr); y = AMotionEvent_getY(event, motion_ptr); x_delta = (x_delta - android->mouse_x_prev); y_delta = (y_delta - android->mouse_y_prev); android->mouse_x_prev = x; android->mouse_y_prev = y; } } android->mouse_x_delta = x_delta; android->mouse_y_delta = y_delta; if (!x) x = android->mouse_x + android->mouse_x_delta; if (!y) y = android->mouse_y + android->mouse_y_delta; /* x and y are used for the screen mouse, so we want * to avoid values outside of the viewport resolution */ if (x < x_min) x = x_min; else if (x > x_max) x = x_max; if (y < y_min) y = y_min; else if (y > y_max) y = y_max; android->mouse_x = x; android->mouse_y = y; } static INLINE void android_input_poll_event_type_motion( android_input_t *android, AInputEvent *event, int port, int source) { int getaction = AMotionEvent_getAction(event); int action = getaction & AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MASK; size_t motion_ptr = getaction >> AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT; bool keyup = ( action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP || action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL || action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP); /* If source is mouse then calculate button state * and mouse deltas and don't process as touchscreen event. * NOTE: AINPUT_SOURCE_* defines have multiple bits set so do full check */ if ( (source & AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE) == AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE || (source & AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE_RELATIVE) == AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE_RELATIVE) { /* getButtonState requires API level 14 */ if (p_AMotionEvent_getButtonState) { int btn = (int)AMotionEvent_getButtonState(event); android->mouse_l = (btn & AMOTION_EVENT_BUTTON_PRIMARY); android->mouse_r = (btn & AMOTION_EVENT_BUTTON_SECONDARY); android->mouse_m = (btn & AMOTION_EVENT_BUTTON_TERTIARY); btn = (int)AMotionEvent_getAxisValue(event, AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_VSCROLL, motion_ptr); if (btn > 0) android->mouse_wu = btn; else if (btn < 0) android->mouse_wd = btn; } else { /* If getButtonState is not available * then treat all MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN as left button presses */ if (action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN) android->mouse_l = 1; if (action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP) android->mouse_l = 0; } android_mouse_calculate_deltas(android,event,motion_ptr,source); return; } if (keyup && motion_ptr < MAX_TOUCH) { if (action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP && ENABLE_TOUCH_SCREEN_MOUSE) { /* If touchscreen was pressed for less than 200ms * then register time stamp of a quick tap */ if ((AMotionEvent_getEventTime(event)-AMotionEvent_getDownTime(event))/1000000 < 200) { /* Prevent the quick tap if a button on the overlay is down */ input_driver_state_t *input_st = input_state_get_ptr(); if (!(input_st->flags & INP_FLAG_BLOCK_POINTER_INPUT)) android->quick_tap_time = AMotionEvent_getEventTime(event); } android->mouse_l = 0; } memmove(android->pointer + motion_ptr, android->pointer + motion_ptr + 1, (MAX_TOUCH - motion_ptr - 1) * sizeof(struct input_pointer)); if (android->pointer_count > 0) android->pointer_count--; } else { int pointer_max = MIN( AMotionEvent_getPointerCount(event), MAX_TOUCH); if (action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN && ENABLE_TOUCH_SCREEN_MOUSE) { /* When touch screen is pressed, set mouse * previous position to current position * before starting to calculate mouse movement deltas. */ android->mouse_x_prev = AMotionEvent_getX(event, motion_ptr); android->mouse_y_prev = AMotionEvent_getY(event, motion_ptr); /* If another touch happened within 200ms after a quick tap * then cancel the quick tap and register left mouse button * as being held down */ if ((AMotionEvent_getEventTime(event) - android->quick_tap_time)/1000000 < 200) { android->quick_tap_time = 0; android->mouse_l = 1; } } if (( action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE || action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_MOVE) && ENABLE_TOUCH_SCREEN_MOUSE) android_mouse_calculate_deltas(android,event,motion_ptr,source); for (motion_ptr = 0; motion_ptr < pointer_max; motion_ptr++) { struct video_viewport vp; float x = AMotionEvent_getX(event, motion_ptr); float y = AMotionEvent_getY(event, motion_ptr); vp.x = 0; vp.y = 0; vp.width = 0; vp.height = 0; vp.full_width = 0; vp.full_height = 0; video_driver_translate_coord_viewport_wrap( &vp, x, y, &android->pointer[motion_ptr].x, &android->pointer[motion_ptr].y, &android->pointer[motion_ptr].full_x, &android->pointer[motion_ptr].full_y); android->pointer_count = MAX( android->pointer_count, motion_ptr + 1); } } /* If more than one pointer detected * then count it as a mouse right click */ if (ENABLE_TOUCH_SCREEN_MOUSE) android->mouse_r = (android->pointer_count == 2); } static INLINE void android_input_poll_event_type_motion_stylus( android_input_t *android, AInputEvent *event, int port, int source) { int