Adapt the sanitized pointer handling, discussed at libretro#17196 :
winraw and dinput driver specific changes:
make sure pointer position is always within [-0x7fff,0x7fff] by using the confined wrapper
remove extra "inside" checks, general simplification
enable pointer offscreen reporting
use common functions for edge detection and lightgun button ID conversion
sdl driver specific changes:
pointer handling aligned with the other input drivers, as above
added TODO for lightgun part - no suitable test env at the moment where SDL input can be used
Adapt the sanitized pointer handling, discussed at #17196 :
X11 driver specific changes:
make sure pointer position is always within [-0x7fff,0x7fff] by using the confined wrapper
remove extra "inside" checks, general simplification
enable pointer offscreen reporting
Udev driver specific changes:
remove custom calculation and use common viewport translation
unify pointer query instead of separate _x and _y
enable pointer offscreen reporting
Other changes:
more tuning of pointer conversion in video_driver.c for edges
lightgun button ID conversion moved to input_driver.c
Adapt the sanitized pointer handling, discussed at #17196:
Wayland driver specific changes:
- make sure pointer position is always within [-0x7fff,0x7fff]
by using the confined wrapper
- enable lightgun to report -0x8000 if pointer is really offscreen
- remove extra "inside" checks
- report same pointer/lightgun coordinates for all ports
- simplify pointer and lightgun handling
Other changes:
- unify "offscreen" condition through input_driver.c
- slight tuning of pointer conversion in video_driver.c
- update libretro.h with explanation and pointer offscreen value
- small fixes on remote retropad test screen
and bandwidth for our server but none of thse Named_Logos have been added to
any repos for now. We will also need to have settings for specifying how much
stuff we fetch at the same time (Named_Logos, Named_Snaps, Named_Titles, Named_Boxarts).
Trying to fetch all this stuff at the same time is prob a mistake