Adapt the sanitized pointer handling, discussed at #17196 :
X11 driver specific changes:
make sure pointer position is always within [-0x7fff,0x7fff] by using the confined wrapper
remove extra "inside" checks, general simplification
enable pointer offscreen reporting
Udev driver specific changes:
remove custom calculation and use common viewport translation
unify pointer query instead of separate _x and _y
enable pointer offscreen reporting
Other changes:
more tuning of pointer conversion in video_driver.c for edges
lightgun button ID conversion moved to input_driver.c
Adapt the sanitized pointer handling, discussed at #17196:
Wayland driver specific changes:
- make sure pointer position is always within [-0x7fff,0x7fff]
by using the confined wrapper
- enable lightgun to report -0x8000 if pointer is really offscreen
- remove extra "inside" checks
- report same pointer/lightgun coordinates for all ports
- simplify pointer and lightgun handling
Other changes:
- unify "offscreen" condition through input_driver.c
- slight tuning of pointer conversion in video_driver.c
- update libretro.h with explanation and pointer offscreen value
- small fixes on remote retropad test screen
Changed the logic of the classic toggle turbo mode code such that the pressing order of the turbo button and the button to enable/disable does not matter.
- replays now start each frame with the number of key events (8 bit
unsigned int, then key events) and the number of input events (16 bit
unsigned int, then the input events)
- this makes it possible to parse replay files without any core
loaded, and makes replays more portable if cores change their polling
- external tools can now parse replay files
- old (vsn 0) replays will still play back, but new (vsn 1) replays
will not play on old RA
- replay files grow faster now, with each input poll now taking 8
bytes instead of 2
This changes the replay movie's frame_ptr (a 20-bit number used to
point to a log of file offsets) into a frame counter, which is masked
against the 20-bit pattern for use in the file offset log but also
functions as a time index into the replay. Right now that is reported
in `GET_CONFIG_PARAM active_replay` but in the future it could be used
to show how far into the replay we are during playback or how long the
replay is during recording.
Two new settings added to Settings / Input / Menu Control:
- disable left analog stick in menu navigation
- disable right analog stick in menu navigation
Since the corresponding logic is already a distinct logic flow in
input driver, no change was necessary to analog-to-digital settings
or the like.
In some cases, set_sensor_state and get_sensor_input are
more related to the joypad driver, e.g. in desktop platforms
where sensors are associated rather with the joypad.
If input driver supports the sensors, it is still preferred.
Placeholder inserted for all input drivers, no functionality
added yet.
A new input driver (test_input), similar to test joypad driver.
Takes its inputs from a json file provided in options. Supports
keyboard input and sensor input (accelerometer, gyroscope,
Remote Retropad extended with a sensor test screen.
Added analog button indication for those buttons that may have use for it
- primarily L2/R2, but support was added for all buttons where at least
one controller is known to support it. Added also core option to hide
mismatching inputs where analog value is not sent (like keyboard
hotkeys assigned to retropad buttons). Analog button inputs are not
set up for remote transmission, only for local test.
Analog axes have now also dynamic coloring.
Added a keyboard tester screen which includes a standard 102-key PC
keyboard + extra blocks for all RETROK_ values present in the code.
Screen adapted from DOSBox-Pure onscreen keyboard with permission.
Keyboard button A+B switches between the two screens. Keyboard
inputs are not set up for remote transmission, only for local test.
Core option added to select start screen.
Other small improvements: core reset will take new option values,
input driver applies received values more carefully.
* Test driver for joypad inputs
Add a new joypad input driver:
- hide driver behind #ifdef and enable it in
- add a new config parameter to specify the test input file
- add aux files: additional config files that cancel out any binds
that may be present in RA config, autoconfig profile for
test joypads, test input file that matches controller test
* Fixes and comments for test input driver.
- When enabled, any touch inputs not in a hitbox are used to create pointing device input for the core.
- Mouse: 1-, 2-, 3-touch inputs are LMB, RMB, and MMB
- Lightgun: allows input from overlay buttons or multi-touch mappings
Some controllers show up as both HID and mFI. In that case we probably
want to let the user pick which driver to use, rather than balance
across them.
This fixes issues with the analog stick moving in the wrong direction
on the y axis.
* Enqueue replay record/playback until next frame
This fixes a bug where stdin commands activated via polling would
trigger replay record/playback in the middle of a frame, then input
checking would pull from them before the next frame came around---it
only makes sense to change the active replay in between frames, not
during them.
* fix comment syntax