getaction = AMotionEvent_getAction(event); int action = getaction & AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MASK; size_t motion_ptr = getaction >> AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT; if (ENABLE_TOUCH_SCREEN_MOUSE) { // mouse right button press on stylus primary button int btn = (int)AMotionEvent_getButtonState(event); android->mouse_r = (btn & AMOTION_EVENT_BUTTON_STYLUS_PRIMARY); } bool hovered_or_moving = ( action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_MOVE || action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE); if (hovered_or_moving && motion_ptr < MAX_TOUCH) { if (ENABLE_TOUCH_SCREEN_MOUSE) { if (action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE) { android->mouse_l = 1; } else { android->mouse_l = 0; } android_mouse_calculate_deltas(android,event,motion_ptr,source); } if (action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE) { // move pointer struct video_viewport vp; float x = AMotionEvent_getX(event, motion_ptr); float y = AMotionEvent_getY(event, motion_ptr); vp.x = 0; vp.y = 0; vp.width = 0; vp.height = 0; vp.full_width = 0; vp.full_height = 0; video_driver_translate_coord_viewport_wrap( &vp, x, y, &android->pointer[motion_ptr].x, &android->pointer[motion_ptr].y, &android->pointer[motion_ptr].full_x, &android->pointer[motion_ptr].full_y); android->pointer_count = MAX( android->pointer_count, motion_ptr + 1); } else if (action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_MOVE) { // release the pointer memmove(android->pointer + motion_ptr, android->pointer + motion_ptr + 1, (MAX_TOUCH - motion_ptr - 1) * sizeof(struct input_pointer)); if (android->pointer_count > 0) android->pointer_count--; } } else if ((action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_EXIT) && motion_ptr < MAX_TOUCH) { if (ENABLE_TOUCH_SCREEN_MOUSE) { android->mouse_l = 0; android_mouse_calculate_deltas(android,event,motion_ptr,source); } // pointer was already released during AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_MOVE } } static bool android_is_keyboard_id(int id) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)kbd_num; i++) if (id == kbd_id[i]) return true; return false; } static INLINE void android_input_poll_event_type_keyboard( AInputEvent *event, int keycode, int *handled) { int keydown = (AKeyEvent_getAction(event) == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN); unsigned keyboardcode = input_keymaps_translate_keysym_to_rk(keycode); /* Set keyboard modifier based on shift,ctrl and alt state */ uint16_t mod = 0; int meta = AKeyEvent_getMetaState(event); if (meta & AMETA_ALT_ON) mod |= RETROKMOD_ALT; if (meta & AMETA_CTRL_ON) mod |= RETROKMOD_CTRL; if (meta & AMETA_SHIFT_ON) mod |= RETROKMOD_SHIFT; input_keyboard_event(keydown, keyboardcode, keyboardcode, mod, RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD); if ((keycode == AKEYCODE_VOLUME_UP || keycode == AKEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN)) *handled = 0; } static INLINE void android_input_poll_event_type_key( struct android_app *android_app, AInputEvent *event, int port, int keycode, int source, int type_event, int *handled) { uint8_t *buf = android_key_state[port]; int action = AKeyEvent_getAction(event); /* some controllers send both the up and down events at once * when the button is released for "special" buttons, like menu buttons * work around that by only using down events for meta keys (which get * cleared every poll anyway) */ switch (action) { case AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP: BIT_CLEAR(buf, keycode); break; case AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN: BIT_SET(buf, keycode); break; } if ((keycode == AKEYCODE_VOLUME_UP || keycode == AKEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN)) *handled = 0; } static int android_input_get_id_port(android_input_t *android, int id, int source) { unsigned i; int ret = -1; if (source & (AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN | AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE | AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE_RELATIVE | AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHPAD)) ret = 0; /* touch overlay is always user 1 */ for (i = 0; i < android->pads_connected; i++) { if (android->pad_states[i].id == id) { ret = i; break; } } return ret; } /* Returns the index inside android->pad_state */ static int android_input_get_id_index_from_name(android_input_t *android, const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < android->pads_connected; i++) { if (string_is_equal(name, android->pad_states[i].name)) return i; } return -1; } static int android_input_recover_port(android_input_t *android, int id) { char device_name[256] = { 0 }; int vendorId = 0; int productId = 0; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!settings->bools.android_input_disconnect_workaround) return -1; if (!engine_lookup_name(device_name, &vendorId, &productId, sizeof(device_name), id)) return -1; int ret = android_input_get_id_index_from_name(android, device_name); if (ret >= 0) android->pad_states[ret].id = id; return ret; } static bool is_configured_as_physical_keyboard(int vendor_id, int product_id, const char *device_name) { bool is_keyboard; bool compare_by_id; int keyboard_vendor_id; int keyboard_product_id; char keyboard_name[256]; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (sscanf(settings->arrays.input_android_physical_keyboard, "%04x:%04x ", &keyboard_vendor_id, &keyboard_product_id) != 2) { strlcpy(keyboard_name, settings->arrays.input_android_physical_keyboard, sizeof(keyboard_name)); is_keyboard = string_is_equal(device_name, keyboard_name); compare_by_id = false; } else { is_keyboard = (vendor_id == keyboard_vendor_id && product_id == keyboard_product_id); compare_by_id = true; } if (is_keyboard) { int i; /* * Check that there is not already a similar physical keyboard attached * attached to the system */ for (i = 0; i < kbd_num; i++) { char kbd_device_name[256] = { 0 }; int kbd_vendor_id = 0; int kbd_product_id = 0; if (!engine_lookup_name(kbd_device_name, &kbd_vendor_id, &kbd_product_id, sizeof(kbd_device_name), kbd_id[i])) return false; if (compare_by_id && vendor_id == kbd_vendor_id && product_id == kbd_product_id) return false; if (!compare_by_id && string_is_equal(device_name, kbd_device_name)) return false; } return true; } return false; } static void handle_hotplug(android_input_t *android, struct android_app *android_app, int *port, int id, int source) { char device_name[256]; char name_buf[256]; int vendorId = 0; int productId = 0; const char *device_model = android->device_model; device_name[0] = name_buf[0] = '\0'; if (!engine_lookup_name(device_name, &vendorId, &productId, sizeof(device_name), id)) return; /* FIXME - per-device hacks for NVidia Shield, Xperia Play and * similar devices * * These hacks depend on autoconf, but can work with user * created autoconfs properly */ /* NVIDIA Shield Console * This is the most complicated example, the built-in controller * has an extra button that can't be used and a remote. * * We map the remote for navigation and overwrite whenever a * real controller is connected. * Also group the NVIDIA button on the controller with the * main controller inputs so it's usable. It's mapped to * menu by default * * The NVIDIA button is identified as "Virtual" device when first * pressed. CEC remote input is also identified as "Virtual" device. * If a virtual device is detected before a controller then it will * be assigned to port 0 as "SHIELD Virtual Controller". When a real * controller is detected it will overwrite the virtual controller * and be grouped with the NVIDIA button of the virtual device. * */ if (strstr(device_model, "SHIELD Android TV") && ( strstr(device_name, "Virtual") || strstr(device_name, "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.0"))) { /* only use the hack if the device is one of the built-in devices */ RARCH_LOG("Special Device Detected: %s\n", device_model); { #if 0 RARCH_LOG("- Pads Mapped: %d\n- Device Name: %s\n- IDS: %d, %d, %d", android->pads_connected, device_name, id, pad_id1, pad_id2); #endif /* Remove the remote or virtual controller device if it is mapped */ if (strstr(android->pad_states[0].name,"SHIELD Remote") || strstr(android->pad_states[0].name,"SHIELD Virtual Controller")) { pad_id1 = -1; pad_id2 = -1; android->pads_connected = 0; *port = 0; strlcpy(name_buf, device_name, sizeof(name_buf)); } /* if the actual controller has not been mapped yet, * then configure Virtual device for now */ if (strstr(device_name, "Virtual") && android->pads_connected==0) strlcpy (name_buf, "SHIELD Virtual Controller", sizeof(name_buf)); else strlcpy (name_buf, "NVIDIA SHIELD Controller", sizeof(name_buf)); /* apply the hack only for the first controller * store the id for later use */ if (strstr(device_name, "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.0") && android->pads_connected==0) pad_id1 = id; else if (strstr(device_name, "Virtual") && pad_id1 != -1) { id = pad_id1; return; } } } else if (strstr(device_model, "SHIELD") && ( strstr(device_name, "Virtual") || strstr(device_name, "gpio") || strstr(device_name, "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.01") || strstr(device_name, "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.02"))) { /* only use the hack if the device is one of the built-in devices */ RARCH_LOG("Special Device Detected: %s\n", device_model); { if ( pad_id1 < 0 ) pad_id1 = id; else pad_id2 = id; if ( pad_id2 > 0) return; strlcpy (name_buf, "NVIDIA SHIELD Portable", sizeof(name_buf)); } } else if (strstr(device_model, "SHIELD") && ( strstr(device_name, "Virtual") || strstr(device_name, "gpio") || strstr(device_name, "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.03"))) { /* only use the hack if the device is one of the built-in devices */ RARCH_LOG("Special Device Detected: %s\n", device_model); { if (strstr(device_name, "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.03") && android->pads_connected==0) pad_id1 = id; else if (strstr(device_name, "Virtual") || strstr(device_name, "gpio")) { id = pad_id1; return; } strlcpy (name_buf, "NVIDIA SHIELD Gamepad", sizeof(name_buf)); } } /* Other ATV Devices * Add other common ATV devices that will follow the Android * Gaempad convention as "Android Gamepad" */ /* to-do: add DS4 on Bravia ATV */ else if (strstr(device_name, "NVIDIA")) strlcpy (name_buf, "Android Gamepad", sizeof(name_buf)); /* GPD XD * This is a simple hack, basically groups the "back" * button with the rest of the gamepad */ else if (strstr(device_model, "XD") && ( strstr(device_name, "Virtual") || strstr(device_name, "rk29-keypad") || strstr(device_name,"Playstation3") || strstr(device_name,"XBOX"))) { /* only use the hack if the device is one of the built-in devices */ RARCH_LOG("Special Device Detected: %s\n", device_model); { if ( pad_id1 < 0 ) pad_id1 = id; else pad_id2 = id; if ( pad_id2 > 0) return; strlcpy (name_buf, "GPD XD", sizeof(name_buf)); *port = 0; } } /* XPERIA Play * This device is composed of two hid devices * We make it look like one device */ else if ( ( string_starts_with_size(device_model, "R800", STRLEN_CONST("R800")) || strstr(device_model, "Xperia Play") || strstr(device_model, "Play") || strstr(device_model, "SO-01D") ) || ( strstr(device_name, "keypad-game-zeus") || strstr(device_name, "keypad-zeus") || strstr(device_name, "Android Gamepad") ) ) { /* only use the hack if the device is one of the built-in devices */ RARCH_LOG("Special Device Detected: %s\n", device_model); { if ( pad_id1 < 0 ) pad_id1 = id; else pad_id2 = id; if ( pad_id2 > 0) return; strlcpy (name_buf, "XPERIA Play", sizeof(name_buf)); *port = 0; } } /* ARCHOS Gamepad * This device is composed of two hid devices * We make it look like one device */ else if (strstr(device_model, "ARCHOS GAMEPAD") && ( strstr(device_name, "joy_key") || strstr(device_name, "joystick"))) { /* only use the hack if the device is one of the built-in devices */ RARCH_LOG("ARCHOS GAMEPAD Detected: %s\n", device_model); { if ( pad_id1 < 0 ) pad_id1 = id; else pad_id2 = id; if ( pad_id2 > 0) return; strlcpy (name_buf, "ARCHOS GamePad", sizeof(name_buf)); *port = 0; } } /* Amazon Fire TV & Fire stick */ else if ( string_starts_with_size(device_model, "AFT", STRLEN_CONST("AFT")) && ( strstr(device_model, "AFTB") || strstr(device_model, "AFTT") || strstr(device_model, "AFTS") || strstr(device_model, "AFTM") || strstr(device_model, "AFTRS") ) ) { RARCH_LOG("Special Device Detected: %s\n", device_model); { /* always map remote to port #0 */ if (strstr(device_name, "Amazon Fire TV Remote")) { android->pads_connected = 0; *port = 0; strlcpy(name_buf, device_name, sizeof(name_buf)); } /* remove the remote when a gamepad enters */ else if (strstr(android->pad_states[0].name,"Amazon Fire TV Remote")) { android->pads_connected = 0; *port = 0; strlcpy(name_buf, device_name, sizeof(name_buf)); } else strlcpy(name_buf, device_name, sizeof(name_buf)); } } /* Other uncommon devices * These are mostly remote control type devices, bind them always to port 0 * And overwrite the binding whenever a controller button is pressed */ else if (strstr(device_name, "Amazon Fire TV Remote") || strstr(device_name, "Nexus Remote") || strstr(device_name, "SHIELD Remote")) { android->pads_connected = 0; *port = 0; strlcpy(name_buf, device_name, sizeof(name_buf)); } else if (strstr(device_name, "iControlPad-")) strlcpy(name_buf, "iControlPad HID Joystick profile", sizeof(name_buf)); else if (strstr(device_name, "TTT THT Arcade console 2P USB Play")) { if (*port == 0) strlcpy(name_buf, "TTT THT Arcade (User 1)", sizeof(name_buf)); else if (*port == 1) strlcpy(name_buf, "TTT THT Arcade (User 2)", sizeof(name_buf)); } else if (strstr(device_name, "MOGA")) strlcpy(name_buf, "Moga IME", sizeof(name_buf)); /* If device is keyboard only and didn't match any of the devices above * then assume it is a keyboard, register the id, and return unless the * maximum number of keyboards are already registered. */ else if (source == AINPUT_SOURCE_KEYBOARD && kbd_num < MAX_NUM_KEYBOARDS) { kbd_id[kbd_num] = id; kbd_num++; return; } /* If the device is a keyboard, didn't match any of the devices above * and is designated as the physical keyboard, then assume it is a keyboard, * register the id, and return unless the * maximum number of keyboards are already registered. */ else if ((source & AINPUT_SOURCE_KEYBOARD) && kbd_num < MAX_NUM_KEYBOARDS && is_configured_as_physical_keyboard(vendorId, productId, device_name)) { kbd_id[kbd_num] = id; kbd_num++; return; } /* if device was not keyboard only, yet did not match any of the devices * then try to autoconfigure as gamepad based on device_name. */ else if (!string_is_empty(device_name)) strlcpy(name_buf, device_name, sizeof(name_buf)); if (strstr(android_app->current_ime, "net.obsidianx.android.mogaime")) strlcpy(name_buf, android_app->current_ime, sizeof(name_buf)); else if (strstr(android_app->current_ime, "com.ccpcreations.android.WiiUseAndroid")) strlcpy(name_buf, android_app->current_ime, sizeof(name_buf)); else if (strstr(android_app->current_ime, "com.hexad.bluezime")) strlcpy(name_buf, android_app->current_ime, sizeof(name_buf)); if (*port < 0) *port = android->pads_connected; input_autoconfigure_connect( name_buf, NULL, android_joypad.ident, *port, vendorId, productId); android->pad_states[android->pads_connected].id = g_android->id[android->pads_connected] = id; android->pad_states[android->pads_connected].port = *port; strlcpy(android->pad_states[*port].name, name_buf, sizeof(android->pad_states[*port].name)); android->pads_connected++; } static int android_input_get_id(AInputEvent *event) { int id = AInputEvent_getDeviceId(event); if (id == pad_id2) return pad_id1; return id; } struct TOUCHSTATE { int down; int x; int y; }; static void engine_handle_touchpad( struct android_app *android, AInputEvent *event, int port) { unsigned n; static struct TOUCHSTATE touchstate[64]; int pointer_count = AMotionEvent_getPointerCount(event); for(n = 0; n < pointer_count; ++n) { int pointer_id = AMotionEvent_getPointerId(event, n); int action = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MASK & AMotionEvent_getAction(event); int raw_action = AMotionEvent_getAction(event); if ( action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN || action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP ) { int pointer_index = (AMotionEvent_getAction( event ) & AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK) >> AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT; pointer_id = AMotionEvent_getPointerId( event, pointer_index); } if ( action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN || action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN ) touchstate[pointer_id].down = 1; else if (action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP || action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP || action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL ) touchstate[pointer_id].down = 0; if (touchstate[pointer_id].down) { int x = touchstate[pointer_id].x = AMotionEvent_getX(event, n); int y = touchstate[pointer_id].y = AMotionEvent_getY(event, n); if (x < 360) { android->analog_state[port][0] = (int16_t)((x / 180.0 - 1.0f) * 32767.0f); android->analog_state[port][1] = (int16_t)((y / 180.0 - 1.0f) * 32767.0f); } else if (x >= 606) { x -= 606; android->analog_state[port][2] = (int16_t)((x / 180.0 - 1.0f) * 32767.0f); android->analog_state[port][3] = (int16_t)((y / 180.0 - 1.0f) * 32767.0f); } } else { if (touchstate[pointer_id].x < 360) { android->analog_state[port][0] = 0.0f; android->analog_state[port][1] = 0.0f; } else if (touchstate[pointer_id].x >= 606) { android->analog_state[port][2] = 0.0f; android->analog_state[port][3] = 0.0f; } } } } static void android_input_poll_input_gingerbread( android_input_t *android) { AInputEvent *event = NULL; struct android_app *android_app = (struct android_app*)g_android; /* Read all pending events. */ if (AInputQueue_getEvent(android_app->inputQueue, &event) >= 0) { int source, type_event, id, port; int32_t handled = 0; if (AInputQueue_preDispatchEvent(android_app->inputQueue, event)) return; source = AInputEvent_getSource(event); type_event = AInputEvent_getType(event); id = android_input_get_id(event); port = android_input_get_id_port(android, id, source); if (port < 0 && !android_is_keyboard_id(id)) port = android_input_recover_port(android, id); if (port < 0 && !android_is_keyboard_id(id)) handle_hotplug(android, android_app, &port, id, source); switch (type_event) { case AINPUT_EVENT_TYPE_MOTION: if ((source & AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHPAD)) engine_handle_touchpad(android_app, event, port); /* Only handle events from a touchscreen or mouse */ else if ((source & (AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN | AINPUT_SOURCE_STYLUS | AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE))) android_input_poll_event_type_motion(android, event, port, source); else engine_handle_dpad(android_app, event, port, source); handled = 1; break; case AINPUT_EVENT_TYPE_KEY: { int keycode = AKeyEvent_getKeyCode(event); if (!keycode) break; if (android_is_keyboard_id(id)) { android_input_poll_event_type_keyboard( event, keycode, &handled); android_input_poll_event_type_key( android_app, event, ANDROID_KEYBOARD_PORT, keycode, source, type_event, &handled); } else android_input_poll_event_type_key(android_app, event, port, keycode, source, type_event, &handled); } break; } AInputQueue_finishEvent(android_app->inputQueue, event, handled); } } static void android_input_poll_input_default(android_input_t *android) { AInputEvent *event = NULL; struct android_app *android_app = (struct android_app*)g_android; /* Read all pending events. */ while (AInputQueue_hasEvents(android_app->inputQueue)) { while (AInputQueue_getEvent(android_app->inputQueue, &event) >= 0) { int32_t handled = 1; int predispatched = AInputQueue_preDispatchEvent( android_app->inputQueue, event); int source = AInputEvent_getSource(event); int type_event = AInputEvent_getType(event); int id = android_input_get_id(event); int port = android_input_get_id_port(android, id, source); if (port < 0 && !android_is_keyboard_id(id)) port = android_input_recover_port(android, id); if (port < 0 && !android_is_keyboard_id(id)) handle_hotplug(android, android_app, &port, id, source); switch (type_event) { case AINPUT_EVENT_TYPE_MOTION: if ((source & AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHPAD)) engine_handle_touchpad(android_app, event, port); else if ((source & AINPUT_SOURCE_STYLUS) == AINPUT_SOURCE_STYLUS) android_input_poll_event_type_motion_stylus(android, event, port, source); /* Only handle events from a touchscreen or mouse */ else if ((source & (AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN | AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE | AINPUT_SOURCE_MOUSE_RELATIVE))) android_input_poll_event_type_motion(android, event, port, source); else engine_handle_dpad(android_app, event, port, source); break; case AINPUT_EVENT_TYPE_KEY: { int keycode = AKeyEvent_getKeyCode(event); if (!keycode) break; if (android_is_keyboard_id(id)) { if (!predispatched) { android_input_poll_event_type_keyboard( event, keycode, &handled); android_input_poll_event_type_key( android_app, event, ANDROID_KEYBOARD_PORT, keycode, source, type_event, &handled); } } else android_input_poll_event_type_key(android_app, event, port, keycode, source, type_event, &handled); } break; } if (!predispatched) AInputQueue_finishEvent(android_app->inputQueue, event, handled); } } } static void android_input_poll_user(android_input_t *android) { struct android_app *android_app = (struct android_app*)g_android; bool poll_accelerometer = false; bool poll_gyroscope = false; if (!android_app->sensorEventQueue) return; poll_accelerometer = (android_app->sensor_state_mask & (UINT64_C(1) << RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_ENABLE)) && android_app->accelerometerSensor; poll_gyroscope = (android_app->sensor_state_mask & (UINT64_C(1) << RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_ENABLE)) && android_app->gyroscopeSensor; if (poll_accelerometer || poll_gyroscope) { ASensorEvent event; while (ASensorEventQueue_getEvents( android_app->sensorEventQueue, &event, 1) > 0) { switch (event.type) { case ASENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER: android->accelerometer_state.x = event.acceleration.x; android->accelerometer_state.y = event.acceleration.y; android->accelerometer_state.z = event.acceleration.z; break; case ASENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE: /* ASensorEvent struct is mysterious - have to * read the raw 'data' field to get rate of * rotation... */ android->gyroscope_state.x = event.data[0]; android->gyroscope_state.y = event.data[1]; android->gyroscope_state.z = event.data[2]; break; default: break; } } } } /* Handle all events. If our activity is in pause state, * block until we're unpaused. */ static void android_input_poll(void *data) { int ident; struct android_app *android_app = (struct android_app*)g_android; android_input_t *android = (android_input_t*)data; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); while ((ident = ALooper_pollAll((input_config_binds[0][RARCH_PAUSE_TOGGLE].valid && input_key_pressed(RARCH_PAUSE_TOGGLE, ANDROID_KEYBOARD_PORT_INPUT_PRESSED(input_config_binds[0], RARCH_PAUSE_TOGGLE))) ? -1 : settings->uints.input_block_timeout, NULL, NULL, NULL)) >= 0) { switch (ident) { case LOOPER_ID_INPUT: android_input_poll_input(android); break; case LOOPER_ID_USER: android_input_poll_user(android); break; case LOOPER_ID_MAIN: android_input_poll_main_cmd(); break; } if (android_app->destroyRequested != 0) { retroarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_SET_SHUTDOWN, NULL); return; } if (android_app->reinitRequested != 0) { uint32_t runloop_flags = runloop_get_flags(); if (runloop_flags & RUNLOOP_FLAG_PAUSED) command_event(CMD_EVENT_REINIT, NULL); android_app_write_cmd(android_app, APP_CMD_REINIT_DONE); return; } } } bool android_run_events(void *data) { struct android_app *android_app = (struct android_app*)g_android; if (ALooper_pollOnce(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL) == LOOPER_ID_MAIN) android_input_poll_main_cmd(); /* Check if we are exiting. */ if (android_app->destroyRequested != 0) { retroarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_SET_SHUTDOWN, NULL); return false; } if (android_app->reinitRequested != 0) { uint32_t runloop_flags = runloop_get_flags(); if (runloop_flags & RUNLOOP_FLAG_PAUSED) command_event(CMD_EVENT_REINIT, NULL); android_app_write_cmd(android_app, APP_CMD_REINIT_DONE); } return true; } static int16_t android_input_state( void *data, const input_device_driver_t *joypad, const input_device_driver_t *sec_joypad, rarch_joypad_info_t *joypad_info, const retro_keybind_set *binds, bool keyboard_mapping_blocked, unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned idx, unsigned id) { android_input_t *android = (android_input_t*)data; switch (device) { case RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD: if (id == RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_MASK) { unsigned i; int16_t ret = 0; if (!keyboard_mapping_blocked) { for (i = 0; i < RARCH_FIRST_CUSTOM_BIND; i++) { if (binds[port][i].valid) { if ( (binds[port][i].key && binds[port][i].key < RETROK_LAST) && ANDROID_KEYBOARD_PORT_INPUT_PRESSED(binds[port], i)) ret |= (1 << i); } } } return ret; } if (id < RARCH_BIND_LIST_END) { if (binds[port][id].valid) { if ( (binds[port][id].key && binds[port][id].key < RETROK_LAST) && ANDROID_KEYBOARD_PORT_INPUT_PRESSED(binds[port], id)) return 1; } } break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG: break; case RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD: return (id && id < RETROK_LAST) && BIT_GET(android_key_state[ANDROID_KEYBOARD_PORT], rarch_keysym_lut[id]); case RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE: case RARCH_DEVICE_MOUSE_SCREEN: { int val = 0; if (port > 0) break; /* TODO: implement mouse for additional ports/players */ switch (id) { case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_LEFT: return android->mouse_l || android_check_quick_tap(android); case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_RIGHT: return android->mouse_r; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_MIDDLE: return android->mouse_m; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_X: if (device == RARCH_DEVICE_MOUSE_SCREEN) return android->mouse_x; val = android->mouse_x_delta; android->mouse_x_delta = 0; /* flush delta after it has been read */ return val; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_Y: if (device == RARCH_DEVICE_MOUSE_SCREEN) return android->mouse_y; val = android->mouse_y_delta; android->mouse_y_delta = 0; /* flush delta after it has been read */ return val; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELUP: val = android->mouse_wu; android->mouse_wu = 0; return val; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELDOWN: val = android->mouse_wd; android->mouse_wd = 0; return val; } } break; case RETRO_DEVICE_LIGHTGUN: { int val = 0; if (port > 0) break; /* TODO: implement lightgun for additional ports/players */ switch (id) { case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_LIGHTGUN_X: val = android->mouse_x_delta; android->mouse_x_delta = 0; /* flush delta after it has been read */ return val; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_LIGHTGUN_Y: val = android->mouse_y_delta; android->mouse_y_delta = 0; /* flush delta after it has been read */ return val; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_LIGHTGUN_TRIGGER: return android->mouse_l || android_check_quick_tap(android); case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_LIGHTGUN_CURSOR: return android->mouse_m; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_LIGHTGUN_TURBO: return android->mouse_r; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_LIGHTGUN_START: return android->mouse_m && android->mouse_r; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_LIGHTGUN_PAUSE: return android->mouse_m && android->mouse_l; } } break; case RETRO_DEVICE_POINTER: case RARCH_DEVICE_POINTER_SCREEN: switch (id) { case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_X: if (device == RARCH_DEVICE_POINTER_SCREEN) return android->pointer[idx].full_x; return android->pointer[idx].x; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_Y: if (device == RARCH_DEVICE_POINTER_SCREEN) return android->pointer[idx].full_y; return android->pointer[idx].y; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_PRESSED: if (device == RARCH_DEVICE_POINTER_SCREEN) return (idx < android->pointer_count) && (android->pointer[idx].full_x != -0x8000) && (android->pointer[idx].full_y != -0x8000); return (idx < android->pointer_count) && (android->pointer[idx].x != -0x8000) && (android->pointer[idx].y != -0x8000); case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_COUNT: return android->pointer_count; case RARCH_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_BACK: { const struct retro_keybind *keyptr = &input_autoconf_binds[0][RARCH_MENU_TOGGLE]; if (keyptr->joykey == 0) return ANDROID_KEYBOARD_INPUT_PRESSED(AKEYCODE_BACK); } } break; } return 0; } static void android_input_free_input(void *data) { android_input_t *android = (android_input_t*)data; struct android_app *android_app = (struct android_app*)g_android; if (!android) return; if (android_app->sensorManager && android_app->sensorEventQueue) ASensorManager_destroyEventQueue(android_app->sensorManager, android_app->sensorEventQueue); android_app->sensorEventQueue = NULL; android_app->accelerometerSensor = NULL; android_app->gyroscopeSensor = NULL; android_app->sensorManager = NULL; android_app->input_alive = false; #ifdef HAVE_DYLIB dylib_close((dylib_t)libandroid_handle); libandroid_handle = NULL; #endif android_keyboard_free(); free(data); } static uint64_t android_input_get_capabilities(void *data) { return (1 << RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD) | (1 << RETRO_DEVICE_POINTER) | (1 << RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE) | (1 << RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD) | (1 << RETRO_DEVICE_LIGHTGUN) | (1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG); } static void android_input_enable_sensor_manager(struct android_app *android_app) { if (!android_app->sensorManager) android_app->sensorManager = ASensorManager_getInstance(); if (android_app->sensorManager) { if (!android_app->accelerometerSensor) android_app->accelerometerSensor = ASensorManager_getDefaultSensor(android_app->sensorManager, ASENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER); if (!android_app->gyroscopeSensor) android_app->gyroscopeSensor = ASensorManager_getDefaultSensor(android_app->sensorManager, ASENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE); if (!android_app->sensorEventQueue) android_app->sensorEventQueue = ASensorManager_createEventQueue(android_app->sensorManager, android_app->looper, LOOPER_ID_USER, NULL, NULL); } } static bool android_input_set_sensor_state(void *data, unsigned port, enum retro_sensor_action action, unsigned event_rate) { if (port <= 0) { struct android_app *android_app = (struct android_app*)g_android; android_input_t *android = (android_input_t*)data; if (event_rate == 0) event_rate = DEFAULT_ASENSOR_EVENT_RATE; switch (action) { case RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_ENABLE: if (!android_app->accelerometerSensor) android_input_enable_sensor_manager(android_app); if (android_app->sensorEventQueue && android_app->accelerometerSensor) { ASensorEventQueue_enableSensor(android_app->sensorEventQueue, android_app->accelerometerSensor); /* Events per second (in microseconds). */ ASensorEventQueue_setEventRate(android_app->sensorEventQueue, android_app->accelerometerSensor, (1000L / event_rate) * 1000); } android_app->accelerometer_event_rate = event_rate; BIT64_CLEAR(android_app->sensor_state_mask, RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_DISABLE); BIT64_SET(android_app->sensor_state_mask, RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_ENABLE); return true; case RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_DISABLE: if (android_app->sensorEventQueue && android_app->accelerometerSensor) ASensorEventQueue_disableSensor(android_app->sensorEventQueue, android_app->accelerometerSensor); android->accelerometer_state.x = 0.0f; android->accelerometer_state.y = 0.0f; android->accelerometer_state.z = 0.0f; BIT64_CLEAR(android_app->sensor_state_mask, RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_ENABLE); BIT64_SET(android_app->sensor_state_mask, RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_DISABLE); return true; case RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_ENABLE: if (!android_app->gyroscopeSensor) android_input_enable_sensor_manager(android_app); if (android_app->sensorEventQueue && android_app->gyroscopeSensor) { ASensorEventQueue_enableSensor(android_app->sensorEventQueue, android_app->gyroscopeSensor); /* Events per second (in microseconds). */ ASensorEventQueue_setEventRate(android_app->sensorEventQueue, android_app->gyroscopeSensor, (1000L / event_rate) * 1000); } android_app->gyroscope_event_rate = event_rate; BIT64_CLEAR(android_app->sensor_state_mask, RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_DISABLE); BIT64_SET(android_app->sensor_state_mask, RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_ENABLE); return true; case RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_DISABLE: if (android_app->sensorEventQueue && android_app->gyroscopeSensor) ASensorEventQueue_disableSensor(android_app->sensorEventQueue, android_app->gyroscopeSensor); android->gyroscope_state.x = 0.0f; android->gyroscope_state.y = 0.0f; android->gyroscope_state.z = 0.0f; BIT64_CLEAR(android_app->sensor_state_mask, RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_ENABLE); BIT64_SET(android_app->sensor_state_mask, RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_DISABLE); return true; default: break; } } return false; } static float android_input_get_sensor_input(void *data, unsigned port, unsigned id) { if (port <= 0) { android_input_t *android = (android_input_t*)data; switch (id) { case RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_X: return android->accelerometer_state.x; case RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_Y: return android->accelerometer_state.y; case RETRO_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_Z: return android->accelerometer_state.z; case RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_X: return android->gyroscope_state.x; case RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_Y: return android->gyroscope_state.y; case RETRO_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE_Z: return android->gyroscope_state.z; } } return 0.0f; } static void android_input_grab_mouse(void *data, bool state) { JNIEnv *env = jni_thread_getenv(); if (!env || !g_android) return; if (g_android->inputGrabMouse) CALL_VOID_METHOD_PARAM(env, g_android->activity->clazz, g_android->inputGrabMouse, state); } static void android_input_keypress_vibrate() { static const int keyboard_press = 3; JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv*)jni_thread_getenv(); if (!env) return; CALL_VOID_METHOD_PARAM(env, g_android->activity->clazz, g_android->doHapticFeedback, (jint)keyboard_press); } input_driver_t input_android = { android_input_init, android_input_poll, android_input_state, android_input_free_input, android_input_set_sensor_state, android_input_get_sensor_input, android_input_get_capabilities, "android", android_input_grab_mouse, NULL, android_input_keypress_vibrate };